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Hi. I enjoy asking and answering in the Religion, Politics/Government, and Computers categories. That's enough "About Me" for the moment.

  • Found an old land deed from 1890 that belonged to an ancestor. Do i own the land?

    Details: The land is 100+ acres in New Brunswick Canada and is likely wooded and not occupied. The deed is in the name of my great grandfather and has been properly willed to me (I think). Do I have to drive up to Canada to look through the records? Is there any chance at all that I actually own this land? Let's assume it is not occupied to avoid adverse possession issues.

    Would the Canadian government have taken it away since no one paid the property taxes for 120 years?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Tortellini Alfredo in Italy?

    I'm going to Rome and my favorite pasta dish is tortellini alfredo.

    Does anyone know how to say this in italian or if they even have it? If they don't, what is similar? How do you say alfredo sauce or a similar type of sauce?

    Any other pasta comments for Italy??

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions on political sightseeing in Rome?

    Hi, I am going to Rome and am a political science major so I am more interested in the political things to see in Rome. I promise I will go to the Coliseum, Pantheon, Forum, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, the Vatican, catacombs, and the other normal stuff.

    But since I can't read or speak Italian, it is very difficult to get the information I want to see the things I want. I want to go take a tour of the Italian parliament, senate, wherever the PM lives, if they have the equivalent of a "White House," where they print and engrave their money, the HQ of the Carabinieri, government agencies, and political institutions. Also history museums or anything else that reminds you of what an American would want to see in DC. I'm hardly interested in ruins or art museums, for example.

    Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersOther - Italy1 decade ago
  • How much of the federal budget is spent on welfare?

    This is a bit of a complicated question and I am beginning to research it. When I say "welfare," I basically mean the cash relief and food stamps (the entitlements), but I would not include social security for the retired, SCHIP for children, unemployment payments, or SSI/SSDI. But if you include any of those, try and be specific about which if you can.

    Thanks to all.

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can an offensive lineman advance a fumble?

    This is an American football (NFL) question. I have heard that the offense cannot advance a fumble on 4th down or in the last 2 minutes of a half, but I am wondering about an OFFENSIVE lineman being able to pick a fumble and run forward for a touchdown, for example.


    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Will wearing reading glasses help my distance vision?

    My doctor prescribed me -0.75 glasses for my near sightedness and they work great but I don't want to become dependent. I like using them for reading so my eyes get used to focusing up close.

    My question is, can I get back to 20/20 vision which i had up until one yr ago at age 23 by wearing +0.75 reading glasses occasionally (like 15 mins per day and NO reading with them) to look into the distance only? My reasoning is that I want my eyes to learn to focus and stretch for distance. It is the same as when a baseball player practices with a softball and then the baseball becomes lighter or uses a weight on his bat to practice swinging and gets stronger.

    5 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Where can I look up the voting records of my neighbors?

    Voting records, that is, whether or not someone voted in an election, are public (not who they voted for). Does anyone know if there is an online database to search for these records? Or is the only way to go to the City/Town Hall for this information? Any information will be appreciated.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How can I delay a cable signal?

    My roommate's cable cord splits from my cable jack because he doesnt feel like using his own. So I want to play a prank where I delay his cable signal so his TV is 5 seconds behind my TV. He can't see my TV (or hear it when I use headphones) when I am watching. So during football games or jeopardy I want to be ahead so I see all the plays and answers in advance.

    Any solutions? It's a coax connection. I have plenty of extra coax cables and splitters. What delays a signal? I saw a cable delay box online but it only delays in nanoseconds. Do splitters delay a connection? Any other device I can add on to filter it? Note that he can't see the cable and I can add any device to the line and he won't know. What if I just get a 300 ft coax and use that to delay?

    5 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • Why Affordable housing fails?

    I am starting a research project on affordable housing. I am just curious about what your opinions are about why affordable housing projects fail and why the government has so much trouble getting homeless people housing, not just shelters. All opinions and political views are welcome. The best answer will go to someone who makes a very compelling argument.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What is the best tie knot for a tall person?

    Hi, I'm fairly tall and want to make sure the tie comes down to my top of my belt so it doesn't look stupid. A windsor knot uses too much material and I can't get it long enough. I will buy longer ties in the future. But for now, which tie knot uses the least amount of tie material? And a website with instructions would be helpful, if possible. If it's a common type, don't worry I can google it for the instructions. Thanks

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What if you cut a multi-vitamin in half?

    Are all the different vitamins distributed evenly throughout the pill or on one side is the Vitamin C and the other side is the Vitamin A, etc. So if you cut a pill in half and eat only one half do you get a half dose of each ingredient or full doses or only some of the ingredients?

    This question is for a common multi-vitamin that contains many ingredients such as Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, iron, zinc, and dozens of other things.

    4 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Where can I get a foldable pool table?

    I want one with either foldable legs or that stores vertically. I live in the USA and there are plenty of UK sites that have this, but cannot find US sites. Shipping overseas is too much. Spent hours on Google. Anyone know of any links? Advice? 6feet or more.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the House of Lords not being directly elected by the people?

    Isn't this very undemocratic? I, for one, would like more involvement as a citizen in our government and to have less party loyalty in Parliament. Once a PM is in power, he or she will have full power that is virtually unchecked because all bills will pass without a problem.

    And some of the seats in the House of Lord are still hereditary which I object to.


    18 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much wasted food in the US and what can we do to make sure everyone gets some?

    Restaurants and grocery stores throw thousands of pounds of perfectly good food into dumpsters each day while many people around the world do not have enough food or go hungry. While food pantries, soup kitchens, and food drives do fortunately exist in the US, what else can be done about this problem?

    And why is this a problem? Is it too much government regulation on food temperatures and expiration dates? Or something else?

    All comments welcome.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How do you text message a large number of people at once?

    I own a business and want to text around 20 people at once, without too much hassle, while i am driving in order to let them know what time I will be arriving for delivery. i want them to all get the same message.

    does anyone know how to do this? what model phones it will work on or networks? can it be done from a website? can someone give me a link?

    any other info?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How does this scale work mathematically?

    I have a homedics scale which rounds to the 0.2 pounds (two-tenths) of a pound by giving a digital readout. Does anyone actually know how this rounds. If it prints out, 192.6 does that mean my actual weight is between 192.500... and 192.699...?

    Do you think it just rounds up or just simply rounds down? Like as in the price is right, does it do closest without going over (that's my lame analogy)?

    So if I really weigh 192.50001 will this print out 192.4, or 192.6 is the easiest way to ask.

    And this is certainly an odd question, it's not because I really care about my weight or anything like that, but my roommate and I had a diet competition with Nutrisystem and exercise to see who could lose more in one month (in a healthy way).

    So after one month he lost 10.6, I lost 10.4. What I'm trying to do is show that since the scale is rounding he may have been up to 0.4999 lbs lighter at the start and 0.49999 heavier now than it reads because it's rounding and vice versa for me.


    2 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Grammar Question: Is "21rst" also correct?

    "21st" is the most common way to write "twenty-first." But I've seen so many people do "21rst" - try Googling it. I've been searching for a while trying to find a website that discusses this, but to no avail.

    So is "21rst" also correct? Please include a website that you used to confirm this, if possible. I just don't whether it's just simply another generally accepted way to write it, or people being really dumb and not knowing it's "21st."

    8 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Ethernet does not work without power cord.?

    I have a Dell Latitude D Series laptop. If I do not have my power cord plugged in and I am running on battery, I cannot use the ethernet. The wireless will work though. And immediately upon plugging in the electricity, the ethernet will work. It's not even that the device is disabled on battery. It just connects but will not load a page until the power is in.

    Weirdest thing I have ever experienced. Does anyone know anything about this? Something with one of the settings? Thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • How to email my customers all at once?

    I own my own business. As of today, I have 74 customers. I want to email all of them to remind them to renew their plans and I have their names, emails, addresses, and phone numbers in an excel spreadsheet.

    How can I email all of them so that it says "To: their email" and from me.

    I do NOT want to put myself in the subject and BCC all of them so don't answer that I should do that. I know there are websites that do it for you but I don't want to pay very much. Also, I do NOT want to do it individually but I can if I have to. I just want it to say To them From my business email and that's it. Is this possible? Thank you.

    Note: I am using Outlook Express and it's not a yahoo email, it's an email from my business domain

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • How to email my customers all at once?

    I own my own business. As of today, I have 74 customers. I want to email all of them to remind them to renew their plans and I have their names, emails, addresses, and phone numbers in an excel spreadsheet.

    How can I email all of them so that it says "To: their email" and from me.

    I do NOT want to put myself in the subject and BCC all of them so don't answer that I should do that. I know there are websites that do it for you but I don't want to pay very much. Also, I do NOT want to do it individually but I can if I have to. I just want it to say To them From my business email and that's it. Is this possible? Thank you.

    Note: I am using Outlook Express and it's not a yahoo email, it's an email from my business domain.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago