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Jonas Girl

Favorite Answers39%
  • Goemetry for teachers, homework help?

    This is a homework question in my "Elementary Geometry for Teachers" class. I cannot find the answer in the book. Could you explain HOW to get the answer?

    If one side of a triangle is 6cm long and another is 10cm long, the third side must be shorter than _____cm and longer than ______cm. (Hint: draw multiple traingles)

    I think it is longer than 10cm (if it is the hypotenuse) and shorter than 10cm (if it is a leg, using the 10 as the hypotenuse), but I am not sure.

    1 AnswerTeaching9 years ago
  • Would you critique my photos?

    Alright. I just got a Flickr account (like minutes ago) and uploaded some pics. Heopfully this link works.

    Would you tell me your honest opinion - and if the pic is bad tell me what I could do to improve? I took a photography class this past semester and the prof was a really kind hearted guy - almost to the point of not offering any negative criticism, I think he didn't want to discourage students from taking pics.

    All images are in original state with the exception of the watermark I put on them for copyright purposes. I beleive "rainbow and bridge" was edited by increasing contrast and maybe brightness from the original and "newborn feet" was also turned into a black and white and brightened up.

    I thank you in advance for your opinions!

    5 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • Which Tamron/Nikon lenses will fit my Nikon D3100?

    I am looking to possibly get another lens for my Nikon D3100, so far I have the kit lens (18-55mm) and the 55-200mm lens. I know that my D3100 doesn't have the lens auto-focus motor in the camera body, so the lens will lose the auto-focus if it is not an AF-S.

    I am looking at purchasing a Tamron 18-200mm lens.

    Or maybe this type, from Nikon

    The tamron would be my first choice, although slight more money, I like the zoom versatility.

    I am just wondering how to figure out how to tell which non-nikon lenses have the motor in them, so I will not lose auto-focus.

    Just a side note, which is the cheapest nikon dslr with a motor in the body?

    Another side note, I am a beginning hobbyist photographer, basically what camera gear is essential for general photography? I am leaning towards close up and macro photography right now, however, I want to experiment with it all until I find a favorite. (landscape, portrait, nature, macro...) Right now I have the 2 aforementioned lenses, a tripod, and a camera bag. I don't want to shell out tons of money yet.

    Finally, are there any really good photography books that you could recommend? I like looking through them to get ideas.

    7 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • factoring a 5th degree polynomial **10pts**?

    I am trying to factor this polynomial but can't get the right answer.


    I thought (x-5)*(x+1)*(x-1)*(x-1)*(x+3) was the correct answer, but then when I multiplied it out it was not right. I am multiplying wrong or do I have the wrong answer?

    Help please!! Anyone who can tell me what the correct answers are will get 10pts!!!

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • New room, help me design it?

    So we found a house and are going to make an offer sometime this week. The people i am living with said I could do my room however I wanted it. i need help!!! I am 19, and want my room to be purple and green..

    Is this comforter too childish / teenagerish? I want something fun and crazy but also something sophisticated and modern. I am 19, so I want something I will still like next year. lol The thing i like about this one is that it can reverse to just purple. Or can you post something i might like even better? I am a college student, so I have a tight budget! (i already have purple, pink, green, and blue sheets, that why I would just go with a comforter)

    Also, i get to paint my room. Any design ideas? I want to incorporate both purple and bright green, but I don't want to overdo it. I would really like purple with green accents. Help please!!!!!!!

    If none of this sounds sophisticated and modern, could you suggest another scheme? I hate red!

    Thanks to anyone who can help!!

    10 pts to best answer!!!!

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Pentax K-X, lens help please?

    So I am wanting to get the Pentax K-X. Probably sometime next week. I have used my moms camera in the past, but its time for mine. I have discovered I like taking a wide variety of pics, but my two most favorite are probably portraits and macro - type pictures (flowers, I would like to do more "in motion" outdoors pics - birds mid air, drops of water falling, etc...). I find myself wanting to zoom in quite a bit rather than walk up to a spider web 2 inches away. Heres the question,

    Should I get something like this:

    ------ along with this additional lens ------- (and will this fit my k-x?)

    or something more like this kit:

    I would like to keep it under $800 for 2 lenses and camera body. Also, how can you tell the difference between macro and non macro lenses?

    Finally, I think we might be taking a trip this summer to either the great sand dunes, if I am living in Colorado, or a beach somewhere in Texas, if I am living there - I have never been to a beach, nor seen the ocean. Anyway, I am just really concerned that my camera will get sand and/or water in it. Any advice on keeping it protected? I will probably be carrying a bag, but I am just sooo nervous - esp. with spending so much money on a camera.

    Thank you in advance for any information you can offer.

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Crtique my photos PLEASE!?

    I am new to photography - a beginner. I think in some of my photos I tend to over-edit them. I know some of them aren't the most amazing. I would really like to get honest opinions. If you like my pics, tell me why, if you don't tell me why not. Really need constructive criticism, want to go farther in photography. I am planning on taking a photo class at my local commnuity college this summer, but that is 6 months away. I can't wait 6 months to have photos critiqued.

    ****10 pts to best answer******

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • **10pts** Christmas / White Elephant?

    So Christmas is coming up. What are some of the best white elephant gifts you have given or recieved?

    **10pts** to most epic white elephant gift!!

    2 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • How about this camera bundle?

    I found a camera bundle on ebay. I am a new photographer. I have used my mom's SLR camera and really liked it. I don't know a whole lot about SLR cameras, so help please!!!

    Is this a good "bundle" for the price?

    Is this a good camera?

    If not, could you send me a link to a camera a might prefer over this one?

    Here is what the bundle comes with:

    NIKON D3000 Camera Body

    NIKON 18-55mm VR Lens

    Rechargeable Li-ion Battery

    Quick Charger

    Eyepiece Cap

    Rubber Eyecap

    USB Cable

    Video Cable

    Camera Strap

    Accessory Shoe Cover

    Body Cap BF-1A, Software Suite CD-ROM

    Nikon 18-55mm VR f/3.5-5.6G Lens

    Wide Angle Lens

    2X Telephoto Lens

    UV Digital Filter

    Digital Flash

    8GB SDHC

    SD Card Reader

    Camera Bag

    50 INCH Tripod

    Lens Cleaning Kit

    Mini Travel Tripod

    LCD Screen Protector

    The cost is $609.95 with free shipping.

    Does this camera also have "live view"? (like what a point and shoot has)

    Is there a camera that you can reccomend that has a tilt screen? My moms camera is a sony, it has a tilt screen and a "live view" option. I would really like these features, but wouldn't pass over a camera if this wasn't on it. I would probably want a canon or nikon.

    Basically, I really want an affordable SLR starter camera that I could use for a while. The top price I would probably pay is around $600 for the camera body & lens, and hopefully a little bit of a bundle - memory card, camera bag, etc....

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • **10 pts...Friend Help ASAP... over a macbook?

    So throughout Colorado there is a contest going on with the radio station I listen to. If you find an apple hidden somewhere in the state you are qualified to win a macbook with a bunch of Tobymac Solo Career songs etc on it. Its red, I think it is really cool.

    My friend and I went looking for it last night in a local park. I heard the clue on the radio station. I wanted to find it really bad. I was debating weather to tell my friend or not, and just look for it by myself. I ended up telling him the clue and we went and looked for it. We, together heard another clue this morning. I called another one of my friends and he gave us the answer to the clue. So anyway, I tell him the clue and he takes off out of the car without me to go find the apple.He ends up finding it. The irony is, last night I told him where I thought it was and that is where he found it this morning.

    Now we are stuck. What if we end up winning the computer? I want to keep it and he wants to sell it. Its Toby's mac, so to me it has significance.

    I think I should get it because I am in the situation where I just got kicked out of my parents house, I am living with a friend, I am currently unemployed and looking for work. My financial aid didn't come through for school so I can't even go to school this semester. I am to the point where I might have to sell my valuables so I can make ends meet for the time being. I am going to have to sell my computer, probably my car, my ipod,.....

    He is the kid who still lives with his parents, going to school, not in debt or anything, his parents are paying for everything for him, and now he is going to quit his job - just because he can.

    He told another friend if they found it together he would give him the computer because he had a crappy one.

    Sorry this is so long. What should I do? Am I wrong for wanting the computer? What is fair to both of us? Is he just being difficult? We are fighting over the macbook and don't even know if we won it yet. We agreed that we should figure something out before the drawing, so it doesn't sway our opinions.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • ***10 pts! Chigger Bites - Please Help?

    I was recently in Illinois and believe I ran into some chiggers, humor me here - we don't have chiggers where I live so I have never really heard of them before. I know chiggers are arachnids, so do they make webs? We were painting an old lady's house and it seemed like we kept walking through webs. The same day is when the itching started. Why would I only get the bites on my legs when I had web all over my body?

    I have had them for probably 2 weeks now and have itched them so much that now almost all the bites have little scabs on them. I am assuming they are probably dead by now? I tried to count them, I have about 75-100 bites on each leg. They aren't itching as bad now. Can chiggers spread once they are already in your body? How long do they usually live inside you? Once I have hit the "scab stage" how long will it be until I am itch free? Finally, can you give me any home remadies that might help? We don't have any anti itch cream....

    Sorry for all the detail, but I am looking to get a better idea of what the heck this is....

    10 points for best answer! :)

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • ****10 pts Please give tennant advice!?

    We live in Colorado.

    My family and I (I am 18, have younger siblings, and mom and dad) are living in a home that we currently rent. It is a nice home and the rent is really cheap. I have talked to my mom about all the issues I see in the house.

    We currently have NO gutters on our house. The landlord decided to put siding on the house, the siding people had to take the gutters off to put the siding on and apperantly disposed of them. So when it rains, ( I come in through the front door) I get dripped on while I am trying to unlock the door. It is like a faucet turned on - a stream of water.

    We get mold in the basement. I along with my sister have our beds pushed up against the wall in our rooms because there is really no other place to put them. Whenever we get rain or snow (moisture) the wall facing the outdoors gets mold on it and the carpet gets a little damp. My sister currently has permanent mold spots on her carpet and I on my wall. Occasionally my sister and I get sick from the mold.

    The basement window wells typically fill with water and stream in through into the basement. We think we might have fixed it by digging around the windows and putting rocks in, but not sure. The last bed I had had mold growing on it because of the water coming in through the window. I now have a new bed with a mattress protector on it, but am afraid it still might be volnerable to mold.

    There are other issues as well, such as the linoleum is coming up, but these issues are not as big as the other ones.

    My mom has written several letters explaining the big issues, but nothing ever gets done. It seems like the landlord is just in it for the money. This is just and income property for him.

    Please! How do I motivate my mom to do something more than write letters [that just get ignored anyway].

    Do we have any rights as tennants? I am just scared we might get evicted or something. We signed a one year lease when we moved in three years ago, but never signed another. There was a verbal agreement that we would just abide by the old lease.

    Finally, in the old lease we agreed with the landlord that we would only have one dog, which we also had to pay extra monthly rent for. I recently got a puppy, but never told the landlord. Is this really a bad thing? I kinda feel dishonest, but then again we currently only signed that one year lease when we moved in three years ago.

    I know I am venting a little, because we have had quite a bit of rain this year. I am just being nit picky, or is this typical of rental properties? Please give me detailed answers if you can - please don't tell me to just go look it up for the state, give me a link or something at least!

    *******10 points for detailed answers*********

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • ****10 pts Landlord / Rental Property?

    We live in Colorado.

    My family and I (I am 18, have younger siblings, and mom and dad) are living in a home that we currently rent. It is a nice home and the rent is really cheap. I have talked to my mom about all the issues I see in the house.

    We currently have NO gutters on our house. The landlord decided to put siding on the house, the siding people had to take the gutters off to put the siding on and apperantly disposed of them. So when it rains, ( I come in through the front door) I get dripped on while I am trying to unlock the door. It is like a faucet turned on - a stream of water.

    We get mold in the basement. I along with my sister have our beds pushed up against the wall in our rooms because there is really no other place to put them. Whenever we get rain or snow (moisture) the wall facing the outdoors gets mold on it and the carpet gets a little damp. My sister currently has permanent mold spots on her carpet and I on my wall. Occasionally my sister and I get sick from the mold.

    The basement window wells typically fill with water and stream in through into the basement. We think we might have fixed it by digging around the windows and putting rocks in, but not sure. The last bed I had had mold growing on it because of the water coming in through the window. I now have a new bed with a mattress protector on it, but am afraid it still might be volnerable to mold.

    There are other issues as well, such as the linoleum is coming up, but these issues are not as big as the other ones.

    My mom has written several letters explaining the big issues, but nothing ever gets done. It seems like the landlord is just in it for the money. This is just and income property for him.

    Please! How do I motivate my mom to do something more than write letters [that just get ignored anyway].

    Do we have any rights as tennants? I am just scared we might get evicted or something. We signed a one year lease when we moved in three years ago, but never signed another. There was a verbal agreement that we would just abide by the old lease.

    Finally, in the old lease we agreed with the landlord that we would only have one dog, which we also had to pay extra monthly rent for. I recently got a puppy, but never told the landlord. Is this really a bad thing? I kinda feel dishonest, but then again we currently only signed that one year lease when we moved in three years ago.

    I know I am venting a little, because we have had quite a bit of rain this year. I am just being nit picky, or is this typical of rental properties? Please give me detailed answers if you can - please don't tell me to just go look it up for the state, give me a link or something at least!

    *******10 points for detailed answers*********

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • ***** 10pts***** Having Landlord Issues?

    We live in Colorado.

    My family and I (I am 18, have younger siblings, and mom and dad) are living in a home that we currently rent. It is a nice home and the rent is really cheap. I have talked to my mom about all the issues I see in the house.

    We currently have NO gutters on our house. The landlord decided to put siding on the house, the siding people had to take the gutters off to put the siding on and apperantly disposed of them. So when it rains, ( I come in through the front door) I get dripped on while I am trying to unlock the door. It is like a faucet turned on - a stream of water.

    We get mold in the basement. I along with my sister have our beds pushed up against the wall in our rooms because there is really no other place to put them. Whenever we get rain or snow (moisture) the wall facing the outdoors gets mold on it and the carpet gets a little damp. My sister currently has permanent mold spots on her carpet and I on my wall. Occasionally my sister and I get sick from the mold.

    The basement window wells typically fill with water and stream in through into the basement. We think we might have fixed it by digging around the windows and putting rocks in, but not sure. The last bed I had had mold growing on it because of the water coming in through the window. I now have a new bed with a mattress protector on it, but am afraid it still might be volnerable to mold.

    There are other issues as well, such as the linoleum is coming up, but these issues are not as big as the other ones.

    My mom has written several letters explaining the big issues, but nothing ever gets done. It seems like the landlord is just in it for the money. This is just and income property for him.

    Please! How do I motivate my mom to do something more than write letters [that just get ignored anyway].

    Do we have any rights as tennants? I am just scared we might get evicted or something. We signed a one year lease when we moved in three years ago, but never signed another. There was a verbal agreement that we would just abide by the old lease.

    Finally, in the old lease we agreed with the landlord that we would only have one dog, which we also had to pay extra monthly rent for. I recently got a puppy, but never told the landlord. Is this really a bad thing? I kinda feel dishonest, but then again we currently only signed that one year lease when we moved in three years ago.

    I know I am venting a little, because we have had quite a bit of rain this year. I am just being nit picky, or is this typical of rental properties? Please give me detailed answers if you can - please don't tell me to just go look it up for the state, give me a link or something at least!

    *******10 points for detailed answers*********

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Now that summer is here, what is you favorite Fair / Carnival Food?

    What is you favorite non traditional carnival food? (skip the funnel cakes, corn dogs, cotton candy...) Whats your favorite traditional carnival food?

    Our local fair is coming and I want to try some different food.

    P.S. What is a gyro?

    2 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • ****10pts**** Birthday Present... 19 yo girl?

    I am turning 19 in a little less than a month. typically my parents spend $100 to $150 on gifts. i really don't know what i want. i recently got a job and have bought myself some nice things. i already have and ipod, a phone, a computer... i dont know what to do. i dont just want money. i am not really big into all the video games, dont like reading, not really big into sports, clothes, or makeup.

    what else is good? i kinda just want to have a family dinner together, or go to our local carnival/rodeo/demolition derby/concerts event, that comes around the week of my bday, do you think my family would enjoy this? if this fails i need a back up plan!

    5 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • SLR Camera / Editing Software?

    Alright. I am starting to really get into photography. I have an olympus right now. It is 12 megapixels and has 10X optical zoom, 5X digital zoom. I really love it and don't get me wrong - it takes amazing pictures for how compact it is. I am wanting to make it my "purse camera".

    The new one I want to find is something I can use more as a starter camera for serious photography. This is where I need your help. I am hoping to find something that is not too expensive and is user friendly. How does the zoom work on SLR cameras? Is it manual or automatic or is it just preferance? Can you get them with the digital screen or do they all use the viewfinder? I want something that has at least 14 megapixels, and great zoom. I found one that I like, opinions please?

    What are all the different lenses for? Are there ones I should really have other than the one that comes with it?

    Which photo editing software do you use? I want something that won't take forever to figure out. Can I do this ( ) with edting software? Also if I take a great picture but hate something in it, could I change it? For example, I have some really great sunset pictures, but there are powerlines and birds ruining what could have been a great picture - could I somehow get rid of these? Or touch up blemishes on someones face?

    Finally, what should I look for in a camera so its a step up from the one I have and an all around good camera? What do you look for in your camera, and do you prefer a certain brand?

    Here is a link to the camera I think I want next:

    Here is a link to the camera I have now:

    Thank you in advance for any information you can give me. I don't know too much about the more professional side of photography, but want to know more before I shell out a ton of money and later find out I could have gotten something better for less money.

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • SLR Camera.... New Photographer?

    Alright. I am starting to really get into photography. I have an olympus right now. It is 12 megapixels and has 10X optical zoom, 5X digital zoom. I really love it and don't get me wrong - it takes amazing pictures for how compact it is. I am wanting to make it my "purse camera".

    The new one I want to find is something I can use more as a starter camera for serious photography. This is where I need your help. I am hoping to find something that is not too expensive and is user friendly. How does the zoom work on SLR cameras? Is it manual or automatic or is it just preferance? Can you get them with the digital screen or do they all use the viewfinder? I want something that has at least 14 megapixels, and great zoom. I found one that I like, opinions please?

    What are all the different lenses for? Are there ones I should really have other than the one that comes with it?

    Finally, what should I look for in a camera so its a step up from the one I have and an all around good camera? What do you look for in your camera, and do you prefer a certain brand?

    Here is a link to the camera I think I want next:

    Here is a link to the camera I have now:

    5 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • ***** 10 pts Please Help w/ Fin. Aid?

    I went to UNC in Colorado for my first year of college. I got financial aid, mostly pell grants and state grants. Basically - I messed up big time. Now they want me to pay back 1/2 my aid for 2 semesters. Almost $3000. I haven't informed my parents yet that I will have to pay back the money, and essentially I am in debt to the school. I am only 18. I believe I will be placed on Financial Aid probation. I have several questions.

    I checked with the community college and I could start fresh with grades and aid. I would probably get some refunded - so should I tell my parents UNC wants me to pay back money, or just use it to pay my bill. I still live with my parents, so do they have the right to know about my financial situation?

    Will I be able to get a loan through the University to attend in the fall if I owe money [and am on aid probation]? I am wondering this because interest on a loan is cheaper than the interest through the University.

    I want to transfer to the local community college for the 2010-2011 year, but my mom says "2 years at a communtiy college then 2 years at UNC won't look as good on a job application. You need to do everything you can to stay at UNC" is this true? I see it as a ba degree is a degree, no one will care about the road i traveled to get it, right?

    What is a cosigner for a loan?

    I REALLY want to move out of my parents house. Do you think it would be ok to use some of my loan or finacial aid to pay for an apartment? I have a temporary full time job over the summer, but am using the money for other various obligations.

    Finally, I am afraid of taking out loans. How do I know what amount is ok to take out, so I know I will be able to pay it back? I want to be a teacher.

    Please no jokers or hurtful comments, I already know I am in trouble.

    Thanks for reading this and helping me with my dilemma.

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • What is one thing you hate about drivers in America?

    Okay, so I have a friend from The Gambia and we are going to teach him how to drive. So, what is one thing you can't stand that those irritating drivers always do?

    ( I hope I am in the right category )

    12 AnswersSafety1 decade ago