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British pride and sense, have we got some left?

I'm going to forward this on to my councillor.

Does anyone agree with the following.

The flag of St. George and the Union Jack are our flags and we should be allowed to hang them in our own country.

We celebrate CHRISTMAS and will hang CHRISTMAS decorations.

We will have christmas plays in catholic schools

We should be allowed to keep catholic schools as catholic only as other religion schools do not let in other religions.

We should have a national holiday on St. Georges day

Sing kids to sleep with ba ba black sheep

Most other religions don't even take offence.

If we could do our things most of the problems will go away.

Feel free to aff to the list

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think I am in love!

    Well said. I couldn't agree more!

  • 1 decade ago

    We should be allowed to hold carol services in schools.

    All shops should feel free to display nativity scenes in their windows.

    No faith school should be obliged to admit pupils from other faiths while there is still a waiting list of children of the faith concerned.

    I wanted to add so many things to the list.... What is so ridiculous about all this pre-emptive cringing is that I have never known anyone take offence at the celebration of Christmas in the UK. Those who choose not to join in simply ignore it. Who started all this nonsense?

  • 1 decade ago

    Our British sense of pride is being beaten out of us by the PC brigade and backed up by our own government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's high time for us to stop worrying about 'offending' other religions and cultures when we celebrate xmas, saints days and national holidays, they do not care if we are offended by the 'kill all non believers' religions. I say people who come to the UK should adapt to our culture instead of insisting we adapt to theirs.

    God Save The Queen, does it mean anything any more?

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree. Why should we accomodate other cultural needs for the destruction of our own culteral events and traditions. We are not ignorant of other cultures and we pretty much welcome others to live the way they want to, but in the mean time its this laughable paranoia that the government create as well as some individuals that has meant that instead of having the same rights as these other cultures, we ourselves have become victims of this favouring and are made to suffer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a British Muslim and i agree with your list but you need to send it to the politically correct Christians who come up with the pathetic idea's to stop the way of British life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well said.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES, YES, YES!

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