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  • Can i legally "balance" genders at an arrangement?

    Hey guys.

    I'm currently arranging a party with some other people and i'm in charge of the ticket-sale. There will be about 350-500 people at the party, and we want it to be somewhat balanced gender-wise, as close to 50/50 as possible. But is this even possible? I thought about putting 250 tickets for sale for males only, and then 250 for females only, but i'm not sure if this is allowed. It is a completely private arrangement if that makes any difference.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • How do i balance this chem. equation?

    I'm writing an essay on home-made alchometers, and have to balance the following equation, but i have no idea how.. The normal redox-approach doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?

    Cr2O7(2-) + CH3CH2OH → Cr(3+) + CH3COOH

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • What is the name of this song/artist?

    I'm looking for a rap-song from about 4-6 years ago - not entirely sure about the year though, it could be older. I believe it was a somewhat big hit back then.

    It was with this guy rapping with a rather nasal voice, and the chorus had him rapping something along the lines of:

    .. with the fur (with the fur)

    .. like a (something rhyming with fur)


    It basically just continued with every sentence rhyming with this (bird, fur, her, sir, blur) etc. Not sure what words were used though.

    It was very characteristic, and i believe almost everyone has heard it.... I know it's not very much info to give, but seeing as it was a very popular song back then, i'll give it shot..

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • Yet another Spanish translation - can anyone help?

    Just posted a question a few minutes ago, but forgot another sentence i'm having issues with. I need to translate the following sentence to Spanish:

    "I'm not proud of what i have done".

    5 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Can someone help with this Spanish translation?

    I'm having some trouble with this particular sentence i need to translate to English.. It just feels really complicated grammatically:

    "Didn't you know what you had to do as gang-members?"

    A simple (but correct) translation would be very much appreciated, as i'm really stuck..

    2 AnswersLanguages8 years ago
  • Is this normal (tattoo advice)?

    Hey guys, need some tattoo advice.

    Just got a tattoo 2 days ago (similar to the one in this picture: ) and i'm very happy with it.

    However.. I just started noticing that the the small areas of non-inked skin, between the lines where they get very close to eachother/almost meet, are also a bit darker, as if the color of the two lines are trying to "connect" underneath the skin. The lines are completely sharp everywhere else on the tattoo, so i'm not sure if it's a blow-out.

    Anyone have any idea if this is part of the initial healing process, or shades from the wound, or simply a blowout?

    3 AnswersTattoos9 years ago
  • Could someone explain the mistake in this English sentence?

    "The main character is almost dragged into the “madness” of the factory, and is attempted to be mechanized – but instead he refuses to give up his individuality"

    I know it's something with the "attempted to be mechanized", but what? :o

    3 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • Science and Responsibility?

    So, i have this special project in school where i need to choose a theme/topic and write a 10 page assignment about it. The overall theme for all students is "Science and Responsibility".

    I have to combine 2 subjects and choose a more specific topic that fits both of them. An example could be "English and History, an analysis of Frankenstein as a symbol of uncontrolled science", or "Chemestry and Psychology, the ethical/moral problems related to the rise in use of anti-depressive medication among teenagers"

    You get the idea. :) I'm just really low on good ideas right now, and the previous 2 are basically the only ones i've thought of right now.. Anyone have some interesting cases, or subject combinations that come to mind when you hear "Science and Responsibility"?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Science and Responsibility?

    So, i have this special project in school where i need to choose a theme/topic and write a 10 page assignment about it. The overall theme for all students is "Science and Responsibility".

    I have to combine 2 subjects and choose a more specific topic that fits both of them. An example could be "English and History, an analysis of Frankenstein as a symbol of uncontrolled science", or "Chemestry and Psychology, the ethical/moral problems related to the rise in use of anti-depressive medication among teenagers"

    You get the idea. :) I'm just really low on good ideas right now, and the previous 2 are basically the only ones i've thought of right now.. Anyone have some interesting cases, or subject combinations that come to mind when you hear "Science and Responsibility"?

    1 AnswerOther - Social Science9 years ago
  • Science and Responsibility?

    So, i have this special project in school where i need to choose a theme/topic and write a 10 page assignment about it. The overall theme for all students is "Science and Responsibility".

    I have to combine 2 subjects and choose a more specific topic that fits both of them. An example could be "English and History, an analysis of Frankenstein as a symbol of uncontrolled science", or "Chemestry and Psychology, the ethical/moral problems related to the rise in use of anti-depressive medication among teenagers"

    You get the idea. :) I'm just really low on good ideas right now, and the previous 2 are basically the only ones i've thought of right now.. Anyone have some interesting cases, or subject combinations that come to mind when you hear "Science and Responsibility"?

    1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago
  • Science and Responsibility?

    So, i have this special project in school where i need to choose a theme/topic and write a 10 page assignment about it. The overall theme for all students is "Science and Responsibility".

    I have to combine 2 subjects and choose a more specific topic that fits both of them. An example could be "English and History, an analysis of Frankenstein as a symbol of uncontrolled science", or "Chemestry and Psychology, the ethical/moral problems related to the rise in use of anti-depressive medication among teenagers"

    You get the idea. :) I'm just really low on good ideas right now, and the previous 2 are basically the only ones i've thought of right now.. Anyone have some interesting cases, or subject combinations that come to mind when you hear "Science and Responsibility"?

    3 AnswersOther - Science9 years ago
  • Science and Responsibility?

    So, i have this special project in school where i need to choose a theme/topic and write a 10 page assignment about it. The overall theme for all students is "Science and Responsibility".

    I have to combine 2 subjects and choose a more specific topic that fits both of them. An example could be "English and History, an analysis of Frankenstein as a symbol of uncontrolled science", or "Chemestry and Psychology, the ethical/moral problems related to the rise in use of anti-depressive medication among teenagers"

    You get the idea. :) I'm just really low on good ideas right now, and the previous 2 are basically the only ones i've thought of right now.. Anyone have some interesting cases, or subject combinations that come to mind when you hear "Science and Responsibility"?

  • Science and Responsibility?

    So, i have this special project in school where i need to choose a theme/topic and write a 10 page assignment about it. The overall theme for all students is "Science and Responsibility".

    I have to combine 2 subjects and choose a more specific topic that fits both of them. An example could be "English and History, an analysis of Frankenstein as a symbol of uncontrolled science", or "Chemestry and Psychology, the ethical/moral problems related to the rise in use of anti-depressive medication among teenagers"

    You get the idea. :) I'm just really low on good ideas right now, and the previous 2 are basically the only ones i've thought of right now.. Anyone have some interesting cases, or subject combinations that come to mind when you hear "Science and Responsibility"?

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Could anyone correct these few Spanish sentences?

    Hey :) I have written a few sentences in Spanish, but i'm not sure if they are completely right.. Any help would be much appreciated!

    "Lis acaba de poner a su hija en la cama y entonces impiezan a hablar. Hablan de la cultura indígena."

    "Encontraba a Lis en su pueblo. Era una chica joven y llevaba ropa moderna."

    "La periodista habla con ella, y Lis le dice que llevaba en la selva y tenía una hija."

    "Lis dice a la periodista, que tiene una historia muy especial."

    "Todos esperemos que los indígenas pueda vivir una vida mejorar en el futuro."

    2 AnswersLanguages9 years ago
  • A few Spanish questions?

    I have 4 spanish sentences that i'm not sure are correct, so would love if you could take a look at it :) Thanks!

    "La estación es un poco obscuro"

    ".. es también muy artisticá – que es típico de París."

    "En el verano fui a París, y me fuí un montón de metro"

    "Una noche estaba en el metro, cuando una banda empezó a tocar – Fue muy divertido."

    3 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • How to say this in Spanish?

    I was wondering how to to ask "What languages do you speak in Chile?"..

    "Qué lenguas hablan/hablas (?) en Chile?"

    Somewhat correct..? Or how should hablar be?

    5 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • How do i say this in Spanish?

    "On new years eve, men and women have to wear red underwear"

    "en Fin de Año, hombres y mujeres tienen que llevar ropa inerior de color rojo"

    Is this correct?

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Cold anyone translate this Spanish to English?

    "Y luego tambien hay muchas tradiciones aquí en España con.. en relaciones con Reyes, Navidades y Fin de Año. Otra tradicion también muy curiosa es lo de la ropa interior de color rojo, que es para hombres y para mujeres y tienen que ponerse cuando... justo cuando son las doce. Tienen que llevar ropa interior de color rojo. Yo no sé donde de donde viene esa tradición..."

    I think it's really hard to understand, because there's a fair bit of slang compared to what i'm used to..

    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago
  • How do i say this in Spanish?

    "But an hour on transport is'nt even much in Madrid.. Actually, it's a short time compared to many others"

    "Pero una hora de transporte no es muy in Madrid.. Es actualmente un poco tiempo, en comparación con otro gentes en Madrid"

    Could anyone correct this?

    4 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • How do i say this in Spanish?

    "In the future, i want to work as an English teacher or perhaps a psychologist"

    "En el futuro voy a trabajar como un profesor de inglés o quizás como un psicólogo"

    Is this correct? :)

    3 AnswersLanguages10 years ago