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Favorite Answers29%
  • What is a good WordPress plugin to create pages within individual posts?

    I'm looking for a plugin that allows you to create multiple pages within a single post. Searching on WordPress' site doesn't work well because it keeps pulling up results for plugins related to actual WordPress pages, instead of pages within a post.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • PSP - Screen dying; widespread issue or just faulty unit?

    I just bought a new PSP the other day, and I've already noticed three times so far, that sometimes if the screen turns off, when it comes back on, about a quarter of the screen on the far right is dead. Turning the screen off and on (usually by powercycling the unit, because I don't feel like waiting for it to time out), it's just fine.

    It seems odd that a brand new PSP would have an issue like this, but I'm not about to entirely dismiss the idea that it could just be a faulty unit.

    Now, this is my first PSP, so I've never really been up to date with the PSP scene and news, so I'm not sure if this is some sort of widespread issue.

    Should I assume that I just have a faulty unit and should take it back for replacement? Or does anybody know if there is some sort of quick fix for something like this?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Where is the second RAM slot in a Dell Latitude 120L?

    I'm trying to stick another RAM stick into my Latitude 120L. I know where the main RAM slot is located, but I cannot find the second slot. I am unable to find any diagrams that would point out the location of the second slot, as well. Any help?

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How do you replace keys on a laptop?

    The CTRL key on my laptop just snapped off. It also looks like the glue on the little rubber nub came off, too, because that came out with the actual key, as well. Both of the little pieces of white plastic are still on the key. Any advice on how to get this thing back into place, or at least functional until I have a Dell technician come replace the entire keyboard?

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Cthulhu in the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer?

    I just saw a trailer on TV for the new Pirates of the Caribean trailer, and saw what looked like Cthulhu. Anybody happen to know if this is really the Great Old One?

    2 AnswersMovies2 decades ago
  • Questions purged?

    It seems as if Yahoo's purged all the questions in the Answers service. Either that, or for some reason none of them are showing up for me.

    Anybody happen to know what happened?

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers2 decades ago
  • How do I use built-in effects in Adobe Premiere Pro 7?

    I'm trying to create a video uusing Adobe Premiere Pro 7, and can't figure out how to use the built-in effects that come with Premiere. I've found the menu, and can see all the built-in effects, but can't figure out how to apply the effects to a clip. Any help?

    1 AnswerSoftware2 decades ago
  • Blocking access to Yahoo! Chess?

    A member of my household has developed an unheathy addiction to Yahoo! Chess, and it's causing major problems. They're not wanting to sign off, and are putting it in higher priority than family.

    Does anybody know if there's a way I can disable access to Yahoo! Chess without affecting files on any computer? Perhaps there's a way to block access from my router settings or something?

    2 AnswersInternet2 decades ago
  • How can I soothe/remove ant bites?

    I've recently been bitten a few times on my foot after I accidentally stepped on an anthill. The bites are swollen and very sore, to the point where it hurts to put on shoes or walk around.

    Does anybody know of a solution for this?

    12 AnswersGeneral Health Care2 decades ago
  • Questions for Jack Thompson?

    I've recently aqquired Jack Thompson's phone number. I've confirmed that it is, for a fact, Jack Thomposon's phone number.

    I'm wanting to have a short interview with him soon, regarding his quest to conquer the video game industry. However, I'd like to hear some interesting questions I should ask him. If you've got a question you'd think would stump him, let's hear it! If you want a serious answer to something that he's never covered in his never-ending legal trek, ask away!

    Remember, I'm wanting to keep this professional. While I, personally, hate the guy, I'm going to keep everything strictly business. So, let's hear some interesting questions.

    For those who don't know who Jack Thompson is, give this article a read, as it's got PLENTY of useful information on him.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games2 decades ago
  • WinXP Password Location?

    Could you tell me where the passwords are saved in Windows XP? I need to get administrator access and lost the password. I know it's saved in three (or more) locations on the hard drive. Any help?

    2 AnswersSecurity2 decades ago