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I'm a 20-year-old living in Montana. I'm passionate about animals and keep a large variety, including corn snakes, rats, a dog and cat, and newts. I've also worked at an exotic pet store and have experience with many species. I'm also a big foodie and love cooking and eating healthy. I'm still learning new things all the time and loving every minute of it.

  • Do I warn emotionally abuse ex's new girlfriend?

    I finally separated from an emotionally abusive boyfriend a few months ago. Now, he's started seeing somebody new. I feel like I own it to her to warn her, since this is something he's done to every single woman he's been with. Its gotten to the point when I had to drop out of school and start therapy, and I don't want her to go through that. But I know I'll just come across as an angry, bitter ex. What do I do? I'm so afraid for her, and its eating me up inside.

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • Are wild birds killed by cold snaps often?

    Our cats brought in 3 birds in about 6 hours last night. With the last two, we noticed they seemed uninjured but frozen nearly solid. It's been extremely cold here for several days, and these were birds that should have migrated.

    Is it possible that the cold was causing them to either die or pass out and fall? Or should I be worried about something like disease?

    2 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Pro-lifers: what are you doing to prevent natural abortion?

    We all know that the professed goal of the "pro-life" movement is to safe unborn babies. So I ask all of you: what are you doing to prevent the natural abortion of the 2/3s of fertilized eggs/zygotes that will be aborted by the mother's body? Far more babies are naturally than unnaturally aborted every year. Why are you ignoring them?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Experience with parathyroid disorder?

    I recently got a blood panel back that suggests some recent health issues may be due to a parathyroid disorder, which is causing high blood calcium. If anyone else has experience this, what were your symptoms? How was it treated, and was treatment effective?

    Just trying to learn more before I get my secondary tests back.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • How would I solve this statistical probability problem?

    I've been really sick and have missed a few days in a row in my course. I can't find any problems like this in my book or notes, and was wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction. I don't need an answer, just the set-up or formula for this problem type:

    A day trader buys an option on a stock that will return $175 profit if the stock goes up today and loses $280 if it goes down. If the trader thinks there is a 70% chance that the stock will go up, what is his expected profit on the option today?


    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Risotto-like rice without arborio?

    I love risotto and have all the ingredients save arborio rice. I do, however, have TONS of medium grain brown and long grain white. I was wondering if there was a similarly creamy rice dish that could be made with normal rice. Suggestions appreciated!

    I know it won't be exactly like risotto. That's fine!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Light bleeding after sex with Mirena?

    Ive had my Mirena IUD for about 4 months now and I couldn't be happier. But I've noticed that I have VERY light bleeding after intercourse. Even bleeding may be a strong word; it's basically pink discharge. There's no pain or anything else so I'm not worried, but I was wondering if anybody else had experienced this, and whether it's normal. I'll bring it up at my next doctors appointment, but it seems too trivial to call in about.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Best self defense weapon?

    I'm a 21-year-old female Student. I'm taking some classes at night and also volunteer until late some evenings. Sexual assaults are pretty common in my area, and I'm interested in carrying a weapon such as pepper spray or a small baton for self defense ONLY.

    Any recommendations or pros and cons? I want something I'm not very likely to hurt myself with and that will be non lethal, so probably no knives.

    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Cheap baby gift for mom of (now) 3?

    I'm about to meet a friends new baby! This is their third and last girl. We're both students on a budget so I'm sure she doesn't expect much. I'm bringing a few freezer meals, but I'm not sure what a new mom would REALLY need. Obviously she has a ton of clothes, toys and gear.

    I was thinking maybe some hand sanitizer and a nice lotion, with all the hand washing new parents do? I'm 21 with no kids; suggestions from parents much appreciated!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • For health, do I trust BMI or body fat percent?

    When trying to figure out whether a person is at a healthy weight, should a person use BMI or body fat percentage as an indicator if they disagree?

    I fall within low-healthy BMI, but my estimate body fat percentage would make me slightly underweight. Given some health issues I've had recently, I would like to know if I should consider my weight/caloric intake a factor.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Should I feel bad for wanting sex?

    So my boyfriend and I have been together for about 10 months. I have a very high sex drive, higher than any partner I've had. But recently, my boyfriend has expressed that me touching him and being suggestive so often makes him feel bad. I guess when he just isn't feeling it, I look really disappointed and it hurts him.

    The thing is, I AM disappointed, and I feel like that should be an acceptable reaction. I know it's not about me, but I still feel rejected.

    Am I wrong? Is that disappointment unfair? I try to hide it, but I want to be able to feel my feelings. I guess I don't know how to address this, because I feel forced to hide my needs to make him feel better.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Given measurements, what body type?

    So I've been working on getting toned, and as such wanted to figure out my body type. I just took my measurements for the first time in a few years. I'm at 35-26-35 and a BMI of 19.8. I'm also quite tall for a female at 5'11". What body type would that make me? I'm thinking hourglass, but I'm not positive and would like some feedback.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Safe to store dry goods in tin?

    I have a lot of leftover holiday tins. I've seen that they can be spray painted, but was wondering if this was safe for moderate-length storage (2-5 months) of things like dry bulk rice and flour if I add a desiccant.


    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Boy playing in street. How to talk to parents?

    I've been living in the house where I currently rent for about 2 1/2 years. The speed limit is 25 as in most neighborhoods, but I'm usually driving about 20. At least 10 times in those two years, I have come VERY close to hitting a little boy (and occasionally his friends).

    The first time, a balled rolled into the street from between two parked cars, and he ran right out after it without looking. I stopped about 18 inches in front of him, and only just barely. Similar things continue to happen, with his biking speeding out of nowhere, he and his friends jumping out from between cars, or them playing in the street in the dark with no lights.

    I feel like I need to talk to his parents before he gets himself hurt or killed, but I know how defensive some parents get when you try to talk to them about their children's behavior. The thing is, he looks like he is AT LEAST 8. I consider that old enough to at least look both ways, or not run directly into the street after a toy.

    If any parents could give me tips on how to talk to his family, I would really appreciate it.

    7 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • How much airflow for snake tank?

    I have a very cool-shaped tank for my breeding pair of corn snakes. Its 2.5X2.5 and 1 foot tall. To help insulate, and to give me a better place to put it, I would like to build a "coffee table" type enclosure for the tank itself. I plan to enclose two opposite side and leave the other two open, then put a hinge on top so that it can be used as a table while keeping the snakes easily accessible.

    So basically: how much clearance should the top have over the screen lid? I know snakes don't need much airflow, so would two inches be enough if two of the sides are open?

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • Should I confront my friend about his poor choices?

    I'll start by saying I love this guy a lot, and that we have been friends for quite some time. Unfortunately, he keeps making incredibly irresponsible decisions, and it hurts me so much to see him (and his family) suffer as a result that I almost just don't want to see him again. Every time, he complains about how hard things are, but all of that hardship is a result of his own actions

    The big things"

    -Spent about four months on a drug/alcohol binge. During that time, became so broke that he couldn't afford condoms (but could afford MDMDA, weed, alcohol, coke, etc). He and his girlfriend are now raising a 9-month-old boy.

    -Broke, on welfare, used the last of his savings to buy a very expensive engagement ring for his girlfriend, who he knows cheats on him and who refuses to try to find work.

    -So broke now that they are basically starving (he's lost about 35 pounds in 4 months), he decided to borrow money from a "friend" (dealer) to buy a $7000 car.

    So again, I really care about him (and his family), but every time I see him I spend three hours listening to how hard his life is. That's all we do anymore, is talk about how things suck. But because he's creating these situations himself, it really just makes me angry. Its hard to see somebody I care about hurt so bad. Is it worth talking to him? How?

    2 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Best time of day for workout?

    I'm pretty happy with my weight and figure but would like to add some muscle and lose a little fat to tone up. I'm planning on working out for 45 minutes a day 5 days a week, but I'm not sure what time of day is the best to exercise.

    In the past, I've just done it whenever I have time. Now I'm working from home and can do it whenever I choose, but would like to set a schedule so I actually DO it. Does anybody have opinions on what time of day is most effective/best?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Lose, gain, maintain? Your opinion, if you please.?

    So I've reached and now slightly overshot my weight loss goal. I'm fairly sure this is as thin as I'd like to be, so I'm mostly trying to decide between gaining back another 5-10 pounds (half muscle) or maintaining my weight as it is. Either is a healthy weight for my body.

    On one hand, I like having a flatter stomach and smaller legs. On the other, I really enjoyed the curves I had about 10-15 pounds ago.

    If it helps, I'm 5'11" and weigh about 135-138, putting my BMI at about 19. That said, I have been told I have a medium-large frame, and if I factor that in many calculators read me as underweight. Who knows?


    I'm just looking for opinions. Now that I've reached healthy, I can't decide what would be better aesthetically.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Not informed he was signing up for credit card. Fraud?

    My boyfriend was at JCPenny recently and was asked to sign up for a membership card, which he did. However he was never informed that it was a credit card by the person who signed him up. Now he is facing massive interest charges on a $0.35 charge, because the cashier only paid off a portion of the amount he charged when he swiped his debit card (again, he never asked whether he should pay off the full charge or not, and we didn't even know it was being charged).

    I feel that this is fraud under the Truth in Lending act or a similar protection clause, because there was no informed consent. Does anybody with a better understanding of the credit system have knowledge on whether this was fraudulent or illegal?

    3 AnswersCredit9 years ago
  • Uses for mint leaves?

    I got a little baby mint plant for free last year and was SO sure I'd killed it. Put now that the snow has melted and its been getting water and light, its coming back full force! I've never used mint in cooking and have no idea what to do with it, but the leaves are so beautiful and fragrant when crushed that I want to find something to do!

    I have a dehydrator and could just make mint tea or something, but I'd love any other ideas.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago