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  • Aircraft recognition help! What aircraft is shown in Flight Highschool chapter 0 page 30 panel 2 (Standardization Policy)?

    This plane is prop driven, twin engine, apparently a military aircraft (since that is the theme of the comic), has stubby wings and diverging nacelles.

    I think it may be an experimental or short-lived model. It is not identified in the character group photo, the updated how-to-color list or the TVtropes website.


    7 AnswersAircraft7 years ago
  • Experienced potato growers! If I miss some potatoes at harvest, what will happen to them?

    I think I left some potatoes in the soil by mistake. I know I planted more than this. Will they grow into new plants for next season? Or will they just rot away and be wasted? It's pretty mild here, we don't have what you'd call real winter, so I'm not worried about the plants dying. I've been thinking it might be better to plant a smaller quantity several times a year than to have to dig up and store enough for a whole year at once. I have enough space, so should I just plant another section when the growing season's half over?

    I realize this is a lot of questions in one, so I'm sorry, but I don't always get answers that I understand. Better to ask more at first instead of having to wait and ask again later.

    Many thanks for those who answer, and especially if you have the know how that comes from practice!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Name of this aircraft: modern, twin engine, but the engines are visibly pointing at an outward angle?

    I'm guessing it may have been a prototype, experimental or concept model, but it's intriguing. Also, the wings were stubby. Sorry I can't provide a pic.

    3 AnswersAircraft8 years ago
  • If Eta Carinae went supernova about 7500 years ago, and the light was just reaching Earth what kind of effects?

    could we expect? Would it be visible/invisible in daylight, irradiate and kill us all, what sort of things?

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • I already know how a spectroscope works, but does the sample have to be in vacuum?

    In other words, if the unknown element is heated to incandescence IN AIR, will the oxygen, nitrogen, etc, cause spectral lines that will appear along with the ones of the element-to-be-identified? If so, does that make it a great deal more difficult to identify the unknown element?

    No speculation, please. "probably" and "I think" are useless and will get no points. If you know, tell me, and please also provide your source of info.

    1 AnswerChemistry8 years ago
  • Nonviolent anime/manga with great heroism...?

    I'm a little tired of heroes who resolve everything with a fight.

    I would love to see a series with the kind of character who displays great heroism without fighting.

    I'm looking for qualities like quiet bravery in the face of threats, loyally standing for his friends when there is nothing to be gained, keeping his promises even when it costs him... that sort of thing.

    And nothing political... no pseudo-'civil rights' or bullies pretending that they are the ones being bullied.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • what is in the ashes that are left after charcoal burns?

    The charcoal itself is mostly carbon and the heat drives off hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. So what's left? Is it basically the same as wood ashes?

    2 AnswersChemistry8 years ago
  • animation software! is there a package I can use to do this?

    Please don't just throw names of software packages at me. I definitely won't buy them if you don't read and answer the question.

    I want to scan a drawing of a character I will create and add dance moves using standard choreography notation, and see the character do that dance on screen. Kind of like a vocaloid for video.

    7 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Which of these acetates will be attracted to a magnet? I don't have actual samples.?

    Iron II acetate, light green

    Iron III acetate, brown-red

    Nickel acetate, green

    Cobalt acetate, red/violet

    I know that all the metals are theoretically magnetic. But given that they have all been reacted with acetic acid, how will this affect the magnetic properties? I want to be able to distinguish them from other powders with similar colors.

    Any other suggestions for simple tests? Please don't suggest a spectroscope.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • How to find altitude AND orbital period?

    I know I could find one if I had the other, but I don't have either.

    If I see a satellite as it rises over the horizon and watch it until it sets below the opposite horizon, what portion of the 360 degrees of its orbit have I seen? It's just a dot; I can't tell it from the other satellites, so I can't really time a whole orbit. Is there some way I can figure out how high it is and how long it takes to make a complete orbit? I can time the portion of the orbital period that it is visible.

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Is this enough information to estimate the R value of the refrigerator's insulation?

    a a walk-in refrigerator 8x8x10 feet (640 cubic feet) is filled ninety percent with ice. There is no more electrical power, so food can only remain in cold storage as long as the ice lasts. Limiting opening the door to twice a day for meal prep, it takes 60 days for the ice to melt away through the drain. The ambient outdoor temperature averages 80 Fahrenheit over the 60 day period.

    What is the R value of the walk-in refrigerator's insulation?

    (Is this even enough information to find it?) I don't know the thickness of the insulation.

    Does this seem reasonable, with standard thicknesses of commercially available insulation?

    Should I say the ice lasts longer or shorter than 60 days? Should I provide them with a hailstorm during that period? (Not over their crops, of course.)

    I'll provide more information in exchange for serious answers!

    1 AnswerEngineering9 years ago
  • growing cabbage, onions, beets.?

    I’ve been given some fresh cabbage, onion and beet seeds.

    [I’ve grown other vegetables {tomatoes, cucumbers, rhubarb, strawberry, mint, sorrel (schav)} before, but this is my first time planning to try these.]

    I’ve already read online about how long they need to be started before transplanting, etc., how far apart, etc.

    How do the seeds have to be prepared? Should I dry them or is it safe to start them fresh the way they are? I have loose, very moist (lakeshore) soil with a high humus content.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Trying to tan hides into leather with acetic acid, lye solution or ammonia. Which is best?

    I have skins with the the meat and fat all scraped off the inner sides and all hair removed. Times past I've tried bark chips (tannic acid) and brains (which stink). I'd like to try something different. I have three solutions to try, but I want to know if anybody has had good results with them before. I have acetic acid (about 20% solution) crude lye (potash) in water (about 20% solution) and ammonia (about 15--18% solution.) If you have ever tried these before, please tell me which is best.

    Please only answer if you have experience making leather from hides, I could speculate on my own.

    Please no complaints about the animals, they were found already dead along the vehicle trail used by reforesting crews. I have to dispose of carcasses to prevent attracting scavengers and spreading disease. The hides would otherwise be incinerated and wasted.

    Thanks to all who contribute helpfully!

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • How to demonstrate the cuprammonium process for making rayon for a high school chemistry class?

    I want to get these kids interested in polymers by letting them actually see how it happens. Following all necessary safety precautions, I want them to shred up cotton balls for the cellulose with their own hands, pour the acetic acid and the ammonia into a bucket and stir with a piece of copper pipe and pull out a dripping mess of raw rayon. What I need is some background from someone who knows that process, the concentrations and amounts. We're not going into production, so it doesn't have to be efficient, I just want them to see ho wit was discovered.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • in ping pong, if a valid serve by your opponent is returned before the ball bounces on your side...?

    is it legal? Or must the ball bounce on your side before it may be returned?

    4 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • My friends will visit a Korean family and want to know what would be appropriate gifts to bring. I turn to yo?

    They don't want to spend a lot of money and I get the impression they want to avoid any cultural gaffes. So, what sort of gifts would be nice to bring to a Korean family who has invited you over?

    2 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Peanut butter manufacturers, does anybody make single servings of peanut butter packaged like slices of.....?

    pasteurized processed cheese that you can unwrap instead of messing around with a sticky jar and knife? It would be so much easier than fooling around with cutlery or those squeeze bottles that the PB won't come out of.

    Manufacturers, you can have this idea for free. Just remember, you're the professionals, and you didn't think of something this simple. Get it it on the store shelves as fast as you can. We the consumers demand it! And whoever gets it into production and distribution first will corner the market, so get your act together and stop sitting on your hands, there's work to be done.

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Food safety: those little single serving packs of mayo, mustard, etc. I have some that are unopened, BUT ...?

    I left them in my coat pocket and hung it up for a week at room temperature. Do the packets need to be kept refrigerated before opening or are they safe to use as long as they are unopened?

    Please, no 'I think so', 'I guess so', etc. Please read the question! Don't just say 'Throw them out to be on the safe side'. I want to KNOW, that's why I'm asking.

    Thank you for paying attention! I appreciate the effort you have put in to your answer.

    If you are a food service professional and use this type of service, please say so. If you manufacture or distribute single servings of this type, please let me know.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Vampire fans, some things I wonder about vampires! I want to have the right details for my documentary!?

    The blood they drink, does it have to be human blood, or could it be beef blood or pork blood which are available as waste products from the meat industry and could probably be had very cheaply?

    If the victim of a vampire becomes a vampire, and each of their victims also becomes vampires, and they all have to drink blood to survive, then why are there any humans left?

    If mirrors can't reflect vampires, how do they shave or brush their teeth or tell if they got a rotten haircut?

    When they turn into bats or wolves, can they be driven crazy by ultrasonic dog whistles?

    Would a Jewish vampire be afraid of a Star of David?

    Would a Moslem vampire be repelled by a copy of the Koran?

    How would an Italian vampire react to garlic?

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago