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Favorite Answers18%

I am 34 years old with 2 fantastic kiddies. I am honest & sincere in my answers but I can be a bit of a joker at times. Loving this site :) :)

  • Homework help with Christianity.?

    My son has been asked to list 3 things Christians believe about God and then say how these things affect their behaviour.

    I am an 'non-believer' so am finding it hard to help him and explain things to him. He has looked on Christian sites but wants a more personal response from genuine people.

    Can anyone help?

    Many many thanks.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it said you shouldn't wear white after labor day?

    Please excuse my total ignorance but I don't understand the connection!!

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think it unfair that only Americans can win prizes for their answers?

    I recieved an e-mail from Yahoo answers inviting me to join in a competition to win prizes for best answers etc.

    I, like many others, have worked hard getting to our levels, so why do the prizes only get given to people residing in America. People from all over the world ask and answer questions, so why are we not included?

    If Yahoo are not going to reward all, they shouldn't reward anyone.

    Does anyone else think this unfair??

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Can I add sound files to my 360?

    I don't want it on my blast, I know how to do that.

    I don't want a video from youtube.

    I want to create a soundfile, like my kids laughing, and add it to my BLOG!! is there any way I can do this?

    As I have said, I don't want to add it to my blast I want it on the actual blog itself. I have managed to figure out how to get individual songs and music videos on it, but I want a more personal touch and have searched high and low to find a way but have drawn a blank.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction please......... many thanks xxx

    1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • What is an easy way to remove broken egg shells?

    It happens to the best of us! There you are, all hungry and looking forward to an omelette or something like that, so you break some eggs into a bowl and one of them splinters and you are left with bits of shell in the mixture.

    How do you get them out easily without too much mess?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Easy recipe for Lemonade.?

    Has anyone ever made their own lemonade and can give me a really tasty recipe?

    My children fancy having a go at making it and there are quite a few recipes on the net, but I would like one that I know for sure is going to taste delicious.

    Thanks in advance.

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What was the piece of music in 'Uncle Buck'??

    In the film 'Uncle Buck', John candy had to visit his neices school. The piece of music that accompanies this scene has lots of drum beats, and what sounds like wood being scraped along a wooden block (that is the best way I can describe it)

    Can anyone help me and tell me what the peice of music is?

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Where would you start and how many countries could you visit 2 c in the New Year?

    If you hired a plane and travelled all over the world, just landing the plane to see in the New Year and then jet off to another country, where would you have to start and how many countries could you visit?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Yahoo server problems?

    Why is it, when I try to post an answer, Yahoo keeps coming up with an error saying can't find server. Is it just me having this problem?

    Also, why does my keyboard lag when I type a question on here? It types normally in other programmes :(

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you think we should take regular driving tests?

    Do you think it would be a good idea if all motorists (not just women :P) had to take a driving test every five years for example?

    Do you think car insurers should require this to keep the premiums down?

    Do you think it would improve the standards of driving?

    Would you pass or have you picked up too many bad habits?

    8 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • Are we becomming obsessed with germs etc??

    With all the recent outbreaks of diseases and bugs etc, do you think we are turning ourselves into hygeine freaks, obsessed with cleaning and scared to touch things?

    Is it necessary nowadays to be like this? Has the fact we are now so clean beginning to destroy our natural immune system?

    9 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Security codes on a car stereo?

    I recently had to disconnect the battery on my car, so I lost the Stereo which I sadly miss.

    I have 10 attempts to get it back on but can't find the code for it. I have been in touch with the manufacurers but they say without proof of purchase they won't give me the code :(

    1) Is there a way I can over-ride the code?

    2) Is it true that if I leave it on and continue to carry on driving around, it will eventually come back by itself?

    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Wife Swap (as in the TV programme, not the rude kind!! lol)?

    I have just watched another episode of Wife Swap and it got me thinking.......

    would you ever do such a crazy thing and what would be your worst case scenario? Are you strong enough to change a stubborn man into a submisive or turn a wus into a warrior??

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Which martial art is best?

    I have 2 sons, both of which are wanting to take up martial arts or something like that.

    My eldest son is very timid and I would like a sport that would bring him out of his shell a little

    My youngest is a little bit too quick to throw a punch so I would like him to take up something where he can use his energy in a more disciplined way.

    Neither of my children are into group sports like Football or Basketball so I thought martial arts would be the best thing.

    Can anyone suggest the best type of martial art for each of them...... if any at all??

    Many thanks

    16 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Which is more accurate. A lie detector test or body language?

    I am pretty sure that people can win against a lie detector test but can body language be hidden or altered to fool us?

    How does a lie detector work and how accurate is it?

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Serious question about online harassment!?

    I have my very own stalker...... all together now awwwwwwww!!

    Even though I have my preferences set, somehow they are still managing to get through under different IDs and are giving me serious agro!

    Are the police able to do anything about it?

    How should I handle it?

    Serious suggestions would be most grateful!! Many thanks

    8 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • How does one get a true and flattering pic using a photo booth?

    I don't photograph well at the best of times and run a mile when a camera is around but when I reluctantly am dragged kicking and screaming to a photo booth my pic comes out looking really really bad!

    My driving licence doesn't resemble me at all, my chins increase in numbers, I look so pale I am surprised they don't put Albino on my documents and my eyes look teeny tiny!

    I have tried different coloured backgrounds, different poses, smiles, no smiles but the outcome is still the same!

    Apart from resorting to cosmetic surgery can anyone give me any tips how to make these booths work with me?

    Am I the only one who looks awful in a photo booth pic?

    Suggestions will be gratefully recieved!!

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Isn't it about time we put Lady Diana to rest?

    Oh dear me, another programme on the Television about the tragic death of Diana.

    Are we really still interested? Do these programme makers not realise how hard it must be on the children she left behind? Does anyone else think they should leave her alone now and stop speculating on what might have happened, when the only people who actually know the truth are now dead!?

    6 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Where do socks really go when you put them in a washing machine?

    Ok, it happened again. I am sure I sorted them into pairs before putting them into the machine.

    The machine started, did it's thing, whirred around a bit then I went to get washing out and............ yep an odd sock!!

    What happened to the other one?

    37 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Call me stupid but why on TV do USA phone numbers start with 555??

    No matter what programme I watch, the American phone numbers always seem to start with 555.

    I am not a mathmatician (can't even spell it) but surely there is only a certain number of numerical combinations!!

    Can someone please explain how the phone system works all the way over there??

    29 AnswersOther - Entertainment1 decade ago