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  • I discovered what I think is a sinkhole....?

    There was a natural mote in my flowerbed so I decided to shape it a little more. When I was spraying it down my neighbor pointed out a hole. The hole seems to go down about 1 or two feet then the water looks like it runs off to either side. It is right next to my house. Is it a sinkhole? What kind of damage can it cause? Any way to fix it?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Need some insight/ advice/ help dealing with my married best friend of the opposite sex.....?

    We have been close friends for a few months. We used to talk about everything including our mutual attraction to each other and why we could never explore that part of our relationship. We call each other our "twin" or counterpart. He came and stayed on my couch when he "split" with his wife of eight years.Suddenly, I seem to be a burden, I can't depend on him for anything, not even a ride home from work at 10:00pm that he agreed to, instead he was unreachable and I walked home. He has become almost abusive telling me to stop calling and texting him (even when I'm simply responding to him) He's simply pulled a jeckyl/hyde manuever on me. I've asked him if I should take the hint that he doesn't want to be my friend. It's no great loss to lose who he has become but I'm very sad to lose my counterpart and I miss him. Why is he acting like this? What should I do? Some insight and advice, please?

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • My cat had an abcess that I drained yesterday. I applied warm washcloths until the puss stopped seaping out,?

    then I put peroxide on it. He is acting a little strange, very needy, sleeping a lot, lethargic and he has diarrhea. I don't have any money to take him to the vet. His shots are current, I adopted him from the SPCA four months ago. Is there anything else I can do for him at home?

    19 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Need some landlord/ tenant advice , please?

    Moved in my apartment in October. There were repairs needed including my swamp cooler not working. Told my landlord, he said he would be here the next day or day after. When he didn't show or call I had my brother replace the pump to get it working. When I called my landlord a week later I asked him if he wanted me to make repairs and deduct them from my rent and he agreed. The first month I deducted $50.00, the second $100.00. When I asked for his address to submit receipts he said it wasn't necessary. After the second month he told me not to make any more repairs so I asked for his address again so that I could submit repair requests in writing, he reluctantly gave it to me. I submitted a request for repairswith no response. He has been here to show the property to buyers and I showed him the repairs that are needed. I have spent over $1800.00 making repairs and fixing this place up, most of which I have not asked to be reimbursed for. The landlord has not made a single repair or

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I guess I am going to have to proceed with suing my current landlord.?

    When I looked at this apartment the landlord said that he still had some work to do on it before I moved in. That evening we signed the "rental agreement" and I paid rent, deposit, etc. Because the landlord lives in Los Angeles and wasn't sounding very sure about when I would be able to get the keys for move in, he gave a set that night. After checking with him I went into the unit to make sure it was clean..........I have since painted, cleaned the carpets 5 times, put new tile floors in the bathroom and kitcken, installed ceiling fans in 3 rooms, repaired faulty/ leaky plumbing, installed motion sencor lights at the front and side door, maintained the flower bed, redone the grout and caulking in the kitchen and bathrom tiles , installed a new bathroom faucet, replaced a toilet that broke, among other necessary repairs and improvements. Many of the above named issues I voluntarily chose to do for my own comfort and do not expect to get reimbursed for. But I went from paying $495 to

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Are their any laws governing if and when a landlord must install new carpeting?

    I moved into my apartment a few months ago. I have invested a lot of time and money into fixing the place up. The landlord has not made any of the necessary repairs. The carpet is among one of the badly needed (but cosmetic) repairs. Before I moved in I cleaned the carpets three times and was still picking up muddy water. It is badly worn and has burn holes through the entire apartment. Is the landlord required to install new carpet between tenants? Or ever?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • help me identify a black spider with (3) white markings on its back in Bakersfield, CA?

    Can anyone please help me identify a black, hairy spider with white markings on its back (one is average size in the middle of its back, the other two are small dots on either side of the center marking?

    5 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to get revenge on my lame neighbors?

    My upstairs neighbors have been harassing me about the noise level (the majority of the time between 5:30pm and 9:30pm) ever since I didn't accept one's advances. They've called the sheriff out @ 8:30 on a Sunday evening. I finally sent a letter with a copy of the noise control ordinance attached (and cc: the landlord) saying that I have been respectful and reasonable and I would appreciate the same in return and that the harassment and invasion of privacy needs to the way, the night that I didn't accept lame ***' advances he told me that he saw me sitting in my living room in my white G-string-string hitting a pipe. Yup he new the color of my panties. Since the letter things have been pretty mellow, until last night. My girlfriend pointed out that one of my pictures was hanging crooked so at 8:30pm on Sunday night I was hammering a nail in the wall and it sounded like he jumped on the floor. My ex went up and they had words, I went to my exes 'cause I didn't want to be home alone with all the drama going on. When I got home they had turned off my electricity by switching off my breakers. But only after they had pad locked their own closed. So how should I pay them back?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Is there any hope in finding a wallpaper border?

    I purchased a wallpaper border from Target years ago. I recently decided to use it and ran into some issues. The adhesive was too old and didn't stick so I used spray adhesive plus my cat decided to try and attack the laser level and ripped down the corner.....long story short I want to start over with a new roll of the same pattern. Target no longer carries it. Is there any hope of finding the same border for relatively cheap?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for a set of knock offs (center caps) for a 1977 Datsun (Nissan) 280 Z with Centerline wheels.

    Anyone know where I can get a set? Online or somewhere in Bakersfield, CA?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a free general labor invoice to download online?

    My landlord has requested that I handle my own repairs. I need to submit reciepts for my own and other's labor. Where can I find an invoice that would be suitable for this?

  • My former landlord with whom I've had numerous issues has not returned my security deposit................

    I vacated the premises on Sept. 5, turned in keys Sept. 21, called to give forwarding address shortly after, sent letter requesting refund on Nov. 6........what is my next step?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • how can i obtain historical information of the land I live on?

    I believe that their is a restless spirit residing in my new home. How can I research what may have happened here?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • expected sentence for possession of cocaine with 6 prior assault charges for a juvenile in kern county, ca?

    what might the expected sentence be for possession of cocaine with 6 prior assault charges for a juvenile in kern county, ca (16 yr old female)

    16 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • what actions can I take against my formal apartment manager for calling me a whore?

    When my formal managers tried to kick me out I fought the case on the grounds of discriminatory eviction. We settled and I moved out. When I went to get the last of my belongings and to clean the apartment the manager and I had words and she called me a whore. This is after they told me I couldn't have one day to finish getting my things and clean the apartment so I had to pay for 2 weeks of rent for which I was not in the rental unit. During which time that my rent was paid she told my friend that the apartment was empty and she didn't have any reason to go up to my apartment. They basically harrassed me and my friends for the last 6 months to a year of my tenancy. What actions can I take against her/them?

    15 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • how to get paid from an in-law?

    My sister-in-law has owed me $235 for over a month. I have called her house almost daily for over a week with no return call. I stopped by her work last week and asked her to please call me, she hasn't. How can I get this loan repaid? (I'm not too worried about keeping the peace)

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago