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  • What is a safe port range for most browsers?

    What is a range of 20+ consecutive ports that should be safe to use?

    I have a few network devices that I would like to connect inside and outside of my network; sometimes with a browser. I thought I was being smart by giving the devices the following address and port numbers:


    but it turns out that Firefox, Chrome and probably others block some ports.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking8 years ago
  • What are the differences between Samsung ATIV Smart PC Pro 700T Models?

    What are the differences between





    Which ones have WiDi and NFC?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • I want to tether with the iPhone, what is the best way to do it? If it has to be JB then what program?

    I started to look online about jailbreaking, it looks like there is many different ways to do it. Which is the best way? Is there a way to tether and not jailbreak?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How do I trick windows XP Home into thinking it is Pro?

    I want to install a program and it has to be windows XP Pro. Is there somewhere in the registry or a system file that says Home and I can just change it to Pro or change a bit or hex number just so I can install this program? I know the program may or may not work but I figured I would try it anyways.

    11 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is it hard to find parts for a 1984 VW Vanagon camper?

    Also what years and/or other cars have common parts? I'm thinking about buying one


    4 AnswersVolkswagen1 decade ago
  • I'm building a new computer, what OS should I get?

    I'm building a computer with an Intel quad 64 bit Q9500 and 8GB of mem and I'm trying to figure out what OS should I get? VISTA 64bit? XP 64bit? or just Linux 64bit till Windows 7 comes out?

    VISTA 32bit suxs for as much as I have tried, I have not tried VISTA 64bit. I have heard depending on when you get VISTA you may get Windows 7 for free, is that true?

    Does XP-64 work with a lot of apps? and for every day stuff?

    or should I get Linux for now and wait till Win7 comes out?

    or XP-32 bit (I have a copy) for now and only run on 3GB of mem and do win7 when it comes out

    I have Win7 beta to try but that's not a permanent solution or safe for my data lol.

    What would you do?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What chip sets support the Q9550?

    What chip sets work on the Intel Q9000 series?

    I currently trying to purchases parts for my 2nd computer build (7th computer) and I'm not sure what chip sets work with the Q9550.

    Also do you have any suggestions on what mother boards would work well with this processor.

    - I will probably end up overclocking a lil (I hope I get the E0 stepping)

    - CAD, video editing/encoding, multitasking, a lil gaming

    - I'm thinking about getting 8GB of DDR2 + 1066 (cheap these days) or do you think I should get DDR3

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • What is a good program-web site to help me pick paint colors by seeing what it would look like on my house?

    I want to find a program or website where I can see how paint colors would look on a picture of my house or a house very similar.

    Also if you have any ideas for exterior paint colors for a house with a white roof thats in central Florida.

    The main problem I have is is that my house has a white PVC type roof (the roof has many PVC blankets that are fused together so its like one big custom shingle). So I'm having a hard time picking colors. I'm worried what the colors will look like with my white roof. I see many neat houses with green and brown roofs and paint colors that work really well but I know that wont work with my roof, so I'm trying to get some ideas. I see some websites with a color picking program but they are mainly for inside or have dark roofs.

    thanks in advance

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What CPU should I buy? dual or quad core?

    and please don't say quad because it has more cores or dual because it has a faster GHz speed.

    I'm planing on buying a motherboard based on the CPU. Its been 3 years since I last did a build so I'm learning the new tech advances.

    I have been looking at tom's hardware and in most tests the Intel E8600 3.33GHz and E8500 3.16GHz dual cores do better in most cases then the Q6700 2.66GHz and Q6600 2.4GHz quad.

    I'm guessing right now dual is the best and quad will be better in the future, but when will that be? I'm into a little bit of gaming and mostly CAD, programing, video editing, sound editing and DVD-7 to DVD-5 converting.


    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Can I use the iPhone 3G as a 3G/EDGE/GPRS modem?

    And what type of connection would be between a laptop and iPhone? Cable and/or Bluetooth. Also is there an IR port on it and programs like a TV remote?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Should I buy an iPhone G3? And if so 8GB or 16GB or 32GB?

    Where would be the place to get the best deal? AT&T store, a box store, online, apple store?. I'm currently an AT&T customer and up for a new phone and live in central Florida. Also do I have to have a data plan? and how much more a month will that be?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How does a cable card work?

    Is it just a flash memory card with the encryption / decryption codes on it and is there a way to make a cable card?

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Can you program a CableCARD?

    If I buy a CableCARD on ebay that was used on another Cable TV network from like NY can I use it on the one down here in FL Bright House? I'm guessing I would have to program it to make it work down here on my TV with a CableCARD slot. Is there a program I could use to program it if I put the CableCARD in my laptops slot.

    Also is a CableCARD just a Flash card with the decryption info on it?

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • I want home automation and security?

    I have an old brinks bhs-4000a system in my house and I was think of taking that out and put a system in where i can hook up all the door/window/PIRS/smokes/ etc. up and then hook up relays to lights, A/C, mag locks, dorr latches and other devices to turn on and off. I would also like to get a mic and speaker to do 2 way and ptz cameras and record temperature or if there is flooding (inputs that are digital for sure but analog would be nice but analog is NOT a must). I want a system that can hook up to my computer or the network/internet so I can control devices via the web and get text messages (or emails about troubles and alarms) and have many zones like 40 to 100.

    What would be the best way to do this? What brands and products would work best? Cheaper the better but I do under stand that I may have to pay $$$ to get what I want. I'm an experienced electrician and just started in the electronics systems industry. I can program about anything (may take me some time but I'm a fast learner and can figure out about anything (with some help of people I know))

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Why mutations in animals but rare in humans?

    In the news every once in a while on the news there is animals with 2 heads or extra feet (like the recent duck) or frogs with arms growing out of their back. But not with humans. I know joined twins happen where the egg does not split when two sperm get in but thats not a true mutation (I'm not saying joined twins are mutants) I know there is an actor or some one famous with 3 nipples or something but i have never heard of a human with 2 heads or 4 legs. I know that there are many many more animals then humans so the odds of it happening with animals is a greater chance then humans but is there another reason? And do the mutation parts move with with brain activity, like a duck with 4 legs really be able to walk with all 4, i know the news link said "...he is running about with those extra legs acting like stabilizers" but can he control them?

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • I want to try a windows xp replacement. Linux? vista bad?

    I want to try vista but im too woried so what do you think? if not then Linux? But which Linux should I try? I was hoping for a 64bit version, I want to do a dual os system, and i have xpsp2 home now installed and running. I want to do dual screen with my lcd screen and my HDTV but on windows i get BSOD. I also want to be able to use pc as a dvr. And i need to be able to copy dvds from DL to single layer (i use dvd shrink and dvdfab on xp right now) I know my way around a computer really well, way above average but not like 1337. I know how to use the command prompt and some programming, so if you could point me to the version you think would would be best for me that would be so cool and Thanks

    my PC specks are:

    Motherboard: ASUS P5ND2 SLI

    CPU: Pentium D 805 2 cores

    2x DVD-rw / ram

    HD: 320 SATA II

    HD: 200 EIDE

    HD: 40 EIDE

    mem: 2x1GB 800mhz clocked to 667 because motherboard does not support 800

    video: 6800 xt 256mb (maybe SLI one day if i buy another)

    8 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Why do people say "Ummm" or "Like" a lot when nervous?

    Out of all the words in the world and all the different people in the world; why are the two words "Ummm" or "Like" used during a nervous speech or being nervous in general?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • witch outdoor antenna should I buy for some free HDTV?

    I have tried 3 different indoor antennas and they work great and I get many channels in HD and analog, but there some channels that I get almost fine quality in analog only and cant get it in HD. So what I'm asking is what outdoor antenna should I get, I don't care if its big or small or wall mounted or goes on a mast, maybe an antenna that goes in the attic would work

    Right now I'm using an antenna that goes on top of my Plasma TV, it has like 30 or so db boost with 2 die-pole and one loop, I think its an RCA. I tried 2 other ones before, one with more boost but the antenna I'm using now is still the best I have tried, we have some tall trees in the area but I think an antenna on the roof would clear them.

    I know wal-mart has some but I don't know if they work well or not, please help thanks.

    4 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • What is the best Heat Sink Fan for a Pentium D 805, I may OC it some day soon?

    What is the best HSF to cool my intel PD 805 and quiet. I'm thinking about over clocking some day soon. I was going to make a home made water block out of a solid block of Al I have but I don't know if the Al and brass connectors and water will work together or not. So if you have any info for me on over clocking this chip and a HSF or anything.

    This is my first PC I built my self, I have read some stuff on reviews and Toms but i dont know where to start OCing like CPU voltage? FSB speed? Mem clock? mem voltage

    Asus P5ND2 SLI

    PD 805 2.66MHz 533MHz FSB

    2 x 1GB OCZ 800Mhz mem clocked to 667 right now

    600Watt active power factor power supply

    GPU XFX 6800 XT

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago