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  • Does it feel good when someone fixes your shirt collar?

    It does for me. It all depends. If im wearing shirt and tie it feels really good. One time for a colege event i had to wear corporate and my professor was fixing my collar and tightening my tie and it felt really nice. 

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories3 months ago
  • Can I replace my Laptop keyboard with a different model?

    My Asus Zenbook (Model  UX310U) has a broken power button and I have to replace the whole keyboard. The thing is....................The only keyboards I could find are different models of the Asus Zenbook. I can't find one that is exactly my model online. Can i just buy different model keyboard and install it? The different models look exactly the same as my model. 

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks3 months ago
  • Was it wrong for teaching my brother self defense?

    My brother is in trouble. He hit a woman a while ago. I saw the cam footage and it turns out she tried to hit him first. She threw a slap then he said soemthing and she decided to throw a punch but this time he ducked and gave the woman an uppercut. He was arrested and fined. My parents grounded him and me. Im grounded cuz I told him hitting someone is okay as long as they try to hit you first. It's okay to punch someone as long as 1) they are harming you at an equal or greater force and 2) you are defending yourself. 

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 months ago
  • Should I stop being friends with this girl?

    Well she is toxic but she is also friends with my friends. Basically for some reason she started ignoring me. I keep trying to initiate conversations with her 6 times in a span of a year but she keeps doing the "seen but no reply". One guy said she's busy BUT she posts on instagram her smash ultimate matches and her animal crossing stuff. She even likes and comments on peoples' FB posts. What's so "busy". She asked me one time to answer her survey but I did the role reversal. She told me she needed me because her scope was small and I was part of it.After my 3rd ignore she gave a long ranting message of how I'm a bad friend. I replied back telling her she kept ignoring my messages 6 times but she kept telling me she was busy but I told her I saw her instagram posts of Smash and animal crossing and also she likes and comments on FB. She jsut stopped witjh the conversation and told me Im the worst friend. IDK what to do if one person among a friend group starts being toxic to me. 

    3 AnswersFriends4 months ago
  • Buy a Switch or just wait for new announcement of a next gen nintendo console?

    By March i will have enough money to buy a switch thanks to my part time job. However.............It's been 4 years already and Im afraid if I buy the switch, a next gen nintendo console could be announced. Should I just go for it or waiT?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games4 months ago
  • Can you use last year if the previous year was only a month ago?

    Now is Jan 2021. If I refer to an event last December 2020, Can I also say "Last Year"? 

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture4 months ago
  • Do people still play Jedi Academy Online?

    I played Jedi Academy when I was 5 years old and I loved every aspect of it. I was already killing people back then and won alot of Free For Alls. However I lost the copy of the game but thankfully there is on steam for PC. Im wondering if people still play it. 

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 months ago
  • Can you be arrested or charged if you make someone roam the streets naked? ?

    I was re-watching How I met your Mother and in an episode, Barney did the naked man but the girl kicked him out of her house without letting him get his clothes back. So Barney roamed naked. Just wondering if that happened in real life, would the girl get blamed too. I mean it's gross and she was mad but she should let him get his clothes first then lock him out after. Im just curious that's all. 

  • Did I ruin my friend's party?

    A year ago I made a mistake by tagging people in an inappropriate facebook post and I deleted it and said sorry. Some people forgave me while others didn't and continue to ignore me. One person in the group hosted a google meet bday party and I went. However during our chats, the people who haven't fogiven me (Let's call them INC) kept trying to remind me IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE PARTY about how rude and inconsiderate I am for tagging them in the post. They found ways and the right timing to say those stuff. I kept trying to ignore it. Sometimes I would laugh but they just told me it's not funny. Me and Some people told the INC to stop. After the 6th callback of the tagging incident. I lost it and told INC  they are snowflakes and to respect the bday boy's party because this is about him.......not a confrontation or debate about my tagging post. I said sorry, I deleted it and it has been over 10 months. I added that if they are going to keep reminding me about it..........they should leave. They all left google meets. One person told me It was not right for me to tell them to leave and I sort of ruined it. I just don't get it. I wanted to just set all animosity aside during the party but INC kept trying to remind me. Like not in the chat don't remind everyone what I did. 

    Friends7 months ago
  • Should a man be charged if he breaks a woman's skull in self defense?

    Let's say the woman just kept threatening him. She slapped him and hit. This time she tried to punch him but he dodged and punched her skull. But the punch was so strong it broke her skull. This Happened to a guy in my neighborhood. He punched a girl in self defense and is currently facing charges.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 months ago
  • Is it rude for me to "invite" someone to a surprise party the host doesn't want?

    I will give these names...(Eugene, Carl, Chucky) (Yeah they are names of Nickelodeon characters but let's not dwelve on that). Chucky has a bday coming up. Eugene is planning a zoom or google meet surprise party for Chucky but invited the whole gang except............Carl. You see Carl kind of tagged us in a facebook post every tagger including me found offensive but he deleted it and said sorry. The post was "Anti Masturbation Cross". THat was 7 months ago. I forgave him, Chucky forgave him, but Eugene and another one still havent. Carl is like one of Chucky's closest friends. Chucky knew Carl longer than Eugene. That beef was 7 months ago and Eugene should jsut let it go. It's just social media. That was the only time we were mad at Carl and Carl promised not to do it again. I feel bad for Carl. He deserves to be in the surprise party but Eugene still has a grudge. I'm thinking of sending Carl the link and not telling Eugene because this is Chucky's Party...............not Eugene's. I think in a surprise party, it's fine for people not invited to come but it's a very big risk as they must be 100% that the bday celebrant will be happy they are there (since the celeb doesnt know who's invited). 

    6 AnswersFriends7 months ago
  • If Family Guy had a Lord of the Rings Parody, who would you cast?

    Chris/Stewie - Sam or Frodo. (One is sam the other is frodo)

    Meg - Balrog and Shelob (she has to be a monster like The Star Wars Parody). May Eowyn???

    Herbert or Brian or  - Gandalf

    Peter - Aragorn

    Lois - Arwen

    Quagmire - Legolas

    Joe - Gimli

    Im lost after. I dont know who to cast Merry, pippin, Sauron, Saruman. 

    1 AnswerMovies7 months ago
  • How did Youtube Collect Data on Kids?

    I kinda got over everything with Coppa..........Except the Miniplayer. The no mini player is annoying. LIKE REALLY ANNOYING.  Everything else is fine. However I just wondered How would youtube get kid's data? Do these kids lie about their age? Or are they using their parents youtube accounts? If the parents have accounts why cant they just sign out. I have a simple solution There should be an easy option on the main page of youtube with "FAMILY MODE" and it's just like a switch. Yes means COPPA Effects will apply no means COPPA Effects will not apply. 

    2 AnswersYouTube7 months ago
  • How can you tell if a VERY Strict Teacher, Coach or Boss goes too far with the students/employees? ?

    I understand many people are very mean looking and 100% intimidating but I will call a professor or boss one of the best as long as they give you what they deserve and some transparency with your progress. Even if it's brutal to hear they care for your improvement even if you never see them smile. However sometimes I hear people say, he's too much or "Why is he even here?" I'm just wondering when is it a Very strict person has crossed the line. 

    4 AnswersEtiquette8 months ago
  • Why can't my dog jump down as easily as jumping up?

    My dog is a black toy poodle and she can jump up the couch............but not go down. I really don't get it. SHe is like afraid to go down. I toss her ball to the couch she goes up. When I toss it down from the couch, shes' afraid to go down. 

    4 AnswersDogs8 months ago
  • I feel guilty of not standing up?

    I feel guilty of not standing up to early childhood bullying.

    I was grade 4. There were 120 students in a batch with 4 classes of 30 students each. I was in 4-B. I hated my classmates and wanted to be in 4-A. I would go inside their main classroom during lunch break because I liked the people there. The ones in 4-B were not. There were 5 guys who would constantly tease me.They weren't physical or calling me names. They knew my fears and played it along with me. I never bothered to tell the teacher because If I told the teacher, I felt like the bullies will hate me forever. I really didn't want to be hated to. Because of Grade 4 i became I try-hard at making friends at Grade 5 and I became distanced. No one likes a try-hard. I had to change schools because I wasn't making good friends. At grade 6 that's when I restarted and made a friend, who was also in the same old school as me but we were never classmates. He would eventually be my best friend. At High School I had to realize I have to do the right thing and it's the bullies fault if they decide to hate on me for the rest of their life. I know like it wouldn't have happened (me and my best friend meeting each other) if I didn't stand up but.........I feel guilty of not doing it. I know it's a very long time but I have flashbacks of them once a year. 

    TLDR. I feel guilty of not handling my childhood bullying because I thought I would be hated if I told on them.

    1 AnswerFriends9 months ago
  • How can you grade someone in team sports?

    Let's say in Basketball this guy made 40/50 passes a game. So on a scale of 1-10, do you grade his passing an 8? (40 divided by 50 is .8) Or there is more to that. It's just my School is wondering if the analytics team on basketball tournaments, which I'm part of can do a grading system of players to help the coach out so he knows his starting 5.

    3 AnswersBasketball10 months ago
  • Will this be good for both Youtube and Coppa?

    I know I'm a bit late and It's been ike 5 months since COppa but IDK I just thought of an idea that would benefit both Kids and Adults. If you use Youtube and you are not signed to an accound or the account is below 18 years old......the COPPA Effects like no Comments, Notifications, no saving the videos will apply but if your account is above 18 then COPPA will not Apply. It's not like 10 year olds will lie about their age. The parents jsut have to make sure the child is telling the truth on their age and they are free to search youtube.

    2 AnswersYouTube10 months ago
  • How long should you wait to call someone if he doesn't text you back?

    I need to interview people thru vidchat but they are not replying? Is the weekend the best time to call them? I mean tere is no work?

    4 AnswersEtiquette10 months ago
  • Can you Survive Underground if an extinction level meteor hits THE OTHER SIDE OF THE EARTH?

    Your are a scientist so you prepare ALOT. Let's say a shelter........Food. and a way to imitate sunlight so you have an underground gardent to grow food and the extinct meteor will hit the other side so your good. Just wondering if you can survive like that.

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space10 months ago