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Well, lets see! I have been married to my husband for 8 years, we have a very long history which is 16 years..And when we were finally able to be together, our relationship and marriage were definately tested, by problems you couldnt even imagine..I myself could not believe i was like "man does god just not want us together or what?" But my husband and i promised eachother from the begining that we were not going to be like most couples for example, that just because we have been together for so long that our intimacy would go to the dogs, and that we would fall into a rutt, and our intimacy would get boring and drab and have no passin to it. Couples tend to think "well, were married now so i dont have to try anymore" the ol bait and switch! Well thats why there is cheating and divorces..And yes we have 4 kids, we work hard to stay in shape, we both work and go to school..But we love eachother deeply, so we want to make eachother that is something we can help w/.

  • Restoreing Deleted E-mails?

    Ok it is an e-mail i have through another website< and they provide the e-mail system, i only get an e-mail through my yahoo e-mail to tell me i have an e-mail there< well on that site i deleted it on the other site is here anyway i can get it back, it is so important, i cant believe i deleted it! would it be in my hard drive somewhere? PLEASE HELP ME if possible

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Bush Cares about the ones struggling more than Obama?

    I have seen in many questions and answers people saying Bush does not care about us poor people well i disagree very much!

    My husband and i are poor we make about 20,000 a year, before taxes of course, LOL. along with haveing 4 kids. We were very loyal workers for the company we worked for, and busted our bums for quit a few years. President Bush use to give all of us working families a stimulus check, that way we could go out and spend some money, because after all that is why it was called a "stimulus check" it was to be used to "stimulate" the economy, so that way we could help people keep their jobs, and businesses stay open. Of course that was the 1st thing Obama took away from us "POOR PEOPLE." and gave it to the big businesses instead, MILLIONS! my husband and i were living in a 2 bdrm. trailer trying to save up to get a house and a car, but Obama's 1st month in office took that away from us, in the approximate amount of 6,000.00 over 4 years we would have gotten

    Now lets move on to the 2nd thing. My husband worked in a steel mill for 12 yrs, Then he went to college for 3 years and got an associates degree. W/ that degree he went to work @ a hospitail for 4 yrs, before they had to make cut backs, instead of getting unemployment, he went right back to work a week and a half later. We went and got a job together since we only had 1 car and kids, well we had worked there for 5 yrs. we got laid off November 8, 2008, I was team leader, and quality control. My husband was a machine op. he made 8.25 an hr. I made 8.50 an hr, and of course they took out for medical insurance, and eye insurance plus 401 k and life ins. So THANK GOD FOR MR. BUSH!! before he left office he signed the bill for the extensions for unemployment, because he knew that all the businesses were not going to be up and running so quick. Well Obama signed to extend unemployment for 6 more wks, and now there is a deadline & if you do not exhaust the benefits you have on your current tier before april 4, 2010 you will not get your next tier. There are people who are only on there 1st, and 2nd tier & they will not even get the 3rd & 4th. There are 4 tiers in unemployment, & as far as i can remember, Bush signed for 3 out of those 4. The people who are on their 1st & 2nd tiers have just got on unemployment. so bare that in mind when you want to say that George Bush did not care about us poor people.

    As for the Health Care reform they passed! let me tell you this before i continue. Since we got laid off we had to go get medicaid insurance for our kids. & of course we got to keep our insurance from work till the end of the month that we got laid off. unless we wanted to pay 500.00 a month to keep it. So now my kids have medical, I just started getting medicail, & that is only because i found out that i have a terminal illness. As for my husband he has NOTHING! you know why? because they say his income(unemployment) is an UNEARNED income, even though he has worked for a little over 20 years all together with his 3 jobs he had in his whole life. Now that being said, Health Care Reform is not a good thing. It is going to tax everything to pay for this, includeing budget cuts from our kids schools, and probably the police and fireman services. It is going to give us the crappiest Drs. in each State, County, or City you live in. I am talking about the Drs. that normally us poor folks wouldnt even take our dieing dog to. Also, if you are in need of a specialist,(like me) you are going to have the crappiest 1 in your area, and on top of that you will be put on a waiting list, due to the amount of people who are also haveing to go to the specialist, Do you know how many people that is going to be how many people who are going to be put on this HCR? Let me give you an example of how this is going to be in the future. In France, if you are on the National Health Coverage aka (frances' Health Care Reform) if youre a patient w/ heart failure, the waiting list is so long for a transplant unless you're rich, or a youg child. People like us, you know what the DR does for you? He gives you a chair, You know why he gives you a chair? to sit in & die! Thats why the french come to the USA for medical, along with other countries also.

    Sorry this is so long! I apologize. But these are my opinions. Obama is on the verge of turning this into a Socailist Country! Next, he is going to be takeing away our guns, which is also a bunch of crap. I also heard he is doing away w/ all welfare services Again these are my opinions. It is not to offend anybody, I apologize if i have.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • PLEASE PLEASE HELP AS SOON AS POS. i can not open ANYTHING up on my computer?

    a spy wear program popped up on our computer, and we already have AVG this one is called youre pc protector, well now fire fox wont open only internet explorer, i go to download spybot and all it does is save to my folder but it wont go no further, its not even download and when i click on it in my folder it wont even open, i tried restarting it the only thing it does then is that spywear thing pops up it will not go away, even our picassa wont open, and now i have to use internet explorer and even now as i am doing this it is flickering, how can i fix this?? PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • i need to know about backgrounds?

    i have been working on getting a background on a webpage of mine,, so i have been going to yahoo images, and google images, when i find one i click it to view full size the save as to my comp. then after i save as its only 300x300 how many megapixels should a background be?(if its a full size bg) Also what is a table? (for a background)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Louisiana, How cold does it get? where does it stay fairly warm?

    What is the coldest it gets in louisiana? I am from Ohio So it gets real cold here in the winter, so i wont be surprised!! But what areas does it stay fairly warm all year round and what are the temps?

    3 AnswersNew Orleans1 decade ago
  • want to move from ohio to Louisiana?

    my husband and i want to move out of Ohio, It is so bad here not to mention depressing, jobs are real bad... where is the best area to move to in Louisiana? We want to be somewhat in the country but not to far from the area where we arent too far from the bayou..I dont want to be in an area where people pay high prices for their homes we are far from being any of this possible?

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • to louisiana residents?

    hi my husband and i are so, so, so, sick of ohio, its so depressing, and i am trying to find a web address to view some newspapers online, so i am able to view some classifieds can u guys give me some web addresses, i would so greatly appreciate it..

    5 AnswersNew Orleans1 decade ago
  • the value of 2 Football cards?

    Does anyone know of a website i can go to to check to see what these 2 ft.ball cards are worth? They are 23 karat gold from 1997. One is of Bart Starr from the greenbay packers, and the other one is of super bowl champions from superbowl 1 - superbowl 31. He has looked on alot of sites includeing scoreboard which is the company they are from. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • has anybody heard of this brand of computer?

    can someone tell me who makes the brand of computers called e-machine and are they ne good, and if you had the choice would you pick compaq or emachine same price just the compaq has a smaller screen

    7 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Does anybody here know any german? I need translation if possible PLEASE?

    PLEASE, if anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated. My husband was doing a job for a friend at a landfill and he came across these papers aome look to be birth certificates, bank statements, and maybe a book someone was beginning to draft they are dated 1900,1949, 1938 so on and so forth . i would just like to have a couple words translated or something or see where i could go like are there certain dealers or something i could take them to.

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • anybody who knows cameras please?

    Me and my wife are doing some modeling. we need a goood camera to take photos, will be able to scan them and keep their quality in a price range of about 100-200 dollars can i use a digital or should i use a regular camera,also what type is best to use. It will be used to send scanned pictures over the net alot, but also for personal. the pictures HAVE to be excellent quality and for the job has to be 600 x 800 (what does that mean?) any help or tip would be most helpful and appreciated..

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Can anybody PLEASE give me a DEFINATE for sure answer on this?

    My husband and i have never been in a financial problem like this, infact i am a little embarassed to even let people know this, but i really need a little advice. For the last few years we have been paying on some small bills we owe from when we were younger and more careless. and we started with the small bills and were working our way up to the larger ones. Well now we are being taken to court by a creditor, and they are sueing my husband.. So my question is, can they go after our income tax? I tried looking on the internet and i found a site someone had asked that but there was one person who said yes and another one said no..I live in ohio... The person who said no said they cant touch your state or federal taxes only for child support and student loans and if you owe them money..Attorneys do not want to answer your questions over the phone, they want you to come in and pay them first..I really need to know this!

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago