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  • if you have your gall bladder removed... does your pancreas take over filtering for it?

    my sister-in-law had her gall bladder out quite a few years ago.

    now she has chronic pancreatis . she said they can't take her pancreas out because she doesn't have a gall bladder.

    I know that you can live without a pancreas.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • what is a good remedy for enlarged pores that really works?

    home remedies or any over the counter treatments that really work well.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • 1- How far can a dog run into the woods?

    2-What word looks the same upside down and backwards?

    3-Brothers or sisters have I none, but that mans father is my fathers son. Who is that man?

    try to guess before you look down at the answers!!


    1-Halfway through the woods. After halfway the dog would be running out of the woods, not "into the woods."


    3-Answer: I am my fathers son, so that mans father must be me. So that man must be my son.

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • female question... testosterone cream?

    have any of you ever used testosterone cream for low sex drive?

    You apply to the clitoral area once a day. It's suppose to help improve your sex drive. I had my testosterone level checked and it was low so my gynecologist gave me a prescription for it. I just started using it a couple of days ago. I was wondering if it will really help.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else ever seen a real ghost?

    No stupid answers please... I'm serious.

    16 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • how do you deal with gossip at work ? whether about you or someone else?

    I constantly have people gossiping about me for absolutely no reason. If someone asks me how many parts i put out for the day I tell them because they asked me. well... then the next thing i hear is" that i've been bragging about how much production i put out." this is ridiculous. I never brag. I don't even say what i put out unless someone asks me. If i am faster than most people on a particular job and get out quite a bit more than they do,,,,then I hear .. "oh she thinks she's so fast" . And heaven forbid that one of the group leaders or the plant manager comes to me specifically and asks me to do a job that needs done right away....well,,, because then , "everyone is kissing my ***"...."what makes her so special?.'"..

    I am so sick of this mentality i can't stand it. f i do a good job,, then think I'm better than everyone else . If i do a bad job, im lazy *****. If a groupleader or manager gives me a compliment,I'm kissing ***. this is a viscious cycle can

    someone please help

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do you keep your darker shades of eyeshadow from coming off of your eyelids and getting on the browbone?

    I like to wear black eyeshadow on one half of my eyelid and a lighter shade on the other. evidently when i look up my eyeshadow rubs off of my lid and tranfers to my browbone.

    How do I keep this from happening?

    16 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How did God get here?

    What was the origin of God. I know the bible says he is from everlasting to everlasting. the beginning and the end, alpha and omega, but that doesn't explain anything. everything has to have a beginning, even God. Nothing is just "here". it has to come from something. I've had people tell me that I shouldn't worry about stuff like that , just believe. Well, I'm not worrying about it .I'm just really curious. I've heard different explantions but no real answers.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what can be done for female sexual disfunction?

    I know that a low testosterone level in a female can effect her sex drive. but are there any pills like the one that they have for men (viagra) in the female version?

    12 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone done the surveys on treasure

    I have been looking online for survey opportunities that are legitimate.

    I have signed up for a few but never get any surveys to fill out.

    If anyone knows of a good sight please let me know.

    Personal Finance1 decade ago
  • Is there anything I can take to improve my memory?

    I have always had a poor memory. I really pick things up fast but I don't really retain it very long. I think it is something I am lacking in vitamins or something because some days I am fine and can remember things specifically from a year ago. Other days I can't remember something that someone told me yesterday. I have always been like this. I know it's not alzheimers or anything like that. I'm just very forgetful sometimes.

    10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • here is a little brain teaser !?

    you have a duck , a fox and a bag of corn.

    you come to a river with a canoe waiting for you.

    there is only enough room in the canoe to take one thing across with you at one time.

    you can't leave the duck with the corn because the duck will eat the corn.

    you can't leave the fox with the duck because the fox will eat the duck.

    how do you get everything across the river?

    6 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • what do you think about the psychic Sylvia Brown? real of fake?

    I personally think she is mosty full of s***.

    I have seen her on the Montel Williams show quite a few times.

    as soon as someone asks her anything , she has the answer in specific details in a matter of seconds. I don't care what you ask her, she knows instantly what the answer is . where your dead loved one is , who killed them, what kind of car they were driving. the month and year that you will have a child. what sex it will be.

    ANYTHING, she has the answer. She even said on the show that she knew where Jimmy hoffa's body was but she wouldn't say because she was afraid that she might lose her gift. I don't remember what her reasoning was. But i thought, why the hell can't she say where he is? he is a murder victim. He has a family that would love to know where he is and be able to give him a proper burial. I do believe in psychics to some extent . but i don't believe that anyone is that gifted. To have the answer to any question in a matter of seconds.

    19 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • do you think there is life ...OUT THERE?

    Does anyone else think that it is very arrogant of we humans to believe that in all of this great , vast and never ending universe, that we, here on this tiny little speck of dust, are the only intelligent beings? I believe that there are worlds that have been civilized for many thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years longer than ours. I shudder to think of how advanced their technology is compared to ours.

    15 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Is there anything that really works to make your strands of hair grow thicker?

    the strands of my hair are very thin. is there anything..vitamins , home remedies anything that really makes them grow bigger in diameter. I don't want it to grow longer just thicker. I know that nothing is going to make me get more hair folicles, I know that i can't actually grow more hair. I just want the hair i already have to be thicker in diameter.

    5 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • how do i get rust out of blonde hair?

    I used a perm solution on it . I was very suprised to see how purple the solution turned from the chemical reaction to the rust in my hair. it really took out the rust and returned my hair to it's almost fully natural color. my hair is very fine and i usually don't use perms because of that but i was desperate. so it did damage my hair . it made my hair kind of stretchy when it is wet and it breaks fairly easy when i comb it. I'm sure that someone with thicker hair would have no problem using it. but I am afraid to use another perm solution on it for fear it well really break it . they say that perming your hair changes the hair structure and makes it very porous and will make it absorb the rusty coloring even faster. well.. i believe it because my hair is orange again after only about 5 weeks from using the perm. Is there something else I can try? I have tried the malibu treatments a few times. it helps very little. PLEASE HELP ME!!! I can't stand this rusty, dull, limp hair.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago