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  • Hate crimes and racism . . .?

    You can't say anything negative about blacks, latinos, gays/homosexuals/lesbians, women, Jews, Muslims, Christians, even when they are true, because someone's feelings get hurt. It seems the only ones you can say negative things about now are straight white guys. And frankly, we don't really care. As long as YOU insist on making yourself out to be "different" people are going to recognize that and, guess what, treat you differently. Why don't you stop your bellyaching and join the human race. You aren't special, you aren't entitled, and you do not deserve to get something because of whatever is you are. Next thing you know, all the left handers in the world will want something special because, after all, they make up only 10% of the population which means they are a "minority". You can reply, but no one really cares . . . . ?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Countries NOT helping Japan . . .?

    include Israel, Iran, North Korea, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria. So when Israel stops being nothing more than a usurper of American taxpayers money ( only because of their location in the mideast), and oil reserves in the other countries dry up, let them eat sand. It is clear that their politics and "religions" do not allow for helping humanity in a time of need . . . . what goes around comes around?

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Charlie Sheen is doing a River Phoenix, part 2 . . .?

    If this isn't true, he will never work again. He may win a lawsuit of sorts, but his career is over.

    7 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Charlie Sheen an original?

    Remember Joaquin Phoenix and the little ride he took the public on, including Letterman? This show called "Charlie Sheen" seems to be just like that.

    4 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • So a missile launches off Cataline Island close to Los Angeles . . .?

    and no one, the Dept of Defense, NASA, the Air Force - no one, know what it is. Thank God we are spending billions of dollars on body scanners, x-ray machines and pat downs to make sure our 4 year olds aren't wearing shoe bombs at the airports.

    7 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Newt Gingrich for President . . .?

    This man was having a physical affair while married, during his last presidential campaign . . . so much for "Republican family values". Didn't you and I pay Ken Starr something like 80 million dollars to find out the same thing about Clinton, and to get him impeached?

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Credit scores and credit reports . . .?

    We all know we can get free credit reports. But they do not include the bottom line, that is, your credit score. How do we get a free credit score?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Larry KIng is divorcing for the 8th time . . . .?

    I can't decide who is more of an imbecile, wives 8, 7, 6, 5 and 4, or King himself. Does this just say how desperate women are for marriage? Does it say how low women will go to catch the guy with the money? DId they really think they were 'the one' that would change King? Speaking of King, other than the suspenders, why he is on TV? He is a terrible interviewer, he does not seem prepared, and I can't figure out for the life of me how he has had such a long career on tv, unless it is because lonely women hoping to catch a sugar (grand) daddy have him in their sights. What do you think?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin?

    This is what the Republicans are offering for 2012? Sarah can't stay home to take care of a retarded child or help her other children ( oh, I forgot, she is rich and doesn't have to ) and Newt is the Republican version of Clinton, only Clinton was president for 8 years. The Republicans hired Ken Starr to spend 20 million US tax dollars to report that Bill had an affair with Monica and should be impeached . . .and yet Newt, who had the 'same' affair with a campaign aide, is thinking of running for President. The Republicans are saying, ' do as I say, not as I do' or something like, it is okay for us to have affairs and chase little boys, but not Democrats. ANd newt calls Obama ''radical and liberal'? What is wrong with you guys?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Circuit City . . . will they be opening stores again . . . . ?

    We know they went under last year. I liked Circuit City. It seems we now only have Best Buy, which sucks. So do you know if CC will be opening actual stores again, or remain only in specialized locations and online?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • I wonder if Kenneth Starr who wrote about Monica . . . .?

    Lewisnky and Bill Clinton, and charged the taxpayers 12 million dollars for the story, is available to write a book and bi-lines ( get it?) about the RNC and their x-capades at the bondage nightclub in L.A.? One thing was clear in the book he wrote about Clinton . . . Bill preferred women who were at least 18. But those Republicans and their boys, and now, bondage nightclubs in L.A? Strange family values Republicans have, yes?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you know if is a legitimate site?

    For example, you click 'apply' for a job, and you fill out some information. Frequently, the site will then ask you if you "are interested in educational or training opportunities" and lead you to another page that offers facilities that will charge you money for training. And, when you go to a corporate site, for example, Macy's or Sears, the job on is not on the corporate 'careers' page for the same employer. I just started job hunting and this particular site has tons of 'jobs' that are not listed or posted anywhere else.

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Issuing a fine of $3800.00 if I do not have health insurance?

    This is the most idiotic idea I have ever heard of. This is even more stupid than Bush invading Iraq. I do not have a job. I have type one diabetes and NO carrier issues policies to type one diabetics unless they are employed. So the government will want me to pay $3800 because I do not have health insurance? Who invents this and what planet do THEY live on?

    6 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • The Republican health care plan . . . .?

    is the same today as it was for the preceding 8 years. That is, it does not exist. Yet here they are badmouthing ANYTHING Obama proposes. If the Republicans had a plan, and Obama used their plan, they would still trash it because that is politics, and they of course don't want him to get credit for anything? The Republicans are like 1979 Oldsmobile cars. Inefficient, obsolete and sucking lots of gas . . . ?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Stuck on an airplane for 14 hours, what would you have done?

    Did you read about the passengers stuck 14 hours at the Rochester Airport on a plane, as the airport and airline were both unprepared after bad weather grounded the plane? Would you have stayed on the plane or would you have attempted to get off the plane, violating TSA rules?

    12 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What does it say about Americans . . .?

    . . . that did nothing after W was elected fraudulently, yet the population of Iran, a third world country, is trying to do something about their 'president' being elected by vote tampering? I can only say that we should be embarrassed over our apathy, ignorance and complacency . . . too busy getting the kids to soccer practice after stopping at McDonald's and Nordstrom's in our Hummers . . . . .

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What have the Israelis done . . . .?

    . . . for the USA, ever, to deserve such blind faith and support ( not to mention billions of dollars ) And, the Republicans are so against a two state solution. Again the dinosaurs ( Republicans) are demonstrating their obsolescence to the American people and the rest of the world.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • So Kelly Clarkson doesn't like being called fat?

    Tough. It is what it is. And forget the "accept me as I am" crap.

    12 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago