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Hi, I'm a happily married 31 year old woman. I own 2 horses 2 border collies, 1 akita mix and a cat. We also have chickens and ducks. I love my small farm life. I spend my days teaching children how to ride and my evenings cuddling up to a good movie with the love of my life. I really couldn't ask for anything more.

  • family is being split apart by a person that is mentally unstable how do we deal with this?

    My whole family is being torn apart and I am at my wits end with how to deal with it all. I have a cousin who is borderline insane. She is bipolar almost to the point of not being functional. On top of this she has a huge drug problem and has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, which has basically given her a script to get all of the drugs she would be trying to get her hands on illegally. She spends weeks on the couch 'unable to move'. She has two young children 5 and 2, their father is a meth head drug dealer. My cousins whole life she has been treated with kid gloves by everyone, because she's not sane and we all have had to tiptoe around that. I am not close with my cousin I'm older and live a very different lifestyle and truthfully am too blunt and don't put up with the kind of shenanigans she is known for. She has always avoided me at family functions, and I have never minded.

    This past summer her drug use became way out of control. My husband and I are foster parents and my family came to us and asked if we would step in and raise her children while she got help for her problems. At that time my husband and I were told of all of the stuff that had been going on before this we were in the dark.

    So we took in the kids and had them for 2 and 1/2 months, the children who had some very serious issues did very well with us. We were able to get the 5 year old started on track with school and counseling for her anger issues which helped immensely. Rules boundaries and limitations, the child had no concept of. The 2 almost 3 year old did not speak when she came to us, she was not potty trained and had no concept of how to self entertain. She started speaking at my house (before she mumbled, and had only spoken 10 different words that people could make out). She potty trained in a week and truly loved it here. The 5 year old missed mommy constantly the 2 year old never talked about mommy and would cry when she went to go see her.

    So a month ago out of the blue their mom decided she didn't need rehab all she needed to do was get pregnant and everything would be fine. After not seeing or speaking to her children for 2 weeks (her choice) she demanded them back. We were forced to give them to her. When she took her children back my family decided that we could no longer support her bad choices in life and we cut her off. No contact she was told not to call any of us until she was willing to get help for her problems. We informed OCS of everything that was going on. They opened an investigation, but apparently for some reason she has made a very good showing of herself and passed all of their interviews. They have now closed the case.

    My aunt her mother broke our family agreement not to have contact with her. It has divided our family right down the middle. My husband and I are in the midst of this and have a tremendous amount of sway. But I don't know what to say or do and either does he. My mom our grandmother and her siblings keep calling asking 'what are we suppose to do now?' But I don't have any answers and either does my poor husband. Although my husband and I deal with children from bad homes often, we don't deal with the parents. My cousin is a revolving cycle. she does good...then okay...then bad...then awful...and every time she cycles she gets progressively worse. Right now she is doing good but it is a matter of time, and she no longer believes that she needs any help. She actually said 'I'm a great mom I don't know what your guys problems are but you need to get help for them'

    None of us have experience with this kind of drug abuse mixed with mental instability. If anyone has experience with how to deal with this kind of person please give us a helping hand. All the hours and hours of research I've done doesn't seem to helping me.

    Family8 years ago
  • In general do you prefer woman to wear makeup or not?

    My husband and I have an on going debate about makeup, I like it he doesn't. He prefers a very natural minimal look, and I well I have to confess I like a bit of splash and fun bold colors. I am super curious however especially to hear from guys if they also prefer a girl barefaced or with makeup. If it depends on the girl I've posted a link with close up pictures of me with and without makeup on. But mostly I'm just curious what people think is attractive in general, a girl with or without makeup.

    5 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • What color do you think Misty our filly is going to be when she's done?

    We've been having a lot of fun with our new addition! One question that keeps coming up lately is 'what color is she going to be when she grows up?'

    I will send her hair in for testing next year if she's still confounding us but for now I think it's fun to guess. So let me know what you think! Here's a link to our Flicker account there are a lot of photos as her color and markings have been changing since she was born!

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • How long should the color have been left on my head?

    My hair is naturally dark not black but dark brown that looks auburn in direct sunlight and black in low lighting. It is pretty thick I can only get a big rubber band around it twice and it's also about half way down my back for length. Alright for my wedding I wanted it to look very auburn in all lights and have kept it that color for a year. (Not sure if this information is important or not?)

    Today I decided to have it brought back to a color similar to my natural coloring. I had a hair appointment at 10am. The first thing she did when I got there was put the color on my roots then she worked it into the rest of my hair. After that I sat processing for a long time not sure how long because the news about Boston marathon came on and we all just sat in shock for a while. Well long story short she waxed my eyebrows, rinsed and washed my hair and gave me a quick trim and a blowout. I left just before 2pm. My head is now burning and itchy. I have doused it in aloe which seems to be helping a lot but my question is how long is it suppose to take to get your hair dyed?

    (Normally when I go in I have conditioning treatments, dye, style, full waxing and everything scheduled and am there for about the same amount of time as I was today. so I am unsure if it was a new product she used and I'm having a reaction, a problem because I went from light to dark or it was simply left in too long. I worked out after this appointment and by the time I realized something was wrong the salon was closed.)

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Pregnancy and loneliness?

    My mare is due to foal in mid may. This is her first foal and she is doing great, little scared because the baby seems huge vet thought she was 6 weeks longer in her pregnancy then she was, but everything checks out. She is a great all around horse that has always had a willing attitude and a friendly disposition.

    So here is what happened. Two weeks ago our other horse died very suddenly and now my pregnant mare is completely out of sorts. She doesn't want to work or leave the property she stands around looking extremely depressed all day and I am unsure about what to do for her. She has never been an only horse. She was born on a big breeding farm, and flown up to our state to my families barn. When I moved her out to my own property I bought another horse with us. On my own property their has always been 1-3 other horses around.

    Normally I'd contact the local rescue and take in a horse that needs some TLC for the next 6 months so she wouldn't be alone. However we had some record breaking winds a couple months back that knocked out fencing in 2 of our 3 pastures/pens. So I only have the one area I can keep another horse which is also occupied by the expectant mother. I can't put up fencing until the ground thaws.

    I am worried and I'm not sure what to do. The vet came out and health wise well she's healthy as a horse. She told me to get a certain vitamin that is to help with stress, so far it doesn't seem to be working. She told me the other option was to stable her at a barn or get another horse. But I'm not so sure that putting another horse in with her is a great idea. She is a lead mare and I'm not sure how tolerant she will be of other horses right now. I would move her back to my families barn but they have moved all their horses south for the winter so that's not an option and I don't trust other places to take care of her and watch her.

    If anyone has any experience with this or opinions about what would be best for her health please let me know, I'm still reeling from the loss of our other horse and our entire family is a bit out of sorts right now. I truly am not sure what would be best for her.

    5 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Mother wants to compete against her daughter?

    I am not sure exactly how to handle this and I would like to address it long before show season starts. I have a student that has been riding with me for a couple years now. Her family has horses of their own but she prefers to ride my mare when she is competing or showing. Now my mare is sitting this coming show season out (she is in foal). So her mother let everyone know that this coming season she was going to be entering all the shows with her daughter and that they were going to compete head to head.

    So I don't think there is anything wrong with a little healthy competition. I don't think it would be my choice to compete against my niece or possible future daughter but I can also see how it wouldn't be a horrible thing. In fact I saw a mother and son compete against each other and they both had the time of their lives, cheering each other on. Now here is the but...Last year, her daughter did very well and took all around at our last show. Her mother (without my knowing) showed up with her horse and also showed against her daughter and she was well,,,words don't describe I was speechless. Every time her daughter beat her, she would let everyone know that 'It has nothing to do with her 'if I was riding that horse I would have won too.' She said things like 'Don't be waving those ribbons in my face, it's not like you won them that horse won them, you didn't do anything special.' "You need to let other people win. Your not the little queen bee you think you are' When her daughter would want to show her the ribbon. Her daughter was not being boastful or smearing it in her mothers face that she won she was just being a kid looking for praise from her mother. At the end of the show her mother said 'Well if your such a good rider looks like you'll be riding our horses next season and we'll just see how good you really are.' (She also tried to switch mounts with her half way through, which I put a right quick stop too.)

    Now what ended up happening at this show was I spent the entire day comforting this student who was in tears many times and making comments like 'Oh come on now this about having fun.' to her mother. I had two other students there that got virtually no time from me because of all of this. (My husband and mother stepped in to help them, they were awesome. None of us felt comfortable leaving the daughter with her mother alone because of how angry she was getting)

    Okay so now I'm once again a little loss for words, this student rarely rides with me anymore because her mother thinks she's learned enough. I however have an open door policy with her that the mother said was fine, and I just don't charge her anymore when she comes. So she has come to me twice now talking about this and she wants to show but she doesn't want to ride against her mother. I don't know what to tell her. Her mother is a bit of a hot head and I have learned from the past that if I call to address issues of something she takes it out on her daughter. I have no idea what to do. To top this whole awful story off the little girl just left my house, she came over in tears the horse that she spent all last summer and this winter training and loves to death, her horse her mother gave to her. Her mother sold without talking to her and when she asked why her mother said 'because he was getting too good' and stuck her with a horse that is green and a bit crazy. She can handle the new horse but she has no/little chance of winning on him. I am as I have stated at a complete loss for words.

    I have dealt with mothers who, don't think I'm giving their kids enough attention or freak out during shows if they think their kids haven't be scored correctly or are at a disadvantage but I have never even seen a mother act like this before. I want to help the daughter but I'm not seeing any solutions to this problem. I am hoping one of you does. The daughter just turned 11 the mother is 32, not sure if that helps or not. Showing with my students is pretty new to me just something I got into when a couple of them asked if they could do a show. When I was younger and showed this wasn't something I ever witnessed before but maybe this more common then I think? Any advice would be good.

    Sorry this is so crazy long I'm a bit upset right now.

    7 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Mother wants to compete against her daughter?

    I am not sure exactly how to handle this and I would like to address it long before show season starts. I have a student that has been riding with me for a couple years now. Her family has horses of their own but she prefers to ride my mare when she is competing or showing. Now my mare is sitting this coming show season out (she is in foal). So her mother let everyone know that this coming season she was going to be entering all the shows with her daughter and that they were going to compete head to head.

    So I don't think there is anything wrong with a little healthy competition. I don't think it would be my choice to compete against my niece or possible future daughter but I can also see how it wouldn't be a horrible thing. In fact I saw a mother and son compete against each other and they both had the time of their lives, cheering each other on. Now here is the but...Last year, her daughter did very well and took all around at our last show. Her mother (without my knowing) showed up with her horse and also showed against her daughter and she was well,,,words don't describe I was speechless. Every time her daughter beat her, she would let everyone know that 'It has nothing to do with her 'if I was riding that horse I would have won too.' She said things like 'Don't be waving those ribbons in my face, it's not like you won them that horse won them, you didn't do anything special.' "You need to let other people win. Your not the little queen bee you think you are' When her daughter would want to show her the ribbon. Her daughter was not being boastful or smearing it in her mothers face that she won she was just being a kid looking for praise from her mother. At the end of the show her mother said 'Well if your such a good rider looks like you'll be riding our horses next season and we'll just see how good you really are.' (She also tried to switch mounts with her half way through, which I put a right quick stop too.)

    Now what ended up happening at this show was I spent the entire day comforting this student who was in tears many times and making comments like 'Oh come on now this about having fun.' to her mother. I had two other students there that got virtually no time from me because of all of this. (My husband and mother stepped in to help them, they were awesome. None of us felt comfortable leaving the daughter with her mother alone because of how angry she was getting)

    Okay so now I'm once again a little loss for words, this student rarely rides with me anymore because her mother thinks she's learned enough. I however have an open door policy with her that the mother said was fine, and I just don't charge her anymore when she comes. So she has come to me twice now talking about this and she wants to show but she doesn't want to ride against her mother. I don't know what to tell her. Her mother is a bit of a hot head and I have learned from the past that if I call to address issues of something she takes it out on her daughter. I have no idea what to do. To top this whole awful story off the little girl just left my house, she came over in tears the horse that she spent all last summer and this winter training and loves to death, her horse her mother gave to her. Her mother sold without talking to her and when she asked why her mother said 'because he was getting too good' and stuck her with a horse that is green and a bit crazy. She can handle the new horse but she has no/little chance of winning on him. I am as I have stated at a complete loss for words.

    I have dealt with mothers who, don't think I'm giving their kids enough attention or freak out during shows if they think their kids haven't be scored correctly or are at a disadvantage but I have never even seen a mother act like this before. I want to help the daughter but I'm not seeing any solutions to this problem. I am hoping one of you does. The daughter just turned 11 the mother is 32, not sure if that helps or not. Showing with my students is pretty new to me just something I got into when a couple of them asked if they could do a show. When I was younger and showed this wasn't something I ever witnessed before but maybe this more common then I think? Any advice would be good.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Husband is not happy with the way I dress?

    Alright so here is the deal. My husband looked at me a couple days ago and said 'You know honey you never dress up anymore. Your always in your riding clothes, it would be nice if you would wear something else.'

    Okay so this is rather true I'm riding instructor, this is how I make money for our family. Now when we first got together I was riding instructor part time and I worked in a professional office full time. I made decent money and I spent a lot of that money on myself, my wardrobe for work, manicures pedicures all that kind of stuff. So when my husband and I bought a house moved out of the city into the country. I was given the option by him to either continue working a full time professional job or become a full time riding instructor, he really didn't want me doing both. So I chose riding instructor. Which meant cut backs no more expensive hair treatments no more mani pedis every 3 weeks. I think in some ways I perhaps embraced my country life a little too much.

    Now I shower and I always wear clean clothes, but I don't have my nails done and I have really wild curly hair that instead of styling is always in a braid. (If not it gets tangled in everything and I walk around with half a head full of hay all day!) He use to find my riding clothes 'adorable' now I think he's a little sick of seeing them. I ride 7 days a week and I give lessons out of my home and at the local barn 5-6 days a week. When he's getting ready for work I'm already up dressed normally have already warmed up my horses and have fed our animals (in my riding clothes). So this is pretty much what he sees me in. I hate the idea of my husband being disappointed in the way I look. But I'm not sure what I can do to fix this, I mean I'm leaving for work at the same time he is and this is what I have to wear to work. Does anyone have any ideas? For my hair I still have to be able to put my helmet on and if it is down it becomes a rather wild mess. I look young enough as it is I don't need to be running around a professional barn with wild hair, I don't think the barn manager would be all that Pleased with me if I did!

    I would really appreciate some insights in how I can solve this problem!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Having a hard time with my sisters pregnancy?

    So my sister just told my husband and I that she is pregnant. I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way because I am honestly beyond excited for her. But about two weeks before she told us my husband and I found out we couldn't have a baby and I'm just going to be honest I am having a very hard time with this.

    It's been about three months now and I thought that I would be able to cope better but it seems to be getting worse. I mean right now I can't even hold a baby I just start crying. So I've just been avoiding them all together. My sister asked me if I would be her lamaze coach and I honestly don't know what I should do. I don't want to be this huge chasm of depression around her during this super happy time in her life. I'm her big sister I'm suppose to be her anchor and she needs me right now! I keep hoping that I'm going to buck up and get over this but it hasn't happened yet. I really want to be there for my sister right now but I just don't know that I can be.

    My family doesn't know yet that my husband and I can't have a child. I just don't feel like this is the time to tell them and I really really don't want to talk about it at all yet. My husband and I are slowly proceeding to the adoption route and we just finished signing up for foster care (which we started doing before we found out we couldn't have a child). I don't know what to do any advice would be great!

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Thinking about possibly crossing my 15'2 mare with a pony stud.?

    I'm looking to find out if anyone has any experience with this and how the results went. Basically ponies seem to be pretty hard to come by where I live. I can get a Shetland foal, but I want something bigger and the only other ones I've come across are in their mid to late 20 and their asking prices are just far to high. Besides in my brain it simply does not equal out to replace a senior horse with a senior pony. I've been looking for a good one for the last couple years, to replace my 14'2 Arab that is getting up there in years.

    I have thought about shipping one but the good ones I can find are going to cost 3000 to ship when I add that into their price and then flight tickets to go and see the pony, stabling cost to keep the pony until it can be shipped, it's just getting a little out there for an animal I can't ride personally and is mainly for my new crop of young nieces that will start riding in the next 3-4 years and start really riding in the next 6-7.

    Ideally I would like a 12-13 hand pony with a good temperament so my thought on this is that I can cross my mare who has a fantastic temperament with kids and is just a really well rounded all around horse, with a well rounded pony stud and possibly get what I'm looking for. But of course I have no experience with this whatsoever and I very much know that genetics are funny things and I could end up with something very different then what I'm picturing. I am leaning towards crossing her with a nice welsh stallion (going the AI route if I do it) So wondering if anyone has any experience and could give some advice.

    Also my mare is well balanced horse, who has competed in extreme trail events, shows, endurance and of course playdays. She is always in ribbons. Although I never showed her in jumping she was clearing 4 foot jumps on her own and 3 1/2 with a rider. I've watched her clear a 5 foot fence (with ease) for no other reason then to get to the empty pasture on the other side, I guess she thought the grazing was better. So she has a lot of natural talent for jumping, I simply don't enjoy it anymore and haven't had a child around who was interested.

    3 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Got baby fever, can't wait for it to come out, so what do you guys think the little one will look like?

    My mare is having her first foal I'm beyond excited. So it's -15 outside right now and I'm bored and speculating as to what it will look like would love to hear what you guys think. I am completely clueless.

    Here is my photo stream baby pinto is the mare black paint is the sire

    4 AnswersHorses8 years ago
  • Does anyone have experience with being awarded custody then having the child go back to their parents?

    Basically here is what is going on, a girl I grew up with had a child four years ago. Her boyfriend the child's father is unbalanced and abusive and they both have a serious drug problem. So we had no idea about any of this until two years ago, when she decided to clean up her act and leave him. She moved in with my husband and I and lived with us for 6 months, she was completely clean and decided she was ready to live on her own.

    Within 6 months after she moved out she started doing drugs again and got back with her babies father. She pretty much stopped communications with my husband and I, and we found this all out through her family and friends. So long story short the drugs have escalated to a very dangerous point, they were smoking meth in the house with the child. The child is have horrible nightmares about Daddy hurting Mommy. Daddy was arrested recently for attempted kidnapping and child endangerment (tried to steal a car with two children in it). But the mother is still using very heavily, there is a possibility she is going to jail for dealing drugs but hasn't been arrested yet. Warrant was issued to search the house they found her phone talking about drug deals, and her meth pipe and some meth. She left the house while they were searching it and they have not arrested her as of now.

    She came to my husband and I and told us that if she goes to Jail she wants us to raise her daughter until she gets out. She also told us that she has no intentions of ever cleaning up again that it was just too hard and she will not be putting herself through any of this. My husband and I had the paperwork drawn up for temp custody and a will made for her that states if something happens to her that the child goes to us.

    Alright so that brings us to now. Her family is stepping in and taking the child from her, they/we have contacted Child endangerment services about what is going on (and yes they have been contacted a couple times in the past and no they didn't do anything). Her family agrees that my husband and I are can provide the best possible home for the child to grow up in so they will be sending her to us once she is taken. So basically we have been on standby for the last three weeks waiting to get the child, and it's suppose to happen after Christmas. My husband and I are ready, willing and wanting to raise this child who we both love and care about deeply (he already set up a collage fund for her two years ago).

    We have been talking with a couple friends about what is going on and have basically been told get ready for some heartbreak because there is no way that child is going to stay with us. As soon as the mother cleans up a little or the father gets out of jail they are going to take her back. They have told us that this is a back and forth game and the parents have all the rights. So even if we have the child for the next 5-7 years (which is how long the mother will be in jail if they ever arrest her) When she gets out she has full legal rights to take the child back. Does anyone have any personal experience with this. We have an appointment with our lawyer after the holidays but could use some advice from people who have gone through similar custody issues. We are very scared and concerned, we kept thinking everything is going to be okay as soon as she gets to us nobody is ever going to take her out of our very stable and loving home and put her back with her parents. Now we are not so sure. PLEASE Any advice would be very welcome.

    Sorry for the long story.

    1 AnswerAdoption8 years ago
  • Does he have the Bunny Snuffles?

    I own a 12 week old mini rex. I live in a remote area getting to a vet in pretty much out of the question. So I bought my bunny 3 weeks ago. He lives in our heated chicken coop, he has his own little bunny box in there. He has not been around any other bunnies he is our only one, He comes inside for about 4 hours every night for play and cuddling time, and I take him for one walk a day. His water is changed every day along with his food and I keep his bedding very clean as I'm trying to potty train him and it's a must to keep their bedding clean for good results. I figure putting in his routine would help figure out what is wrong with him.

    Two days ago I was cleaning the coop so I moved his cage outside while I was cleaning, it was a nice day so after I was done I left him outside to enjoy the weather, and went in did the dishes took a shower and some other chores then went back out and noticed that the day had taken a rather dramatic turn and it was chilly and very windy. The poor little guy looked pretty cold so I took him in the house with me. He started sneezing a couple hours after being inside but his activity level stayed the same so I didn't worry too much about it. Yesterday he kept sneezing and his nose was a little wet but he was hyper as ever and spent a lot of time running around and playing with the dogs and our cat. Today he doesn't seem to be doing as well he has some white discharge coming out one side of his nose and he just wants to be held, right now he has snuggled himself under the cat and keeps sneezing and wheezing. He also gets groomed by our cat and one of our dogs rather frequently he grooms them as well so he could have picked up something from them. (And yes there interactions are supervised although none of them seem to think that he is in anyway prey, I think they believe he is some kind of strangely shaped cat.) I am hoping he doesn't have the bunny snuffles because I have no way to treat it if he does. I am wondering if he could simply have a cold?

    Does anyone have any ideas? The only time he could have been exposed to the snuffles from another bunny was when I bought him three weeks ago, does anyone know if they can actually carry the virus for that amount of time before they show signs of it? It's a bacteria so could have caught it from someplace in my home or yard or coop? And how can I treat him?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • Anyone know anything about destructive peeing?

    I have a Bichon Frise, he is a very submissive dog, however everytime he gets upset with me or my boyfriend he goes and pees or poops on the floor, it has absolutely no relation to him needing to go to the bathroom. Here are some examples.

    I take my boyfriend to the airport, he wants to come, I tell him no and put him in the house he immeditely goes to the back room and pees on the floor. I know he didn't have to go because he had went 15 mins prior to my leaving. I go to work and don't take him with me he goes and pees on the floor. Despite the fact my boyfriends home and he had just been taken out to the bathroom. Sometimes he poops too. He always is hiding when I get home my first indecation that he did something wrong.

    Now this is not a bladder problem he can hold it just fine for 8 hours a day if I'm at work, it is competely a behavioral problem, that I have never delt with before and have no idea how to solve, and it is seriously gettting out of hand.

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help!! What do I bring for food on a boat trip?

    You guys have helped me before I'm hoping you'll help me again. I'm going boating next week should be lots of fun, and my boyfriend has invited a couple people to join us, so very lovely of him. He and I eat almost completely natural foods, all organic, free range stuff. No chips no cookies you know. Well I need to plan a menu and have it all ready to go that everyone will enjoy. I need three meals and I won't have anything to use to cook with. So nothing can be heated it will all have to be served right out of the cooler. I was thinking wraps for one meal, maybe with some sun chips and some fruit? That's as far as I've gotten Please help! I'd like them to be somewhat different and I'd love for everyone to be pleased!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Dieting/Fitness advice?

    I'm in decent shape now but I'm trying to get myself in climbing shape. (I climb during the winter) I want to firm up my abs they are a little soft right now, and strengthen my arms. Basically work my core. My legs are in great shape.

    I have a couple questions, I keep being told that if I increase my work out, and skip dinner every night that I will firm up really quickly. And I've also been told when I go to do my morning exercise don't eat anything, eat after I'm done? (I do a yoga warm up every morning & hike a mountain in the morning 5 days a week its about 5 miles). I also do yoga at night, before I go to bed. I have two months to get into climbing shape, I have new partners this year that climb at a higher level then me, so I want to be able to up my game. Do I need to change my workout or change when I eat? If so what should I do?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Great frozen dinners?

    I've looked some recipes up online and nothing seems very good so I'd love some personal feed back. My boyfriend works out of town week on week off, and I cook his meals and freeze them for him. I'd love some more recipes so he doesn't get bored with the same old stuff all the time. Thank you!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How do I get along with my crazy neighbor?

    My boyfriend and I two months ago moved in together. It has been great he has a wonderful house in great neighborhood, but his friend and neighbor is driving me mad. My boyfriend says he's a really great guy that has no communication skills. Well this man has harassed me to the point I am ready to go off. He comes across the street if I'm on the phone and stands there and listens to my conversation, until I ask him to leave. He comes over for dinner and criticizes the food I cook telling me it's not right. He has a little notebook and writes down when I leave and when I come home. I asked him what he was doing he said, 'oh I’m just keeping tabs on you.' He actually called me wench. And told the neighborhood that I was nothing more then a great body without a brain and he thought my boyfriend was smarter then that. This man has no job his girlfriend supports him. So he is always around. My boyfriend says 'oh he's just a little crazy.' I need to get along with him. how?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do I get along with my crazy neighbor?

    My boyfriend and I two months ago moved in together. It has been great he has a wonderful house in great neighborhood, but his friend and neighbor is driving me mad. My boyfriend says he's a really great guy that has no communication skills. Well this man has harassed me to the point I am ready to go off. He comes across the street if I'm on the phone and stands there and listens to my conversation, until I ask him to leave. He comes over for dinner and criticizes the food I cook telling me it's not right. He has a little notebook and writes down when I leave and when I come home. I asked him what he was doing he said, 'oh I’m just keeping tabs on you.' He actually called me wench. And told the neighborhood that I was nothing more then a great body without a brain and he thought my boyfriend was smarter then that. This man has no job his girlfriend supports him. So he is always around. My boyfriend says 'oh he's just a little crazy.' I need to get along with him. how?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Allergic to seafood, how do I cook it?

    I’ve been allergic to seafood my whole life, when I eat I get really sick. Well my boyfriend absolutely loves it; it is by far his favorite food. We live in Alaska so the freezer is always full of salmon, halibut, trout, and rockfish. Here’s the problem I do all of the cooking (cause I love to cook), and he never, ever complains that I don’t cook fish, but I know he misses it, cause when I attempt to cook (and fail miserably) he praises all of my failed efforts. I’m the kind of cook that I don’t measure anything I do everything by taste and smell, and I can’t cook fish because I can’t taste it. I would love to start reintroducing fish into his diet so I’m looking for some bomb proof but super good recipes, or just some tips on how to cook the water critters can anyone help me?

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago