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If I didn't experience it growing up, my friends did. Degree Educated and mundanely middle class now. I also am owned by 2 goffins cockatoos. Check out my 360 profile here.

  • How do you make a cheap parrot cage?

    I'm considering several ideas, one which is caging off a shower stall... Any websites or informative articles and advice on building a large indoor cage for my two goffins cockatoos?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • How do I get my dog to quit licking?

    My 1 year old pomeranian licks people OBSESSIVELY.

    You can NOT get NEAR her, hold her, pet her, with out her LICKING.

    How do I discourage and stop this?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How to graciously flake out last minute?

    Here is the deal:

    I agreed to help a student photographer with his semester film as an extra.

    He did not get with me until TODAY for the exact time and place needed for TODAYs shoot.

    Also, suddently, he "needs" me all day Saturday and Sunday.

    I did not anticipate spending so much time on this project, and I have a feeling that I am being used or that he has some weird crush or something going on.

    I need to call him by 1:30 (in 1 hour).

    How should I go about dealing with this situation (I no longer want to do it, and not like I am getting paid or trust that I will even get a copy of the end result at this point)?

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Did anyone hear that Kurt Vonnegut died?

    I just read the news on but can't find details. He was my favorite author. I sort of thought that he would live forever :(

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Discouraging mating behavior in a pair of goffins cockatoos?

    Swift and Boo are driving me NUTS! It's Spring, they see and hear rain, warmth, and sunshine... and being in California I'm giving them alot more fresh fruits and veggies :)

    When people are around, they both prefer humans and fight with eachother.

    Swift is 3 and is especially driving me and my boyfriend nuts. She is obviously going thru puberty and nothing is safe from her beak and she screams excessively.

    I've started to put them to bed earlier, and severely limiting "treat foods" like eggs and oatmeal. Also not rubbing either of their shoulders or rumps (just head scratching). Noted the signs of swift regurgitating, and successfully distract her when she begins to do so (this has been checked by a vet and confirmed as behavioral)

    It is probably worse because they are the same species and a male/femal pair. Separating them is out of the question (due to space issues).

    Is there anything else we can do to limit this seasonal behavior and make Swift's puberty easier on us humans?

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Photographers: Do you like it when models post their rates?

    I am thinking of adding new wording to my portfolios on OMP and elsewhere....

    I feel that by stating my rates, or atleast ranges, that this would help me avoid wasting my time in going thru emails...

    If you are NOT a photographer, do you feel that this is the best ettiquite?

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Are some personality traits specific to bloodline?

    My pomeranian comes from a long line of show dogs. She has been SO easy to leash train and whenever she sees alot of people or gets a treat, she begins prancing and posturing like a little showdog (eventhough I've never specifically trained her).

    Is this because of her blood line or just a pomeranian trait?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between a Leica V-Lux 1 and the Panasonic DMC-FZ50?

    I'm looking at DSLRs... and besides the name brand, ISO capabilities, and price... am not seeing a big difference between the two cameras?

    As a serious amateur, which one should I get? Is the Leica worth almost $400 more? The flip-out screen feature is IMPORTANT to me, and I'm not seeing any other 10 megapixel cameras which have this feature.

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • What to do about big dogs running loose in my new neighborhood and scaring me and my 5 lb dog??

    The past week I've been walking my little 5 lb pomeranian Xena around the neighborhood... and the beach up the street. Today, one came up and growled. Its owners were about a block's length away.


    A passing woman, also with an off-leash dog told me just to hold out my hand and "be nice" to the bigger dog.

    "But it's a big dog and it growled at my dog"

    "Well, just hold out your hand like this and scare it off"

    The dog looked like it weighed almost as much as ME!

    Just Now,I was taking Xena out to potty in our OWN BACKYARD - which has a fence around it. A large dog got in thru a crack and started growling at her. Definitely NOT friendly. I yelled to the neighbors I could hear talking up the street "HEY- THERE IS A LARGE BLACK DOG IN MY BACKYARD GROWLING, AND I HAVE A LITTLE 5 LB DOG AND IT IS SCARING ME". Their response? "It's just the neighbor's dog, runs the neighborhood"... and then someone called it.

    Should I get some pepper mace?! What should I do?

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Limited model release?

    I've been doing more photography lately. Considering that I ONLY want the pics for my portfolio... I do not think that I legally NEED a model release, but I would like to cover my rear...

    As a model, I'm aware of the "standard" releases-- which grant the photographer more "rights" than, as a beginning photographer, I really want or need.

    Are there any examples of limited "for portfolio only" releases out there? Links appreciated.


    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • What is the name of the state park in Hawaii where the trees fought off a lava flow?

    Any informational websites would be nice too. I went there several years ago and cannot for the life of me remember the name of that state park! It was on the "Big Island" of Hawaii.

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Can a landlord forbid you from having friends over?

    I swear, I live upstairs from the homeowner from HELL. I don't throw loud parties, and no one is ever over past 11pm.

    ... yet this woman is having "issues" with me having friends over (she seems to forget that I live with my boyfriend, and that these are also HIS friends).

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How do I get my pomeranian to quit rubbing against me?

    Ugh. She is like a cat. She's an unspayed 9 month old female who is obsessed with jumping over my feet at the "right" angle. Obsessively. Everytime I sit down and cross my legs she does this. It's annoying.

    How can I make her stop?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • When there is a room service delivery charge of 33% do you still have to tip the delivery person?

    I just ordered something that cost $8 and the delivery charge was $3. Should I have tipped the guy who bought it up, or does the delivery charge and salary cover this?

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What is the best video-blog Wordpress plugin?

    Ideally I want one which will:

    Allow me to upload a video file to my hosted blog and automatically embed it. I am NOT interested in using youtube videos etc (wmv, mpg4 files to be hosted on MY domain).

    I went to under media, and it looks like there are several. An internet search didn't turn up much.

    What is the best videoblogging plugin?

    Thanks for the help :)

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • My puppy took her cast off...?

    She's had it on 6 weeks with no issues of biting at it or anything. Broke her ulna and radius on her left forepaw. When we got home a few minutes ago, she was happily limping and there were pieces of the cast all over.

    It was due to come off in 2 weeks (8 weeks), though the vet said 6-8 weeks.

    We just moved and were going to take her to another vet anyway, so... obviously would prefer not to pay to get it put on again or taken off!

    What is the best course of action?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the best video blogging site for semi-controversial clips?

    I have a few clips which are semi-gross or semi-adult (but nonnude- just the subject material) and probably just enough so that youtube would ban them.... What sites are best for posting edgy material?

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • Do the christians have a corner on the word god? Or are they just more organized with buying domain names?

    I was hoping to find something more representative of all religions when I looked up,, and ... is a link list, is a french real estate site, and is christian based... and is "under development", is also a space holder, and the other domain redirects to a hate group....

    I can't really think of any other religion-transcending synonyms for the word and concept of "god".

    ... but I thought "God" transcended religions- atleast the literal meaning of the word :-)

    Really, this was just a typo trying to go shopping on the site for some pet supplies ... but now I'm curious :-P

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • Are these gender related or personality based differences between my male and female cockatoos?

    Curious if my following observations are more likely age/raising/personality differences rather than gender in my 6 year old male (boo) and 2.5 year old female (Swift) goffins:

    1) Boo (the male) collects treats, food, and "stuff" in empty bottles. Swift puts the same types of things in her feathers.

    2) Swift (female) reacts to threats by tapping her beak, poofing her feathers, screaming without end, and retreating to a covered cage. With the same stimulus, Boo retreats to the door top (highest place in the room), screams a few times, poofs up for a second, and then observes.

    3) Swift, at 2.5 years is already talking more than Boo ever has (he is 6.5 years old). She has a HUGE range of whistles and vocabulary! Boo uses his body language and a smaller vocabulary to communicate the same things (food, cuddle, alarm..).

    Both birds are extremely cuddly and friendly with strangers (though Boo is more gentle and I trust him NEVER to bite). I've had Swift for about a year and Boo all his lif

    2 AnswersBirds1 decade ago