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Mom of 4

  • Is it possible to prosecute the 14 yr old who slipped my daughter ecstasy?

    My 14 yr old was nearly killed, after being slipped the drug "ecstasy" in her soda. Her 14 yr old "friend" is the only suspect. My daughter wasn't with anyone else and blood tests point to the day the drug was ingested (as it is usually only in the body 24-72 hours). My daughter's reaction to learning she tested positive, indicate she is telling the truth. She had no idea she took this and it was absolutely against her will. She has been interviewed by doctors and psychiatrists, as well as 3 mental health counselors. As her mom, I had to look objectively at the circumstances and although I don't want to think she was experimenting, I had to consider the possibility. I am convinced she never chose this.

    I have filed a police report, but they're waiting to interview my daughter in person. She's being released today, after a 5 day hospitalization.

    The drug caused memory loss, seizures, mania, a suicide attempt (after "crashing") and she was ultimately given anti-psychotic medication at the ER. She has fully recovered and does not seem addicted. With her medical condition (major depression/anxiety), this was one of the worst things she could have had in her system.

    I'm wondering if we will have enough evidence with hospital records and testimony from my daughter and my family to prosecute the girl who did this to her. If she'll poison her best friend, she's clearly a danger to anyone. I don't want anyone else to be victimized by her. We live in Michigan.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated. Meanwhile, I'm filing for PPO for my daughter.

    Thank you!!!

    11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Should I have been told by ER staff that my 14 yr old tested positive?

    My daughter was hospitalized for depression/anxiety. This is her 4th hospitalization in less than 1 year. She has never experimented with street drugs, but of course has been routinely tested many times. When she's stable, she is an active participant in her care and wants to get better. I am the mom of 4 and she is not the oldest. We are a close family and I'm an involved parent.

    Over the weekend, she was not acting normally. She was under her doctor's care and I was keeping her at home, while adjusting her anti-anxiety medication. The only outside person she saw over the weekend was her 14 yr old best friend. She had extreme mood swings for 3 days and became suicidal yesterday. I rushed her to the ER. She had been seen in ER Sunday night and by her doctor yesterday morning. We all assumed she had a rare adverse reaction to klonopin. It did not explain why she acted very up, stayed up all night Saturday, the mood swings were like watching someone who was bipolar. She is not bipolar. She was hearing voices on Sunday. Nothing made sense. Kind of, but looking back now (knowing what I know), there were pieces of the puzzle missing and no one questioned.

    While waiting to transfer her to the admitting hospital, the ER ran routine drug screen, as expected. They generally say "everything is negative". Well, they didn't say anything about results. They did grill me for answers to generalized questions regarding sleep, mood, diet, etc...

    I accidentally saw her lab results (which are usually in a sealed envelope - but this time it was not.) while looking for directions the ER usually sends with me.

    It showed all results were negative, except 1 uncommon street drug. I started thinking the only person, outside of family who saw her over those days, was her best friend. I had no idea either girl was experimenting with something so serious, or that they had access.

    I am pretty upset I wasn't informed. How can I help her in the future if I'm kept in the dark? This drug could have EASILY killed her - especially with combination of the medications she already takes. It did make her suicidal. The other girl's parents need to be notified as well. You can bet money I'll be calling them. What was my daughter influenced to take? ECSTASY!

    HELP!!! What would you do? Help me think!

    Was the hospital required by law to inform me???

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Where can I find posey wedding rings that are Made in Ireland?

    I want 14K gold, that say I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine or "Le mo ghrasa mise, agus liomsa mo ghra"

    I found some on

    Not sure if they are made in Ireland though... Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • My 13 yr old may have clinical depression - how are young teens treated?

    I have experienced clinical depression 9 yrs ago and was treated, so I have first hand knowledge of the illness. I know antidepressants are usually not given to young teens, due to the dangers. She has had symptoms for about 6 months, which have become increasingly worse. It was hard to tell, until now, if it was just normal 13 yr old behavior or something else. We're thinking it's depression - she's over-sleeping all the time, not eating as much as she did, irritability which is now extreme and turns to rage, she's failing school (previously a straight A student), changed all her friends and is exhibiting lack of self esteem, she steals, she lies, - I do not recognize her now, compared to her normal former self. She has appt with family doctor tomorrow for screening. I will take her to a pediatric psychiatrist at a leading children's hospital 2 hours away for further evaluation and treatment. What are typical treatments for younger teens?

    Thanks in advance.

    15 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • What are good names for twins?

    My sister in law is open to suggestions! She is having twins and has 2 little girls already. We don't know the sexes - so we need all combinations. They have a Haley Mae and an Emma Jay (middle names are family names).

    Mom's name is Katrina Danielle

    Dad's name is Gabriel Jay

    Thanks in advance!

    21 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for baby #3?

    I just learned I will be an aunt again! My sister is pregnant with her 3rd child! She loves name suggestions, but I'm not much help. Do you have any suggestions for baby names that go with her daughters' names? (Note: middle names are family names, I'm not a huge fan of the rhyming thing either - but they're her kids and that's what they chose...) What do you think are good names to go with these? Thanks in advance!

    Haley Mae

    Emma Jay

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Does it irritate you that so many women still do not educate themselves?

    My oldest is 17 now, so it's been a while since I was pregnant and giving birth. Still, I educated myself about EVERYTHING when I was pregnant. I wasn't about to have a doctor tell me what was best - I needed to know why. I needed to know what to expect, how everything was going to go for every possible situation - whether I had natural birth or a c-section.

    Okay - what I cannot understand is how sooooo many women have no clue that it is not necessary to tear during birth (unless something happens and it's an emergency or something). Also, it is semi-barbaric to assume episiotomy is a good thing, they should expect stitches, etc....

    Why aren't more women checking out all their options and reading books? Seeking midwives, etc...? I thought we had come a long way, but I guess not.

    - mom of 4, never 1 stitch, never 1 tear. I was fortunate, but I sought good attendants/care too.

    18 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why would an ex-girlfriend behave this way? ?

    My husband and I have been married almost 20 yrs. We met and married after we were both out of High School and he was in the USMC. His ex was his high school girlfriend. She was a year younger and completely obsessed with him when we were dating. She was immature and into stalking him or both of us. She would make it a point to run into his younger sisters and tell them how she still thought of him, she wasn't over him, etc... and this even happened when she knew we were married and I was pregnant. I never felt threatened or upset - it was just so annoying. I trust my husband and know he has zero interest in her - he is the love of my life and we have a wonderful marriage. I just thought her behavior was so odd!

    We lived out of state for 15 yrs. We heard she got married a few yrs after we did and thought - oh good - she's moved on! We never saw her. Over the years however, we've heard about her still asking about my husband from time to time. Wondering if he's married, wondering how many kids he has, where he lives, etc...

    We moved back to our hometown 5 yrs ago. We heard she lives 40 miles away. She was up visiting last year and ran into my husband's younger sister. She asked all the same old questions again. My sis in law told her she needed to forget him. She wasn't happy. I'll add - she is still married and has 3 kids. She is a pastor's daughter.

    Today I was on Facebook and noticed she just joined. The first people she looked up included my husband and his cousins (who are also on my friends list - so I can see everything). Why would a married woman with children be so interested in reconnecting with their high school sweetheart? What's the point? I have zero interest in looking up past loves - those relationships ended for a reason. It's not as if they broke up on good terms either - she was cheating on him with one of his best friends. I'm sure her husband has no idea she behaves like this.

    I'm simply ignoring her - but I wonder - what the heck? If you were me, what would you do?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have an amazing Chili recipe you would share?

    We're having a chili cook off and I'm not sure my own recipe is up to the challenge. Do you have a winning recipe or tips for making amazing chili? What are your secrets?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Where should we travel to see castles?

    My husband and I plan to go to Scotland and Ireland for our 20th Anniversary. Where are the best castles to see and tour? Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersOther - Ireland1 decade ago
  • What do you do when a friend injures your feelings in front of other friends?

    I have been crying all morning. I can't stop. I have never been so hurt in my life.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do you feel as an American about this?

    In 1960, the question that loomed over the campaign was whether a Catholic could get elected president. Voters answered yes. Nearly five decades later, that milestone is a mere footnote to the Kennedy presidency.

    The question this time was whether a black man could win the presidency. Forty percent of all white Americans hold a negative view of blacks, according to polling by The Associated Press, and two-thirds of white Democrats express racial misgivings.

    Yet on Election Day, Obama won more than four of every 10 white votes. Americans said yes, we can overcome our original sin.

    Fifty years from now, President Obama will be remembered for more than the color of his skin.

    And this moment will never be forgotten.

    I grew up in the 70's and 80's thinking we were ALL equal - I am so sad and ashamed such a majority still has issues with anyone unlike themselves. I pray President Obama will bring the changes we need and squash old ideals!

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who else is attending the Inauguration and the BALL? ?

    I am! Will I see you there?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is the abortion issue the main issue for your vote this year?

    My husband is completely Pro-Life and I consider myself Pro-Life, however, to me, it is a secondary issue. The war, the economy, healthcare and other issues are more important. The abortion issue, to me, is very secondary.

    What is the main issue that is causing you to choose this year who you will cast your vote for?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What would you do if a teacher slapped your child?

    We have a teacher at my son's school (he's in 5th grade) who has had years of anger management issues, plus she's OCD and expects the children to do things "perfectly". My son does not have her (as per my demands that she wasn't allowed anywhere near him), but has friends in her class. Yesterday, I learned from my son that she apparently slapped a student in the face on Friday. She was still in school yesterday! I'm going up there to find out why - what would you do if this was happening at your school. I'm about ready to call the news, once I confirmed this actually happened.

    24 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What can be done about this teacher?

    A former 5th grade teacher of 2 of my daughters has had anger management issues for decades. She has tenure, obviously - so it's hard to get rid of her because of the teachers union.

    My older daughter had no issues with her personally, other than saying Mrs. M had singled out 5 boys and was mean to them throughout the year. My younger daughter only had her for math class and toward the end of the year, Mrs. M became upset with her and attempted to grab my daughter. My daughter ducked and fled to the office, called me and I came up there and said she would no longer have Mrs. M for math. My younger daughter was in a full blown panic attack, unable to speak or respond, when I arrived at the school. She had shut down - I have NEVER seen this in a child before.

    SO - when my son entered 5th grade this year, I told them under no circumstance was he to have Mrs. M or any contact with her. ZERO.

    Well, on Friday Mrs. M slapped a child across the face. I just learned of it and I heard she is still at school. How is this possible? I will be going up there today to talk to the principals, but seriously - what would you do? I'm thinking about calling the Superintendent, the news, the newspaper, etc.... The mother is taking her to court and I have been asked to make a statement. I want to know why she's not in jail.

    7 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Don't you feel bad for Jennifer Hudson & her family? ?

    I don't know her, but she seems like she's probably a very sweet girl. I cannot imagine what she's going through right now - esp after they found her nephew. It's such a tragedy. I am praying she has strength, courage comfort and peace in the midst of this - somehow.

    10 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Is it Cystic Fibrosis? ?

    We just learned our friend's baby girl tested positive shortly after birth. Is there any chance she could have had a false positive test - or is it more likely that she has cystic fibrosis? Does anyone know?

    10 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago