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♥ i love harry potter and i love writing♥ and i'm fourteen:D

  • how can i be close again with my friend?

    my best friend and i used to be really close, and we talked all the time and it was never boring or awkward, but a few months ago she stopped talking to me as much and started talking to a mutual friend and now they talk all the time, and she never talks to me and tells me things anymore, and i've talked to her about it and she says she'll talk to me but she never makes the effort to talk/call/text first, it's always me reaching out to her and i really don't want to make any effort if she's not going to reciprocate it or still want to be friends even though she says she does.

    so if there isn't any way we can be as close as we used to, how can i at least accept this and move on?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • A boy keeps saying i am hit?

    this boy is making fun of me and saying bad things to my boyfriend about me but i dont know what he means... he posted on my facebook wall that "your so hit" what does that even mean?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can they do this?? Please help texting question?!?

    okay, today in school, (im in eighth grade) my friend texted me, but she was home. i replied and we had a little bit of a conversation, but then she said she was in school too and had to stop texting. then later during the day, her cell phone got taken away because another person was playing with it and the teacher saw it, and took away her phone. to make a long story short, her mom & the principal are probably going to look through her texts to see if she was texting during class, (which she & i both were) but she's afraid they will look through her sent messages, which she doesnt want her mom to see. so my question is, can they look through her outbox on her cell phone?? also, will i get in trouble if they look through her inbox?

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What are some ways to get over a boy you like?

    i like this boy.. and honestly i love him. but he has girlfriends like every week. honestly, i dont want to like him anymore. i REALLY don't want to! my mind decided that i dont want to, but idk why my heart isn't letting me not like him. but i really WANT to stop liking him!!! are there any ways i can get over him?? because i dont want to waste my time crying over a boy who's never going to like me back. thanks for any help =(

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do boys not understand about girls?

    Like, just little things that might bother you?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does this sound like a good plot to you? Also, what title sounds better?

    I was just wondering if this was a good plot for a book, worthy of reading or not.

    It's about two best friends, Ariana and Wednesday ("Wendy") and it's from Ariana's P.O.V. Wendy has cancer and her treatment for months seems to be going nowhere, and Wendy expresses her big dream to Ariana of wishing to win a dance tournament that she was unable to participate in because of her cancer. Ariana decides to enter for Wendy, claiming that she would fufill her dream, and gets far into the competition. On the last night of the tournament, Wendy becomes fatally ill and Ariana has to choose whether or not to win for Wendy, or forfeit and stay with her before she may pass.

    It's called either "Dancing For Wednesday" or "Wishing On Wendy", I haven't decided yet.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • my best friend likes my boyfriend?

    my best friend and i liked this guy, even though she didnt know him at all. in january, he asked me out and my friend was upset. My other best friends convinced me to say yes, and my friend who also liked him said she was over him and told me to say yes, so i did. now, she told my other friends to tell me that she still likes him. i was like well then ill break up with him, but she wouldnt let me. then, she was mad at me (which makes no sense, and i was pretty angry at her. After all, she told me to say yes, then she starts being a baby and saying to my other friends how she wanted us to breakup so she could go out with him!) Today she talked to me and tried to get through that I had to either choose what to do (break up with him or not). I dont want to break up with him, and she says that she doesnt care if i don't...

    So, I don't know what I'm asking. But what would you do if you were in my situation?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm writing a book, does it sound like something worth reading? Also, any ideas you might have for a title?

    It's about a twenty-two year old girl who's boyfriend died, it was counted as a suicide case but she knows it really wasn't. She changes herself completely and tries to find out what really happened the night he died, and why. It's romance/mystery/horror.

    I don't know what to title it, but if it helps, a special necklace is a major part of the story.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Any other teenage authors around?

    *Raises hand* Hey! Just wondering what genres other teens are writing. :)

    I like to write romance/mystery/horror/young adult. How about you? I'm thirteen, by the way.

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Writers: How do you start off a novel?

    I like to write short stories and novels, and the only problem I ever have is how to start it off. How are you supposed to start off a novel properly, so it grabs the reader in and it isn't boring?


    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • My hair is frizzy after I let it air dry, even after I straighten it?

    Are there any ways I can get frizz free hair?

    9 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • The USB cable to my kodak camera got a little ruined?

    The charging end fell off and now obviously i can't use it anymore. I have a Kodak easyshare m863 digital camera, and now i can't charge it or connect it to my computer. where can i get another one? or would this one work?

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • I haven't lost my voice completely, but my throat's not dry to be hoarse, so what's happening?

    My friend came over my house, and we didn't go to sleep at all the whole night, so when later in the morning, I started coughing, and my voice became very raspy. It's not dry because there's phlegm in my throat, but my voice sounds hoarse and raspy. So my voice is almost gone, and I have no idea what to do? Can anyone help me?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I'm losing my voice!!! Are there any ways I can restore it before Monday?! please help!?

    I'm losing my voice--i can talk, but it's hard to, and it's very raspy! I'm not talking unless I need to, and i drank honey lemon tea just now. I don't know how else to make sure that I can get my voice back before monday...please help if you know anything that I can do!!

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I really like this guy, but he broke my friend's heart?

    Okay, so there's this guy that I really, really, really like, but he's also really really really much of a jerk to my friend, because she liked him too and he broke her heart, not really by just saying that he didn't like her but was really mean to her. And now I like him, but I feel soooo bad 'cause he's kinda nice to me and a big a**hole to my friend and I feel guilty about it. It's not like he likes me or anything, but still, he's my friend and he dated my other friend, so basically trying to ask for is HELP!

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago