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  • Is streamimg with a 90 degrees cpu bad?

    I recently got a dell xps 8940 with an intel i7 10700 and rtx 3060ti. This computer is a beast but lacks a proper cpu fan/heatsink and good overall ventilation. I am looking to upgrade to fix this problem as soon as possible but I am curious, could the pc handle streaming without the upgrade when it is already reaching 88ish degrees running modern warfare? would using the gpu as the encoder help at all? thx, rip yahoo answers btw

    1 AnswerDesktops20 hours ago
  • Do university grades matter?

    I am right now in a business (economics major) school. I know I need good grades to get a good coop placement but at the end of they day does this crap really matter? Does GPA have any impact on one's ability to get jobs? School right now is just agonizing right as I end up spending like 6 hours a day doing boring work with no student or professor interaction. I start to feel like my time would be better spent on learning more useful skills (like stock market knowledge or msft excel) because at the end of the day, none of this school bs is going to matter post graduation. Anyone out there with a business background land a solid job with bad grades? Or since I am convinced school is bs, should I be trying to become self-employed? I feel directionless but knowing whether or not I should be focusing on grades would be super helpful, thank you!

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)6 months ago
  • Are you happy?

    I am extremely disappointed in myself for the dissatisfaction I have with my life. I don't want to call myself depressed, but I have recently shifted towards a more cynical perspective than I had previously. As cliche as it may sound, I feel as though there is a hole inside me, yet I have no means to "fill that hole". In my opinion, there are only a handful of things that can provide one with genuine fulfillment. To me those are; a sense of community/ friendships, career achievement/ personal growth, and the building of deep relationships with a significant other. With regard to friendships and relationships, I feel completely out of control in attempt to form new bonds and build existing ones. I have some friends in which I have a very superficial relationship with and for that I am grateful, however I feel as though they treat me like I am lesser than them. I can see myself out growing this group as they continuously disappoint me, but I doubt my ability to make new friendships as I am unsure how I got these ones! I have never had a real relationship before either and I believe my problem has to do with not being super confident or the outgoing type. With respect to career achievement, I feel lost as I find trouble justifying any one career path with an overwhelming passion. I fear that I will live in this state of dissatisfaction long into this life. I am unsure I want an answer as much as I would just simply like to be heard, so if you are reading this I appreciate you.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 months ago
  • What is a good way to meet people in university?

    I am a student at Ryerson still living at home. Since Ryerson is more of a commuters school I haven’t really met anyone that I have gotten particularly close with. Some people have said join clubs but I find most of them uninteresting and a pathetic forced attempt at trying to meet people. Any tips anyone??

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)10 months ago
  • What is a great yet affordable all inclusive resort to visit down south?

    Me and my friend are looking for somewhere to go to over march break next year. Keep in mind, we are sixteen and want something in reasonable price. Where should we go?

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations5 years ago
  • Bad acne fam help pls?

    I've been on proactive for about 2 months now and I am still getting new pimples. Also old pimple aren't going away so quick and I am experiencing a lot of scaring. Overall I am not sure if proactive has helped or hurt me. My main question is should I quit proactive? I have been meaning to see a dermatologist but haven't gotten around to it yet, does this sound like a good idea? Am I getting pimples because I'm just 16 and got all the hormones and what not or is it because the proactive is really hurting my skin?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions5 years ago
  • What should I go as for Halloween?

    I m in grade 10 and am going to a party on Halloween. I want to wear something cool that doesn t cover my face. Without make up would be preferred and I do not want to buy a costume. What s something that I can throw together?

    2 AnswersHalloween6 years ago
  • How do I get girls?

    I am 15 years old and all of my friends have got head and/or have long term girlfriends when I've never had either. The girl I liked recently friend zoned me too. I just want to know is it a matter of making myself more available to get girls. How can I get girls to want to pursue me?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago