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Lv 613,764 points

Jack Herring

Favorite Answers24%

Love the piano, although I do not think I got all the talent that was coming to me. Like to paint. Advid reader. Animal rights activist. Do not like politicians. Like good food. Like a good movie. Do not like dancing. Like motorcycles. Believe in the Golden Rule. Wish I made more money.

  • Is there a product on the market that will kill the weeds in my lawn but will not harm my grass and dogs?

    All of the homemade weed killers I've found on the internet that are safe for dogs not only kill the weeds but kill the grass also.

    5 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • How do I get rid of this one roll of fat?

    I am 5'-7" weigh 200 lbs. I am not sure what my correct weight should be. I seem to carry most of the excess weight around the waist giving me this one particular ugly roll. I don't really eat that much and have never been one for exercising. I sit while playing the piano, I sit for two hour driving to and from work, I sit 10 hours at my desk looking at this stupid computer, I sit watch a netflix and off to bed. I have a bad back so sit-ups and leg lifts are not an option. Will just walking perhaps 30 minutes a day do any good?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Anyone know who said this?

    Who said " the people should not fear the government, the government should fear the people?" Perhaps it is time for us to take the blame for the condition of our country since we have allowed our government Democrat or Republican, Corporate Greed to do as they pleased.The parties will continure to be self serving and in the pockets of big business as long as we allow it.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Seems a little strange?

    Florida is getting ready for the GOP convention. This is the party that boost family values. Does it seem strange that the strip clubs are also gearing up to handle the crowds? It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Looking for the best war game. Any suggestions?

    I have decided to treat myself this Christmas and buy a war game. I want one that will hold my interest and one that is very realistic. Graphics are very important. I do not want comic book looking soldiers. I am not interested in the ones that only show one looking down a gun barrel and shooting the enemy while traveling thru buildings. I would prefer something that makes me the general. I also prefer something from the Civil War to the present.

    Money is not a problem, I will buy whatever I need. I know some are made for PC's and others one has to buy other equipment.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • Looking for the best war game. Any suggestions?

    I have decided to treat myself this Christmas and buy a war game. I want one that will hold my interest and one that is very realistic. Graphics are very important. I do not want comic book looking soldiers. I am not interested in the ones that only show one looking down a gun barrel and shooting the enemy while traveling thru buildings. I would prefer something that makes me the general. I also prefer something from the Civil War to the present.

    Money is not a problem, I will buy whatever I need. I know some are made for PC's and others one has to buy other equipment.

    Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersNintendo Wii10 years ago
  • End of the World.......Again?

    Well, once again I missed it. Rev. Harold Camping had me convinced that his calculations were right on the money this time. Is there anyone around we can trust to have the straight scoop? Maybe the Mayans?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me why I received so many thumbs down?

    I thought I answered the question. I do not believe there are any falsehoods in my answer.;_ylt=Au955...

    11 AnswersClassical10 years ago
  • Can I drown my dogs fleas?

    Can I drown my dogs fleas by sitting her in a tub of water up to her neck for maybe 10 minutes or so?

    17 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Raising a Baby Wild Bird?

    I have always loved to have birds in my yard and for years have planted my yard to encourage them to nest and hang out. Mostly hummingbirds, mocking birds, house finches, sparrows and gold finches.

    The down side is frequently for some reason or another I find a baby that has been abandoned. My track record for sucessfully raising a baby bird is zero. They all seem to die after a few days under my care.

    What do I feed them? How often should I feed them. Also many have little tiny parasites on them. I live in the Anaheim, California area if you know of an organization I can contact for help.


    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me tell Directv to take their service and shove it?

    I am not a big TV addict. My watching is almost 99% local evening news and a movie. For many many years I have had to pay various satellite companies extremely high prices to get the stations I wanted. Their packages were filled with stations I would never watch. Basically I wanted my local Los Angeles stations and all of the movie channels. I did not want sports, shopping, gardening, religious and a host of other channels I had to pay for in order to get the channels I wanted.

    With the creation of Netflix I found it fit my movie needs perfectly and I dropped all of the movie channels from my satellite provider and am now paying for their basic package which includes my local stationsl. However it is still too much money for the evening news.

    Is there any website providing live streaming of the local Los Angeles channels. I have found two websites (free) and Satellite Direct ($49 one time) but they are not providing my news station. Can anyone recommend a website that might fit my needs? I would like to find a website that will provide up to the minute live broadcast not one that I can review dated videos.

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Viewing 3D Movies in the home?

    With the recent trend in 3D movies, what will I need to view these new movies in my home? I know I will need special glasses, but will my present Blu-Ray DVD player play the 3D DVD? Will my present plasma screen need to be replaced?

    At the present time are there different formats competing for the market like Blu-Ray and HD did a few months ago and beta max and VHS did years ago?

    5 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Which is the better quality Saxophone?

    Which of the two would you consider the better quality? Both are student alto saxes.

    Yamaha YAS-23 or the Jupiter 767GL

    4 AnswersJazz1 decade ago
  • Blu Ray Player Vs. Router Wireless Connection?

    I have a Linksys Wireless-G Router I have been using for a couple of years for my two computers. I just purchased a Samsung Blu-Ray DVD player. It came with it's own wireless adapter and is Net Flix, Youtube ready, however it is not seeing my router.

    What do I need to do to to get the two to see each other? Please, I am not a computer guru so a step by step approach would be helpful.

    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is there a chance we may run out of oxygen?

    I know that breathable air is made up with around 20% oxygen. I also know that plants on land and in the ocean also produce oxygen. When the world is in balance there is enough oxygen produced to make up for the oxygen used and I am sure there are other oxygen producing processes I'm not familiar with.

    But the world seems to be falling out of balance. The rain forests are disappearing, the oceans are becoming more polluted and forest fires are seem to be more frequent. I have not seen any numbers on this, but is there a chance our consumption of oxygen will exceed the planets ability to produce?

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • Beethoven's Piano for may science project?

    I am asking this question purely for scientific purposes. How many keys did Beethoven's piano have and what brand name of piano did he prefer?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Installing extra RAM?

    I want to install (2) sticks of extra ram. After installing on the mother board will the computer automatically see the new addtions and begin using them or do I need to tell the computer to use the new sticks. If so, what do I need to do and how do I do it? A step by step answer would be a big help. I am running windows xp.

    6 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Steinway & Sons takes one more step closer to the River Jordan?

    Today Nov. 5, 2009 Steinway announced the private placement of 1.7 million shares of it's ordinary common stock and signed an agreement with Samick Musical Instruments. Samick also has the option to purchase an additional 1.7 million shares by March 31, 2010.

    I feel we are seeing the final death rales of the once greatest piano in the world. I have been a Steinway person all my life and was shocked in 1972 when CBS purchased the company and immediately had Kawai begin building uprights with the name Steinway on them. I have been in the business a long time and in my opinion Asia has yet to manufacture a great piano. It seems all of the great names in pianos are being absorbed by Asia. Bosendorfer by Yamaha, C.Bechstein was tied in with Samick. Seiler by Samick. One more nail in the acoustical coffin.

    I would like to hear other opinions.

    4 AnswersClassical1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on Michael Vick playing today.?

    Today Michael Vick will play football. I personally do not feel good about that. For those who have followed his saga after his arrest for dog fighting and read about the extreme cruelty these animals were subjected to, I feel I will never be able to respect the Eagles again. I am a fan looking for a new favorite team.

    Some say Vick has paid his debt to society and deserves a 2nd chance, I'm sorry, but there is a line somewhere out there that says when a person crosses that line, they show themselves as being something other than human. They have lost all respect for other living beings. For me Vick has crossed that line.

    I am disappointed in the NFL for even considering letting him play again, and especially disappointed in the Eagles for allowing him to play again.

    4 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago