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Favorite Answers42%
  • Help finding the Twilight DVD?

    Hi, I'm looking for the perfect B-day gift for a friend. I would like to buy the full Twilight Saga all 5 movies but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere.

    My friend has a DVD play and does not have a bluray player and lives in the U.S.

    Any help of a good website?

    6 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Is there a disorder that make's people lie?

    We live in a world full of Bipolar, ADHD and OCD disorders. My question is, is there a disorder that make's people want to LIE all the time?

    --------------------------More info--------------------------------

    A few people I know can't seem to stop telling lies, And I'm not talking about just lie's but tall tales. For example a person that I use to work with told us that he use to run 35 MPH back in High School and his Doc told him that he's a Werewolf. Another person I know wants everyone to think that she's knows everything you can walk into her house with a gun and she will tell you that she use to make guns. Then tell you that she's BFF with all kind's of celebrities.

    Please don't comment on any of the extra info I gave I'm just given examples of people telling tall tales and my question is IS THERE ANY DISORDER THAT MAKES PEOPLE FEEL THE NEED TO LIE ALL THE TIME?

    8 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Lost my Gmail username?

    I have an HTC Android phone. I had a problem with it and had to re-set it problem is now I can't use the Android Market do to I don't have my Gmail E-mail. I "paid" to download programs from the store but now I can't get them back do to I forget my E-mail. Is there anything I can do?

    Never used it so now what?

    1 AnswerGoogle9 years ago
  • Backing up a Sprint HTC android?

    I have a Sprint HTC Android cell phone and I want to know if there is a way I can back up my text messages onto a PC.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • How to lend money to someone and get it back.?

    I want to give a large sum of money to someone but I also want to get it back. What can I do that would stand up in a Cort of law that I can get my money back?

    How do I give it? Cash/check or other?

    What kind of contract? What should be in it?

    Should other legal people be there to agree to the contract?

    I want as much info as you can give please.

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • warrants and rats....?

    If you have a warrant out for you're arrest for lets say "drug trafficking" and I know this person is a very sick person that sells drugs to kids (age around 13) and you want to rat him out to the Cops is there anything you can do?

    Before you ask no I don't have any evidence that he's doing anything illegal he always has illegal drugs on him. But do I even need that when he has one or two out of State (drug trafficking) warrants out for his arrest?

    Can I just call the Cops and rat this person out?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • crossing state lines with an warrant for you're arrest out.?

    If you cross state lines and you have a warrant or warrants for you're arrest can the cops still come after you?

    If so how so?

    Also would you need to brake a law first?

    This post is also linked to this:;_ylt=Ag7s5...

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Do warrants for you're arrest go away?

    I have a friend with at lest one warrant out for there arrest (but I think it's more like 2 in 2 differnt States) there plan is to run from the Cops and at some point the warrants will go away. Is this at all possable? I "think" they are are thinking of the "statute of limitations" but I thout that was only good for crimes that where not yet juged on yet in a cort of law.

    One I think is drug trafficking if that helps.

    12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Lost my high in my martial art kicks.?

    I've been doing martial arts for about twenty years now. But not to long ago I lost the height of my kicks on my right side (use to be my good leg). My left leg I can kick way over my head and hold it there my right leg I can only kick about my belt level now.

    Someone I take class with said this could be a hip problem? That they went to someone who had them do some very simple things and it fixed his problem.

    So my question is what happen to me? And if they are real simple exercise's what are they? The kid who told me about this said he forgot what they had him do.

    5 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Forum signatures......?

    I want to know if anyone out there knows of a website I can goto that makes signature. You know the pics at that are on the bottoms of peoples posts on some fourms.

    I want someone to make me one with a pic of Grand Turismo 5 in it. That game just rocks!!!

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Add/Remove Windows Question.?

    I went into the Add/Remove windows componts wizrd and removed "Accessories and Utilites" (to save room on my hard drive) Now I need to turn it back on but it tells me to use the Win XP CD. Wich the PC did not come with when we got it.

    What do I do from here?

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Math word problem?

    A man has to make 100 boxes per/h. How many min's would it take to make one box?

    This is just something I am doing at work this is not Homework.

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Recycleing papper?

    I work in a "BIG" factory. I want to talk to my bos about recycleing papper. One day on the radio I heard an ad that they will give you about $100.oo for ton of papper you give them.

    How would I look up this info? Is there a webpage on the internet? That could give me more info?

    Please DO NOT TELL ME JUST TO LISSON TO THE RAIDO. This happen alog time ago and I don't know what radio stahion it was on.

    I want papper work in hand when I show this to my bos.

    5 AnswersSculpture1 decade ago
  • alternater?

    how much does a alternator cost?

    94 ponica grand prex

    used and new prices

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • War in Iraq?

    Let's say that if we had all these Idiots that we have today (you know the ones that say war is bad Bush is bad bla bla bla) durning WW2 would Hitler be world leader now?

    Ok, let's also say that we are only 3 years into WW2 D-day has yet to happen. But it was all happening Today. So George Bush is still the President.

    None of this is real, Just asking how different do you think thing's would be with so many anti war people, so many anti Bush people, and so many people who just don't know what they are talking about. Oh and lets not forget about all the Politics.

    After thinking about all that would Hitler be world leader in Todays world?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The war in Iraq?

    Let's say that if we had all these Idiots that we have today (you know the ones that say war is bad Bush is bad bla bla bla) durning WW2 would Hitler be world leader now?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • The war in Iraq?

    Let's say that if we had all these Idiots that we have today (you know the ones that say war is bad Bush is bad bla bla bla) durning WW2 would Hitler be world leader now?

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Did people forget?

    I just made a post on yahoo answers saying that Bill Clinton was in Office during the first world trade center bombing. That is true and not a typo he was. I was referring to the Oklahoma City bombing wich happen when Bill was still in Office.

    Here are just a few quotes

    "9/11 happened on Bush's watch, and so did this record deficit and record spending"

    "The attack on the World Trade Center was when Bush was in office. The Pent was attacked too. Bush has stopped funding for finding cures for diseases"

    "wow I never thought anyone was that dumb 911 happened on George bush's watch .HELLO. Oh and how many terrorist attracts have we had during a democratic government. well do more reserch before you shoot your mouth off. "

    Are people just dumb? Where they all born in 1999 or something? 6 year olds?

    Or are we as a Country just forgetting our past?

    If you did forget here is a news post.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Don't people get this?

    When Bill Bill Clinton was in Office we had...

    *The Bombing of the World trade center

    *The Bombing of the U.S.S. Colt

    *1998-Bombing of the U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224 and injured 5,000.

    Just to name a few things that happen when dear old Bill was in Office. HE DID NOTHING to stop terrorism NOTHING!

    Why do we want to go back to thoes days?

    Let me ask everyone here one good question. How many times has this Country been attacked after 9/11? ZERO! None! Do you know why? Becuse we have the war in Iraq right now. They are all back home fighting there right now.

    Democrats, are now trying to take over.

    *They want to put a end to wire taps wich could stop Terrorism in this Country

    *End the war in Iraq. Guest what all the terrorist will be comeing back to the states. They no longer will have to fight at home so they will be back.

    *Higer Taxes, (((YEA!!!))) This means less jobs for everyone!!! And you're be makeing less monney!!!

    13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • WHY does everyone HATE bush because we went to war....hello, do you know everything about what's going to happ

    to our country? Hell, if you were so smart you would have told bush about 9/ you eventually want to have terrorist and mad people killing you and our country because bush didn't allow war to protect you, geezm people stop thinking about the cool thing to protest...we ARE at war and there are men and women who willingly will shut up

    I also just wanted to remind people that we have two wars going on right now the war in Iraq and the war on the war on Terrorist. 9/11 started the war on terror not the war in Iraq.

    Oh and one more thing,


    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago