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  • What does "advanced green" mean at a stoplight in the US?

    There s a intersection with a stoplight outside one of my apartment entrances and it has an "advanced green" sign hanging next to the light. A lot of people will take this exit when the road outside the main entrance gets too backed up in the morning to make a left turn, so at this "advanced green" light people will usually makes left turns. One time I used it a while ago, and the light turned green. Even though there was no green arrow, and there was traffic on the opposite side of the light, the people in front of me still turned without yielding, so I hesitated for a second, but the oncoming traffic was still sitting there so I went. So is it essentially a green arrow?

    2 AnswersSafety4 years ago
  • How do I get this guy to stop messaging me on Facebook?

    It's a guy I used to know from high school. He needed permission to join a group that I happened to be part of so I approved him, and he used that as an excuse to message me. This started Saturday afternoon, and it's still going on (although I have started lagging in my replies). I would have used some excuse at the end of Saturday, but he hadn't replied to my message after a few hours, so I assumed he was done, until BAM he messaged me right before I went to bed, so I ignored him for the night cause it was late. One time I went to a convention with my friends freshman year of college and he happened to be there so we chatted a bit, afterwards my friends said they could tell he was interested in me. Well another time he also asked me if I wanted to do lunch together and I said no. So I'm afraid he's going to ask me out eventually, but nothing yet, and it's annoying. He keeps asking me about my life and I answer - but I don't ask him anything and he still manages to come up with a reply. I really hate messaging in general, and I really feel like he's going to ask me out. What do I say to him to get him to stop? Sorry for the lengthiness.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Applying for job that requires bachelors degree, don't have one yet. What do I indicate for highest level of education completed?

    Obviously, I indicated this on my resume. But on the actual application, there's a drop down list in which I have to choose the highest level of education completed. I'm afraid that if I'm honest and say high school (since there is no option for currently completing a degree) that there is some sort of algorithm set to reject anyone that doesn't select a bachelors degree or above. But if I say I do have a bachelors degree, I'm afraid they'll think I'm outright lying to them, even though I have indicated on my resume I will have my degree this May. Which one should I pick?

  • Can someone that understands Japanese tell me if this snack is still good or not?

    I bought it as a gift for one of my professors right before Christmas, however, I failed to see the date on the other side for December 29, 2015. TBH I don t remember was the snack/candy was, so I want someone to tell me if it really is expired by now or if it s really still good. Here are the pics:

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • Anyone that can understand Japanese well, please explain to me what this guy means?

    I asked this guy when his birthday was and he replied 2月ガスバーナー誕生日だよ!もうすぐ!

    I get the もうすぐ and February part, but when I looked up the katakana I keep getting "gas burner?" what does he mean?

    1 AnswerLanguages5 years ago
  • If I take the GMAT abroad, will it be offered in English?

    I m studying abroad in Japan, and saw that I could take it in my city. But I can t find out if it will be offered in English or not.

    2 AnswersStudying Abroad6 years ago
  • A good laptop for school/study abroad?

    I m going to study abroad this fall semester, and I don t want to take my current laptop since it s a massive gaming one. I m going to get another one, and I would like to keep within a $400 budget if possible? It would be for school work and browsing the internet, and I don t want it to to be too big. It would be great if it could handle video editing too, but I know that s unlikely.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • If I can handle getting a bikini wax will I be handle getting my eyebrows threaded?

    I'm going to get my eyebrows threaded for the first time today and I'm nervous because I've heard it hurts. I've never even plucked my eyebrows (or done anything to my eyebrows) so I have no clue what the pain is like. I've also heard that if your eyebrow hair is thicker it will hurt more, and mine is. So if I can handle getting a bikini wax should I be okay with getting my eyebrows threaded?

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style6 years ago
  • ASUS g75vw laptop CD drive not working?

    I'll put in any CD, and it will make the winding-up sort of noise as if it is loading the CD, but then the noise will die down as if it's stopped loading it. It just keeps doing this over and over until I take the CD out, and it will never allow me to use the CD (ex. a music CD - I try to play it or import it and it can't do either)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Trying to get in contact with a guy i met on vacation but not sure what to do?

    Ok so I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I met him Tuesday at a resort, and he approached me. We hung out for a bit (we were at the pool/beach and my parents were at tennis) and we got back to my chair and my mom was there so I basically told him that my mom was there and I was gonna go chill with her. Us hanging out for a bit was kind of awkward for me so I was ready to be done with it haha.

    I ended up seeing him at the pool Thursday but never said hi to him because I didn't feel like hanging out with him again. But then Friday came and I felt sad because I knew he was leaving on that day. Ever since then I've kind of missed him and I feel like the way I ended our time made me seem like a jerk to say the least.

    Due to some key info he gave me, I was able to track down his dad on facebook. However, even though the father lists family relationships, I couldn't find his son. I'm pretty certain that if he had a FB account I would have found it yesterday, so the only way I can try and contact him is through his dad.

    (Btw, if anyone is wondering why I waited so long it's because I just got back yesterday)

    So I really don't want to have to contact his dad. I'm really nervous that with the way I ended our time he might have complained (don't feel like that is the right word) to his parents even though I know he was interested in me? What do I do? Do I give the dad my number to give to him or ask for his son's number? Do I apologize too? Any help would be appreciated!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • No longer possible to make a Japanese itunes account?

    There is this free Japanese game I want, so I switched my itunes to Japan and started making an account. But when I got to the credit card part, it wouldn t give me an option for "none" (なし) like all of the guides are showing, and so now I am required to have CC info for the account. I know I can buy itunes giftcard for Japan, but I don t want to do that when the game is free.

    2 AnswersJapan6 years ago
  • logitech wireless mouse suddenly not working?

    I used it this morning and it was fine. Then I turned it off as usual and put it in my bookbag and drove 5 hours back to college. I turned it on and suddenly I can t move the cursor with my wireless mouse, however, it clicks just fine. I put my laptop on sleep mode so it couldn t have been anything with my laptop.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Is it true that you re not supposed to ask for a recommendation letter from a professor you've only had once?

    I want to apply for a scholarship and I need two recommendation letters, but one of them has to be from one of my business professors (the other professor is one I've had for 5 semester because it was a language class). The problem is, I've never had the same business professor twice for a class before (and at my school that is pretty common for a business major). My friends told me that I should only ask for a recommendation letter if I've had the professor more than once, but they are also in a really small department, in which it's common for them to have the same professor 3+ times.

  • Where to have security fob feature removed from my car?

    The previous owner of my car had a security feature installed in which you have a key fob that you have to have near the ignition in order for the car to start. However, it's starting to mess up (I'll turn the key with the fob in hand and it will take multiple tries to start) and I know it's not my battery because I just had it replaced.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Just installed Euro Truck Simulator 2 and it won t launch at all?

    I bought it on steam a week ago and just installed it (along with the Going East DLC). When I click play my cursor just spins for a bit and that s it. Same with any of the other 3 options to launch it. I know it has nothing to do with my steam client because my other steam games are launching just fine.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers6 years ago
  • Is it possible to major in International Business and then get a master's in Finance?

    I'm a junior in college and taking my first finance class (as required by my major) and I really enjoy it. I was thinking about switching to finance as a major but if I did I would have 10 classes to take and I wouldn't have enough time since I plan on studying abroad for a semester.

  • Anyone that's good at finding the modified internal rate of return (reinvstment approach), please tell me what I did wrong?

    Ok, so the rate for the project is 9.5%, and I have to use the reinvestment approach. H ere are the cash flows as follows:

    YR 0 = -150,000.00

    YR 1 = 65,000.00

    YR 2 = 52,500.00

    YR 3 = 48,000.00

    YR 4 = 45,000.00

    YR 5 = -28,000.00

    I found the future value of years 1-4 in terms of year 5 and here they are:

    YR 1 = -93447.96

    YR 2 = -68928.95

    YR 3 = -57553.20

    YR 4 = -49275.00

    I added them all to -28,000.00 and got -297,205.11. Therefore, all cash flows are 0 except for year 0 and 5. But when I put this in my calculator (the way you would find IRR of course), I got an error message, because both year 0 and the combined cash flows for year 5 (-297,205.11) are negative. I just need someone to tell me where I messed up.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Need help identifying a Neil Diamond song?

    I'm pretty sure the song is a cover he did, and apparently at one point in the song he sings "I know it" over and over.

    2 AnswersLyrics7 years ago
  • Switched wifi network at home, now my iPhone can't send imessages?

    My parents had Comcast come out the other day and fix our wifi since it wasn't working on my mom's Kindle. In the process we switched from one wifi network to another. It works on my laptop and my iPhone just fine, but for some reason whenever I try to send an imessage (to someone that should be able to receive them) it doesn't work, and I didn't have this problem before the wifi got changed. The wifi works on my phone though so how do I fix this?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago