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  • birthday question? regarding 9/11?

    do you know anybody who has a birthday on 9/11? i know a kid who i used to watch born on 9/11/01 and he can be very mean sometimes.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • does this sound uninteresting and annoying?

    ok to make this short: i texted my best guy friend tonigh: "hey whatcha up?" but never got answer yet. does that sound bad i texted that to him. him and i have a good friendship and usally does answer me even if it's been a little bit after an hour. this time i got to answer and i'm worried he's mad at me, but i know i did nothing to make him mad. so i'm assuming he's busy either sleeping or playing ping pong or who knows. so is that a bad text message greeting asking "hey whatcha up?" the last time him and i talked was last sunday and about 2 weeks ago monday was the last time we hung out.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should i wish my ex boyfriend a happy birthday or not?

    ugh this is driving me nuts. tomorrow is my ex boyfriend's birthday and we broke up 2 years ago. after our break up we hardly talked. but last decemeber he got out of the army for good and now is back in the area. we talked on christmas day and after that we kept in touch by texting. but about 3 fridays ago i called him, but he didn't pick up and he didn't even call me back yet. i know he is at college now, so in my head i think he's just busy. our relationship was actually pretty good. so i'm a good idea to wish him or not? or should i move on and forget him?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • did you see this? watch this video?

    haha i know what a waste of 5 points but i'm gonna post it anyway! what do you think of this? do you think you can make a shot like this?

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • help?! i feel so stupid and screwed!?

    ugh just now i went on my ex bf's facebook and accidently pressed "like" to one of the status. we are not friends on facebook. and now is it possible that he will get notified that i "liked" something? thanks. :/

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • should i let him or give him a chance?

    i'm so confused and lost. i just don't know what to do. i dated a guy in the army(he's from my area) and tomorrow will be 2 years ago that he broke up with me. when he broke up with me he said that i can find someone better than him and that he's not ready for a long distance relationship. after that we hardly talked. then november 2009 his base (fort hood got attacked). i called him and he was happy to hear from me. but after that again no talking. then this past christmas he came home (now he's out of the army for good) and he's going to college (actually the one i went to). so on christmas i texted him and he answered within minutes. 20 minutes later he called me and we talked. i told him what i'm up to nowadays and he seemed very happy. at the end he said "it was nice talking to you." then every week or so we would text. the last time we texted was january 5th and so last night i decided to call him. but he didn't answer. today i was on facebook and it showed he was on facebook (last night). so i don't know..should i let him go for good or wait for him to call?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • is he really avoiding me or just not interested?

    ok. i am so confused about what to do. my ex bf was in the army and comes from my area. we went to high school together, he found me online back in 2007 while in the army and then we finally met face to face on august 20, 2008, our relationship wasn't that long and we would be in touch pretty much every day. then in october of 2008, he was deployed to korea for 1 year. our relationship was gointg downhill and bang in january he breaks up with me saying he's not ready for a long distance relationship. after our break up i would write him and he answered me. then in november 2009, his base (fort hood) got attacked. i called him and he sounded so happy that i called. he said "thank you so much for calling." then no talking. finally this past christmas, i decided to wish him a merry christmas and welcome home. (he's out of the army and going to the college i went to). he answered me right away. 20 mins later he calls me. and we talked. he even said "it was nice talking to you." and sounded so happy. then into this month i will text him and he answers right away. but now it's been 2 weeks and we haven't said a word to each other. i don't know. i'm assuming he's busy with school work. should i let him go? or should i call him? it's very hard and i do care for him. thanks.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what does he mean? does he care or what?

    ok so my ex bf were just texting and i told him that i saw his cousin at his work and my ex said "good deal." i wonder what he means by that. does it sound like my ex maybe still likes me? besides that my ex and i just starting talking after 1 year since he was in the army and now he is home for good. and when we broke up it was not on bad terms. is it really ok to text him first? cuz lately i have been texting (at least once a week) and he answered me. so im wondering if he does like me still.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should i let him go and or give him more time?

    ok so on christmas day, i decided to text my ex bf after 1 year of no talking. he was in the army and now he is home for good. our relationship wasn't that long and when we broke up he claimed he couldn't handle a long distance relationship. so when i texted him on christmas he responded quickly and to my surprise he called 20 mins later. we got to talk and he said "it was very nice talking to you." he sounded very happy to talk to me. but then last night i decided to text him. i texted "hey what's up?" but got reply. should i give him time or let him go? thanks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • how long should i wait to text my ex bf?

    so yesturday i decided to text my ex bf. he just got out of the army for good and starting college next month (actually going to the one i went to). after our break up in january 2009 we hardly spoke to each other. so when i contacted him, he actually answered me immediately. 20 mins after the text he called me and we talked. it was a very good conversation and he told me on the end "it was nice talking you." when should i contact him again? or should i wait for him to make the effort? when we were still together he always texted me first. thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should i continue texting him or ignore?

    so this whole i have been super nervous about wishing my ex bf a merry christmas. my ex bf was just got out of the army and is home for good. i just wished him merry christmas and a minute later he answered me and wished me merry christmas back. should i continue texting or wait for him to make the move? we broke up in january 2009 and the last time we talked was last november when fort hood got attacked (that is where he was stationed).

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should i contact my ex bf or not?

    yes i know it sounds silly to ask this today. but my ex bf haven't talked in 1 year. he was in the army and tonight he is coming home christmas and in the spring he is starting in college. the thing our relationship ended in january 2009, while he was in korea for a year. we didn't date that long and we didn't break up on bad terms, he claimed that he couldn't handle a long distance relationship. even after the break up we hardly talked. but then last november (2009) when fort hood got attacked, i decided to call him since he was stationed there and he was so happy to hear from me. then 3 weeks later, i texted him asking how he has been since the shooting..but no got answer. but still to this we don't talk. but do you think it's ok to contact him? especially since it's the holidays now.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ohh what to do? this is so hard?

    ok i know it sounds silly to ask this on here, but i just don't know what to do. ok here it goes. i used to date a soldier(he comes from my area) and we kept in touch this whole time (even though it was getting less) since he was deployed to korea for 1 year. so in january 2009, he broke up with me saying he can't handle being in a long distance relationship. of course, i was hurt. but since the break up we haven't talked (he is shy). but i still have a good relationship with his parents. (his mom and i still talk). the thing is since our break up he has been home 2 times, but i haven't been around (i have been out of the country). and then last year in november fort hood got attacked (that is where he was stationed). so i called him and he actually answered and we talked, but i kept it short. then 3 weeks after the shooting i decided to text him, but he didn't answer me. and now here i found out he is getting out of the army for good and starting college next month (he's going to the college i went to). so my problem is: should i text him this weekend? i'm so terrifed to text him cuz i'm not sure he will text back. (we didn't break up on bad terms). what should i do? ignore or text? thanks and sorry this is so long!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ugh totally worried!! what to do!?

    ok i'm so terrified..tonight i get home and my dad says "i found a pregnancy test in your bathroom." "are you pregnant?" i said no and he was happy and said "well you don't have insurance." i am very upset that he goes in my bathroom all the time. and here i hid the pregnancy test in the bathroom trash. i'm so scared he's gonna tell my mom. if my mom finds out she will kill me. plus i am 25. how can i stop worrying?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • ugh question about guys!! should i text him?

    ok i just woke up and kinda bored. i really wish i would be hanging out with friends or something and there is this one guy aka my best friend who i wanna hang out with. but i'm not sure if i should text him. he's single (just got dumped last week).do you think it's ok to text him? sorry it's such a silly question.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • quick question about losing weight?

    hey all....i'm not fat but just wanna get some muscle and work on abs a little. i just have a question about working out. say that i eat healthy and drink a lot of water and i work out 4 times a week. will i lose weight? i weigh right now 167 lbs and about 5'10''. thanks!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • ahh help me!! crazy flies are ruining my life?

    ugh for about 2 weeks now there are these nasty flies in my bathroom. they look like fruit flies and they won't away. there is no food in my bathroom so i don't know why they are swarming around. it's driving me nuts. what can i do to get rid of them? what spray should i buy? please help! thanks.

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • hmmm....i need some help?

    ok tomorrow i am watching my mom's 8 year Godchild(girl). what are some fun things to do?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • i am so confused!! help me?

    ok this past spring i met a guy (we worked together and we live in the same time), as time went by we became friends and we hung out. but last month i get a text from him telling me to leave him alone and not stalk him (but i didn't). so then last night i find out that a friend mine told him that i hated him and he wondered why. she told him its cuz of the things he said about me stalking him. she told me he has ADHD and is bipolar. and here all of a sudden today i saw him look at me and came up and stood there. i looked at him but didn't say anything but then i went up to him and told him that i don't hate him. so then he asked "do you wanna go to mcdonalds tonight at 8?" do you think i should? should i give this a chance to be my friend again. even though i didn't hate him?? thanks for your help.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • did you see google today? it is so cool!?

    i'm not telling what will see when you're on the page! enjoy. :D

    4 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago