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  • How long do I have to file an auto insurance claim in the State of Indiana?

    My ex daughter-in-law put her new mother-in-laws van into reverse while I was standing on the drivers side. The large side view mirror slammed my left breast & bruised me up. It also caused me to limit the use of my left arm until I was able to have my muscles heal from the impact. It took approx. 7 days for me to start to feel better physically but emotionally I have been a wreck. I saw several doctors & went to counseling. I was placed on different antidepressants. It is almost 1 yr now & I wanted to make sure I did not have anything else occur. My emotional baggage has been more then enough. The court also granted me an order of protection for 2 yrs. How long before I need to file a claim with the insurance company of the person who owns the vehicle? She already contacted her insurance that an accident had occurred. What do I need to do now?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Can I give this to my 65 lb. 10 yr. old dog?

    My dog is having terrible leg pain. Can I cut a 5/325 mg. hydrocodone/Tylenol tablet in half & give it to him? Our vet is not available until tomorrow & I don't want our dog to be hurting so much. Thank you for your help with this.

    11 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • I received a letter from a place located in Austin, TX. Does any one know who this place is?

    I am away on a family emergency & my neighbor said that some mail came from a place called AEL, P.O. Box 144225, Austin, TX. 78714. I do not want them to open my mail. Does any one in the Austin area know who this place is? Thank you very much.

    2 AnswersAustin7 years ago
  • Would you have to pay this?

    If you are accused of doing something & a judge orders you to pay restitution then can you add it to your bankruptcy Chapter 7 that you plan on filing? I did speak with an attorney & was told that back child support, back taxes & student loans are the only things not allowed to be placed in a bankruptcy. This restitution situation is new so I wondered if I go ahead with a Chapter 7 (which I qualify for) then can this be added to it.

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Our son-in-law is coming home in July from Afghanistan.?

    He wants to surprise his 3 yr. old daughter in a special way. We want to begin to get ideas & work on having a super surprise return. We would really appreciate any awesome ideas on a way to surprise this child & her daddy. Thank you for any of your ideas.

    1 AnswerFamily7 years ago
  • I was hit by a side view mirror on a lady's van. What can I do about it?

    A lady driver & I were exchanging words. She suddenly, without warning, put her van in reverse & her driver side view mirror hit my left breast so hard it turn me 1/2 way around. I called out to her that she hit my breast. She wouldn't even look at me but kept shouting "Liar!" I went to the side of her car (not very close) & kept telling her I was hurt. I saw the mirror had turned in from the hit & I pointed this out to her. I kept saying to her to look at the mirror & how bent it was. She just drove off. I packed myself with ice for several hrs. The longer I go the more sore this becomes & I can hardly take a deep breath or lift my arm (I can but not without pain) & I have a hard time extending my arm out. Do I need to make a police report. I have the ladies name but she was driving her mother-in-laws van. Do I have to find out all this information or will the police be able to look it up. Do I put a claim into their auto insurance to help me get help with medical so I can get checked out in more detail. Thank you for your help in this matter.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • How Does This Work When You Are Filing Bankruptcy?

    We found out that we have to see if we qualify for a Chap. 7 bankruptcy. Right now due to medical expenses we got behind on our car payment. They sound like they want to repo it but when we file & get the car company the bankruptcy file # do they have to let us keep the vehicle? We are thinking about keeping our car because we need our transportation to work. Does the car loan company have to wait to see if we are going to do a Chap. 7 or 13? How can we keep our car til we have the bankruptcy discharged? Thank you so much for your help. I'm a single mom & have 2 children. I am very scared & worried right now. Your help in this matter is really appreciated.

    5 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • what is the website where you can get your free annual credit report?

    We are entitled to a free yearly credit report. Where is the website that you go to to get this?

    6 AnswersCredit8 years ago
  • If your partner has an std do they have to tell you?

    My friend married a girl who has 4 children by 4 different men. I told my friend that they better be careful cuz this girl has breakouts all over her tongue that cover her tongue in sores. Also, while at her home I saw where she had tubes of anti fungal creams laying all over the floor but one day she said to me that she can't really get to the doctor so she is always having to use creams to help give her relief from breakouts. Then one day I heard her say "oh i have an allergy to yeast & it makes me always breakout all over." Now I heard that she was "doctoring" herself for herpes outbreaks! If she knew she had an STD & didn't tell my friend then can she be in trouble for spreading this? Also, can my friend hire an attorney to get this girls medical records to see for sure that she has an STD? Plz. help! Thank you so much.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Should I Talk to My Daughters Attorney?

    My daughter married a great guy. He feel "head over heels" for her even tho she has 4 different children by 4 different guys. She sits on her butt & collects child support but we watch hardly any go towards our grand children. Well now the new guy she married (I will call him "John") has a VERY good job. He stays home & watches her kids while she runs around spending money. We know he is hurt that he is so ignored by her & feels she just only wants his money & a built in babysitter. The problem now is that he took her on a beautiful first anniversary trip. It was for 5 days & my daughter went through nearly $15,000! She got her kids all clothes plus herself & lots of very nice jewelry (the ring was over $3000). John got nothing. The last day he took her on a helicopter ride, a wonderful lunch, more shopping & a beautiful romantic dinner. They both drank. When they returned to the cabin rental (it was a beautiful place) she began to get mad over something that neither one can remember exactly what it was about. She has always hit. She began hitting John right after they married & at one point took a Fiesta stoneware dinner plate & cracked him over the side of his head one night. The dish shattered. He refused to call the police & forgave her. The hits & slaps John took were horrible over time & he told his parents & me that he was humiliated to have people ever find out of the beatings he has taken over the months. The last night in the cabin she fought with him & while he sat on the bed she punched him several times in the head & then threw up to him about a guy she has been talking to over the phone. We had all known this because she hid his call # under a girls name but one night John was up & heard her cell go off. He called back the # & a guy answered. John lost it after being the best he could be to her & spending on her, having her punching him & the worst of it being told about another guy John reached back & hit her in the face. She then jumped up & ran out to another nearby cabin. The police were called & John was thrown to the ground, kicked in the head & ribs, taken inside the cabin & told to write down the "beating" he had done to her. He was not read his rights & was told by one of the officers that they have no cameras on their police cars so the kicks he received no one would know about. John was scared to death so wrote down how the police "prompted" him. Now John & my daughter are getting divorced. She went to court & told the prosecutors office that John always beat her! John is looking at 11 mos. 29 days in jail, losing his great job, & he has full custody of his 4 children from his first marriage & will lose them. My daughter is doing this to him because she told her friend (who told me) that in the divorce decree he is giving her nothing for the 11 1/2 mos of marriage. She said her goal is to make sure he has no life at all! She now wants family members to tell lies about John & it's so sad that they are agreeing to lie on her behalf! I will NOT! She said she doesn't need me to anyway because she has enough people. She also lied to John's brother & his brother felt sorry for her so he said he would testify against his own brother! Should I let the prosecutors office know what she is doing? This happened in Tennessee & we live in another state. PLEASE help me! I am sick to my stomach! Thank you so much for your time.

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Why does religion suck?

    Cause they can't stand the truth & are nothing but cry babies!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How To Handle This Situation?

    Guy & Girl getting divorced. She filed. She wanted to keep the van that was in Guys name. He purchased the 2013 Toyota Sienna before they married. Her attorney put in divorce papers that Girl wanted van. Girl couldn't qualify to take out a new loan & have the van put in her name. She has refused now for months to turn over the van. On June 24th she wrecked it by hitting a parked car. She gave the Guy's address as her address (a lie). Gave them ins. info which turns out she didn't keep up on the ins. payments (another lie). The mans ins. stated that "the driver is the responsible one." Now she has hidden the van. Says that Guy has had it all this time (still another lie). Guy is going to report her for auto theft. Can she be placed in jail to be made to tell where & what she has done with this van? Thanks for your time!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can I Receive Unemployment Benefits?

    I have worked 2 jobs. I have to work 2 jobs! Recently, I lost my 1 job. Can I apply for unemployment benefits while I am looking for something else? Thank you for your time.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • When Can This Be Done?

    Our son is divorcing his wife. He has not filed yet. She has continually cheated on him so he can't take this anymore. When can he publish in the newspaper that he will no longer be responsible for debits incurred by her? Can he do this himself or does it have to go through his attorney? He doesn't have his attorney yet. Thank you for your help I really appreciate it.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How Can We Get A Grip On This Situation?

    Our son has full physical custody of his four children. Whenever they visit their mother for her weekend, our son or us (their paternal grandparents) never call to check on them or interrupt their time together. As soon as they come back to us she texts us continually from morning til evening. I am the children's paternal grandmother & I work nights. I am continually woke up by continual text or cell phone ringing. She feels she can demand to talk to the children anytime. She has no limits. No matter what we are doing ie. having dinner, helping children with homework, having some fun time, she is texting & demanding to talk to them. They get on the phone & she never just talks with them she puts them throught the 3rd degree. Please help as this is making us ill. By-the-way, she lost custody of them & the $1,100/mo. child support for cutting RX sleep medication in 1/2 & other times forcing them to drink adult NyQuil. She is trying to get them back claiming the children hate us & are scared to death of us. We just want our time & let her have her time. Help us!

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Would Action Be Taken Against This Attorney?

    Our sons work offers a place that helps pay for legal help. He was given a name of an attorney in our town. He has been under a lot of stress so he asked both of us (his parents) to accompany him. He talked it all out & the attorney said he would take his divorce case. Our son left & we visited with this attorney for about 5+ minutes. Then the attorney recognized a name we brought up. He said that this lady had asked him to represent his daughter (our sons soon to be ex-wife) but the daughter didn't want him to be her attorney. He said now that he couldn't represent our son! We couldn't believe if he wasn't going to represent these people then why couldn't he represent our son. Come to find out that these people are his friends! These peoples daughter ( our soon to be ex daughter-in-law) text my cell telling me that this attorney e-mailed her mother said we wasted his time, told them I was a "fat *** blue-haired b***h! We were shocked! Why would a professional, who should kept things confident, e-mail a person & tell them about what we talked about, attack my personal features, & say what our son was going to do? Is this something we can file a complaint with the Indiana Disciplinary Commission? I believe they should set this attorney straight & investigate him for unethical behavior. I have the text that was sent to my cell phone to show what we were told by the soon to be ex. She wouldn't have known we went there if this weren't true. I would appreciate any help & hopefully we will not be told to just have to "get over this." When you speak to a professional you do not expect them to blabber mouth it to others!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is She Entitled To Any Of His 401K?

    Our sons wife of 13 1/2 months has asked him for a divorce. They live in Indiana. She was talking to a friend of ours (she doesn't know we know this woman) & she said that she should get 50% of our sons 401K because she has bills she wants to pay off & needs this money. Is there a certain amount of time that you have to be married to a person before you qualify to get 1/2 of their retirement? They have no children. Thank you for your help.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • How Do I Take Care of This?

    Our ex daughter-in-laws brother began making threats to us on Facebook. His friends have joined in now saying we had better watch out, they had better not see us out of our home, that they will beat our sons face to "a pulp". This has gotten so out of hand that we are genuinely frightened. These are people who some have been in trouble all the time & some maybe never have been in trouble but we don't know so we are afraid even to get in our vehicle that they might have done something to our brakes or who knows what else they might think of doing. Can people get away with threats? The police in this town are related to 1/2 of these morons doing this so we know that they are thinking they can do & get away with anything. Please help!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can You Tell Me How This Gets Handled?

    My son Jason (33) went with his wife Abbey (25) to Tennessee for a 4 day mini-vacation. An arguement broke out in their cabin & he hit her. She ran away. He went to find her & got pulled over & arrested for a DUI. He told them what occured & the police found Abbey. Then they charged him also with domestic battery. Since they are not from Tennessee but from Indiana, how does the Tennessee court handle this? This happened last night 2/23/13. He is scheduled to go to court Monday morning 2/25/13. Will he have to pay to get released or will he need to go back there for court or will the judge give him like so much time in the county jail? We have no idea if he will lose his 12 yr. job here in Indiana or if he will have a way to contact his work for time off. Plz. do NOT make remarks as we know he did VERY wrong. His wife has continually scratched & clawed him, spit at him, she is a very abusive person. She has gotten in all our families face & screamed "Hit me, just hit me!" We kept telling our son that she has anger issues & to plz. get away from her but he loves her. She attacked my husband one evening & when I stepped in front of her she took my cell phone & threw it at my 65 yr old husbands head! She is such a violent person. Our son has never been arrested before so I have no idea what to expect. And if anyone says that a man should never hit a woman....well if you knew Abbey you can only take so many hits with objects & punches from her until you feel like snapping. So sad! She has told me for 2 yrs. now that she knows she has anger issues & needs counseling but now it's gotten our son in trouble. He will pay the price but we have no idea what to expect & how Tennessee works something like this. Thank you for your time.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can the gas company turn off your heat in wintertime?

    My son has 7 children. The gas company turned off the gas so they have been freezing. They paid it but the lady said "Oh it's too late to turn it back on." so they have gone more then 2 days without heat. When they now called to say why has no one come out yet to turn it on the lady said "Well you need to now pay $300!" Is it illegal to turn off the gas, if that is your heat source, during the winter?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago