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Favorite Answers17%
  • Do liberals actually know what tolerance is?

    So all the "tolerant" people went out and set fire to businesses and burned trump in effigy on a noose. They Called everyone that disagreed with them names and said nasty things (all over social media) When Obama was elected- the same people who have been called intolerant racists etc- did not set fires or burn effigies of Obama in a noose on the streets in riots. Tolerance means only people tolerating you???

    - Not a Trump supporter- just asking about your hypocrisy

    3 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • Do websites with slideshows get additional add revenue for making the entire page load for each slide?

    A lot of webpages contain slideshows and each time you click to the next slide the entire page has to load again. Is this just the way they coded the site or does each time they reload the site give them additional add revenue?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design6 years ago
  • Twins or parents of twins!-Twins birthday- Do I have to buy two presents?

    My daughter was invited to a birthday party for one of her school friends (9yo). The invitation says that the party is for her friend AND twin brother who my daughter does not know. Does this mean we should bring a present for the brother as well? Do I split the amount I am going to spend 50/50, 75/25, or 100/0?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • are there government assistance programs that pay for additions to your house?

    My neighbors receive government assistance for their mortgage- food - daycare- yet they are planning on building an extension on their house-

    2 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • questions about variances?

    the previous owner granted a variance for my neighbors garage to be built closer to the property line then allowed by zoning-

    Does this variance only apply to the garage he built or does it also apply to new construction on the property-

    Can the new neighbors who bought the house build an addition without another variance? we live in Maryland

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • What determines if an author finishes their story or releases it slowly over time?

    I know individual authors are different-

    It seems that most write the first book and it is released before they are finished writing the story-

    What are the factors that authors use to make this decision?

    are they waiting to see if people like the story before they finish it so that they don't feel like they wasted all that time for 3 books people didn't like? Why not finish the story and release the books slowly over time- say two years or so in between books?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • What is the possibility of minnows escaping my minnow trap through natural means?

    I have never had this issue until recently- I will check my trap and there will be lots of minnows- I come back and there are none-

    I have been using this spot for 5 years- Is there a natural explanation or do I need to start breaking people's knuckles?

    2 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • What types of things have you done to increase your fishing identification skills?

    Do you photograph a fish you are not sure of?

    did you sit down and study the different types in your area?

    did you have someone tell you until you got it?

    do you still come across things you are not sure about?

    How do you know when you come across a Hybrid that its a hybrid not just a different color?

    What's your method?

    3 AnswersFishing7 years ago
  • Gun Control Advocates- Why do you think it works?

    Only real answers- people FOR Gun Control-NO TROLLS or ignorant people- Genuinely want to hear your thoughts as to why you believe there is a correlation between gun control and less violence-

    The top 10 cities in 2012 for murder and non-negligent homicides are the following-

    Detroit-strict gun control laws

    New Orleans-lax gun control

    St Louis-strict gun control

    Baltimore-strict gun control

    Newark-strict gun control

    Oakland-strict gun control

    Stockton-strict gun control

    Kansas City-lax

    Philly -strict gun control


    I defined strict as you may not carry/conceal a loaded weapon- or will never get a permit for

    Lax- obviously the opposite-

    I do not see a correlation between restricting gun access and lowering crime-

    12 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • REPORT! REPORT! What is with the propensity to Report?

    I have answered a couple of yes or no questions with the answer 'yes' and they were reported...

    What gives?

    Why is there an automatic point deduction first- then an appeal- (do you even get an answer back one way or another?)-

    Just doesn't make sense-

    Why is the button even there? surely there is a better way for Yahoo to do it-

    Anyone giving anything but an honest answer that only answers my question without additional chatter will be REPORTED!



    5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Fish Hybridization- What are the limits?

    So I have been catching fish that seem to be a mixture of species - I have heard that fish can mix but I was wondering to what extent do they do this? I would imagine that a catfish and a sunfish would not mate (although that would be awesome) but more along the lines of a smallmouth mating with a pumpkinseed or a red-eye bass. What is that degree or range of compatibility for fish to breed with other fish?


    1 AnswerBiology7 years ago
  • What is up with deleted answers?

    I answered a question about 'I am so lonely, what can I do- -" etc and I responded with

    "anyone want to get a beer after work?"

    Is that not a valid answer? should I have included "you should ask people this question" to make it more clear-

    The appeal link links to customer care email-and asks me who I want to report....

    I should have just told them to kill themselves- at least then the point deduction would be worth it

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Dennis is A**hole. Why Charlie Hate?

    BQ- What is the best band in the world?

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles7 years ago
  • Where is a good place to find an artist to work with on creating a graphic novel?

    I would like to create a graphic novel - I have started writing it and making storyboards but I am a not a great artist-

    How can I go about finding someone to collaborate with who is?

    I can't pay anyone- obviously- if it made it we would make money-but I cant offer it as a job-

    I could always just write it as a novel but for some reason my story screams- DRAW ME-!

    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration7 years ago
  • Is it possible to find maternal grandfather without mother's help?

    My grandmother had my mom at the age of 18 and put her in an orphanage-(1950)

    -my great-grandmother took her out of the orphanage and raised her herself- (1955ish)

    My grandmother married a guy and had a family with 4 kids but my mom never went back to live with them

    I do not know if the man she eventually married was my grandfather or some other guy-(wouldn't make too much sense if it was the guy she married)

    My mom has lied about it since I was young- and to this day still keeps up the ruse -pretending that her aunts and uncles are her brothers and sisters-

    I feel it is important to know, for myself and my own children; medical history and where we come from history-but she does not see it that way-

    Other family members will not tell me but will be sure to tell her I asked-(which admittedly makes me angry- why do they get to know but not me?)

    Is there any way to find out who he may be without her help?

    Or should I just accept that I will probably never know?

    3 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • How can I train my dog to close the door?

    So my dog knows how to open the door to let herself in the house- she only does it when she wants to come in- she will not do it to go out. I would love to train her to close the door after she comes back in (especially when the A/C is on)

    Since I know that she can open the door- how do I go about teaching her to close it after she opens it and how do I get her to do the same thing in the opposite direction (let herself out and close the door behind her)

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Which way do you prefer to see character names?

    In regards to picking names from a certain time period and place that is foreign to the intended audience (historical fiction)

    would you prefer to see names:

    a. exactly as they were from the time period and place-

    b. Anglicized versions of the exact names- (as in dropping confusing letters or combos but trying to keep the essence or root of the name)

    c. Made up names that sound like they would fit but may not hold up if you knew about the area or period

    I do not like novels where people have characters names such as Xichillaeltohlm (usually found in fantasy books) but sometimes that is the way historical names look to me


    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Are there any sites where people discuss politics genuinely?

    not like on here where people use Y!Answers to post rhetorical questions or statements worded to sound like a questions- but a place where people would actually discuss the merits of differing political views? I get tired of hearing everyone just rooting for their team but not actually saying anything



    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • Anyone else think the NFL is boring?

    I am having a hard time watching football in the NFL-

    I know they are the best football players athletically but--I find watching it to be boring

    I feel that they have sold everyone on the pageantry of the NFL- it's "coolness" and brand name but I feel the actual football on the field has gotten boring to watch

    you hear all the time that it is a "copy-cat" league (like that is a good thing)

    I feel everyone runs the same type of offense and defense- I am so tired of watching inside/outside zone as the only run plays-

    even the "wild cat" is not that wild- (and of course everyone started to try it)

    I would much rather watch college ball- at least there is more variation in what they do even if they aren't all the top athletes.

    Am I just nostalgic for what it was like when I was younger?

    or does anyone else feel that it is getting boring?

    7 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Develop land set aside by creek and claim through adverse possession (Maryland)?

    There is a creek behind our row of houses. My land ends before the creek so there is about a 50-75 yards of grassland/trees. Another development was built in the 90's from the other side of the creek. Both developments have the land sloping toward the creek. I was told that no one can build on the land because that land was set aside for storm water runoff control/to protect the creek and that it couldn't be developed- My county's definition of development includes- mowing and cultivating.

    Following the rules of adverse possession in my state (20yrs, etc etc) if you were to develop this land would you then be able to claim the land- even if your development (which was a stipulation of Adv. Pos.) was in violation of the original non development because of the creek?

    my neighbor seems to think he will be able to claim the land under the homestead act (which is superseded by 1976- didn't tell him but it made me think more in regards to Adv. Pos.)

    Since the land was set aside as no development on purpose (where do I find a definitive answer on that?) can you still take it by claiming it and developing it?

    I do not think that will work- I think he will try to get the land and get charged for destroying the grassland

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago