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  • Can I cook fudge in a Presto Multi-Cooker?

    My stove top has a 200*F limit, and I have to make fudge for christmas. I recently bought a non-stick multi-cooker at Wal-Mart that can reach all the way to 400*F. Can I cook the fudge in this multi-cooker ? Thanks ;)

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Help with medical paper, Please!!?

    I am currently in a Radiologic Technology program, and I have a 3 page paper due concerning radiation and its relation to patient care. Does anyone have any interesting ideas of what I could write about? I thought I had the perfect idea, but I was afraid it was a little broad and obvious. Thanks!!

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • Patient Care Question?

    I have been really trying to figure this question out, and I wanted to see what all of you think. This question is part of my homework for my Patient Care class. Here it goes:

    After completing a radiologic technology program, you are employed at the local community hospital int he diagnostic imaging department. You are approached by a colleague who asks you to become a member of the local chapter of your professional organization. You know that you will be expected to pay yearly dues. Which would be your best answer?

    A. You explain that you have just begun your first job and money is in short supply at this time.

    B. You join in 1-2 years when your financial status improves.

    C. You join at once because you feel that it is an obligation to be a member of your professional organization.

    Thank you for your help. I think the answer is C, but I am not sure.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Please help me understand the punett square!?

    I have a major exam in biology today and I need to know the punnett square forward and backwards. Please help me, I can't seem to understand it. Thanks everyone!

    9 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Philosophy help please! I am havign a realy hard time!?

    I am suppose to write an essay arguing for or against the fact if Rene` Descartes erased all possible skepticism after creating what he believed to be a firm and established foundation for the sciences. How would you argue to this? .....specifics please. This has to be about 5 pages long. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to help me out!

    1 AnswerPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Any doctors out there by any chance?

    About a week and a half ago...I had a minor accident, and the area surround my ribs was injured. I have not went to the doctor yet, because I figured the pain would go away. However, ever since my left rib (at the bottom) experiences very intense, sharp shotting pains anytime I move to drastically. I work out a lot and it hurts terribly when I go to do a crunch of any sort. I can not even begin to pull myself up. The pain is so intense that I can't help to tear up a bit. However, it does not hurt to run or to breathe. What is going on ??? Is it just badly bruised? What should I do? Like I said, it has been about 1.5-2 weeks already and no improvement! Thanks

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • How can I figure out who this cell phone # belongs to?

    I have searched up and many others yet they want money to tell me who it is. I have called teh number and no one will answer me. What can I do? There has to be a way with out paying for it!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Please help me and my pecan pie!?

    I am usually really great at baking, but today I am questioning that! I baked a pecan pie.....followed the recipe step by step but my oven does tend to run a little hot. Which of course cooks the outside quicker than the inside. Now, I took it out and it has been cooling for about 45 minutes and I really don't think the middle is done. What can I do??? Can I stick it back in the oven? If so, how long? Please, Please, Please help me!!!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Which designer bag would you choose?

    My husband is taking me to look at bags tomorrow and I have no idea which kind to get. Of course it is for Christmas so price really isn't an issue. I have a coach bag now that he bought me and I love it. However, it seems everyone you see has one. I was thinking maybe a Louis Vuitton or Gucci? What do you think I should get?? Which is better?

    17 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Creating a book?

    I have what all my friends believe to be a great book idea! My problem now is how do I make it into a book rather than a one page summary!!! Please help me!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Idea for a book!?

    I have what I consider a great book idea. All of my friends and family think it would be amazing! What do I do with an idea???? What goes into teh process of making a publishing a book! I have no idea! I need all the help I can get!!! Thanks everyone!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • High and low lights????

    I am getting my hair done tomorrow and am wonderin what colors I could go with. Currently....I have a tan complexion with very natural looking blonde highlights. However, I am wanting to go for a bit more noticeable highlight and low light. I was thinking maybe some thcker than natural blonde highlights and the same chocolate and maybe even red. What do you guys think???I need all the help I can get!

    3 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Research Paper please help me!?

    I'm starting my research paper for a government class today. I understand how to do it I think. However, I do have a question. When ever I use information from a website how do I put that into my paper. He said something about footnotes. How do I do this..can someone show me the proper form to put this into my paper. Thank you!

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Please help----education question!?

    I'm wanting to go to school to become a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. I know the difference between the 2 but how much schooling must I have to actually become one. 6-8 years???? Help me please! Oh..and would I want my undergrad degree to be a BA or BS in Psychology? Thanks so much!

  • Please help me!!! Any math people out there?

    I am usually pretty good at math, but I am struggling. I have been out of school for 3 years now starting college this year. I'm not asking for answers--I need someone to please show me step by step how to simplify a radical...example Square root of 25. Square root of 45. How do I do it????? Please help

    6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Is there anything I can do??

    Before I put my 2 weeks notice in...I was employed by an Apartment Management company. I was there during the selling and new ownership of the property. I stayed around and they raised me to Assistant Property Manager and were going to hire a leasing agent for me. Well, the only resume that was received was of a very nice and professional black lady. I was for her being hired...however, they didn't want to hire her due to the fact she was black. They told me that they were worried that it would hurt their potential leasing and bother the current residents if there was a black girl in the office. They did hire her...but then soon after she got fired. Due to this comment and other incidents with this company--is there anything I can do to maybe bring this to someones attention?? Nevertheless, they accused me of being racist after telling them to hire her!!! Which that was humiliating enough---My husband is Spanish and my best friend in the whole world is black. What can I do???

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Need some sugestions about college??

    Ok...I just got out of the navy and I am enrolled into college for the upcoming fall semester. I register for my classes on the 31st!!! I work full time (40hours a week), and I am wanting to schedule hopefully 3-4 classes a week. I don't want to be one of those that it takes 5-7 years to finish undergrad. Can anyone help me find a good schedule to where I could take a good load of coursework, but still have time to study..and work!! My hours are from 8:30 to 5:30 with an hour lunch. The school I am attending is right across the street from my job!!! Please help!! I have never been through this before!!!!

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What could be causing a creeking noise in my car??

    Okay...I just posted a question about a grinding noise in my front driver's side of my 01 camaro. How about a creeking noise? It is not so much a grinding as it is a creeking noise. Very similar to the sound you might here if you were rocking in an old chair. I had suggested before it may be a spring or strut. Could this still be the case? Once again , it is only when I hit any uneven part of the road...dip or bump. Does not happen if I press the brake at all. Please help....hopefully yall may understand this description a bit better. Thank you

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My car is making a terrible!!?

    I drive a 2001 z28 camaro that only has 40,000 miles on it. The other day as I was coming home from work I hear this horrible grinding noise in the front driver's side of my car. I began to worry if I had maybe ran over something so I pulled over..and nothing. From that point on, my car makes this noise after every bump, dip, or any unevenness that is in the road. I am planning to take a 4 hour trip to the coast the weekend of the 4th and I am very worried. Is it my shock....strut...any ideas. Could something be lodged in one of my shocks or something causing this horrible grinding. Please help me!!! Thank you!!

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Hair tips anyone?

    I recently bought an S wave curling iron the other day. I am really excited about using it because some of my friends who used them--their hair was so pretty. I am growing my hair out long and normally I just scrunch and go. Now my hair is in that stage between short and growing out, and now I need a change. Anyways, I really want to use my S shaped 3 barrel iron but I am afraid of how it may look. What I am going for is the not frizzy...just got out of the shower gel look---and I want it to look I guess you could say piecy (sorry, spelling). All this at the same time using this iron. I have seen it done.. anyone know how I can do it??? Oh...and is it something I can sleep on during the night or will I have to get up early in the morning??? Thank you so much!!!

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago