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My Joke of a Childhood
Can a native Korean speaker explain the difference between these three words?
I can t quite seem to grasp the difference between the following terms:
Any advice?
1 AnswerLanguages6 years agoHow do I transfer music from my iPod to a new, fresh iTunes?
So I had my iPod basically full, somewhere near 3000-ish songs. A lot of them had been imported from CDs I had owned over the years other places where I had bought them, free downloads from certain artists, and even a few that can no longer be bought that I found a way to download etc...
However, the computer I had all of my music on was starting to die, and so I decided I should start backing up my music. Sadly I only got about 300 songs in before the computer finally kicked the bucket. While that does mean I lost access to the actual files on my computer (3000+ songs) I do have just under 2500 on my iPod currently. I'm getting a new computer later in the week, and I'd like to find a way to transfer those files from the iPod onto the computer. But Apple only supports this with files bought in the iTunes Store (only about 500 of my songs tops). How can I get around this and get my files back?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players7 years agoRecommend me a laptop...?
So I'll be starting college in a few weeks and towards the end of my senior year, my laptop keeled over and kicked the bucket. It was a pretty good laptop internally, but it was really just poorly built. I got it as a Freshmen, so I only had it for a couple years, and it never failed me as far as compatibility and processing. It was just a little Toshiba Satellite c655. The problem was that it was poorly made (so as to be cheap) and it just couldn't handle daily wear and tear. By the end the whole console was coming apart, the screen hinges were all but non-existent and in the end a keyboard malfunction left it completely unusable (and my problems were far from an anomaly as per Internet forums).
So now that I'm looking for a new laptop I'm looking for something similar as far as processing (I mainly will use it for writing papers, watching YouTube, and maybe playing a few video games, but nothing too serious) but also sturdy (I will admit that while the faults in my previous laptop were common, I wasn't the most gentle with it towards the end). I'm not crazy into gaming, music production or other things that require insane specifications, just a little tinkering here and there. I also prefer PC to Mac, mostly because of price, availability of software and familiarity. I have a $1000 budget (give or take $100 or so).
Any tips? Thanks!
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoWhat do /.\ and (.) mean?
I've seen these a lot on social networking sites but I can't figure out what they mean. Google ignores punctuation, so naturally I get no results. I know that in French (.) can mean 'mon cul' (my ****) but I don't think that is what they mean in English.
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agoCan a fluent Japanese Speaker Help?
I need the help of a fluent Japanese speaker on this one.
In this video at 9:32 the girl says a quick phrase. Could someone write them out for me in Japanese, both with kanji and just in hiragana?
The best I can get so far is the parts that are hiragana, and I don't know the stroke order of the kanji (I'm extremely new to Japanese, but know some Korean).
1 AnswerLanguages7 years agoCan a fluent Japanese speaker help?
I need the help of a fluent Japanese speaker on this one.
In this video:
At 9:38 the girl says two phrases before the cutscenes ends. Could someone write them out for me in Japanese, both with kanji and just in hiragana?
The best I can get so far is the parts that are hiragana, and I don't know the stroke order of the kanji (I'm extremely new to Japanese, but know some Korean). The worst is the little guy at the beginning of the second phrase. If you feel like translating too, that would be spectacular!
1 AnswerLanguages7 years agoShould I learn Korean, or Japanese?
So I decided that I want to learn an Asian language. I already am fluent in English (my native language), French, ASL, and I'm conversational in Spanish and Portuguese.
My best friend is Korean, and I really got hooked on learning Korean. The only problem was that I didn't have a lot of the resources I had for things like French and Spanish (Easily available music [I hate Kpop] or DVD audio tracks), and I can only say I've found two consistently good resources.
I really got into Japanese recently, mostly through video games and film. I like the look of it better than Korean, and the sound. But there's so much to learn. I have a teacher and personal friend who's been studying it for probably twenty years now, and he still has to work on it regularly. He lived in Japan, and his wife is a Japanese immigrant.
Here's basically why I'm on the fence;
Korean is FAR easier to pronounce. There's also a pretty solid Korean community in my area. My best friend is Korean, which gives me some practise ability.But resources are slim, and most free resources are low quality (I'm a high school student with no job). There aren't many ways I can practise listening, aside from music (Only ever found one Kdrama I liked). Hangeul (Korean alphabet) took about three days to learn, and I can read it with basic fluency, even without knowing what words mean. The only hanja (Chinese characters) I've ever seen were to distinguish between north and south, and most Koreans I've talked to don't know or use them. Pronunciation, on the other hand, is less facile. My friends still correct me often on pronunciations that I just now can sometimes hear the nuances in.
Japanese has A LOT of resources, A LOT of free help, and A LOT of ways to practise (TV, film, video game, books). However, with 92+ kana characters, not including the plentiful kanji,result in over 2100 characters needed to reach fluency. Korean totals to about fifty or so. But pronunciation is far easier, and very uniform, whereas Korean is not. Japanese music is in the same boat as Korea: no pop, and other stuff is hard to find, but films are plentiful and generally very good. TV and anime are watchable, and easy to encounter. Video games tend to be great, but hard to find in America. I plan to study in Hawaii, where Japan has had some major influence.
So which do you think I should choose? I do plan to learn both eventually, but I just feel like there's not enough to do Korean on one's own yet. Contrariwise, Japanese is so extensive, and I want to study other languages too! Which one!
Thanks for your help,
2 AnswersLanguages8 years agoNeed to know the name of this Opera please?
So this opera was playing on CPR (Colorado Public Radio) This morning, and it was beautiful. My whole family was dancing and singing, and enjoying it greatly. They announced the name of it, but we got a rare bit of static as he announced the name.
But we did get some information about it after that: It was, at one point, nominated for a Grammy (I believed he said 2008, but I looked and didn't think I saw it), and it was in English. There was only line, a quote, that was sung over and over again a few times: 'The way you make love is how God will be with you.' I did a search for that on Google, but all I got was two pages on the quote and a bunch of unrelated Christian work with bits and pieces of that lyric. That's all I can honestly remember.
Are there any opera fans (or savvy Googlers) who can give me a hand.
3 AnswersClassical8 years ago¿Cuál es este película de vampiro?
Quiero decirles primero que mi español no es muy bueno: hablo francés y yo estudio español poco tiempo.
Busco un película que he visto hace mucho tiempo. Es sobre una niña que (si recuerdo bien) descubre que su papá es un vampiro. Todo lo que recuerdo es que la niña vivió con su mamá, sin padre hasta tener 11 o12 años. Después, su padre reviene en su vida. Es un vampiro con moto muy peligroso, y su madre no quiere verle otra vez. También, la niña puede ver unos monstruos alrededor de ella. Creo que es un película español, pero puedo estar equivocado. Creo que no es hispanoamericano. Ustedes pueden me ayudar?
1 AnswerPelículas8 years agoHow bad is a knuckle tattoo pain?
So I'm getting my first tattoo, on my ring finger knuckle next week, and I've heard varying reports on the pain. One guy told me, 'It feels like getting your finger sawed off.' Another said the pain is pretty high, but definitely not that bad. I've never had a tattoo before, so I don't have much frame of reference as far as that is concerned. But I do have a high pain tolerance (had my jaw broken to extract wisdom teeth with faded anaesthesia, felt fine), and I do well with needles (I give platelets with a very thick needle every two weeks, and have piercings). So, how bad is this gonna hurt. I'm 99% sure on getting this tattoo, but I keep getting different answers as to the pain. Some say mild, all the guys who wanna look tough in front of their friends say no pain at all, and then there's the extreme of wanting to pass out form the pain. If you have one, please let me know.
1 AnswerTattoos8 years agoComment m'approacher d'un prof qui a des attentes trops élevées?
Je veux commencer en disant que depuis le jour où je suis arrivé au lycée, j'ai été un bon élève. Je fais tout ce que je peux pour mériter de bons notes et je n'attire jamais des ennuis. J'essaie toujours de comprendre bien les matières et je parle discute souvent avec mes profs quand ce n'est pas le cas.
Mais cette année, il y a un prof qui m'agace beaucoup, et je sais pas quoi faire. J'en suis très contrarié et alors je viens de rater un interro dans son cours.
Le jour où on a commencé son cours, il nous a dit franchement que qu'il était tellement passionné par la pédagogie, et à son avis, il n'y avait rien de plus important. Il nous a bien raconté une histoire dans laquelle il jouait au base-ball au fac, mais ça a interrompu ses étudies de chimie, alors il a quitté son sport. Il nous a dit de tous faire la même chose: s'il y a quelque chose que quelqu'un aime faire, mais qui fait des ennuis pédagogiques, faut la quitter. Et pour lui, ça a marché très bien. Il est docteur ès chimie, il détient un baccalauréat en physique, et il a une maîtrise en maths. Alors, il a fait assez bien à l'école.
Mais le problème c'est qu'il ne comprend pas qu'il y a des choses d'une telle importance dans nos vies qui ne sont pas pédagogie, surtout dans ma propre vie et celle de mes copains. Aussi, il pense qu'il n'y a rien d'important sauf l'école, et son cours surtout. Il nous donne peut-être trente questions par jour pour les devoir, et chacun se compose de trois ou quatre parties. Je ne vous plaisante pas! J'assiste cinq cours aux niveaux de complexe. Je n'ai pas le temps de faire tout cela!
Quant à moi, par exemple, récemment, mon père m'est venu me dire que j'ai une soeur qui je n'ai jamais connu. Elle a maintenant 9 ans (j'en ai 16), et c'était un grand choque pour moi. Mais mon père n'est pas encore à l'aise sur ça, et alors ça a été même un supplice et un défi le faire ressortir de sa grotte. Aussi, il a toujours eu des ennuis à s'exprimer, et m'avoir tenu débout a pris beaucoup de mon temps et énergie.
Aussi, je suis vraiment très occupé. J'ai 14 frères et soeurs, et je suis le plus vieux (au moins en me comportant), je bénévole trois fois par semaine à l'église, et aussi, je trouve un peu de temps pour être... un ado ! Tout cela, c'est à mon avis plus important que savoir comment simplifier les exposants en formes radicales. Je sais ce que je veux faire de ma vie: Je veux être prof d'anglais aux pays étrangers (je suis élevé aux É. U, et j'y vis toujours), surtout en Afrique et en Asie. La calcule, ça ne me fais rien.
Je veux lui venir et le lui expliquer, mais je veux le faire avec respecte et avec douceur et caution. Comment fais-je ça?
Aussi, si vous ne pouvez pas me comprendre, dis-le-moi. Je n'ai pas étudié le français depuis longtemps, et je suis autodidacte.
2 AnswersSoutien scolaire9 years agoNeed help finding the intersecting points between curves?
So, basically, I'm trying to find the intersection points between curves. I get the gist of how to do it: You set them equal, get one side to zero, then factor, you have your two roots. But when I do it, all of my answers are unfactorable.
Example, for y = x^2-2x+8 and y = x+6
I set them equal
x^2-2x+8 = x+6
then set one side to 0
x^2-3x+14 = 0
And then... oh, this is unfactorable.
But then if I put them into a graph, I can see they intersect at 1 and 2. What am I doing wrong? That was the first question from my homework, so I think it should be doable.
Thanks in advance
4 AnswersMathematics9 years agoMy best friend is a really sweet girl, but her habits are pissing me off?
So my best friend is really sweet, and nice. I actually have a little bit of a thing for her. But recently I've noticed her doing things that are utterly and frankly excruciating in the true sense of the word.
For one, in the past few weeks I noticed she goes out of her way to greet everyone with hugs and warm remarks. Except me. I'm lucky to get a hi. In fact she'll leave me to go say hi to someone and then go about her business like I was never there in the first place.
Secondly, she constantly bails on plans. Over summer, we made plans ten times: 8 she postponed until never, and two she was an hour+ late for. Her response diminished from 'I'm so sorry!' to 'Don't worry, it'll happen one day.' Sometimes it wasn't her fault, but she always chooses the last minute to tell me. Like one is for tomorrow at 8am, and she just now let me know, and she made the plans with someone else after we made ours and ditched mine! She making a point to put other people over me, her best friend! When she does come, she invites other people or changes the time without letting me know. Ridiculous. Isn't there courtesy anymore?
Lastly, I always let her know what I'm going through and she helps me work through it, and I was under the impression that we were similar in this. But now she's bringig stuff from ages ago out of the blue like we talked, and we haven't. Like we'll be sitting in class, and she'll be like 'D'you remember when my mum abandoned my family three months ago?' and I'm like 'Uh... No?!'
I feel like she's decided my friendship is a given thing and that she can just do whatever she wants with me. Like I really loved her, but now, I'm for sure ready to pursue other love-interests. I still do love her, just not that way.
I want to know how to approach this gently. She's actually very sensitive and has a lot of family and abandonment issues, so I need to do it without ripping her a new one. But it is serious to me, and it should be to her.
6 AnswersFriends9 years agoHow would you say this in Finnish?
So I want to ask the foreign exchange girl from Finland to homecoming at my high school. But I'm good friends with the family she's staying with, and they require that I ask in Finnish, because I speak so many other languages. But I don't know the first thing about Finnish! I speak French, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, and Sign Language, so that's a little out of my category. Any help? No Google Translate, please. I know from experience how badly that can work.
3 AnswersLanguages9 years agoQuestion about weight and BMI?
So I'm naturally very muscular. I have really bulky legs, arms, etc. but I can lift a lot more than even my most athletic friends despite not really being into sports myself. I do have a little bit of belly fat but not much.
I'm currently 6' tall and I weigh 205 lbs. However, my doc said that according to my BMI I'm obese and need to watch what I eat carefully. Another doc told me that my waist is what matters more. My waist is 34", and anything less than 35 is really good. Plus, even at my lowest weight since I've been this tall (197 lbs) my waist was only 32". So my question is which advice should I adhere to? I'm sure I could lose some weight, but I'm muscley! BMI doesn't take that into account, and I surely don't have 30 lbs to lose.
1 AnswerMen's Health9 years agoQuestion about weight and BMI?
So I'm naturally very muscular. I have really bulky legs, arms, etc. but I can lift a lot more than even my most athletic friends despite not really being into sports myself. I do have a little bit of belly fat but not much.
I'm currently 6' tall and I weigh 205 lbs. However, my doc said that according to my BMI I'm obese and need to watch what I eat carefully. Another doc told me that my waist is what matters more. My waist is 34", and anything less than 35 is really good. Plus, even at my lowest weight since I've been this tall (197 lbs) my waist was only 32". So my question is which advice should I adhere to? I'm sure I could lose some weight, but I'm muscley! BMI doesn't take that into account, and I surely don't have 30 lbs to lose.
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years agoAny way to justify this as not cheating ?
I'm thinking about becoming an anonymous pen for hire, for high school students. I believe that by spending their own money on getting quality work, that is equivalent to them doing it. They are taking responsibility for what needs to be done, and if they feel comfortable doing that, it is up to them. Plus, I won't be there for every test and quiz, so really my service should only be for those who feel comfortable with the subject matter, but are just a little... pressed for time.
Anyone with an ideas as to how to back me up?
5 AnswersPsychology9 years agoComment acheter l'alcool à 16 ans?
veux vous prévenir que mon français est de niveau très base, parce que je l'ai appris tout seul. Si vous voulez me corriger, ça ne me dérangera pas du tout.
Salut ! Je suis un ado américain, et ici l'âge auquel on peut acheter l'alcool est 21. Moi, je n'ai que 16 ans, mais je veux en acheter. Croyez-moi, je suis pas un de ces types qui boivent jusqu'à ils sont tellement bourrés. Je n'aime la bière, ni être bourré. Ma mère vient d'une famille très italienne, et avec eux, les enfants peuvent toujours prendre un peu de vin avec le dîner ou aux fêtes. Mais récemment ma mère ne me laisse pas en prendre. C'est pas vraiment que je ne peux pas en demander, mais elle boit toute la bouteille avant que j'ai l'opportunité, et je suis interdit de prendre plus que la moitié d'un verre (même si je suis 1,8m de haut et 90kg). C'est vraiment ridicule qu'elle boit tant, mais c'est rare qu'elle soit insupportablement paf.
Mais je viens de célébrer mon seizième anniversaire, et je voudrais une petite bouteille de pinot grigio pour moi-même. Ça c'est tout. Mais je peux pas en demander de ma mère, mon père peut-être, mais je ne le vois pas souvent. J'ai un frère qui a 23 ans, mais il est en prison }:(
Que peux-je faire pour en avoir ?
4 AnswersVins et alcools9 years agoMa mère fume l'herbe. Je veux qu'elle la laisse tomber, mais comment me l'approcher?
Je suis tellement désolé, mais je suis des États-Unis, et j'ai appris le français tout seul, alors ceci peut aller contenir des erreurs.
Ma mère fumait l'herbe avant que ma naissance avec mon père. Je ne peux pas vraiment me souvenir d'un temps de mon enfance où ils ne fumaient pas. Une fois, quand j'avais sept ans, ils m'ont fait nettoyer ma chambre pour qu'ils y fument. Leur dépendance était insupportable. Mais à mon treizième anniversaire, ma mère a annoncé qu'elle l'a lassée tomber. Elle m'a laissé même jeter toutes ses accoutrements au poubelle. J'étais vraiment content, parce que je lui en a demandé plusieurs fois.
Mais ça fait peut-être six mois, elle s'est cassé le dent. Elle a repris de fumer à ce point, mais je l'ai senti. Alors, je lui a posé le question, et elle m'a dit qu'elle fumait encore, mais juste jusqu'à sa chirurgie. Mais le chirurgie s'est passé ça fait plusieurs mois, et je viens de la voir il y a 10 minutes. Que dois-j'en dire ou faire ? C'est asses stressant pour moi, et aussi qu'elle cache des secrets de moi.
Aussi, si vous avez des critiques générales à me donner, comme le français, ça ne me derangera pas du tout.
4 AnswersFamille9 years ago