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  • Who else thinks it's funny Celtic fans gloating at been given a 2nd bite like a dog at a table.?

    You earned nothing, come down to England and you will be spanked down to the minor leagues. Barnet will hammer you let alone the top clubs.

    6 AnswersEnglish Football10 years ago
  • Why don't big teams take more chances on championship players?

    With the relative success of Dann and Johnson at Birmingham, Adam Johnson at Man city, Smalling's rise from non league football, why are clubs still buying from second rate leagues around Europe when we have good British and Irish players playing football. Wenger is a prime candidate, he spent a tonne on Koscielny when compared against Dann and Johnson he is basically a pub league player.

    And which players in the lower league are worth a punt?

    I was glad to see Adam Hammil get a top flight move in January.

    2 AnswersOther - Football1 decade ago
  • How do rising sea levels impact the tectonic plates.?

    Will and have rising sea levels put more pressure on the fault lines at the ocean bed. And is this being studied. Would a 6 inch rise in sea levels, which when you take into account the area that would cover, would it have any real impact? I know the weight is currently in place with continental ice sheets, but that is at a point load on the atlas, it will soon be a distributed load. If anyone has references to studies in this area it would be extremely interesting.

    6 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • England Internationals, what would your team be.?

    Who would be your team in the forthcoming fixtures.

    Mine would be




    CB-Terry (if fit, if not Woodgate)

    CB-Carragher (Never convinced Rio won't make a mistake, Carra is a defender, no poncy showing off, if you dont know what to do with it, boot it))

    LM-Gareth Barry (Cracking season, better option than Downing until Super Joey Cole is back)






    -Lampard is a sub, Gerrard is a better player and putting Gerro on the right is a waste of a talent.

    5 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Global warming and use of fossil fuels?

    The British government has announced that a wind farm will be erected in Essex giving power to 1/4 million homes.

    In terms of reducing fossil fuels, every house in the country could be fitted with solar panels on the roof over the next 5 to 10 year period, creating jobs for installation and lowering our energy bill and decreasing the burning of fossil fuels.

    Does anyone agree with this idea or have any ideas on what we can do. I'm getting ideas to write to the government on?

    10 AnswersEnvironment1 decade ago
  • English team European rankings. Worth a laugh.?

    The mighty money backs Chelsea are only 10th while Liverpool are 5th and Arsenal 4th.

    Oh well Roman

    But even better Spurs are joint 84th with Leeds and Fulham.

    Shows what a reputation Spurs have.

    2 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • English tean European rankings. Worth a laugh.?

    The mighty money backs Chelsea are only 10th while Liverpool are 5th and Arsenal 4th.

    Oh well Roman

    But even better Spurs are joint 84th with Leeds and Fulham.

    Shows what a reputation Spurs have.

    3 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade ago
  • Do they have Stella Artois in USA.?

    I'd like to know if i can get it in a bar over their before i come over on holiday next year. You can't beat Stella but i never hear any americans mention it and my mates who have been to the states couldn't find it.

    14 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • To all the women.?

    What difference does a blokes past to women, I was always out in my late teens and early 20's.

    Drunk a lot and sniffed a lot, but i never got arrested or went out for fights. A lot of my mates were big blokes with skin heads and got into trouble which I avoided but now I'm viewed as they would be, although i never got involved in any fighting or arguements, instead i usually broke them up and i've held down a quality job throughout that period and am now doing really well.

    Calmed down now, but would you disclose that you were drinking 3 nights a week and sniffing enough marching dust to use as props in a xmas play or do women care if you have turned over a new leaf.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • If Brits are the biggest drinkers in the world, what do other nations do if not go the pub.?

    Before any aussies say they can drink, you drink halves in your country. I seen you lot in walkabouts and Fulham slug and lettuce, bunch of light weights.

    4 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Where is everyone going for new years.?

    I know it's early but have to start planning for it now.

    Contemplating the possibility of going into London for the night and going on one of the boat parties.

    Whats everyone else's plans or ideas.

    6 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • What would be your ultimate 14 song compilation album?

    Mine would be

    1. Elephant stone - Stone Roses

    2. What is this - Bobby Womack

    3. Ghosts - The Jam

    4. Eclipse - Regular fries

    5. Live forever - Oasis

    6. Hurt - J. Cash

    7. Need to feel loved - Reflekt

    8. Disarm - Smashing Pumkins

    9. Ever fallen in love? - Buzzcocks

    10. Concrete Jungle - The specials

    11. Uncle Sam - Madness

    12. Dat - Pluto

    13. 1999 - Binary finary

    14. Debaser - Pixies

    10 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Should blokes stay out after England matches and come back the next day.?

    I know it sounds stupid, being an England fan is frustrating.

    And having read recently of the rise in domestic violence during the world cup and after England matches in general.

    If all the blokes just stayed at a mates house the g/f and wives won't see the fellas till the next day when they are sober and calmed down.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • In real terms whats the top 5 holdays you want to do over the next few years?

    I'd like to do a week in Vegas

    I'd like to stay in the ice hotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden

    I'd like to visit Machu Picchu

    I'd like to do the bull run in pamplona

    I'd like to go the Kentucky derby and see some drunk colonels

    12 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Promising players coming through for all sides and British nations and RI.?

    I like to keep a look out for the hot prospects that should be gracing our game in Britain in the next few years.

    We obviously know of the likes of Theo who's tipped for a bright future.

    What players have you heard of at your clubs or anywhere else?

    Been told to look out for Paul anderson at Liverpool at Martin at Manchs who's on loan to Rangers.

    4 AnswersEnglish Football1 decade ago
  • To the women or blokes if you want?

    Clothes wise, what look most impresses you from a lad on a night out of pub with a pub/club after.

    Your not gonna see a bloke in a suit on those sort of nights but what look catches your eye.

    23 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • 3 foreigner rule, should we have some restrictions bought back?

    I would like to see a limit on the number of foreigners per team in England. I think it would be a benefit to the national side and stop mercenaries robbing poor clubs i.e chimbonda to wigan etc..

    It doesn't have to be the 3 foreigner rule but you have 6 English players per team.

    It would also stop clubs buying, to quote Alan Sugar "Carlos Kick a ball"

    Also I like watching players i feel i've got some connection to, for example i always liked Stuart Pearce because he used to play ffor Harrow Wealdstone which is near (ish) to me

    18 AnswersEnglish Football1 decade ago
  • British pride and sense, have we got some left?

    I'm going to forward this on to my councillor.

    Does anyone agree with the following.

    The flag of St. George and the Union Jack are our flags and we should be allowed to hang them in our own country.

    We celebrate CHRISTMAS and will hang CHRISTMAS decorations.

    We will have christmas plays in catholic schools

    We should be allowed to keep catholic schools as catholic only as other religion schools do not let in other religions.

    We should have a national holiday on St. Georges day

    Sing kids to sleep with ba ba black sheep

    Most other religions don't even take offence.

    If we could do our things most of the problems will go away.

    Feel free to aff to the list

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Hip hop attitudes to women?

    If all rappers and the likes used to be pimps and playas.

    What does that say about their attitude to women.

    So why do young girls think they are cool, they in the past and probably in the future are just as likely to prostitute you out.

    I just don't see the difference in them and some greasy old pimp in a knocking shop

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Are their similarities with many of the worlds leaders with historical dictators.?

    When you read history many of the famous dictators have similar personality traits as many prominent figures of the modern world. Won't mention names or i'll probably be lynched.

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago