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Lv 743,816 points

Lil D

Favorite Answers32%

I turned 23 in June '10. I moved from NY to Idaho to finish school.I got married on April 18th, 2008 to my best friend and loving every minute of it. Graduating with my BA in Music Education in December of '10. I'm online here and there, feel free to catch me when I'm online. Feel free to send me an e-mail too, I would be more than willing to respond. I'm just here to have fun and enjoy my new married life :) Also check out my myspace page and my 360 page.

  • Ovulation test question?

    My whole life I've had irregular periods, I think I had 6 from when j started my period to when I went on birth control (7 years). I've been off birth control since June 2010 and have not had a period since then. I expected this seeing my previous history of periods. I've been blood tested for PCOS twice and both came out that my hormones were fine. I have an appt with an ob/gyn to test it again.

    This morning I wanted to take a pregnancy test, just to see if by some miracle I got pregnant, and accidentally pulled out an ovulation test. I got a positive line but not the same color as the control line.

    Two days earlier, I did the ovulation test and got only the control line.

    Does this mean I might actually be on my way to ovulating?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Conceiving after Birth Control?

    I have just a few questions:

    1) Did you experience anything with your body after you stopped birth control

    2) How long did you give your body to regulate its self before trying to conceive

    3) How long till you got pregnant

    4) What did you do to prepare yourself for being pregnant.

    I'm just wondering because I'm getting off birth control soon (this is my last month) to allow my body to regulate before my husband and I try for children. I just want to know what happened to different women when they got off.

    Thanks a ton!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Guinea pig question about introducing new pigs?

    We just adopted another guinea pig, a female to add to the other two females we had before. She is about 2 months older then the two we already had. They are getting along great most of the time (there are still a few power struggles) after the quarantine period. I understand that mounting the other pig is showing dominants, but now the new one is (what it looks like) licking the ears of the other two pigs that we had before.

    Is this still part of the acceptance process, or is it something different?

    5 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Cramping but not pregnant?

    For the past few months I have been having uterus pain... It doesn't feel like period cramps but almost like my uterus is stretching. I've been on birth control for 2 1/2 years, so I'm not ovulating (or at least I don't think I am). I don't think I'm pregnant because I am on birth control and have had my period every month. The only other pain I'm having is lower back pain. Is there anything else that could cause a pain like this?

    Thanks a ton!!

    PS.. I've done searches elsewhere and its only come up with pregnancy cramping..

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • This may seem an odd question but:?

    Our college does a huge Halloween Concert every year, and orchestra partner and I have decide to go as Batman and the Joker, me being Batman. The costume I have consisted of a batman chest piece that is designed to fit a man. I have pretty large breasts (D cup) and I'm looking for a way to hid them so the piece fits a little better.

    I've seen things like binding them, but would that work for someone my size. Or is there another option that would be better.

    Thanks everyone for your answers!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy/Baby Question?

    My husband and I are planning on trying for children in the spring and I was wondering what are things that I can do now to prepare for pregnancy and to help my baby develop and grow healthy?

    What did you do?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to be around 3 months pregnant and not know?

    I thought that I was pregnant in April (the whole birth control/antibiotics things), I was feeling pregnancy symptoms like very sore breasts, darkening of the areola (I'm a redhead you can't see them.. and they are now very visible), back and head aches, and nausea. All of the HPT I took came out negative, so I went to the doctor for a blood test, just to make sure. She did the one that just tells your yes or no and it came out No. Then I got my period but it was very light. I let it pass from my mind; but the pregnancy symptoms never went away and even more have added.. I'm getting heartburn way to easy, getting very tired from my easy job, the nausea still hasn't gone away and I've noticed that my lower stomach is starting to stick out more (or at least I think so.. I'm prediabetic so my weight changes all the time)

    I've had two periods since I had the blood test (one right after it and the one the month after) but they have been very light.. I can wear a regular tampon and it half full after 8 hours. I've continued to take my birth control because I don't if I'm pregnant or not..

    I really just want to know if any one else has had this experienced and found out that they were pregnant?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did anyone see the Season opener of Jon and Kate plus 8?

    I've been stuck at work and missed the new Jon and Kate; can someone please give me a quick over view of what happened? What was TLC hyping up about?

    Thank you so much!!!

    (Best answer will be chosen)

    12 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • How do you get past the Carnival Level on Sonic 3!!?

    I'm sure you all know where I'm stuck.. that stupid barrel on part two if the Carnival Level. I've read that you press up and down till it gets to the height that you want, but it this meant for PC as well. I'm playing the PC Version and I have literally been trying to be this part for years! Its driving me crazy!!!!!!

    Please help!!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • How long do you need to take another form of Birth Control when taking Antibiotics?

    I was given a Z-pack antibiotics for a possible congestion infections. I asked the pharmacists if it would react with the birth control I was on (which is Apri). He told me that it hasn't been known to react with it and that to be careful I should use condoms for 2 weeks during and after my pills. But I'm reading contradicting information on the length of time and that it does react with BC on the internet from websites that I trust.

    So basically what I'm asking is.. Is he right or am I just freaking out??

    Yeah.. my husband and I had sex on Friday, without a condom (yeah I know.. kinda forgot) and that was the last day of the two weeks, which is why I'm asking..

    Thank you in advance!!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How to you get rid of the longing to have a child?

    I've been married for almost a year now, and a lot of my married friends are starting to have children or having their second child. I want one too. I'm not so irrational that I'm going to stop taking my birth control and make myself get pregnant. I know its not the right time in my life to start having children (I haven't even finished college yet nor enough money). This longing just makes me sad knowing that I can't have one yet. I try to get rid of it by thinking of all the bad reasons to have a child (their aren't that many) And that's not starting to work.

    So basically I just want to know.. how to you remove to sadness and the longing to have a child till its time to have one.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question for Big Breasted Women?

    Since I'm a musician, I end up sitting up straight for 4+ hours everyday. Everyday! My back kills me all the time because of it.

    So what do you do to help relieve that back pain and prevent it?

    Thanks for answers!

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Could emotional changes be an early sign of pregnancy?

    I know that mood changed happen later in pregnancy, but what about as an early sign? Everything is making me cry, not depressed crying, but just tears. I saw a billboard for an adoption agency with the picture of a child and I just started bawling, and many other things especially things that have to do with babies or family.

    I have more possible early pregnancy symptoms than just an emotion change, like my boobs have been hurting, my stomach been hurting, IBS symptoms, headaches, I feel different.

    My period is suppose to come next week, so we will see?

    Thanks in advance?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What would you change about the Mormon Church?

    I just want one thing that you would change about the mormons.. Just curious?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are your personal feelings on Gay Marriage?

    I want to know your own personal feelings on gay marriage. Should it be legalized? Should they be able to adopt children? I want to know what you believe, not what your party says.

    For all those wondering, I'm all for gay marriage. I think that Family Guy said it best "what gives two straight people who absolutely hate each other more of a right to be together than two gay people who love each other" If its the whole family thing and not being able to have children. I'm sure there are so many gay couples out there who want to have children so bad, that they would give any child a loving home to go to and give it all the support, love and attention that child needs to grow. There are so many children who are abused in foster homes and from parents of straight people, a gay couple would give them so much love and attention (Not that I'm saying that all straight people are horrible child abusers) And isn't that all that matters, is if the child is love, and the whole point of marriage is to be with someone that you love and want to spend the rest of your life with.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do you think its sexy when a women speaks her mind?

    I was discussing with my husband, and he said one of the reasons he fell in love with me was because I'm a strong women and I speak my mind. He also told me that there are some guys who are intimidated and scared by it and tend to shy away from women like that. So what I want to know is, Do you think its sexy when a women speaks her mind? If not, why?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How much does it cost to get everything for a hamster?

    My husband and I are thinking about getting a hamster? What exactly will we need for the hamster. How much does a hamster usually cost?? Thank you for your answers :)

    10 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know when Volume 6 (season 7) of Family Guy will be avalible to buy in the US?

    I've searched amazon,, even wikipeida for the release date, but can't find it. Does anyone know when the next season will be available? I know that volume 5 came out last October or November, will volume 6 be the same?

    Thank you

    3 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Airplane Ticket Question?

    I flying out on the 22nd of July, and I put down both my maiden and New last name on the ticket, I just got my new license with my new last name. So the Ticket says Knudsen-Doyle, and my License says Doyle. Is this alright? Will the airplane security freak out because my last name doesn't match exactly?

    I'm only asking this because something like this happened to my friend a few years ago.

    Also, if it isn't alright, is there any way to change the name on the ticket?

    Thank you in advance :)

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy Question?

    I have a quick question.. I had sex the day after my period was over, before I was able to take my first birth control pill of the new month, and my husband came inside of me. What are the chances of me getting pregnant?

    Thank you in advance for your answers!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago