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Lv 56,741 points

Becky N

Favorite Answers17%
  • Can I make Peanut Brittle with Crushed Potato Chips on top?

    I am looking to make some peanut brittle for gifts for the holidays, but wanted to do something more unique. I know sugar is finicky, and I was wondering if anyone knew if sprinkling potato chips over the pan before pouring the brittle out over top would alter the consistency or setting of my recipe?

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • I need a book like eat, pray, love?

    My mom wants a book for Christmas, and I know that she enjoyed Eat, Pray, Love. Anything similar to this like a woman finding herself or going on a personal/emotional journey would be awesome!!

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Would I capitalize this in my essay?

    "However, even without institutionalizing religion, religion finds its way into the American public school sector shrewdly." Should "american public school" be capitalized? If not, what should? It's an academic essay, so I need this to be right! Best answer!

    2 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • What board game should I get my Dad?

    He's not much into excessive trivia games or anything artsy (like pictionary, or cranium where you have to draw, sculpt and act) . I think he'd like something fun, strategic but not a long game. He likes Blokus if that helps, and Risk if it wasn't so long. Any suggestions would be welcome. He likes card games too. Thanks guys!

    6 AnswersBoard Games1 decade ago
  • What is the song playing in "Due Date" when they're getting high in the truck?

    When the one guy is sleeping (name escapes me at the moment) and wakes up because he smells the pot. Then starts seeing blue dots out the window. I know the song but can't place it.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Do you regularly wear shoes in your home?

    I'm unsure of why people do wear shoes in their house all the time. It seems a little weird to me; I've always just worn socks. I want to know if you wear socks or shoes in your house and why. Thanks!

    13 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • In spanish, how would you say...?

    1. "I am happy to be here?"

    and 2. "I am excited to learn english"

    I have come up with

    1. Estoy contenta estar aquí.

    2. Yo estoy ....... (excited) aprender ingles.

    Please state your sources!

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite joke(s)?

    I want to hear some good ones! Post as many as you like!

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Car problems.... shaking when I start it?

    I have a 2004 Chevy Optra with 102000 km on it. The check engine light came on about a month ago, so I took it in and apparently it was just my gas cap that didn't seal the right way. Then about two weeks later it started shaking when I started it (kind of a vibration that lasts for about two minutes) and the check engine light came on flashing, then turned off the next day, then solid the next and then off again.

    So I got that checked out and they injected the engine to clean out any deposits and also put in new spark plugs. That was about 3 weeks ago.

    Now for the past two days, it has started shaking again. I have checked the gas cap to make sure that it's tight. Today the check engine light came on again.

    So I am wondering what is up, and if there is something that would cause this that I can fix myself or do for a relatively moderate price.

    It seems to be worse in hot weather, but is also bad in the morning when it is colder. Thank you in advance for helpful answers.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What are the top ten songs you think that everyone should listen to?

    It doesn't have to be ten, but I am looking for some awesome songs to add to my ipod, and where better than here? So It can be music that is underrated, that is boppy, awesoem lyrics. Just the top songs that you love that you wished everyone knew about so they could love them too! Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is System Cleanup Software Effective?

    I found some software at a store that claims to make a computer run faster and clean it up, removing files I don't need and defragging it. I was jsut wondering if this would be at all helpful in boosting the speed of my computer. i find it's slowed down in the last little while, and I was going to get a professional cleanup, but this seems like a cheaper option. is it worth it?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Looking for a prayer that I forgot. "I found God in the Morning"?

    The only line I remember is: "I found god this morning, we just sat and talked, and I kept him near me everywhere i walked." Something like that. I had a little 3 by 2 inch card with this prayer on it. It was printed yellow with I think, a landscape in the background with blue and pink. I forgot the rest of it, and would like to use it in a card for a first communion. Thanks!

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can I use giftbags in my scrapbook?

    I know I could, but I am worried that they wouldn't be acid-free. does anyone know if the paper would affect my scrapbook either now or a few years down the road?? Thanks!

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Can you freeze cheese?

    I was wondering if a block of chedder or marble cheese would be altered in anyway by freezing. Just wondering for the sake of saving a few dollars by buying a bigger block initially. I don't want it to taste odd after or become crumbly. Thanks for your help!

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago

    Hey! I just bought Sims 2 Open for Business, and I was wondering if it would delete my already existing games on there. I have Pets, Double Deluxe and Seasons. Just wondering which disc I would have to use to run the game if I installed it now. i have to use the seasons one now. Thank you so much for your help!

    3 AnswersPC1 decade ago
  • Older windows games on my laptop?

    Is there any way that I can play games made for windows 95-98 on my newer laptop (vista)? I have Sim theme park, tetris elements and a few others. I put the disc in my disc drive, but it seems as if it doesn't recognize it. Is there a program that I can use to convert my game, or is this not possible?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Need song suggestions for my younger cousins?? (6 and 4)?

    I'm planning to make cd's for christmas for my two cousins, who are six and 4. (girl and boy respectively.) I was wondering what songs would be good for these age groups, preferably something modern and 'cool.' lol. it's not a christmas song cd. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Beer in Corfu, Greece?

    When I was there summer 2007, we drank a beer often at the pink palace. I would really like to find out what it was. It had a darker brown bottle, the label was blue, and started with a B, and possibly had a T in the middle. It was about five-seven letters long. I know this is pretty vague, but I'd really like to know, if you can give me any guess. Thank guys! (oh.. and we were calling it 'beptina' but i'm sure that's not right. lol. that's what you get when you don't know greek. lol)

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Looking for a beer from the Pink Palace, Corfu, Greece?

    When I was there summer 2007, we drank a beer often at the pink palace. I would really like to find out what it was. It had a darker brown bottle, the label was blue, and started with a B, and possibly had a T in the middle. It was about five-seven letters long. I know this is pretty vague, but I'd really like to know, if you can give me any guess. Thank guys! (oh.. and we were calling it 'beptina' but i'm sure that's not right. lol. that's what you get when you don't know greek. lol)

    1 AnswerOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • The term for when you write something, but it's through someone else?

    When i was on a train in europe, i had a really weird experience. I was writing in my journal, but it wasnt my writing style at all. In fact i felt like i was someone else writing about my excperience (not entirely an out of body experience...but close). There is a term for this, and i was just wondering if anyone knew what it was. It relates specifically to when someone is writing through someone else's perspective. thanks!

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago