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Favorite Answers23%
  • We've all heard what a mess the VA system is, and some pundits have noted that the current system is the same?

    one we are devolving to, so why nott ry a few new solutions? Weco uld partner with state medical schools to get more caregivers without adding another layer of federal administrators. We would have more caregivers available, and it could cost almost 40% less. Those who receive the help would then go where the need is greatest. Win-win? We could devlop a formula which controls liability to some extent. Do we need unionized hospitals? Probably not IF we can figure out who needs what for the job they do--so maybe some sort of union protection. Can we at least talk about making things better for all of us? What would help our veterans AND the rest of us?

    3 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Does anyone really want an Obama planned retirement?

    Based on the problems of his health care overhaul which continue to NOT address affordability, can anyone seriously want him to intervene in their retirement plans? If he has answers, why hasn't he used them to repair social security?

    1 AnswerGovernment7 years ago
  • I was wondering, are the "feel good" stories about the AHCA?

    real or just PR from the firm hired to do a number on the public? I'm for health care for all, but after hearing that a PR firm was hired to make it look good to us, I began to wonder. So far, only the president has chosen who gets a waiver, which requirements must be met, and what prices are affordable. I know my coverage was cut back due to the language of the law--my insurance company told me, but I have no other choice because of premium issues. My doctors and hospital do accept Medicare AND private insurance, but I know of several which no longer accept Medicare because of the fee cuts. Is this really the way to go? Why does the government feel it's necessary to hire a PR firm?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • There was a show, I believe in the early seventies?

    about a very rich businessman who, for tax purposes or some other PR reason, was convinced to take in some orphan girls. It ended up that they stayed on at his home. The actor was a dark haired comedian, and there were four or five girls. The theme song was "I will follow him...he is my destiny." Can anyone tell me the name of the show?

    2 AnswersComedy7 years ago
  • If the Washington football team is considering a name change,?

    why don't they use the "Blowhards" after the politicians?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Why is the president saying that the shutdown is a Republican shutdown when Harry Reid is refusing to?

    entertain any compromise and/or discussion? Why is it so important that members of Congress and the administration be exempt from what they claim is the best law ever? Why can't everyone get an extension to sign up, especially since many of the systems are not even up and running. How is it legal that they can demand compliance, but not have to provide a working opportunity to comply--I always thought that was illegal because the fines generated could not be avoided.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation8 years ago
  • If we're entering a strong economic recovery, why are savings bonds, CDs, and Treasury notes?

    still paying such low returns? Doesn't anyone have faith in the government's ability to pay? If this administration is doing such a good job, wouldn't that be reflected in the government bond market? Just curious.

    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Should politicians and political appointees?

    have the right to censor entertainers? This question was inspired by the Missouri State Fair officials banning a rodeo clown from performing ever again at the fair because they found his wearing an Obama mask and asking if the crowd wanted to see him trampled. I seem to remember comedians taking shots at George W's intellect, Bill Clinton's amorous activities, Nixon's honesty, Reagan's equanimity, Ford's balance, etc. There was no outcry then, so why now? What's so offensive about asking if a representation of the president who many feel has trampled their rights should be symbolically trampled?

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Is it time to downsize the government?

    The president is denying knowledge of so many events, and officially has never been briefed about so much, so the real question becomes who is running things? Why can't the president keep up? Is government too big, or is he a victim of incompetence? Even I seem to be more on top of many of the events that have made the news, than he, and I don't watch the news that often, of course I don't play golf either. Is it time to downsize carefully, or do we need a new administrator?

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Who thinks American Idol needs to have a section where the judges are rated,?

    and perhaps removed instead of one of the contestants? This season has been marred by the not-so-subtle comments of some of the judges, to whit, it's time for the girls to win. Since we are not actually privy to the actual vote counts, and since some of the judges this season have been obvious in their preferences of contestants, I just wondered who thought it might be a good idea to put the judges on the spot--maybe they can then express more of their reasoning in evaluating the performances. Also, since the contestants are given a short list of songs to choose from, and are sometimes"helped" with their arrangements, how is it the fault of the amateur that it was a "wrong song choice," or a bad arrangement? The amateurs are really at the mercy of the pros, are they not?

    1 AnswerReality Television8 years ago
  • Is anyone else tired of hearing the Democrats castigate conservatives...?

    who may or may not be black as racists, nonblack, etc? Since when are ideas and opinions color-oriented? I heard a doctor who was affected by Obamacare criticizing the restrictiveness of treatment he could offer; then came some statements from Democrats saying he wasn't really "black." I don't know what color or tint or hue his skin is, but he had a point about restricting treatments. Since when is that a race issue? Don't we want the best care for ALL the people who need it?

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • Why don't Christians take a page from the ACLU book?

    and sue the various bureaucracies of government which promote some other religion's tenets of faith? An example would be the insistence of teaching evolution over creationism because it is a tenet of a recognized church--scientology.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Will the relatively recent discovery of genetic markers become?

    a litmus test for the board deciding who gets treatment and who doesn't under the Affordable Health Care Act. The rules and parameters of the board have not been defined yet, so we don't know, but do we want that to be a deciding factor? When will the rules be written and how will they be applied? Already, members of Congress and the administration are exempt from Obamacare, so who's protecting the rights of the people?

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • Since we're in such bad fiscal shape according to the politicians,?

    why don't they volunteer to take a pay cut? They spent the money we paid in, so why shouldn't they start admitting responsibility and cut their own pay instead of telling us we have to pay more in?

    3 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • What is the point of new gun laws and controls?

    Even the last few instances which inspired the furor show that if the present laws were enforced, these events would not have happened. I'm for mandating firearms safety courses in all schools. The teacher should be qualified and the course made age-appropriate. There would always be qualified people with guns at school then. Let's face it, one of the reasons these crazies choose schools is because we're guaranteeing there's nobody armed there. You don't see them attacking a police station.

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Does anyone know how to contact?

    the producers or writers of The Big Bang Theory

    1 AnswerComedy8 years ago
  • Isn't it time that the politicians work together?

    According to Yahoo news, the president isn't willing to compromise with Republicans because he can blame them if we go over the fiscal cliff. I know it's a two party system, but what gives him the right to hold our economy hostage for political points? Would anyone else like to see both parties straighten out the mess they've created? Any ideas about how to go about it? How about a flat tax of 30% on every wage earner, from the paper boy right up through the billionaires. Everyone could then pay an equal share.

    1 AnswerPolitics8 years ago
  • Now that the election is over,?

    can the Democrats and Republicans quit name-calling and cooperate to work on the country's problems? Can they get and try solutions that are not either/or, but this in conjunction with that?

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago