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  • Would you go forward in building a life with someone who you know you may end up needing to let go?

    I ask this because I don't want kids and never really have, and up until now I thought my boyfriend was on the same page. Tonight he confessed that he would like to have at least one kid in the future because he thinks that we would make a beautiful baby and that I would make an amazing mom. It's not completely surprising to me though because he's made accidental comments about being a father in the future and I think that, even if part of him thinks he'd be content without kids, a bigger part of him always has. I still don't want kids though and I never see myself wanting them, although I am open to the possibility of that changing. But what if it doesn't? It's far in the future but if there is this possibility right in front of us of needing to let each other go in the future so as to not take this away from or force it upon the other, then what would be the best way to go about this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Do self-respecting guys lose respect for women who always say yes to sex?

    Personally, I am in a long-term, committed relationship with a pretty amazing man and I happen to have a high sex drive, so I'm honestly in the mood most of the time. Not necessarily horny all the time, but like, ready to go. I wouldn't say yes if I was feeling sick or something, which I have actually asked to stop in the middle of sex because I started to not feel well and he was very good about it. But do you think he would lose respect for me for being "easy" because I have such a high sex drive? Or is that even more of a turn-on?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • What should I get him for Christmas?

    I've already gotten him cologne, but I'd like to get him something more. He's a university student who cares a lot about his fashion, he loves food, he's a body builder, he has a beard, and he loves expensive cars but is not rich, by any means. I'm not sure if he'd appreciate something practical, "manly" or romantic more... He is a pretty cheesy guy and is very secure in his masculinity so is definitely not the type to get weirded out at something cheesy or romantic. What are your thoughts?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • My friend is starting to show inappropriate behaviour towards my boyfriend. What would you do?

    She's my best friend's older sister and was also friends with my older sister years ago until she started to treat her poorly and was showing inappropriate behaviour towards her boyfriend, too. In that case, she was obviously just using him. She would message him way more than my sister, and asked him to do stuff for her like drive her here, there and everywhere, and just things that somebody wouldn't typically go to a friend's boyfriend for. Just very much an opportunist. Anyway, she's started this behaviour with my boyfriend, to the point where it makes me kind of uncomfortable. He and I bumped into her gong to a concert and ended up all standing in line together, and it was quite cold out. So as he was holding my hand, she decided to go and cuddle up to him. Not in a super platonic way, but in a way that I, being his girlfriend, would cuddle up to him to seek warmth. It obviously made him uncomfortable but he didn't say anything because a) he's too nice/oblivious and b) he thinks we're really close. Then after that, she was texting him throughout the concert to come and stand where she was. And she's only met him about three times. I'm kind of uncomfortable because I know that she has a history with going for guys who are in relationships... I don't feel threatened and I trust my boyfriend wholeheartedly, but I know that he's too nice sometimes and can be very oblivious, and I do not trust her. What would you do in this case?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Is this normal in a relationship?

    Okay, first time I asked this question people completely misunderstood me... I'll rephrase a little.

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost nine months and we are very happy together. It's very clear that he is very invested in me and this relationship, and it's the same for me. Recently I've had a couple of dreams about him cheating on me, and it really bothers me because cheating, for me, is the worst thing somebody could do in a relationship and I know he would never do that. (I am aware that these dreams are not real, just whatever meaning behind them bothered me) He knows about these dreams because I told him (only with the intention of confiding in him), and just the other day he had a dream that he and I were "getting busy" and then all of a sudden I told him to stop and that we couldn't do this anymore, because he had a girlfriend and he was super confused because I'm his girlfriend, and it really disturbed him. Lately he's been checking in with me to see if I'm okay with him doing stuff like going for coffee with a girl, complimenting a girl or whatever else (without me ever asking him to, he just does it on his own). I've always trusted him with that stuff because I know how serious he is about us, and I still do, but I can't help but wonder why all of this is happening. Again, I am aware that me having dreams does not mean that my boyfriend is actually cheating on me. Have you ever experienced this in a relationship?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Is this normal in a relationship?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost nine months and we are very happy together. It's very clear that he is very invested in me and this relationship, and it's the same for me. Recently I've had a couple of dreams about him cheating on me, and it really bothers me because cheating, for me, is the worst thing somebody could do in a relationship. I've talked to him about these dreams, and just the other day he had a dream that he and I were "getting busy" and then all of a sudden I told him to stop and that we couldn't do this anymore, because he had a girlfriend and he was super confused because I'm his girlfriend, and it really disturbed him. He's been checking in with me a lot more now to see if I'm okay with him doing stuff like going for coffee with a girl, complimenting a girl or whatever else. I've always trusted him with that stuff because I know how serious he is about us, and I still do, but I can't help but wonder why all of this is happening. Is this normal in a relationship?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Am I showing signs of being pregnant?

    I m 19 years old and am sexually active, and my boyfriend and I have always used contraceptives (usually male condoms). I had a Kyleena IUD inserted two weeks ago because my doctor recommended it, and about 9 days ago my boyfriend and I tried intercourse without a condom because I was assured that it was okay, and let s just say he didn t pull out. I think that I m definitely overthinking this and might be creating the signs in my own head because we ve never done that before and I m paranoid of having an unwanted pregnancy. Also, my boyfriend said he didn t feel the strings from the IUD so I checked myself and cannot find the strings at all. I ve been feeling nauseous in the afternoon and evening every day, having cravings and I m spotting (although I know the IUD causes spotting too). It s super early, so do you think I m just being ridiculous and paranoid? Or could these actually be signs?

    2 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • What are some good, creative couple costumes for Halloween that haven't been done a million times?

    My boyfriend and I want to do a couple costume and we kind of want to highlight the fact that we are an interracial couple (he's East Indian and I'm french Canadian) because we're proud of that. But it doesn't have to highlight that, just a thought. Anyway, he suggested "salt and pepper" but I just think that's too simple. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersHalloween4 years ago
  • How do I handle my own insecurities with my boyfriend?

    I'm a 19 year old girl with folliculitis. I've had it for about six years and it's been a major insecurity of mine for that whole time. This insecurity makes me really nervous when it comes to becoming intimate with my boyfriend, so I'm just looking for some advice as to how to handle this insecurity in front of him. I trust him not to judge me or think any less of me because of it, but it's still something that sits uncomfortably at the back of my mind. Any tips on how to deal with that?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • My ex boyfriend added the guy I'm currently dating on facebook- what should I do?

    I broke up with my ex boyfriend about 10 months ago, after we dated for 4 months. We've been broken up for literally more than twice the amount of time we were together. We had been friends before we started dating, as we went to high school together and had many mutual friends, and so after I broke up with him I tried to be friends with him still. He continued to pursue me even after breaking up with him. The last time I saw him was a few weeks ago at a bar and he was very drunk and trying to kiss me and saying inappropriate things to me and just making me very uncomfortable, so I left and I haven't spoken to him since.

    So, that brings me to the point of my question. I recently started dating a really great guy who I met through my sister and would have had no contact with me or my high-school friends otherwise. I posted a picture of the two of us on Instagram a few days ago and so word got out about the two of us. Last night, my ex boyfriend added this guy I'm dating on facebook. He found it funny that my ex boyfriend is that petty, and I found it funny too until I started to think about why he would do that. He's obviously getting at something, but I don't know exactly what and I don't know whether to ignore it and not give him the attention he wants, or to call him out and tell him to stay out of my business. What do you think I should do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I'm really interested in this guy- how should I go about it?

    Okay, so first things first, I know that this is an important detail because of the "bro code"- this guy happens to be my ex boyfriend's friend. Like, the only way I know him is through said ex boyfriend (who I broke up with just about a year ago). Anyway, moving forward. I've met him twice now, both times well after I became single. This guy is a total comic book nerd, he's sweet, funny, has great taste in music, and, not to mention, is super cute. And he seems to be a gentleman, as both times we were at the bar, I'd go out to my car for something and he'd walk me out every time, and he's offered to drive me home if I felt unsafe on the road (which would put him out of his way at least half an hour). Last time we were at the bar, I finally turned down a drunk guy incessantly hitting on me. He expressed that he commended this drunk guy for having the courage to at least try, because he wouldn't knowing he would not succeed, which shows a lack of self-confidence which may be an important factor. Anyway, the last time we talked he and I recommended a movie for the other to watch, and he said that I would have to report back to him after watching said movie. So I said, "next time?" And he agreed. (Probably a good opportunity for me to get his number, but I'm just as awkward as he is). I think this same group of friends is supposed to have another get together at the end of the month so we'll see what happens. I honestly have no idea how to go about this. What do you recommend??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I don't feel the same way for my boyfriend anymore and I don't know what to do?

    So I've been dating a guy who started off as a friend for about a month now, and I had had a crush on him for at least a month or two prior to dating. He had a girlfriend at the time so I didn't intend on doing anything about it, and even when he broke up with her I still decided to keep it low key, but he ended up making the first move and I was honestly really, really happy. For the first few weeks it was perfect, he is a complete sweetheart, he gets along so, so well with my family and friends, and he and I just work so well together in general. He told me he loved me after only a few days of dating, and I reciprocated because that's how I felt at the time. But only in the last couple of weeks have things changed for me.. I seem to have lost the spark while his seems to be fully ignited still. I don't feel the same way about him anymore, and I feel absolutely terrible but when we're together our time seems to drag on, I don't enjoy getting very cuddly, and I don't know why but I actually dread kissing him... I feel so, so bad. I don't know where this is coming from and I wish it wasn't like this, but I've been really trying to push the negativity out but I can't seem to bring myself back to that point of being happy with him and wanting to build on our relationship. I know this isn't even a good reason to break up with him, but it's not fair to drag him along if I'm harbouring feelings like this. What do I do? How do I end this without hurting him too much?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Please help, I'm caught in a predicament between my boyfriend and best friend and don't know what to do?

    So I just started being friends with this really awesome guy about six months ago, and we started dating about three weeks ago. After literally a matter of days after dating he said that he loved me, and then apologized since it was so early, but I thought that I felt it so I said it back. I still don't know if I really do, I really thought so until my best friend of 16 years came back from being away for a year. (We're all 18 by the way). I've kind of always known that he liked me, and he apparently confirmed it to my family when he was visiting over Christmas break. I was dating someone else at the time, but this guy he did not approve of (and had reason) and told my family that he was planning on finally working up the nerve to ask me out when he came home, but found that I was dating someone. He then told them that he was coming back home because of me. I have always been very closed-minded to the idea because we've been best friends for almost our entire lives, and so I put it out of my mind. As soon as he came back last week I started to feel different about him, and about my own boyfriend which I feel absolutely terrible about. My family loves this guy, but they also love my best friend and have wanted us to get together forever. I just feel so bad because I've only been dating this guy for a short amount of time and was fairly certain about him until pretty much the moment my best friend came back. What do you think about this? I really don't want to cause any hurt :(

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • He asked me for coffee, how should I go about this?

    Help- he asked me for coffee and I don't know how to go about this?

    Long story short, one of my best friends and I have feelings for each other, but it's not all out on the table. I know about his feelings for me because he told my mom, and also told her that he sees me as being way out of his league. He doesn't know that I reciprocate the feelings. Anyway, he had a girlfriend until about three days ago, so I never acted on anything because of that (he didn't either, but broke up with her because it wasn't fair and he didn't see her in his future), and I still haven't because the breakup is still very recent. So we spend a lot of time together, like a LOT of time, and we're been best friends for about 5 months now so he invited me for coffee this week and I think it's becoming more evident that we have feelings for each other, although it's not out in the open so I don't know how to go about this coffee thing... What do you think I should do?? I'm really awkward in this type of situation so I have absolutely no clue.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I know that he likes me and I like him, but he doesn't know that I know or that I like him?

    First off, high school drama, I know. I just graduated and I am 18, and I know that one of my best friends and I have feelings for each other (he, too, is 18 and just graduated). I've liked him for about a month or so, and we really have only been friends for about 5 months and have spent so much time together that we're super close now. He kinda always gave indications that he liked me, but nothing outward because he did have a girlfriend and so I decided to put it out of my mind. However when we were just hanging out he told me and my family that he was planning on breaking up with his girlfriend soon because they just wanted such different things. Still, I decided to keep quiet because he still had a girlfriend. But my mom spoke to him in private, had him admit that he likes me but sees me as being way out of his league. So, yesterday he told me that he had broken up with his girlfriend the day before. Again, I remained quiet about my feelings because he was freshly out of a committed relationship. So I don't want to be outward with my feelings because I want to respect him and his now ex-girlfriend and not rush anything, but I still need to let him know that I am interested and that I am not out of his league... What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I really like him and apparently he likes me too, what should I do about this?

    I have had a crush on one of my best friends for a while now. We've only really been friends for about 4-5 months but we've gotten so close and hung out almost every day, and in that entire time he's never made a move or done anything remotely suggestive of liking me (however I have picked up on his emerge). Anyway, he has a girlfriend (who is very controlling, might I add), so I decided to leave my feelings alone and just be friends. The other day he was at my house and he was talking about his girlfriend, and the fact that they want such different things in life and he just doesn't see her in his future, so he was trying to figure out how to end that but let her down easy because he doesn't want to hurt her. Later my mom drove him home (without me), and she basically asked him how he felt about me, he confessed that he has feelings for me but wants to let his girlfriend down easy, wants to strengthen our friendship and sees me as being out of his league and thinks I'd never see him that way. So, I don't know what to do. He said that either way he needs to break up with his girlfriend but I don't want to take advantage of that fact, and I don't want to rush anything. But I want him to know that I am not out of his league and that he does, in fact, have a chance. How do I go about this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How do I let him know that I'm not out of his league?

    So long story short, I've become very, very close friends with a guy I've gone to school with songs grade 7, only in the last four months because of the school play. We worked very closely together in our roles (I was his boss, he was my secretary) for three months and just became best friends during and after. So basically I've developed feelings for him, and I've detected that he may have feelings for me. Yesterday he came over to watch a movie and stayed for like, seven hours. He didn't have his car so my mom drove him home, insisting that I didn't come for the ride. Later she told me that he had confessed to having strong feelings for me, but he puts me so much higher above himself and believes that I am out of his league and unattainable (he calls me humble and nice all the time so apparently it's not my actions...) although we are both dorks, as my mom said. He also said that he wants to keep growing our friendship before trying anything because he doesn't want to lose me (which I totally support). So how do I discreetly let him know that I am not, in fact, out of his league?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I just broke up with my boyfriend and I think it was a mistake?

    I was dating one of my closest friends for almost four months until a few days ago when I broke up with him. At the beginning he was great, and he would bend over backwards to make me happy. Lately there's been some drama in our friend group and he started treating me different. Then my mom had a conversation with him just to get to know him and he basically thought she was telling him he was possessive of me and that he'd scare me off, so when I went on vacation after he barely spoke to me, even when I came back and was very sick. So I was very upset and thought that he just didn't want to be with me, and I made the decision to break up with him. So when I did, we both agreed we were better as friends, and so we had a great visit after and are still going to grad together (his idea). But afterward I actually started thinking about how I felt and realized I wish I hadn't made that decision. I don't know if it would work out in the future but I realized that we could have given it another shot and at least ended the school year off together. We're both upgrading next year too so that's either a good thing or a bad thing. He seemed like he was on the same page with the breakup, but we've been talking and we're both going through the "you don't realize what you have til it's gone" thing, and I don't know what to make of that. (This was my first time breaking up with someone so I don't know how well I handled it). Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Singles & Dating5 years ago
  • I'm planning on breaking up with my boyfriend today and I'm kinda freaking out..?

    So I've been dating a close friend of mine for almost four months now and I feel that it's time to end it. It was great at first, he was really trying to change for the better and to treat me the way I deserve to be treated, but that's come to an end. Long story short, here are my biggest reasons: he rarely talks to me anymore since I came back from vacation two weeks ago (although he barely seemed interested in talking to me while I was gone), he rarely seems interested in what's going on with me, he doesn't seem to value or admire me as a person (ex. He makes fun of me when I tell stories to anyone and he's there), he checked up on me once when I was sick for three weeks with strep throat and scarlet fever and even then it seemed like an obligation, he gives me a hurt look when and if he makes eye contact with me and as far as I know I haven't done anything to hurt him, he's been avoiding me for the past two weeks, he doesn't really make an effort with my family, and I could go on and on but most of all, I don't see myself with him anymore. I really do care about him and I want to stay friends but he is the type of person who will be a victim and make me feel very bad. I know that he won't take it well, and he's a very emotional person so I'm scared to do it but I know it needs to be done. How should I go about this without hurting him too bad??

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago