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  • Question for X-tians?

    How do you or are you able to deal with the "fact" that your beliefs are entirely based on myths of Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians?

    Examples: From Egyptian culture

    Horus = Jesus

    Ptah = creator of the world by his own words

    Khnum = created all men on a "potter's wheel"

    Aker = lion-god, one who meets all people at the last gate of the judgment

    Field of Reeds = Egyptians believed this is where all deceased whose hearts weren't heavy with sin got a plot of land

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why can't theists realize that "God" has no religion?

    Ask yourselves Why would a (supreme, everlasting, omnipotent, ever-present being); who is powerful enough to create and destroy everything "need" ......

    Worship, sacrifice, prayers, praise, thanksgiving, etc?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how many former christians felt liberated when you accepted rational truth of atheism?

    Until very recently, twenty minutes ago to be exact I was a die-hard Conservative, Republican, Bible believing Christian. But then this jackass who is in complete support of the WBC (westboro baptist church) kept saying I am not a real Christian, because I would not accept 'his way' of thinking.

    Then I came across a bunch of information that describes in detail 'virgin births', 'resurrected saviors', and so on that are spoken of in the bible. After a great deal of torment in my mind, I went to a Jewish site that explains evolution from the point of view of most Jewish Rabbis and how a great number of them believe evolution can co-exist with religion.

    Well, that is when it all hits me - I am done with all the crap that comes from trying to live a lie. Christianity can't be the total answer because it is filled with human errors and copied from other cultures / religions. So, now I feel like the world has been lifted off my shoulders.

    So, was wondering if anyone who gave up Christianity felt the same as I do now? Free :)

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone, "seriously" wanting to learn about Christianity?

    Now, that I know the goal of certain individuals; within Yahoo! Answers (R&S section).;_ylt=AtKrI...

    I have decided to use my time, talents, and prayers; on those individuals seriously wanting to learn about Christianity. Please, do not hesitate to ask and I promise to do my best to answer. The Best Answer will be chosen from among those, who are wanting to 'learn' about the Christian faith.


    All "drinking game" responses will be ignored, by me. No more wasting time, on those people who are not really wanting to learn about Christianity. After all, logically speaking, that is the purpose behind R&S -- Questions & Answers. The eternal condition of a person's soul is not a game and should not be treated as one.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have a lot of questions for those who believe in the theory of evolution...?

    (1) Why do you blindly believe in science that is mixed with non-scientific truths?; (2) According to your world-view answer the following: (a) What is your value; (b) Where did you come from; (c) What will happen when you die; (3) How can a Big Bang come from nothing?; (4) If the Earth is millions or billions of years old - why isn't there a much larger desert in existence (than the Sahara)?; (5) IF the Earth is billions of years old - why hasn't the Gulf of Mexico been completely filled with mud? The Mississippi River deposits 80,000 tons of sediment an hour.; (6) IF the Earth is millions or billions of years old - why does oil still have pressure? It is held under pressure at 20,000 psi for approx 10,000 years. ; (7) IF Earth is billions of years old why doesn't the present population numbers reflect that amount of time?; (8) How can 'nothing' become hot liquid rock to primodial soup and become all known kinds of life on Earth?; (9) Why isn't matter evenly distributed?

    19 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • How can Christians hold the Bible as 'God's true word' ......?

    Since there is evidence that in 140 A.D a man named Marcion, put together a Bible that rejected the Old Testament. He then rewrote a lot of the New Testament. Which motivated the church leaders to make a decision to officially recognize what books made up the New Testament Canon?

    Follow-up questions::

    And IF you think about it, isn't there a possiblity that these men are just like you and I. They let personal opinions and ideals influence what they say and write?

    So, is that literary work still the "true" word of God or is it the word of god "according to a few select and priviledged men"?

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why would anyone who likes science, still believe in the 'theory of evolution' ....?

    After reading scientific evidence for an Intelligent Designer?

    "It is hard to fathom, but the amount of information in human DNA is roughly equivalent to 12 sets of The Encyclopaedia Britannica—an incredible 384 volumes" worth of detailed information that would fill 48 feet of library shelves!"

    "Yet in their actual size—which is only two millionths of a millimeter thick—a teaspoon of DNA, according to molecular biologist Michael Denton, could contain all the information needed to build the proteins for all the species of organisms that have ever lived on the earth, and "there would still be enough room left for all the information in every book ever written" (Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, 1996, p. 334)."

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question for all Atheists --- Request for all Christians?

    Would you please, accept my deepest apology, for the attitude I 'used' to have about Atheism and Evolution?

    Some may be wondering: where did this sudden change come from?

    Well, in all honestly from an article, which I literally finished reading; just before asking my question of Atheists and putting my request to Christians.

    ALL CHRISTIANS ::: Please, do yourself a favor, read it.

    Trust me, it will open your heart and mind to the pain that Atheists are made to go through everyday --- because of 'faith' being shoved down their throats!!

    Why are churches doing this? Why are pastors, parents, grand-parents, other family and even friends "forcing Beliefs and Faith" on people? IF church members are responsible for driving people away, who do you think God 'should' hold accountable?

    (The arrows at the bottom of the page do not work, the subject links to the left work fine.)

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question for all Atheists?

    When you look in the mirror and say 'there is no god'; do you feel like you are lying to yourself or are not totally "convinced" of what you are saying?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think about these FACTS?

    "While certain media boldly report that there were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January. Since the onset of the war in Iraq there have been over 70,000 murders in the US. "

    And what about all these FACTS?

    When some claim that President Bush shouldn't have started this war, state the following:

    A. FDR led us into World War II.

    B. Germany never attacked us; Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost .. An average of 112,500 per year.

    C. Truman finished that war and started one in Korea . North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost ... An average of 18,334 per year.

    D. John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked us.

    E. Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent. Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden' s head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing.

    15 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Are you a 'Good Person' and is that enough in the eyes of God Jehovah?

    1. Have I always loved God my Creator with all my heart, mind, soul and strength?

    2. Have I made a god in my own image, a god to suit myself?

    3. Have I ever used God's name in vain?

    4. Have I kept the Sabbath holy?

    5. Have I always honored my parents implicitly?

    6. Have I murdered (God considers hatred as murder)?

    7. Have I committed adultery (including premarital sex and lust)?

    8. Have I stolen (the value is irrelevant)?

    9. Have I lied (including fibs and these questions)?

    10. Have I coveted (been greedy or materialistic)?

    If you have answered 'Yes' to any of the above questions, the answer is no. God does not determine our futures based on what We think of ourselves. He bases it on How we followed His Word and If we put our complete trust in Him and His Son Jesus Christ.

    Sorry, folks but - God' Kingdom has laws and consequences for disobedience. It is time to stop "SUGAR COATING" things and start speaking the truth about HIS WORD.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this evidence, which supports the Bible?

    The Arch of Titus, in Rome, Italy - depicts the attack of Jerusalem by the Romans. In one panel the Romans are seen carrying off the items, that are described in the Temple of Jerusalem by The Torah and the Old Testament of the Bible. By the way, this destruction was predicted by Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:1-2)

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago