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  • Missed period. Could I be pregnant?

    I had my last period was Christmas week, and then I switched from a 3 month (12 week) birth control over to a 6 week birth control. I stopped talking the active pills this week (Sunday morning because I forgot it Sunday night) and now it is Thursday and I don't have my period. I have never missed before and I don't know what to do. I have always been smart about sex and my boyfriend wears a condom every time. I don't know why I am late, but I am worried and so is my boyfriend. I have tried to call my doctor and they wont call me back so I don't know what to do. Please help.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • What should I write in a christmas card for boyfriends parents?

    I have known my boyfriends parents for a few years, got closer to them this past year, but I have only been dating Nick for four months. His parents are both good cooks, and they built a pizza oven in their backyard this summer so I bought them an infused olive oil. I know them through our church so I got a card that is somewhat religious, which they will like. They have been super welcoming to me, and never complain about when I am over at their house (which is pretty much every day). I absolutely love spending time with his family. By the way I am in college, so I am going to address the card with their first name and I would like the rest of the card to sound proper as well, but also very kind.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Sex question, what could cause this?

    My boyfriend and I have been having sex for about two months now, at lease twice a week or more. On friday night we drank a lot and had sex, and everything was fine. the next morning we had sex again, but my vagina was extremely tight, he said even tighter than the first time we had sex which was when i lost my virginity. the same this again happened today, and i dont know what could have caused this. after both times i have had spotting.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What to be for halloween at college?

    I have never been that much into dressing up. Everyone here goes all out slut for halloween and I am not 100% comfortable with that. I want to look hot, but not show everything. Also, I need to buy stuff to put a costume together easily and still be affordable and comfortable. I love wearing tights, and have no problem wearing a revealing top, just not my stomach. What should I be?

    1 AnswerHalloween9 years ago
  • Good way to surprise my boyfriend?

    Its our first year of college and though we have only been together for two months, we have been best friends for years. He has been really stressed with school this past week as well as his fraternity. I am going home this weekend for my sisters birthday and I want to surprise him when I get back just to help relieve some of the stress.

    I am willing to buy him something, or a lot of little things. I just need some ideas of what I could get him to cheer him up. thanks

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • My boyfriend has a rash on his groin?

    It looks just like chaffing but he seems to be discomforted by it. Its right by his balls too. It looks really red and it said it itched a but but kinda hurts and is really dry too. Should I be worried about this? is it still ok to have sex?

    we know its not an STD

    7 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • What do I pack for moving into a sorority house?

    I will actually be living in the house, not a dorm or an apartment. I will have my room which I will share with 4-6 other people and it will only have my closet and my desk in it, I will be sleeping in a sleeping porch and wont be able to store anything under my bed.

    My question is, what do I need to pack? I question things like an iron and a printer, I don't know if the house will have one. Also, do you know of anything that is nice to have in a sorority house? I feel like I'm going into this completely blind so anything and everything helps. Thanks a bunch :)

  • Anyone that has lived in or was born in Nigeria?

    I am writing my senior thesis and I need to interview someone that knows about political economic and social issues with the country. I already have questions written out for you to ask. Its not a factual interview, but an opinionated interview about your predictions for the country. An email interview would be fantastic

    1 AnswerImmigration9 years ago
  • What should I do? (potential yeast infection)?

    My mom recently moved out, so I don't know who to talk to about this and I don't know how to ask my dad to go to the doctor about it.

    I started taking "the pill" in November and I am on quasense, so I only get it once every three months. This past week was the first time I got it, and the period itself was not bad at all (only lasted 4 days). But about 2 days before I started taking the reminder pills I started to itch really bad down there. It hurt a bit to put tampons in and take them out. I dont have my period anymore, but it still itches and is sore. I have been keeping it very clean down there, so I don't know what this is. Its been going on for about 9 days now

    It is very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. What could this be and what should I do?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • why is love not enough?

    or is it?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • what is the meaning of snow patrols song new york?

    this song has so much meaning to me it's unbelievable! I just want to know how you interperate it.

    1 AnswerOther - Music9 years ago
  • Why is his mother and rest of his family being so cold?

    I had been dating this guy for 5 months, doesnt seem that long, but it was one of those rare situations where everything was just meant to be, and things just clicked from the beginning. His sister and I were really close and became friends. I see her on campus now, and she doesnt acknowlegde my existance she just stares and when I wave or say hi she avoids me. His dad also works at the school and I am always polite when I see him, but he doesnt say anything and he will just walk into the nearest room when he sees me or ignores me. His mother and I got really close, she treated me like a second daughter, she invited me over many times when my boyfriend was at school (he goes to school in a different state). I would see her atleast once every other week. My boyfriend broke up with me because he is so stressed out from school he cant manage a relationship too. He says his feelings havent changed one bit, and that he wants to stay in my life, just cant handel a relationship. After some time and talking I somewhat understand and am being mature about it all. I asked his mother if she wanted to go to coffee because we did all the time, and she said no very rudely. My boyfriend did tell me that it has been hard on his mom and sister, but I am very confused why they (especially his mom) would treat me so coldly? Its like the relationship was a smack in the face and now im being backhanded by the rest of his family.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why is it typical for college freshman to break up with girlfriends from home?

    My boyfriend and I were in a very serious relationship for the past year, and he broke up with me a few weeks ago. I also noticed that two of my other friends who were dating guys who are college freshman that went out of state for college also got their hearts broken. In all three relationships nothing was wrong, everything was very sudden. The guys all talked about not being able to manage the stress (not of the long distance but of always worrying about how the other was doing) and also about having felt that they lost their identities, they didn't know who they were anymore.

    I have some close guy friends in college, and they say that right now it is happening a lot that freshman guys are breaking up with their girlfriends that are back at home, why is this?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • what should i get my boyfriends little sister for her birthday?

    I have been dating him for over 5 months now and I have become really close to his family. I love his little sister so much and I see her all the time at school (im a senior and she is a freshman in high school) my boyfriend is a freshman in college. Her birthday is coming up and she will be 15. She just got her own car so that might give you ideas. She loves crafts and is very creative! I don't want to get her a gift card because i think they don't have enough thought behind them. all ideas help! thank you!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • going away present for my boyfriend?

    so im pretty much madly in love with this boy. he leaves for college soon and I want to get him something I just don't know what. any ideas? I already wrote him a love letter.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Cute notes for my boyfriend?

    my boyfriend is out of town and i want to do something cute, so since i am watching his dog for him, i want to go into his room and put sticky notes everywhere telling him sweet things. I just recently told him I love him so I don't want to be too lovey but more sweet and funny. I also got him a legit present as well that i am leaving for him. any ideas will help greatly, i have plenty of sticky notes.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • leaving him notes....what should I say?

    my boyfriend is going out of town and I am taking care of his dog and while he is gone I plan on going into his room and leave him notes and funny things. I have a few ideas for notes but I need some more (I havent told him I love him yet so nothing like that)

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My boyfriend is going out of town and Im house/pet sitting?

    my boyfriend and his family are going out of town and I am watching their pets and the house. My mom told me about how she did that once when she was in high school and she went and put funny stuff in her boyfriends room. she left him notes and other random stuff. I thought that was really cute and funny. I kinda want to do this to my boyfriend as well, but I need ideas of what to do, anything helps...

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • is this normal for guys?

    so it's a bit awkward but both my ex and my current boyfriend are the same way. every time I kiss him he gets hard. it's kinda annoying. i have been dating him for awhile and I've met his family and I go to their house a lot for dinner. we have gotten comfortable around his family to show affection for each other, we just haven't kissed infront of them. and I'm honestly nervous too knowing how he is. it would be awkward for everyone. I don't think I'm that beautiful of a girl, but he does. I know he can't control this, but is it common for this to happen every time we kiss? he has also told me I'm an incredibly good kisser so that probably doesn't help.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago