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  • What's LAPD protocol when searching for potentially killed officers?

    I'm writing a screenplay, and in the opening scene, the main character who is a LAPD officer is sent to a large, hard to navigate park (similar to central park) where shots have been fired and the police at the location are not communicating, and potentially dead.

    When he and other officers arrive, they find the missing officers vehicle with nobody inside, spent shell casings about, and trails of blood leading in another direction. Upon further investigation they find the officer badly wounded, with his partner and assailant no where in sight.

    So, my questions:

    1. How many police would be dispatched to this situation? Would they be SWAT or regular police?

    2. Knowing that officers lives may be in danger (both their own and the ones they're searching for) would they have to search the location? And if so, what would be their main priority? Find the officers? Find the assailant? If they found the officer, but no assailant, what to they do from there?

    Any and all information on this kind of thing would be a huge help. Thanks!

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • How do I begin healing myself?

    A while back I met this girl who I really loved. She was perfect (at the time.) When we finally became official, she told me that now that we were official, she would become distant because now she could focus on other things. Well, she began flirting with other guys, getting their numbers, getting rides from school from them, and things did not really go well. She knew I had trust issues from being cheated on by other girls in the past, and she said she wanted to help me through it. But her flirting was so bad it did nothing but make things worse. She'd even check guys out (whose numbers she'd gotten) in front of me. She would always own up to her mistakes, so I know she wasn't a cheater. But when she agreed to work on her flirtatiousness, she broke up with me a few weeks after because she felt like she was "changing herself too much." After being friends for a while, she would be really moody and bitchy to me after all I'd do is be nice, and finally I told her off. Now, we aren't friends. Worst part is, she admitted to being mad at me and not knowing why. She said, "I dont know why, but I just want to yell at you. But just let it go. I'll come around (as in be my friend) in a while."

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What law enforcement organization would conduct this investigation?

    Imagine the local government has had to shut a large park/small forest down because of a large number of missing persons in that park/area. Who would be the first to conduct the investigation for the missing persons? Federal Marshalls? FBI? Local law enforcement?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • Help with trust issues?

    After being in a relationship where I was cheated on, and in another where I was suddenly and unexpectedly abandoned, I've developed major trust issues. Fast forward two years of being single, I found a new relationship with a girl who is unlike anyone I've ever met. I can tell her absolutely anything, and she listens and understands. Only thing, is she has a crap ton of guy friends, hangs out with them one on one on a regular basis, and is close with her ex. I've told her I hate all of that, but that I don't expect her to stop because it's not my place to tell her who she can and can't hang out with. And she tells me that she wants to help me get over my jealousy and that I shouldn't do it alone. But to be completely honest I can't. Its so hard to trust her. The other day she turned me down to hang out because she was busy with homework and I respected that. Next thing I know she's texting me telling me shes hanging out with some guy. The fact that she told me tells me she had nothing to hide, but when I pointed out what she did to me she was really sorry and afraid and took responsibility for what she did. Apparently she cried because she was so afraid of me being hurt and dumping her and her friend she was with said they shouldn't hang out anymore because of how upset she became. Its these things that show me she isn't doing anything behind my back. She's just oblivious. I'm forcing myself to trust her, and give her freedom, but its clashing with my insecurities.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Feeling emotionally numb?

    For many years I wanted a relationship. But for many years everyone blew me off. Though, when i did get somewhere, they cheated on me or left me right before it became official for somebody else. Four years of deep loneliness later, i accidentally meet someone new, and she really really likes me and appreciates who i am, not just for my looks. She is really great, and tells me I make her really happy. I like her a lot too, but for some reason when i see her i feel so numb. Our nights together go by in a flash and they feel oddly vague when i look back on them. I dont feel like i can savor the emotions either. Physical contact with her doesnt feel rejuvenating either. Its all just gray and its really puzzling. I even feel like my sex drive has gone down extremely. Im at a complete loss. Perhaps im so used to burying my feelings ive become desensitized, or maybe im so used to loneliness that i need time to adjust? Who knows.

    2 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • Do writers ever give parts of a series separate titles?

    For example, with Star Wars, it's always "Star Wars; A New Hope," "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," etc. But does anyone ever simply give each part it's own unique name? If so, is that a smart thing to do as a writer? Or no? Or does it not really matter?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Why would you say video games don't make good movies?

    Would you say it's because they don't transfer well, and are meant to be watched instead of played? Or is it just that Hollywood is lazy and doesn't stick to source material? Give me your thoughts.

    1 AnswerMovies6 years ago
  • Which book is more philosophical and literary?

    "The Forever War" by Joe Haldeman, "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert A Heinlein, or "The Neuromancer," by William Gibson? At school I need to do a project on a book of literary merit, and so far I'm reading "The Neuromancer," and it doesn't seem like it will work for this assignment. Our teacher wants us to focus on novels of literary merit. Novels that are philosophical, and have more to the stories than entertainment, and so far, after reading about 25 pages of "The Neuromancer," it is really in your face and edgy with sex and violence. I mean it's okay for a book to be edgy and unsettling, so long as it has a good reason, and "The Neuromancer" in my opinion doesn't seem to be trying to do anything else but be cosmetically appealing. So in your opinion, which novel is most literary and would work best for my project? Or do you think I'm wrong, and need to keep reading "The Neuromancer?"

    2 AnswersHomework Help6 years ago
  • Sango/French Female names?

    I'm writing a story that takes place in the Central African Republic, and I heard that Sango and French are the primary languages of the region. I need to name a female character, but I have no idea where to find names in Sango. If you could give me some, or a place to find some, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, do people in the C.A.R. have French names, or is that uncommon? Would it work if I gave my character a french name instead?

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • How do I structure this sentence?

    In my essay, I've written this sentence:

    The sonnet begins with the paradoxical statement, “When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see, For all the day they view things unrespected."

    But my problem is that I want to continue the sentence past the quote which is a sentence in itself. Since the passage I've included from the poem ends at a period, can I still continue my sentence like this?:

    The sonnet begins with the paradoxical statement, “When most I wink, then do mine eyes best see, For all the day they view things unrespected." to illustrate how the narrator's dreams are more enjoyable than his reality.

    Books & Authors6 years ago
  • When writing an essay, how do I speak of someone who has a Ph.D?

    Do I say, for example, "Mary Sue Ph.D?" or is there another way I should put the "Ph.D" in her name?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Would you say that including a love interest in a story is a cliche and a cheap way to get someone's interest? Or do you prefer them?

    Mind you, the love interest and the main character never blatantly fall in love. The word love is never used, and they never come into sexual contact. Their feelings for each other are mostly implied, and perhaps easy to miss. Also, the relationship isnt the stories primary focus. Its actually more of something that brews in the back.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Will my character be able to show signs of strength despite being in severe emotional distress due to PTSD?

    I'm writing a novel and the main character, a veteran, has PTSD. But he has it under control. He begins the novel a pacifist, but since he is a journalist reporting in a very dangerous area, he is forced to kill someone to save his crew as the entire city breaks into chaos. This act brings him back to his traumatic experiences, and his PTSD spirals out of control, and he suffers from a severe emotional breakdown. But despite being under severe emotional distress, will he still show signs of strength as he has to find a way to bring his friends to safety? Or will he be so emotionally distraught that he won't?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Is this sleep paralysis?

    Lately, ive been feeling very bland. Not just bland, but as if life is too much. Too much repetition, too much stress, just too much.

    Last night I went to bed, and as i laid there i suddenly thought of Jesus' crucifixion, and suddenly i felt something bolt my nerves and i then found myself in this euphoric state. Each time i thought of the crucifixion my nerves jumped, and i felt euphoric. But when i tried opening my eyes, they wouldnt open, and my body couldnt move. I then started to have trouble breathing and i began to panic, unable to move. Finally, the feeling passed after i dont know how long. But I sat up realizing it was all a dream. The crazy part is, i dreamed that i was doing exactly what i was doing in real life. Sleeping in my bed.

    On both a physical and psychological level? Any idea on what all this suggests?

    1 AnswerMental Health7 years ago
  • When should i text her?

    Thursday night my school had a movie night, and i suddenly found myself called over by a girl who i rarely talk to. She and her friend from another school started making small talk with me, and thats when i brought up the fact that i recognized her friend from a party i had gone to. They then invited me to sit with them, and when the movie starts i realize everyone in their group leaves except the girl, who is sitting next to me--a stranger--instead of going with her friends. We converse a bit, and her friends come back telling her that they are leaving for sushi, and that im invited too. So the girl hugs me goodbye, and i say that we exchange numbers. But she acts a little bland and says "oh...okay." And we do. I text her around four hours later, and she never replies. Many people noticed her coming on to me, texting me from across the room to make a move and stuff. so im a little confused. Was she weirded out? Or is it possible that shes just a bad texter? I want to text her again, but if i should, the real question is when? I got her number thursday night. Its now saturday night.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do i go about this?

    Alright so theres this girl ive been into for a few years. One of those years, she knew i liked her but had no idea who i was. Now that weve actually met (we are in highschool) she told her friend (who is also mine) that she met me, and asked if i was still into her. Fast forward a few weeks, i get her number to contact her for a class project, nothing huge. But i come across her twitter one day, and she tweeted "cameron is adorable" then another immediately after with heart eyed emoji. Both were during our class together. Problem is, theres this little indian kid also named cameron in our group. So idk who she is talking about. Then three hours later she tweeted "wheres cameron?" So obviously one of us was on her mind. But i think it makes more sense if its me, because im stereotypically good looking. The other cameron is just a kid.

    My question: how do i text this girl? We dont talk much, but if we do its always fun and easy. My main concern is making her feel weird by just texting her out of the blue one day.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Does she sound interested?

    The other day this girl in my yeabook class found out i was writing a novel, and seemed really intrigued. So i find her on twitter that night and talk to her about it. This was our first conversation. We ended up talking about literature for three days straight, and during that conversation she told me things like we are so alike, im brilliant, my nerdiness is better to date than a ghetto guy who cant talk, that i sound smart in class. She tried to get me to watch her favorite show. When we saw each other again in school she seemed to play with her hair a tad when we talked, and laughed a lot. But idk if thats just how she acts in general. But after that conversation, she opened up to me about her insecurities and its like we have always known each other now. She continues to tell me we are like twins, and seeks me out for partner work in class. Honestly, i feel like she is interested because no girl ever becomes this friendly after the first conversation unless theyre interested. At the same time, i dont want to get my hopes up.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • photo editing software?

    My friend wants a lenient software where he can take pictures, organize them in different arrangements, and write captions under them, similar to a comic, but with less borders and restrictions. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • What am i doing wrong?

    It seems like no matter what i do, relationships dont work out for me. I really try to analyze myself and see if i have any problems. With that ive fixed clingy behavior and im at least able to keep my strong feelings toward a girl i like inside so i dont creep them out.

    Guys and girls alike say i have great hair and great style, that im smart, mature. and if a girl turns me down they all say they dont know what theyre missing. But even though i get all these compliments, i cant seem to get a girl for the life of me. Im a really caring person, and i was told it was because of that. That girls like d bags. When i tried being a d bag it worked, but then i hear the girl told people shes just playing around with me. So now im just being myself and letting whatever happens happen. But its so frustrating. Everyone around me can get a girl no problem. But i cant. People see all of my stinky friends with girls, and see me (ive been compared to an A&F model) standing alone and become confused. I honestly have done everything in the book. Even waiting and not worrying about dating, and when somebody happens to come along by chance, things still dont work out. What can i do to really find what my problem is? I try to be a good person, who understands people and is fun. So idk if its my personality or what. But im at a loss.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago