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Favorite Answers26%
  • Our daughter is turning 16. We want to offer 15 "wishes" and need help.?

    We don't live near family, so we need to do the candle ceremony with a twist. We will offer 15 wishes for her life, such as "We wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence, along with the wisdom to choose your battles carefully." and "We wish you adventure on your journey and may you always stop to help others along the way."

    I need help coming up with several more...anyone have any meaningful says like these that we could use?

    2 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Heul, german meaning?

    Trying to learn German, but what does "heul" mean, as in

    Heul doch or warum heul ich Nächte lang

    3 AnswersOther - Germany1 decade ago
  • Can you make this funny?

    I have to write a story (1 page) that pertains to me and then transcribe it. I can do the transcription, but the story is giving me problems. I want it to be humorous, but I'm just not that funny. So if anyone has a humor streak and would help me I would be so grateful! Here is what I have:

    The other day I had the displeasure of cleaning out my kids’ closets. Now, in an effort to avoid the tears and tantrums of departing with toys they are never going to play with again, I usually do this while they are at school. And don’t ya know they never miss those items they claim to love so much! Both my husband and I know that this needs to be done on a regular basis, but there are the select few in my family that just don’t understand. Meet my dad, the hoarder. Now, dad isn’t a classic hoarder like you see on Dr. Phil whose house is completely overrun with junk, but he just can never seem to part with his beloved stuff. After all, you never know when that special something you’ve been keeping for the last 30 years will come in handy. When dad couldn’t fit anymore stuff under his trailer, he went out and bought two of those metal storage buildings and is on his way to cramming them full too! Now, I admit there are belongings, such as my wedding dress, that I have crammed in a dark closet somewhere that will probably never see the light of day again and I have trinkets in my curios, but they serve an aesthetic purpose. And while I’m sure that my dad has sentimental belongings, most of his stuff he keeps because he thinks that one day it will be worth a fortune and when he passes, my brother and I will be millionaires. For instance, crammed in his closet are marbles, Lincoln Logs, remote control cars, and various other junk.

    I always joke around and say that when dad does pass I'm just gonna cry over the millions I've lost while I toss the match. So, anyone out there that can make this funny?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Setting time on Petmate Le Bistro?

    I own a Petmate LeBisto automatic feeder. We've recently moved and I can't find the instruction manual anywhere. Can someone tell me how to set the clock and feeding times, or direct me to an owner's manual for this online?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know this...?

    action song?

    I don't know the exact words but I know it tells about an aunt who went to:

    Japan and brought me back a silken fan

    Netherlands and brought back a wooden shoe

    Can anyone please give me the lyrics or a link to the song?

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Messenger 8.0 crashing?

    Ever since I downloaded Yahoo Messenger 8.0, Messenger crashes unexpectedly and then automatically turns itself back on, which causes problems for me. I searched Yahoo Answers and changed my preference to "Firewall with no proxies". Even after doing this, Messenger is still crashing and now my webcam won't work. When starting the webcam, I get a message stating "Sorry you appear to be behind a firewall and are currently unable to use the Yahoo! Webcam service."

    Please help!

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • Plant Projects?

    Our girl scout troop is about to work on a badge involving plants and I am clueless. I need something extremely simple because the idea is to send each girl home with her plant and have them track the growth every few days on a chart. Then she would bring her plant back to our next meeting in 2 weeks. We were going to place lima beans and wet paper towels in a plastic baggie taped to a window, but then I read that you can't use lima beans from a bag in the store because they have been treated with something to prevent growth. So, now I am stumped! Is there anything else we can use (potatoe, other beans, etc) that is inexpensive and easy to use in place of the lima bean? Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerBotany1 decade ago
  • Plant projects?

    Our girl scout troop is about to work on a badge involving plants and I am clueless. I need something extremely simple because the idea is to send each girl home with her plant and have them track the growth every few days on a chart. Then she would bring her plant back to our next meeting in 2 weeks.

    We were going to place lima beans and wet paper towels in a plastic baggie taped to a window, but then I read that you can't use lima beans from a bag in the store because they have been treated with something to prevent growth. So, now I am stumped! Is there anything else we can use (potatoe, other beans, etc) that is inexpensive and easy to use in place of the lima bean?

    Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Canon Digital Rebel XT lenses?

    I recently purchased a Canon Digital Rebel XT, EOS 350 D camera. I am a complete beginner at this, so I need a lot of guidance.

    We are going to Paris, France in a few weeks, so I need to know what the best lenses would be for shooting pics of the Eiffel tower (from near and far away) and the catacombs, etc.- wide angle and telephoto. Also, I want them to be zoom lenses. The kit lens that came with the camera just doesn't zoom in enough for me.

    Also, do you know where I can get them? I live in Germany,so the place would have to ship to an APO address.

    Thanks so much!

    7 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Does real butter spoil?

    I accidently left my tub of real butter (not margerine) setting out all night last night, so I need to know if it is spoilt? I smelled it and it smells kind of funny, but I've never took the time to do that before, so I don't know what it is supposed to smell like.

    17 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is this happening to you too?

    I woke up this morning with 77 messages in my Inbox and 74 of them were from Yahoo congratulating me on my best answer. Only problem is for each best answer I got, Yahoo is sending out like 10-12 of the same message. What is going on? Is this happening to any of you too? Is there any way I can make it stop??


    22 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • About, hope this will help someone?

    This isn't really a question, but may be an answer to someone's frustration, so I am gonna waste 5 points to tell you what I've found out about because they have defrauded me and a quick search of Y!A let me know that I am not alone.

    I found a website by Schrock Innovations that tells how got onto your computer and provides a tutorial on how to get it off your computer, along with their contact phone number (it is 866-431-7720). That website is

    Also, there is a link at the bottom of the page for you to either email or call The Law Offices of Manuel H. Miller, if you choose to join the class action lawsuit against

    Here is that link:

    So, if you have been defrauded by, please see the above mentioned links. If you are generous enough, please spread this to other parts of Y!A since Popcorn can fall into many different categories (security, movies, etc).

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Phobia....?

    What's your favorite/least favorite song on Breaking Benjamin's new album? Why?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Windows Movie Maker help please?

    My camera is a Kodak EasyShare DX 7630 and when I take video on it and then put them onto my computer, they are automatically saved as Quicktime .MOV.

    I dowloaded the RAD video tools from Papa John and successfully converted MOV into AVI and imported it to WMM. Only now, a clip that used to be a little over 1 min. long, is now all of about 3 seconds.

    Can someone **please** tell me how to fix this, so that I can edit my videos and put them onto DVD?

    Also, is there a descently priced video editing program that is easy for beginners to use that does more than WMM?

    Any help anyone can give will be greatly appreciated!

    10 points for the most helpful person.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Origin of term Military BRAT?

    My husband is in the military and we have 3 kiddos, and I was wondering how the term "Military brat" came to refer to children who have a parent in the service?

    What is it's origin? Did "brat" used to be an acronym for something?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Too many teeth?

    My son, who is 6 has not lost any of his baby teeth yet. But, behind his lower two front teeth, his adult teeth are there. Poor guy, I know that had to hurt with them pushing up through the guyms and all! But, does anyone have any experience with this? I have made him a dentist appt., but I'm wondering if anyone knows what they will probably recommend- leave em be or remove the baby teeth? Also, since the adult teeth are back so far, will this mean that he will have to have braces in the future?

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How to get dog used to kennel?

    We have a little shih-tzu who is about 1 year old. Last night we bought him a kennel because even though we take up his food/water at night and let him out, he still pees and poops in the house during the night.

    I knew it wouldn't be easy getting him used to sleeping in the kennel at night, but he barked/howled/scratched/and cried so much that we let him out a little over an hour later. SO...any ideas on how we can make this transition easier on all of us???

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago