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In the state of Ohio, can a child choose to live with their grandparents other than their parents?
The parents are married. The grandparents have the child and will not make her return home and have filed custody papers against the parents. The parents have 2 other children that want nothing to do with the grandparents. The grandparents have clearly brainwashed the said child into lying against her own parents. The grandparents have no rules and buy the said child anything and everything she wants. The other 2 children will testify to it. The oldest child is 20, the youngest child is 12 and the said child is 16. Also, how can one prove brainwashing in the courts? Thank you.
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoI stopped getting text notifications from facebook, I am on Verizon. I've tried everything I can to fix it.?
It worked for 6 or 7 months,, two weeks ago it just stopped. Now it won't send me an activation code. I've called verizon and they said it wasn't anything on their end. Is anyone else having this problem or know how I can fix it?
4 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoThere is a strange insect eating my purple sandcherry?
I have never seen anything like this insect looks like a tapole, or a leech and it is destroying my purple sandcherry. Does anyone have an idea what it is? It is literally a little black worm and it looks just like a tadpole. (or leech) It is about half an inch long and its 'head' is bigger than it's body. It is nasty looking....what can I spray to kill it before it kills my shrub? Heeeeelp!
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhat exactly happens at a Pre-Trial?
I am being sued by a man who I bought a suv off of, it's a long story but I found out 6 months into the ordeal that he had a loan on the vehicle and didn't have clear title. The suv was broken from the day I got it and I eventually made him take it back because I didn't feel safe driving in it with my children and I wasn't about to pay almost $16 grand for a broken suv. Anyway, I have a Pre-trial in Jan. I was wondering what exactly happens at a Pre-trial? I have an attorney, but the Plaintiff doesn't. I would ask my attorney but I am always too busy at work to call him. The plaintiff is representing himself so how will a pre-trial work in that situation?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoMy answer just got reported because I answered the question "say something nice about the avatar about you"?
I said...."cool name" about the one above mine. Why was my answer removed? Did anyone else answer that question and have the same thing happen?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhen someone is trying to make up a fake name sometimes they will use this method for choosing a name?
I'm not sure what the term is and it's driving me crazy...I want to learn more about it, but I can't for life of me remember what it's called. I know sometimes police and investigators will use this method for figuring out peoples alias''s by word association of some kind. Sorry I can't describe it in better detail ,,, it's just the method of coming up with fake names...I'm sure it's a method used for other things too,,,I've just known it to be used in mysteries and murders .. crimes and such for coming up with different names etc. Pleeeeease help me it's driving me crazy!
11 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoBlack Hills Spruce (Picea glauca densata) growth rate?
Can anyone please tell me how many inches this tree grows in 1 year? Thanks!
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoWhen I have my cell phone by my computer?
My comp will start making that weird noise they make when your cell phone is receiving a text.....i don't know how to explain the noise,,,,but you know the one. Sometimes when I'm on my land line home phone... I can hear the same sound in the phone lines when i get a text. Anyway....sometimes when I'm at my computer.....and my cell phone is near it, that noise will happen but then I won't get a text? Why does that happen? Was a text coming in and because my phone was so close to the comp that maybe I lost the text? I have bluetooth but I've never used it....I don't even know what it is. It just seems weird because it seems like its happening more and happens almost every time I'm sitting at my computer.
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoWhat is the 'system idle process' on my computer?
Sometimes my internet explorer will freeze up ...... every time this happens i check my processes and low and behold ...every time it happens my 'system idle' process usage is like 85-98%. Why does this happen? Is it normal? Could it have something to do with why my programs seem to freeze? Thanks!
7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoWhatever happened to an 'eye for an eye'?
7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhat do you do when you get a thumbs down?
Sometimes it does irk me .... I won't lie. Especially when I have given a good solid sincere answer. But sometimes......when I get thumbs down...I will laugh hysterically because I think it's hilarious. Sometimes getting a thumbs down is way better than a thumbs I truly ate up?
20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat do you think is the most stupid sport ever?
13 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade agoAnyone know what song this is..?
I heard it on a little offbeat radio station driving home the other night.....the only lyrics i can remember are "somebody call the new york times cause someone is going to make headlines" .I guess you could say it was a progressive type song...not sure really. I loved it and i'm wanting to buy the cd if anyone can tell me the name of the song.. thanks
10 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoCan anyone tell me how many medals the USA olympic basketball team has won?
Any links to good websites would be appreciated. I'm looking for the history of the United States Olympic basketball team. Thanks!
4 AnswersOlympics1 decade agoCan anyone tell me if Euonymous Alatus (Burning Bush) is hardy in Louisiana?
I have a customer that wants to give one to a friend that lives in Louisiana. I am in Ohio, which is zone 5. Most of what I've read about them say they are hardy to zone 8. I believe Louisiana is zone 9 tho. She lives close to New Orleans..anyone have personal experience with
this shrub in these zones? I'm not 100% what zone New Orleans is in. I'm thinking it may not get cold enough during the winter months?
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoDo you ever miss someone so much that it hurts?
36 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoPositive Re-enforcement...what do you think about using it as a method for raising children?
I have three kids....16, 12, and 8. I chose to raise my kids using positive re-enforcement. I learned about this method during one of my many psychology classes in college. It has worked well for my children and I. Has anyone else had any experience with it?? What's your thoughts on it? In my case it has worked well and I believe we should educate more parents on this method.
5 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWhat's up with the angry looking avatars?? ?
I just think that's weird?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoBME pain olympics....have you ever watched this video?
If so.....what did you think? How did you react?
I watched it about a year ago and it still gives me the heebie jeebies when I think about it. It really effected me bigtime.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago