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Lv 55,862 points

John C

Favorite Answers32%

I live in on the east coast. I like rock music, high tech gadgets, animals, photography, and hanging out in my neighborhood.

  • What is the best pair of professions for a Paladin class Blood Elf character in World of Warcraft?

    I am going to create a Blood Elf Paladin character in WoW and I want to make sure I get it started off on the right foot, with a pair of professions that it is well-suited for and are a good fit for its race & class.

    By the way, I already have a warlock, mage, priest, rogue, and hunter. They are doing tailoring, leather making, skinning, enchanting, mining, and engineering. I want my BE pally to round out the group and be successful/effective in their own rights too.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is Yahoo Answers considering adding "tagging" feature as other Yahoo services have lately?

    Very, very many Yahoo online services support tagging. However, Yahoo Answers is lagging in this regard. It seems like tagging questions and answers would be extremely useful. Very many questions straddle 2 or more subjects. For instance, some things might be about "math history". Other things might be about "entertainment law". By forcing you to put things under just one topic, one is forced to leave if off of other topics it belongs under. With tagging, people particularly interested in particular subjects could get a look at all Q&A related to those at once. It would connect up people with answers to people with questions so much faster. If necessary, even the tags could be rated for each question/answer.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How to eliminate the "Drag and drop this icon to create a link to this page" hot tip from Firefox on Mac?

    This thing has been driving me crazy for a year!

    For some reason, on the Mac (Mac only), the Firefox browser materializes a message telling you that you can drag the icon every time you hover over the address bar icon for a site.

    The raw deal here is:

    a.) hot tip does not go away when you click the icon and begin dragging it (hello, if that does not say I got the message already then nothing does

    b.) hot tip aligns itself perfectly with the bookmarks bar, the place I normally want to drop an address I am dragging

    c.) covers 5-6 folder names in the bookmarks bar

    d.) blocks the covered folder names in the bookmarks bar from receiving a dropped icon (flaw exists only on Mac version, not Windows one)

    e.) the hot tip waits about 5 seconds before removing itself

    f.) slows down bookmarking process a lot

    This is the most absurd user interface "aid" I have ever seen in my life and I just want to know how to disable it.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How many hundreds of megabytes long is a full-length movie that you download from Apple iTunes store?

    I am pretty curious how big these files are. Even with a sub ten dollar price, free disk space on one's hard drive would seem to put a crimp on how many movies one could buy.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What version of JavaScript will IE 7.0 support?

    Firefox 1.5 supports JavaScript 1.6 (including its new E4X feature for XML programmers). IE 6.0, which is a few years older, supports JavaScript 1.3.

    Is Microsoft planning to upgrade to the IE JavaScript to 1.6, or least something newer than 1.3? If so, which version of JavaScript will they be supporting in IE 7.0 if/when it ships?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Why are JavaScript implementations so incompatible with each other, while Java implementations are compatible?

    It is interesting to see how two languages born at about the same time, and released to the public just one week apart from each other - have become two completely different things. In addition to their

    Java is the eldest, in the public sense, by about one week. Perhaps the more mature in other ways too.

    Ironically, JavaScript managed to get passed as a standard by a European standards body called ECMA, which really is not known for computer programming language standards, it turns out.

    Programs port from one version of Java to another easily. Crossing platform to platform is easy with Java

    With JavaScript, two applications on the same computer don't even have compatible JavaScript interpreters. The groups making the interpreters do not seem to mind. Those writing programs in it tend to only target one of the many different ones out there.

    Is this a sign of standardization? A total lack of portability? Really?

    How come it got this way? Originally, there was only one Netscape.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is there any society or country that has fought wars 9-of-10 decades for the past ten centuries?

    I noticed there seem to be a lot of wars going on in the world. Looking back, I ralized there were a bunch in the 1990s.

    Then I remembered some that were going on in the 1970s and the 1960s.

    I was wondering if there are any nations that rank as especially warlike, which my 9-out-of-every-10 decades benchmark is intended to flag.

    In theory, war is a very uncommon and very unnatural state for a country to be in.

    On the other hand, it actually does not seem as uncommon as I once thought that it was.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What was the worse aviation disaster in all history?

    Specifically, this would refer to disasters involving airplanes - not missiles, rockets, satellites, or balloons.

    11 AnswersHistory2 decades ago
  • Name 3 figures in works of Shakespeare that most resemble well known individuals today.?

    This will help you get started if you cannot think of any.

    There. Shakespeare and the famous people of today's modern world.

    Please choose people who are alive now, and currently in the news for what they are famous for. Match icons of fiction to those of reality.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors2 decades ago
  • What industry is Ruby On Rails programming most popular in right now?

    What industry is making the most use of Ruby On Rails (the leading web/database framework for the Ruby programming language)? Which one seems to be hiring the most RoR programmers? Which one is the most enthusiastic about Ruby On Rails? Which has rolled out the most websites using Ruby On Rails?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • Are their any user satisfication surveys for the Apple Mac mini (Intel editions) published on the web yet?

    I know someone who is considering buying one of the new models of Mac mini that came out this year from Apple.

    I am wondering if there are any first-hand accounts, or better yet surveys of a lot of people, that helped quantify what problems (if any) people have with it, how fast it seems to run in actual applications usage (web, email, games, whatever), etc.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers2 decades ago
  • When is Python 2.5 expected to be released to the public?

    Not the alpha or beta versions, a final release version.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • When is Ruby 2.0 expected to be released to the public?

    Not the alpha or beta version, a final version.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • Are there any QA tools that let me observe part of the state of a Ruby program in a GUI as it runs?

    I already know about "irb" but it has a text based user interface. I am looking for something lightweight that I can use to launch a Ruby app, which it will "hook" into and display the state of certain object, class, and module fields.

    I want to be able to keep watch on certain things out of the corner of my eye - without affecting the execution of the program in a serious way.

    I can live with the application slowing down, as long as it is not to the point where it becomes unusable.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design2 decades ago
  • If all the birds died off, what would happen to the ecosystem?

    Rush Limbaugh need not answer.

    4 AnswersEnvironment2 decades ago
  • Is it okay to let the cat eat her food directly from the cat food can?

    They look like they are a handy size for her to eat from. They are shaped kind of like a little dish.

    Do they have sharp edges that could cut her - the ones with the pull top lids - or are they generally safe?

    14 AnswersCats2 decades ago
  • Are movie theaters going to go the way of the drive-in theaters that disappeared a couple decades ago?

    The last 2 or 3 times I was in a movie theater, it was practically empty.

    I have drawn more people to come over from work for a dinner party at my apartment than I saw at those movies. Seriously, the tendency is to only see five people in the theater - counting myself.

    The theaters are vast and empty nowadays. When a room with seats for hundreds of people is 99% empty, you know that cannot continue for long.

    I honestly expect theaters to close by the hundreds or thousands in the US if this continues. Have there been any published studies of what is going to happen to the tradition of the American movie theater in the near future?

    7 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • Where is the best place to sell old comic books?

    I am trying to get all my spring house cleaning done before winter. I am throwing out a lot of stuff I no longer have any use for anymore.

    Really old magazines I am just tossing because what was news or state-of-the-art when I bought them, just is not anymore.

    I have scores of comic books from the 1980s and early 1990s. I used to enjoy reading and looking at them but I have outgrown them at this point.

    I stopped buying comic books a couple years before the web was born. Are there special sites for selling used comics, or do people sell them on, or is the best bet to look for a comic book collector/sales store in my region and drive them all there?

    I would like to get a decent price on my stuff. If I can get original book value on a decent number that would be awesome, like if they have appreciated or held their value. If some are only worth 20% that is okay. Might not be worth shipping price for less than that.

    Advice from any comic book buyers/sellers?

    9 AnswersComics & Animation2 decades ago