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Favorite Answers69%
  • Correct punctuation if needed?

    Did you ever go through depression before you made that shift or any kinds of internal conflict?

    You know what's was interesting, If I described to you my behavior during a certain period of my life, you're going to say, whoa, you were depressed. I didn't identify as being depressed at the time. I felt lost. And I guess the only

    a lot of people feel that at that early age

    the only thing that maybe I would say is the reason it didn't feel like depression to me was I wasn't unhappy, I just felt like, I don't how to get where I want to be. I just don't understand.

    3 AnswersMental Health2 years ago
  • Correct punctuation if needed?

    And you feel better about yourself and life just being around them. And by the way, they think in this positive way that's moving you toward your goals and it's rad. So that was the shift, and then it was like, once you get that first taste of, whoa, this person is making me a better version of myself. I want to be around other people like this. And I want to be that for somebody else. I want to light them on fire and be like, yo, you can do this, we got this! And that fits so well with my natural personality of I love seeing other people win. So it was such a sketchy place for me to be where I was, I felt bad about myself if they were better than me. But yet, I wanted them to win. It was super weird. So you just have to change what you build your self-esteem around.

    2 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • Correct punctuation if needed?

    It's got be a counselor, not a jailor.

    Yeah. Exactly. So in the beginning, no, and then as I started pursuing a real goal-driven path, then I realized I need to be around people that can help me achieve that goal. And the good news is it's not, "Oh, I'm hanging with these people that can help me achieve my goal, and I don't like them, and they're jerks." It's like you find beautiful, amazing people that can help with that. It's not like your choosing between good people that won't help you on your path, and bad people that will. It's like you find the most amazing, beautiful, uplifting, inspiring human beings that make you feel like a better version of yourself.

    2 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • Correction on punctuation if needed?

    I wanted people that looked up to me. I wanted people that I was--in my chosen craft that I was better than. I wanted people that made me feel like I'd sort of already made it. That's just like death. Doing that is so stupid and if I could go back in time and challenge myself and put me around people that blew me away. But people who are better than me really made me feel insecure and that insecurity really did eat at my ability to perform. So it's actually pretty interesting because you do have to find that balance. I don't think people should try to silence the negative voice in their head. But, I also don't think they should succumb to it. I think you should listen to the negativity because it will call out **** that's real. You're not working hard enough, you're not good at this. You're absolutely right. But if I let that affect how I feel about myself, now I become self-destructive. So that voice has got to be that voice of clarity. It's got to be the O'****. That's the thing I need to work on, got it!

    1 AnswerPsychology2 years ago
  • Please help on correct punctuation?

    so you re going to morph depending on the ideas that you surround yourself with. And that s why I m such a voracious reader because I spend way more time with writers than I do even with my friends, just cause the sheer amount of time I dedicate to reading.

    Absolutely, and it s so true. I found that in my own life as well. And I think Tony puts it perfectly, he says that most people rise to the expectations of their peer group.

    They did a study and found that most people, most veterans that served in the military, that be the time they come back, a lot of them deal with PTSD and stress and depression, all kind of issues like that. Finding that the strongest point in their life or their career was actually when they were in the service. And it s because they felt a sense of purpose, a sense of camaraderie, a sense of standards. And they come back to civilian life and it s just, they just show up. There s no standards, there s no integrity, there s no value system, there s no strength being exercised. So I think that s totally, totally true.

    Was that a conscious effort for you to surround yourself with better people, or did it naturally start happening as your thoughts shifted into wanting to take control of your life?

    It wasn t in the beginning. In the beginning, I really was hanging around with people that made me feel good and they fed into the "King of Remedial Jobs" phase that I was in.

    1 AnswerPsychology2 years ago
  • I have another question about math I need to know the absolute deviation to this question.?

    Five students scored 80 on a test, five students scored 85, and five students scored 90. What would the absolute deviation equal to?

    1 AnswerMathematics3 years ago
  • I have a friend who was arrested for DUI manslaughter (2) counts and DUI impairment property damage. Can this be done?


    Count 1: DUI manslaughter ordered to serve 11 years with a minimum mandatory sentence of 4 years pursuant to FS 316.193.3C, concurrent with all counts in this judgment.

    Count 2: DUI manslaughter ordered to serve 11 years with a minimum mandatory sentence of 4 years pursuant to FS 316.193.3C, to run consecutive to Case number ??, count 1

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Friend that was charged with 2 counts of DUI manslaughter and 1 count of DUI impairment property damage. This is the Judgment.?

    The wording is:

    Count 1: DUI manslaughter to serve 11 years, with a minimum mandatory sentence of 4 years pursuant to FS 316.193.3C to run concurrent with all counts in this judgment.

    Count 2: DUI manslaughter to serve 11 years, with a minimum mandatory sentence of 4 years pursuant to FS 316.193.3C to run consecutive to the case ??, count 1.

    Question: Can it be done this way?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • I would like Grammar/Spelling Help. Thank You...?

    Indicate whether the following sentences are correct or incorrect.

    These clothes are wet. Please will you wring them out?



    I couldn't tell whether he was joking or not.



    A strong character cannot be taught; it's in the genes.



    His wedding ring was 14-carrot gold.



    The road was lined with fur trees.



    Will you please ask your children to stop bawling in my ear?



    The truck towed away the broken machinery.



    Wheat is the most common serial crop grown in Iowa.



    The reign of Queen Victoria lasted over 60 years.



    Everyone knows what happens if you give a full bottle of coke a vigorous (1) _____ and then unscrew the top. So the children of Benchill primary school in Manchester dived for (2) _____ when visitor Kim Wade flexed her muscles. Wade, head of Manchester Schools Behaviour and Support Service,

    (3) _____ the temptation to open the bottle and let the fizz drench the pupils. She had (4) _____ her point; the frothing of the drink was a metaphor for the build-up and explosion of temper.

    Benchill’s children were having a session on anger management. There is no (5) _____ that they are any more angry than children at other schools in the city, and the lesson was part of a scheme intended to help children identify and (6) _____ with the rages that life in the classroom and playground can provoke.

    (1) _____





    (2) _____





    (3) _____





    (4) _____





    (5) _____





    (6) _____






    Fashion may be said to encompass any of four forms. First, there is a conscious manipulation of dress that (7) _____ for effect, a ‘fashion statement’ or ‘fad’. Second, fashion may designate innovations in dress that are more (8) _____ than simple fads. Some of these changes occur abruptly, whether due to economic fluctuations, or even the sudden (9) _____ of certain materials; other innovations may develop more deliberately. Third is the phenomenon (10) _____ styles in a particular area of dress change swiftly and repeatedly, with the new ones replacing the old in (11) ____ succession. Finally, fashion may refer specifically to the use of such adornments as cosmetics, fragrance and jewellery, whose primary purpose is to enhance a wearer’s

    (12) ____ features.

    (7) _____





    (8) _____





    (9) _____





    (10) _____





    (11) _____





    (12) _____





    The next section of the test is qualitative and requires you to explain your responses. Below are 25 sentences, some correct and some incorrect. If you think the sentence is correct, simply type "correct" in the box below it. If the sentence is incorrect, type "incorrect" in the box below it, followed by a brief correction, as per these examples:

    Gordon Brown vowed to put his principles into practice by demonstrating his commitment to the environment; consequently, the disappointment was palpable a year ago when he failed to increase taxes on large cars and for passengers on overseas flights.

    You don't have to site the origin of the information if you consider this will endanger the source.

    The security system is housed in a steel enclosure which can be mounted anywhere within the tractor or trailer. The system cannot be set accidently, and can only be set when the handbrake is set.

    The horse or pony you adopt will need to be fed twice everyday, and if stabled, it will need mucking out once a day.

    The point is, is that society forbids this type of drastic action to be taken.

    Seal shooter Tom Lineham said he was satisfied with the findings, although he felt his organisation could of culled at least 100 more seals without any impact on the herds.

    The contractor undertakes to perform such other services as the advertiser may request from time to time, such as, but not limited to, direct mail advertising, publicity and public relations work, and market analysis.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Please check transcription to see if it sounds right. Thank you.?


    A 6 mm punch biopsy in formalin.


    Within the dermis there is a cohesive mass of needless cells, benign in appearance, exhibiting rosa formation and cohesive qualities. They are separated from the over-line epidermis by a genomes abnormal connective tissue. The nevus is appearest by a large number of terminal hair structures and contained within the specimen is a microscopic epidermal inclusion cyst with a well-formed granular cell layer, central laminated keratotic debris and surrounding the cyst is a fairly intense foreign body reaction with a lymphohistiocytic infiltrate and several forgiven body giant cells. The nevus itself is microscopically quite benign in character.


    Intradermal needless benign and associated epidermal inclusion cyst with associated foreign body reaction indicating recent rupture.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Please check transcription, see if it sounds right. Thank you.?


    1. Left palm mass.


    1. Left ring finger tendon, she’s ganglion.


    1. Incision of left ring finger ganglion cyst.


    Local EDL 2cc.


    Four minutes.




    This is a 42-year-old radiant dominate female who recently presented complaining of the persistence of the left palm mass. Patient states the mass has been present for several months. She notes an increase in size. In addition, she notes tenderness with flexion of the MCP joints. Patient states the mass is also irritated by her rings. Patient will now undergo an incision. Risk benefits, and alternative procedures have been discussed with the patient. Risk included unlimited bleeding, infection, scaring, poor wound healing, digital nerve injury, inadequate incision, and the need for additional surgery. Risks involved were reviewed with the patient, and wished to proceed.


    Patient was taken to the operating room, placed upon the operating table with the left arm extended on an arm board. The patients’ left hand and forearm were prepped with Betadine and draped in an surgical fashion. 1% lidocaine and quarter percent Marcaine mixed 50-50 was injected to provide a local field block. The patients’ forearm was elevated, an esmark bandage was placed around the hand and forearm. The tourniquet was then inflated to 250mm of mercury. The esmark bandage was removed. A 2cm vertical incision was made over-lining the mass. The incision was carried through the skin in

    subcutaneous tissue with 50-laid scapula. The ganglion and cyst were encountered. The cyst was carefully grafted and dissected free from the surrounding tissue. The cyst was then dissected off the tendon sheet. Care was taken to excise the cyst in its entirety. The specimen was removed and passed off the table and sent to pathology for permanent sectioning. The wound was then irrigated with normal saline. The skin was then reapproximated with interrupted horizontal masseur sutures of 4-0 proline. The tourniquet then deflated for a total of tourniquet time of four minutes. The wound was clean and dry. 0-4 dry, sterile dressing were applied. Cloth clings, and ace bandages were then applied as a hand dressing. At this point, the operation was terminated, the patient having tolerated the procedure well. The patient was transferred to ambulatory surgery in a stable condition.

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • For Medical Transcriptionist, please check?


    Patient is a 60-year-old African-American female that's presenting with a one-month history of shortness of breath. Patient report's a shortness of breath have progressively gotten worse within the last week. Report's chest tightness to have started within the last week. Onset of shortness of breath, patient reports to have occurred before the chest tightness and lasted after the chest tightness had gone away. Patient reports that the shortness of breath and chest pain occur only with activity. Patient denies shortness of breath or chest pain at rest. Patient reports the chest tightness to last a couple of minutes and is sharp at times. Chest tightness is located on the left side of the chest with no radiation to the jaw, back, arm or neck. Patient reports the chest pain to be relieved with rest. Patient reports that the chest pain is worse with activity. Patient reports four-pillow with apnea that has been getting worse over the last month. Patient reports a positive history P & D, and has never had an evaluation for sleep apnea. Patient also reports a 5-lb weight gain in the last month. Patient reports increased swelling in her lower extremities bilaterally. Patient report's palpations at times. Patient also reports wearing O² at night. Patient denies nausea, vomiting, diaphoresis, fever, chills, numbness and tingling in the extremities.


    1. Hypertension.

    2. CHF.

    3. COPD-bronchitis.

    4. Diabetes type II.

    5. Depression/anxiety.


    1. Appendectomy.

    2. Colonectomy.

    3. Hysterectomy.

    4. Total knee replacement, left knee.


    Dad is deceased at 40, secondary to an auto accident. Mom is alive at 87 with diabetes type II and hyertension. Patient reports having two brothers. One 55 years of age with hypertension, another brother who had an MI at the age of 49.


    Patient reports to be divorced. She has two children, who are alive and well. Patient reports ½ a pack per day smoking history, for forty years. Patient reports that she quit. Patient denies drug use. Patient reports having a couple of beers on the weekends.


    Penicillin. Verapamil.


    Potasium chloride.

    Cozaar 50mg daily.

    Coumidyn 5mg daily.



    Vitiam D.










    Patient is a full code.


    Patient denies any color changes, diaphoresis, problems with bleeding. Patient denies any muscle pain, weakness or paralysis. Patient denies any headaches, vertigo syncope, or pre-syncope symptoms. Patient denies visual lose phobia, ___________(sounds llike) upastacks, dental problems, change in voice, neck swelling or stiffness. Patient denies any recent cough, cold, sore throat, or earache. Patient denies any change in appietie, naseau, vomiting. Patient denies any uninary symptoms. Patient denies any change of bowel habits. All other positive ROS, please see HPI. Patient's cardiac risk factors: patient has a positive family history of high blood pressure, and diabetes. Patient is a smoker. Patient has a history of hypertension, and diabetes. Patient is a female over the age of 55. The last stress and CAT are unknown as far as the cardiac work-up.


    VITAL SIGNS: Tempature 97.1, pulse is 58, blood pressure 114/56. Admit weight 201 lbs.

    GENERAL: No acute distress. Patient is sitting up comfortable.

    HEENT: Pupils equal round and reactive to light. Normal symstalic atramatic. Moist mucus membranes. No signs of infection.

    NECK: Supple. No lymphadenopathy. Carotids are brisk; no buries. JVD is deferred due to the patient sitting up.

    LUNGS: Cleared to osculation bilaterally

    NECK: Cardiac irregular rate and rhythm. A variable S1. Positive S2. Questionable murmur.

    ABDOMEN: Obese. Non tender. Positive bowel sounds.

    EXTREMITIES: Trace ankle edema bilaterally. No synopsis or clubbing. Alert and oriented x 3. Cranium nerves: 2-12 grossly intact. Patient moving all extremities well.

    Peripheral vascular: + 2 radial dorsalis pedis, pulse is bilaterally.


    Sodium 138, potasium 3.5, BUN 18, creatinine 0.8, albumin 5.2, white blood count 9.9, A/G 1.8


    1. Shortness of breath is acute, rule-out PE. V2 scan will be done.

    2. Chest pain, rule-out acute coronary syndrome, cardiac serum markers and EKGs. Patient has multiple risk factors for coronary artery disease including obesity, hypertension, diabetes type 2. A stress test will also be evaluated.

    3. Afibrillation. Patient's right controlled, questionable length of time. He has received one dose of Lovenax last night.

    4. Diabetes type 2. Accu-cheks AC and HF.

    5. Hypertension is controlled.

  • Need help correcting medical transcription. Thank you!?

    This is a pleasant 61-year-old gentleman who has been experiencing dizzy on exertion. I understand that his CT scan has shown some emphysematous changes, and he was a smoker until 1992. In an effort to rule in the coronary cause of his dizziness on exertion, he underwent stress testing in October. At that time, he did do 10 ½ minutes without chest pain, ECG changes or any abnormality _____________ (sound's like) unperfused imaging. This particular function was normal.

    The CT scan that was done to evaluate his lung parankima did show some very mild calcification in his ALD. I talked to radiology about that, who reviewed it again for me and said he had some very minor accumulation of calcium in his left tube and descending.

    Today's exam was completely unremarkable except for him being overweight and having a blood pressure of 140/92.

    IMPRESSION: At this point, given his extremely normal effort tolerance on the treadmill, absences of angina, ST segment changes or any profusion abnormalities; I think it's unlikely that there's a cardiac contribution to his dizziness. Given the calcium in his ALD, which is minor, I would encourage aggressive risk factor modification. As such, his lipid should be evaluated again if they have not been checked in awhile, and addressed accordingly.

    We certainly appreciate the opportunity to participate in his care.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Medical Transcription. Please check.?

    For those you know medical transcription. I am currently enrolled in Penn Foster Medical Transcription. This is my first exam: Does this sound right for a Dermotologist? Spelling and Puncuation.


    January 31, 2013

    Patient is seen in follow-up today for her acne. On her last visit in August, she was found to have multiple inflammatory papules and pustules with some deep cysts on the face, neck and back. There were some scaring on both checks. Various topical treatments and systemic antibiotics have not been successful in controlling this girls sever acne. After counseling with the patient and her mother last visit, it was agreed that we start Jennifer on Accutane. Exam today shows remarkable improvement. There are some residual lesions without any new inflammatory cysts or pustules. A few comedones are present on the nose. She states she has been using the Accutane as directed and is taking her contraceptive pills faithfully.

    Diagnosis: Inflammatory acne Vulgaris. On Accutane.

    Jennifer and her mother were again counseled about the high risk of birth defects, should she become pregnant while taking Accutane. She denies being sexually active, but her mother was present in the room.

    She is to follow-up in the office in one month.



    d: 1/28/2013

    t: 1/30/2013

  • Please check my answer: using the parts of speech?

    1. Choose the sentence that has a subject complement.

    A. I felt much better. ANSWER

    B. The nurse felt my pulse.

    C. We can't leave without seeing her.

    D. The day ended with many surprises.

    2. Choose the simple subject in the following sentence. The tallest contestant won the prize.

    A. tallest

    B. contestant ANSWER

    C. won

    D. prize

    3. Choose the simple predicate in the following sentence. The men finished the game in a short time.

    A. finished ANSWER

    B. in

    C. game

    D. men

    4. Which of the following sentences contains three prepositions?

    A. Ben has done without a car for six months.

    B. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

    C. Jamila crept down the stairs, through the hall, and into the kitchen.ANSWER

    D. The boys might have cooperated if they had not been chosen last.

    5. Which sentence below contains a correctly used modifier in italics?

    A. Joe looked sad at his broken bike.

    B. The sauce tasted bitterly, and I couldn't swallow it.

    C. He spoke sharply to his sister. ANSWER

    D. I feel badly because I lost the race.

    6. Choose the sentence that contains an indirect object.

    A. I worked hard each day.

    B. They gave me a bonus. ANSWER

    C. I spent it immediately.

    D. It is difficult to save money.

    7. Which of these is a run-on sentence?

    A. Before lunch, I played volleyball; after lunch, I played again.

    B. You and I and the whole team will go. ANSWER

    C. I went home and ate and ate.

    D. I thought about what he'd said soon I realized he was right.

    8. Choose the sentence that's written in the passive voice.

    A. Watch for the turn at the corner of the block.

    B. The president was trying to develop his country's economy.

    C. To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee. ANSWER

    D. Alan and James know how to tell a story.

    9. Which of the following sentences uses a preposition properly?

    A. I might of lent him the book, if he had asked.

    B. Connor waited in line while Ava parked the car. ANSWER

    C. Where is David at?

    D. There was a big argument between Megan, Abira, and Lena.

    10. Which of the following groups of words is a sentence fragment?

    A. We stopped; she didn't.

    B. Take the flowers to your mother.

    C. When did you go?

    D. When we stopped by the garden. ANSWER

    11. The part of speech that answers the question "which one" is a/an

    A. preposition.

    B. adjective. ANSWER

    C. conjunction.

    D. adverb.

    12. Which of the following sentences contains an italicized word that's used as a predicate adjective?

    A. Jerry looks ill today.

    B. Jerry looks disdainfully at the pile of laundry.

    C. Jerry looks at the map.

    D. Jerry looks into the microscope. ANSWER

    13. Which of the following sentences contains two adverbs?

    A. Alana quickly ran across the bridge.

    B. Bridget owns a huge black dog.

    C. Jim finished the paint job very efficiently. ANSWER

    D. Enrique is an extremely talented baseball player.

    14. Choose the sentence in which the verb has a direct object.

    A. George was furious.

    B. She is insecure.

    C. They won the game. ANSWER

    D. I walked away.

    15. Select the sentence in which the verb correctly agrees with the subject.

    A. Les and Miranda is late for work today.

    B. Peggy or Phyllis drive me to Florida every winter.

    C. Not only the muffler but also the spark plugs need to be replaced. ANSWER

    D. A copy of Moby Dick and a magazine has disappeared from my room.

    16. Which one of the following sentences demonstrates correct subject-verb agreement?

    A. Elena thinks five dollars are a lot of money. MAYBE

    B. Robert's friend Steve, as well as his wife, are going to the fair.

    C. A number of my friends have bought new cars recently. ANSWER

    D. Each of his sisters go to a different school.

    17. Choose the sentence in which the italicized pronoun agrees in number with its italicized antecedent or antecedents.

    A. Mary and Jill won't eat her vegetables.

    B. The waiter refilled their glasses as they emptied it.

    C. The boys want their dessert now. ANSWER

    D. Maureen called the children for her meal.

    18. Which of the following sentences has a compound predicate?

    A. Yesterday I cleaned and painted my kitchen. ANSWER

    B. With the right investments, Steve thinks he can get rich.

    C. My whole family enjoys skiing and snowboarding.

    D. Heather and Casey played basketball and tennis all day.

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • Can you please check my Parts of Speech answers.?

    1. Choose the sentence that has a subject complement.

    A. I felt much better. ANSWER

    B. The nurse felt my pulse.

    C. We can't leave without seeing her.

    D. The day ended with many surprises.

    2. Choose the simple subject in the following sentence. The tallest contestant won the prize.

    A. tallest

    B. contestant ANSWER

    C. won

    D. prize

    3. Choose the simple predicate in the following sentence. The men finished the game in a short time.

    A. finished ANSWER

    B. in

    C. game

    D. men

    4. Which of the following sentences contains three prepositions?

    A. Ben has done without a car for six months.

    B. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

    C. Jamila crept down the stairs, through the hall, and into the kitchen. ANSWER

    D. The boys might have cooperated if they had not been chosen last.

    5. Which sentence below contains a correctly used modifier in italics?

    A. Joe looked sad at his broken bike.

    B. The sauce tasted bitterly, and I couldn't swallow it.

    C. He spoke sharply to his sister. ANSWER

    D. I feel badly because I lost the race.

    6. Choose the sentence that contains an indirect object.

    A. I worked hard each day.

    B. They gave me a bonus. ANSWER

    C. I spent it immediately.

    D. It is difficult to save money.

    7. Which of these is a run-on sentence?

    A. Before lunch, I played volleyball; after lunch, I played again.

    B. You and I and the whole team will go. ANSWER

    C. I went home and ate and ate.

    D. I thought about what he'd said soon I realized he was right.

    8. Choose the sentence that's written in the passive voice.

    A. Watch for the turn at the corner of the block.

    B. The president was trying to develop his country's economy.

    C. To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee. ANSWER

    D. Alan and James know how to tell a story.

    9. Which of the following sentences uses a preposition properly?

    A. I might of lent him the book, if he had asked.

    B. Connor waited in line while Ava parked the car. ANSWER

    C. Where is David at?

    D. There was a big argument between Megan, Abira, and Lena.

    10. Which of the following groups of words is a sentence fragment?

    A. We stopped; she didn't.

    B. Take the flowers to your mother.

    C. When did you go?

    D. When we stopped by the garden. ANSWER

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Questions about computers???? Please check....?

    A browser allows you to set preferences for using the browser. These preferences include all of the following except:

    A. setting security levels.

    B. setting alerts.

    C. storing a message. (ANSWER)

    D. creating cookies.

    All of the following search engines are meta-search engines with the exception of (DON'T KNOW)

    A. WebCrawler.

    B. Ask.

    C. HotBot.

    D. Dogpile

    4. If Netiquette recommends not typing in all capitals (shouting), which of the following emoticons would as the same breech of Netiquette?

    A. :)

    B. :X (ANSWER)

    C. :-0

    D. :(

    Seeing an error message on the screen after you click on a link or icon may indicate that your PC doesn't have the correct __________ to view the information you're looking for.


    B. accessory

    C. plug-in

    D. dictionary

    What does the program 7-Zip do for the files on your computer?

    A. It closes Windows when you're working in other programs.

    B. It condenses and expands files so they move easily over the Internet.(ANSWER)

    C. It provides security for your computer when you're not using it.

    D. It helps you move quickly through a variety of Internet tasks.

    . Real Player, Flash Player, and Shockwave are examples of

    A. plug ins. (ANSWER)

    B. domains.

    C. ISPs.

    D. protocols

    A unique feature of which browser is an opening screen that features a different image each day with embedded links? (DON'T KNOW)

    A. Bing

    B. Chrome

    C. Safari

    D. Internet Explorer

    5 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Please check if I am correct on "Computers" homework.?

    10. A USB flash memory drive

    A. must be connected to the computer before the system is booted up.

    B. is a removable hardware device recognized by Windows XP. ANSWER

    C. is available in a choice of "writable" and "rewritable" models.

    D. may be removed only after the computer is shut down.

    13. A user could find the icon for an attached USB flash drive under what heading in the My Computer/Computer window?

    A. Files Stored on This Computer

    B. Devices with Removable Storage ANSWER

    C. Scanners and Cameras

    D. Hard Disk Drives

    17. The process of using or controlling two or more windows at a time is known as

    A. multitasking. ANSWER

    B. threading.

    C. stacking.

    D. hyperthreading.

    19. Which folder is the default choice for saving bitmap or JPEG files created by a user?

    A. My Downloads/Downloads NOT FOR SURE?

    B. My Pictures/Pictures

    C. My Documents/Documents

    D. My Computer/Computer

    6 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Questions about Windows Vista?

    1. In Windows Vista, which process allows you to display two documents side by side?

    A. Right-click the mouse button in a blank area of the taskbar; in the menu option that appears, click Show Windows Side by Side.

    B. Click the Windows icon button, choose Control Panel, and select the Tile Windows Vertically option.

    C. Double-click on the desktop; in the menu option that appears, click the Show Windows Stacked option.

    D. Click the Windows icon button, choose Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization, choose the taskbar, and select Side by Side.

    2. Which option in the Control Panel can you use to change the time zone in both Windows XP and Vista?

    A. Date and Time

    B. Administrative Tools

    C. Windows Update

    D. System

    3. Which method of deleting files can be used in Windows XP and Vista?

    A. Click the file icon and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

    B. Rapidly clicking twice on the file.

    C. Right-click the file icon and click Delete in the context menu.

    D. Drag and drop the file icon to My Computer.

    4. A screen saver is best described as a(n)

    A. stationary display, such as a menu or desktop.

    B. antistatic monitor dust cover.

    C. desktop background pattern or wallpaper.

    D. moving full-screen graphic.

    5. What is the primary purpose for a screen saver in Windows?

    A. To allow the graphics processor time to perform maintenance

    B. To provide security options for protecting data

    C. To prevent the computer from powering down during user inactivity

    D. To prevent images being burned into the screen and dimming the display

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago