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  • Has Astro on TV's X-Factor actually sang yet?

    I don't watch the show all the time but every time I do that kid is rapping again no matter what the theme is. Last night's theme was rock and he rapped again. I think if rapping is what he's good at and he has a future career as a rapper that's fine but to win X-Factor shouldn't he have to prove he can sing too like every other contestant? Every other contestant is forced to break out of their comfort zone and sing in a genre they are not used to but it seems like week after week this kid is allowed to stick with what he knows and never has to venture into another music genre like everyone else. There are many talented rappers out there who can also sing so why should some kid who can't sing win the X-Factor prize money? Maybe he did sing once and I missed it. Can someone tell me if this kid can actually sing so I can stop being annoyed at the thought of him winning the prize money without being able to sing?

    5 AnswersReality Television10 years ago
  • I finally moved to the state I work in. Will I still have to file taxes in two states?

    Hello. For years I have worked in North Carolina but lived in South Carolina. I finally moved to North Carolina at the end of last month. I am used to filing in two states. I pay income taxes in North Carolina and write it off in South Carolina. When it comes time to file for 2011 will I still need to do this? How will this work? Will I need to know how to report how much I earned before I moved?

    5 AnswersUnited States10 years ago
  • My car radio display is messed up after getting an oil change yesterday. What happened?

    My car needed a regular oil change, so my best friend and I traded cars yesterday and he took my car into a Walmart automotive center while I was at work. The oil change went fine as far as I know. The car is running smoothly, however I turned on my radio today when I was driving to work and noticed the liquid crystal display is completely messed up. The radio turns on fine and I can listen to the stations and change stations just fine. It's just the display that isn't working. What I see is dark circles of liquid crystal filling in each of the numbers. My friend swears he did not touch the radio at all yesterday so I am sure somebody at Walmart did something. Is it possible there is just a loose fuse? Also my airbag light is on now too. Could this somehow be connected to the problem? Of course, I am going to take my car back to Walmart this weekend and ask but I was just wondering if anyone out there knows exactly what happened?

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Do you think adults should be required to take a refresher course on driver's education?

    I was just wondering with all the unsafe driving I observe driving to and from work every day if it might help to reduce a lot of the unsafe driving that leads to accidents? For example, I am usually afraid to turn right at intersection when there is oncoming traffic even if my lane is clear because of the fear that a driver in the oncoming left lane is going to change lanes in the intersection and hit me. Changing lanes in an intersection in my state is illegal,but a lot of people don't seem to realize this or care. I don't think most people would support a law requiring adults to go back to a classroom setting and listen to lectures once a week. What if the DMV created some kind of online test that adult drivers could take once every few years at their convenience to re-learn the basic rules of safe driving? A study guide could be sent out by mail with a deadline to take an online test. Even if the test taker cheats on the test and looks up the answers while taking the test, the test taker is still forced to re-read many of the rules he or she may have forgotten years ago. I know adults can choose to take driver's education courses again to reduce their insurance rates but of course there is no law requiring that we all do it. To me it seems like you shouldn't have to learn the rules of safe driving only once in your life considering the human brain does forget things over time. What do you think?

    10 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Are there any British comedies funnier than Little Britain?

    Hello all. I am an American who discovered Little Britain on BBC America this year. Funniest thing I've ever seen! Vicky Pollard, Carol (computer says no), and I really like the Fat Fighters sketches. I was just wondering if there are any other British comedies out there right now that are equally as funny. Thanx!

    45 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Don't you hate it when you're driving somewhere and...?

    you're listening to you're favorite station, only it's mostly commercials or the DJ talking all the way. Then your favorite song comes on right when you're about to arrive at your destination. Arrghh!! Drives me crazy!

    4 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • If time travel were possible today, what time period and location would you visit?

    I'd like to see the Roman Empire and spend a week in the Victorian Area in a city like London or New York.

    30 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • Pueden decirme el nombre de la cancion en que estoy pensando?

    Ayudenme por favor! Soy de los Estados Unidos tratando de mejorar mi espanol. Cada dia en mi trabajo escucho el radio porque aqui tenemos una emisora en espanol que toca mucha musica de Mexico. Me encantan las canciones pero hay una en que no puedo encontrar el titulo ni el grupo que le canta. Es un duo muy romantico y mexicano entre un hombre y una mujer pero solo entiendo algunas palabras cuando escucho. Pienso que el estilo es parecido a mariachi. En el inicio del estribillo dicen "Para decirme que te quiero amor....". Entonces no puedo entender hasta que el hombre dice ..."escuchar tus palabras.." Entonces dice algo como..."se alimenta al alma"...o "cuando salen de la alma." No se.

    Bueno, yo se que no he dado muchas pistas a ustedes para adivinar la cancion. Pero no puedo encontrarla cuando busco en el internet. Ojala que puedan decirme el nombre de la cancion y el grupo, pero si no saben de que estoy hablando muchas gracias para intentar a ayudarme. Que tengan un buen dia!

    3 AnswersMúsica1 decade ago
  • For those who watched the Oscars last night, what did you think of Ellen DeGeneres as the host?

    I thought she was highly entertaining. She's one of the few comedians out there who can make me laugh without using crude humor. That's not to say that I don't enjoy crude humor too, but Ellen just genuinely makes me laugh.

    13 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • I'm going to Mexico in March to study Spanish. Can you recommend a nice thank you gift for my host family?

    I was thinking perhaps I should get them something that is very American that they might not be able to buy there. Do you think I should get them food, books or something decorative? I'm just really not sure what to get. I would appreciate any helpful suggestions.

    10 AnswersOther - Mexico1 decade ago
  • Will any regular store bought headphones work on an iPod?

    The reason I'm asking is because my roomate lets me borrow his iPod when I'm running, but those iPod ear bud headphones will not stay in my ears when I start to sweat. So I was wondering if I got any brand of cheap wrap around headphones from Target or Walmart will they work on an iPod? Thanks!

    8 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • How do you replace wood baseboard?

    This is replacement baseboard for a bathroom that had tile baseboard that was removed. The problem is that there is a gap between the baseboard and the wall. The wall is mostly even. Is there a way to get the baseboard to adhere more closely to the wall?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is it illegal to drive on the interstate with a dog in the back of a truck?

    I was driving into work this morning and passed a truck on the interstate with a large dog in the back. It bothered me because I think interstate speeds are too fast for someone to have an animal riding around loosely in the bed of a truck. I almost called the highway patrol to report it, but I decided not to because I wasn't sure if the driver was breaking a law and I didn't want to call the police for something that wasn't reportable. Was he breaking the law? He was going in the slower lane about 60-65mph, but still I worried about the dog's safety.

    7 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Que tipo de musica es bachata? Quien puede explicarme?

    Buenas tardes. Soy un americano y entiendo espanol, pero necesito aprender mas de la cultura latinoamericana. He oido que hay una forma de musica que se llama bachata. Es nuevo? Es parecida a merengue, salsa, o cumbia? Quienes son los cantadores populares de bachata hoy? Dime lo mas que puedas. Gracias!

    6 AnswersMúsica1 decade ago
  • I hurt my foot from running. How long should I wait before I run again?

    I try to jog at least twice a week. Lately I have discovered that I am hurting my feet alot from running. I have gotten shin splints before, but these seem to happen less frequently now. What I have been experiencing lately hurts alot worse. It feels like I tore something inside the bottom of my right foot. I'm not sure if it a stress fracture, torn ligament, torn muscle. I first felt this pain when I ran 7 miles over a week ago. I gave it about seven or eight days rest and my foot felt fine for the past few days. However, when I tried to run again today, I started to feel the same dull pain in the underside of my foot when my foot would roll. By the time I got halfway through my 3rd mile, I was in agony and had to walk/limp back to my car. Obviously, I did not give it enough time to heal. How long should I wait before running again? Is it mandatory that I see a doctor to determine this? I have new shoes, so I don't think that's a problem. Also, should I stop running on asphalt?

    6 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Quisiera estudiar espanol en Mexico, pero que ciudad debo escoger? Me puedes aconsejar?

    Vivo en los EEUU y tengo la oportunidad de visitar a Mexico para mejorar mi espanol. Pero, no puedo escoger una ciudad. Aqui es la lista de elecciones disponibles:





    Mexico D.F.




    Playa del Carmen

    Puerto Vallarta

    Puerto Escondido




    San Miguel de Allende

    OK, para mi no es importante vivir cerca de la playa como es para la mayoria de estadounidenses. Para mi es mas importante aprender de la cultura Mexicana. Me encanta las cuidades grandes, pero tambien me gustan los pueblecitos bonitos. Que puedes decirme sobre algunas de estas ciudades? Cuales son las mas bonitas? Quales son las mas emocionantes? Disculpame si hago errores, todavia estoy aprendiendo el espanol. Gracias!!

    10 AnswersOtros - México1 decade ago
  • Where are some restaurants or pubs in London where I can try a traditional English meal?

    Also, what should I try from the menu? I was just reading about traditional toad in the hole online. Is it any good? What about Yorkshire pudding? The closest I have come to eating English food here in the U.S. is fish and chips and we probably don't even do it the right way. I may have the chance to visit the UK in June so any helpful suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks!

    14 AnswersLondon1 decade ago
  • What were some of the greatest childhood toys you remember from the 80s?

    My vote is for the He-Man castle. Wonder what my mom ever did with it? It's probably in a flea market somewhere now.

    7 AnswersToys1 decade ago
  • For those who are opposed to illegal immigration, would you ever consider being pro-amnesty?

    I am opposed to illegal immigration too, but I do believe that in some individual cases we should be pro-amnesty as measure of goodwill to those who are suffering. I just wanted to ask this question to get a feel for everyone's sensitivity level towards his fellow man. OK, let's put the Mexican border issue aside for just one second and consider an individual case:

    A starving man flees opression in North Korea and immigrates illegally to the US, knowing that he cannot leave his communist country legally and if he makes his intentions known he will be subject to arrest and possibly torture and execution. Many people would say this man and his neighbors should fight to overthrow their opressive government rather than come to our soil. I can see why you would feel this way. We fought for our freedom. But, say this man doesn't find support from his neighbors because they are afraid. If he fights, he will die and then there will be no life for him to live. Can't amnesty be considered?

    23 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Why is my sister letting her boyfriend control her?!?

    I can't get over the anger right now. I have a sister who lives with her jack*ss boyfriend who on one ocassion (that we know of) was physically abusive to her and she went back to him that day and got angry with my parents for suggesting she leave him. He controls her and I know he tells her that she will never do any better than him and she believes it. We have all tried to help her, but she has really pushed my family aside to be with him. Why does she pick him over us? Last night I was talking to her on the phone and she suddenly told me she had to go. I said "OK" and she said "bye" and hung up without even letting me know she'd call later. Now I am worried because she's never hung up with me so abruptly before and I can't stop thinking he made her do it. I can't concentrate today at work from the anger inside. I just want to kill him and I won't because I know that would be the wrong thing to do! I could use some helpful suggestion. How can I make her see the danger she's in?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago