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Space Age
I have curly hair and I wish I knew how to make balloon animals.
help with a note to boyfriend?
My friend asked me to help her and I'm at a loss. Her and her boyfriend have been dating for a few months (they have not said "I love you" yet.) and he is going to work a long shift tomorrow and she said she'd pack him a lunch for it. She wants to write him a sweet note saying she's thinking about him, here's a special lunch, etc. but doesn't know what to say without sounding ridiculously corny and too mushy. She asked me for help but me and my hubby haven't done something like that in ages. Any ideas on what she could write? Thanks.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agohow to hide tan lines?
I'm getting married in 2 days. We live in the middle of nowhere where the nearest salon is 2 hours away. My dress is strapless and I bought it last year not thinking anything about it, but when I tried it on yesterday I realized I have horrible tan lines from wearing t-shirts all summer long. I'm freaking out since I called the closest place that does spray tans and they don't have any openings until the day of my wedding and obviously that won't work. Does anyone have ANY tips or suggestions on how I can fix this? Thanks in advance
6 AnswersMakeup10 years agoIs this a gallbladder problem?
It first started when I was pregnant and was having severe pains that would last anywhere from 5 minutes to half an hour. I was terrified at first that it was something wrong with my baby but was assured it wasn't by my OB and by a PCP who both said it was probably because the baby was pushing all of my intestines together and making them not work as well as they used to. The pain was in my upper abdomen below my rib cage and felt like trapped gas almost. I would take tums and though it helped sometimes other times it didn't. I am now 3 weeks post partum and I have had the same pain twice in the last 3 days. It's more pronounced beneath my right rib cage now and the last time I vomited from it. I thought it may have been a bug at first but gallbladder problems run in my family. I've also been having random headaches that come on quickly and once I take an ibuprofen, go away. I am just wondering if these are symptoms of gallstones or gallbladder problems or if this is left over issues from having my baby? Thanks in advance.
1 AnswerOther - General Health Care10 years agoGetting married in a civil ceremony and then "renewing" vows a few months later?
My fiance and I have been engaged for over a year. We had planned on getting married this October, but I became pregnant. I have since had our son and we still planned on getting married. I however, lost my job and thus my health insurance. I had some minor health complications after delivery but they will require some follow up medical attention, which I don't insurance for. I really don't want to go on any kind of government health plan and so my fiance and I are talking about getting married in a Justice of the Peace ceremony next month. However, most of my fiance's family will not be able to make it and most have already made plans to come to our wedding in October. I have been looking up opinions on this and most people say it is tacky, though most of them are talking about having 2 weddings, which is NOT what I want. I want to have a small family gathering later where we exchange vowels that we have written. No tuxes, and even if I did wear a dress it would be simple dress not a big fancy wedding dress. We would probably also have a family dinner afterwards in lieu of a reception. Our anniversary would be the day that we had the JOP ceremony, I just want his family to be able to attend. Is this a terribly horrible idea like so many people are making it seem or is it doable?
3 AnswersWeddings10 years ago37 weeks along, pain in lower back and upper abdomen?
At my last doctors appointment (Tuesday) I was a "loose 1" and 65% effaced. My doctor said she would give me 2-3 weeks tops and then she said she thought I'd have a baby by then if not sooner. Last night, my back started hurting badly. And at 2:00 this morning I woke from a very deep sleep with sharp abdomen pains. The thing is, I'm almost positive it's NOT contractions. My tummy was tight when I was sitting up, but not rock hard and it relaxed when I laid down but any time I sat back up it would tighten, though again, not rock hard. Today I've been having abdominal cramps and constant back pain. I'm just trying to decide if I should call my dr.'s office (they will patch me through to the dr. on call since it's a holiday) or if I should wait until my appointment on Tuesday to call. I seem to call my dr. a lot because this is my first and I'm super paranoid all the time. I just want my baby to be okay. I am in a lot of pain and nothing seems to help. I thought I may be in false labor but nothing seems to make the pain stop. I've also gone to the bathroom and had a bowel movement about 6 or 7 times today. Anyone had this? Any advice?
7 AnswersPregnancy10 years agoShould I ask her to delete it?
In 2007, my High School boyfriend of 1 year broke up with me. I was heartbroken. Partly because of the way he broke up with me (on the phone, after his best friend told him to, which he freely admitted at the time.) Mainly, however, because I was very close with his 2 older sisters. I considered them some of my best friends and family even. As soon as he broke up with me, he started telling them things that I had "done" or "said" and of course, they took his side. I wouldn't have expected any less. 4 years, 3 relationships and 2 facebook pages later and I'm happily engaged, expecting my first baby, and loving my life. Last year after another break-up, I had created a new facebook page and was adding people I had in my address book. My ex's older sister was one of them and without thinking I sent her a friend request. I didn't really care to go back and delete it as soon as I did it because I figured she'd deny it as soon as it popped up anyway. However, a few days ago it said "her name has changed her profile pic." At first I thought she had accepted my friend request and maybe we were on our way to some form of a peace treaty (at the least) but when I went to her page I still couldn't see anything. I figured it was a glitch in the system or something. The next day however I get 2 MORE updates on what she is doing on her facebook. I sent her the request a year ago and have never seen anything about her pop up until a few days ago but it's been happening every day and honestly, seeing her friend all these people gets kind of annoying. I can't for the life of me figure out how to cancel a friend request and I feel kind of silly anyway deleting or cancelling when it's been sitting there for a year. I'm just wondering if I should send her a message asking her politely to delete it or if I should just figure out how to delete it and do it anyway? Any advice?
1 AnswerFriends10 years agoCheap and Easy dinner recipes?
So during the summer, my stepkids live with us during the week. And boy can they eat! The last few weeks I've been trying to make easy things (spaghetti with meat sauce, bubble pizza, tacos, etc.) but after realizing half of my grocery bill was going to buying hamburger, chicken, or other meats, alone, I was really hoping to find some recipes that didn't call for meat to throw in there a couple days a week. The only problem is, I can't find anything online. Or anything that isn't too incredibly complicated and/or some semi- picky eaters will eat. Thanks in advance!
10 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years agosevere itchiness during pregnancy?
For a week or so now I've been getting itchier and itchier. It started out just on my hands and feet but now it's spread to almost everywhere on my body that is able to be itched. It's so bad that I've left scratch marks on my abdomen and breasts and my back and even woke up having scratched my thighs so hard that I not only left marks but drew blood. I haven't been to the doctor yet as my next appointment is scheduled for Tuesday and I've called so many times I feel like the most paranoid mother to be ever. I've tried benadryl, oatmeal baths, lotions, and the like and nothing seems to be working to stop my itchiness. Any suggestions or should I suck it up and call my dr.? Thanks in advance. Oh, and I'm 36 weeks pregnant with my first.
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoLeaking Colostrum at 35 weeks? Should I wear pads?
I'm almost positive I'm leaking as I keep getting wet spots on my shirts and undergarments. It's not so bad that it's a constant thing, but it is leaving wet spots that show through on some of my clothes. Is this a good time to invest in breast pads? Also, which are better, disposable or reusable? Thanks in advance!
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoShould I pump or not?
I'm 36 weeks pregnant with my first and after researching extensively I've decided to breastfeed my baby. However, I'm going to be running a daycare and watching kids as well and I'm just wondering if some other mothers who have done this before can give me opinions on whether or not I should pump breastmilk or not. My fiance wants to be part of the process eventually but he says he understands if I breastfeed exclusively. I'm just wondering if I should go ahead and buy a pump and then introduce the bottle after the recommended 3 months or if I should even bother with the pump since I'll be at home with the baby. Thanks for any advice in advance.
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHandmade flyers for daycare tacky?
I am opening a licensed daycare in my home soon. However, after paying licensing fees, and all other included costs of start-up I'm running low on cash and to top it all off, our printer broke. I had planned on printing maybe 20 flyers to hang up around town. I was thinking of making them by hand but was wondering if to prospective parents if this would seem tacky? Thanks for any input.
3 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago30 weeks pregnant with weird symptoms?
Yesterday after my lunch at work, I started having some strange symptoms. First, I saw a bright spot in my left eye that obscured a lot of my vision. That lasted for a while and was then replaced by a jagged bright line that kind of reminded me of a heartbeat monitor line (only way I can explain it.) Soon after, my hands became tingly and my fingers were numb, almost like I'd been sitting on my hands. Not long after I got off work, my vision became blurry. I thought it was because I was tired and so I went home and laid down for half an hour before getting up to go to my college class. No sooner had I gotten up, I realized I was super dizzy and lightheaded. I called my dr. and they had me go in for a blood pressure check. When I got there, they said my bp was 130/60 (the nurse said "a normal, healthy range") Normally my bp is very good, in my dr.'s own words "I wish all my patients had your blood pressure, it'd make my job so much easier." they told me to go home and get some rest and not to go to work today. But I didn't listen (bad idea, I know) and I got up and went to work this morning despite still being dizzy and it felt like my eyes were having a hard time focusing. I was at work for all of an hour when the nausea hit and I started vomiting severely. Even though my boss was upset, I left because I work with kids and it just wasn't practical for me to stay and work. I have an appointment tonight at 5 with my dr. but I'm scared they are just going to tell me that i'm overreacting or that it's normal, because honestly, what i'm experiencing does not feel normal. Should I push them to look in to it more or has anyone every experienced anything like this while pregnant? Any advice?
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoleaking amniotic fluid?
I am 25 weeks pregnant. This morning I thought I had lost my mucus plug, after googling it for a good few minutes I was almost positive that's what it was, though I also read that you can lose it and it will reseal itself. I called the Dr.'s office anyway and was put through to the doctor on call who said that it sounded like normal discharge for how far along I was but if there was any change in the discharge to call back. I've been resting/doing school work all day today and here where I live it is almost 90 degrees outside. We have the fans going and we had the windows open trying to hold off on turning the AC in our house on until we really needed to. A few minutes ago however, I got up to get a drink of water and my underpants were soaked through and the crotch seam of my pants was wet. I'm nervous to call the Dr back in case I was just intensely sweating in my groin area but I am also worried that I'm leaking amniotic fluid. The fluid didn't smell like amonia to me so I know it wasn't bladder leakage. Has anyone ever had this happen? Should I call the Doctor back or am I being too paranoid?
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoSuggestions on Fiance/step kid dilemma?
I'm almost 6 months pregnant with my first baby. My fiance has 3 kids from previous relationships. He sees them every weekend.
I been sick for the past week, it started out as an itchy throat, and ended up being a full blow viral infection. I've gone to the Dr, and since it's a virus was told there isn't much they can do but let it run it's course. I'm miserable.
Two days ago, my fiance's ex GF called to say his youngest son was sick with the same thing that I have and that she was taking him to get antibiotics, only to call later to say that they wouldn't give him anything for it. Obviously. So my fiance and I both assumed that she would stay home with him this weekend as it's a 2 hour drive there just to pick him up not to mention it's cold outside. She called today however and asked him to pick him up early because she had plans. I feel bad, but I asked my fiance NOT to go get him and to ask that she please keep him this weekend since I feel like absolute poo. I can't breathe out of my nose, my throat is on fire, and i'm pretty sure someone planted a cottonfield in my lungs. My fiance got angry however, saying that it was his weekend with his son and he didn't think he should have to sacrifice the time with him. I don't either, but I work at a school and Spring Break ends this weekend so I go back to work on Monday. With a baby on the way, I can't afford to miss any more work and even though it makes me feel selfish I just don't want to spend my weekend with a 2 year old who on the best of occasions is whiny, mischevious, ornery and sometimes just downright mean.
My fiance's daughter from a different relationship will also be here but she's 8 and usually keeps herself occupied in her room on her computer or listening to music.
I mentioned going to my mom's for the weekend so that I can just relax and get better and that made my fiance even more angry.
I love my fiance, I love my stepkids, but I'm really worried about my health and the health of my unborn baby.
Do you think I'm wrong for wanting that or should I go ahead and migrate to my mom's for the weekend?
Also, my fiance wants to work overtime at his job tomorrow, which means he would get up at 4 and not get back until 10. My stepson wakes up every saturday at 6 and since he's two needs to be supervised, so that would mean I have to get up with him.
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoUltrasound today boy or girl?
19 weeks and 2 days today and had to go in for an emergency Sono. Everything is fine, just thought I'd have a little fun and see what everyones opinions were on the gender?
7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago17 weeks pregnant and feeling alone?
and useless. I'm not depressed, (as I've had that before and this is not even similar) I've just been sick since about 5 weeks along, which is how I found out. And since I'm young, at only 22, most of my friends seemed to have forgotten about me. They still text, but they're all busy partying and I'm at home. My fiance is great, he knows i'm sick a lot of doesn't really press me to do anything I don't want to, but I know he get's frustrated when I don't want to be intimate or when I'm so tired I can't seem to keep my eyes open.
I'm also crabby a lot, though I try not to be, but usually it's because I feel completely useless. I tried to do dishes and got sick because of the smell of the dish soap, and I do laundry but I can't find the energy to do more than wash, dry and fold before I feel completely worn out. We have my fiance's kids every weekend and it feels like they forget how to pick up after themselves as soon as they step through our doors. My fiance says he's excited about the baby but it doesn't seem as real to him as it does to me, maybe that's because he's not the one carrying it? I don't know. He doesn't seem enthused when he talks about the baby, and he says he wants a girl so i'm worried (unnecessarily) about how he'll take it if it's a boy.
I should also mention that I work 40 hours a week as a para educator for severely disabled children and I'm going to school full time with 16 credit hours at night.
I just feel like I have no friends who understand and that I can't really do anything for anyone at the moment. Has anyone else ever felt like this and does anyone have any advice? Like I said, I'm know i'm not depressed, just kind of down. Any suggestions?
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDo food aversions ever cease or at least ease up?
I am currently 16 weeks (on monday) along. This is my first pregnancy (though I've raised kids) and though I've heard it's normal I'm starting to get annoyed that I can not eat any Beef.
I've been sick since week 5 when I initially found out about the pregnancy and could barely keep anything down. I'm on medicine now to help with the nausea but I've found that I can not eat anything beef related.
The sight of hamburgers make me sick, I cooked sloppy joes for dinner the other night and ended up eating only the bread, I can't even stomach the sight of a juicy steak.
I've taken to eating mostly Chicken and Pork products but I was just wondering, do food aversions usually lessen by a certain point in the pregnancy or am I destined to be sick by the sight of my favorite meat the entire pregnancy?
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoShould I be worried about Shoulder dystocia?
When I was born my shoulders were stuck. They used forceps (and effectively cut open my ears for which I still have scars) and eventually ran out of time and had to push me back in and perform an emergency c-section to deliver me safely. I hadn't thought much of it until I saw this on a labor and delivery show and they mentioned it could be fatal to the child or cause nerve damage causing paralysis of the arms. Naturally, I freaked out. I am wondering if I should take this up with my Dr. (which I know I probably will anyway) but also looking for comfort and/or reassurance here. I know that every pregnancy is different, but it's my first and even how often i've been getting the hiccups worries me. Thanks in Advance.
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHelp writing a transformation?
I hate having to ask for help for this, but... I am writing a story about lycanthropes (for those of you who don't know, those are Werewolves) This is *NOT* anything like the Twilight saga. Think more like "Blood and Chocolate" I am at a crucial point in my story where the MC begins to transform and I am having trouble picturing it in my head as to how she would change. I just want to avoid the cliches and it seems everything I write sounds like something out of an old movie with bad special effects. I'm not a werewolf fanatic just someone with a vision for a story that I feel I have to write. Any help would be greatly appreciated but please no rude comments. Thanks in advance!
2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoIs it normal to "show" this soon?
I'm 13 weeks and 3 days. And for a good 3 weeks now I haven't been able to fit into any of my pants. I was hiding it from my coworkers because I wanted to be in the "safe zone" so to speak, but most of them figured it out weeks ago just by looking at me. I haven't asked the doctor about this yet and my next appointment is in 2 weeks but I don't' know that it's "normal" to show this soon. This is also my first pregnancy and I wasn't thin to begin with. So, my question is, is it normal to show this soon?
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago