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  • Is everyone at my job going to get in trouble in your opinion?

    So I work retail and last night two coworkers were arguing with each other. I don’t know what they were saying to eachother (different language) but then a while later while waiting for the manager to let us clock out one of them walks near the other one and this coworker screams “omg can you live me alone” and then this coworker screams back “oh so we are going to be in a fight now huh?”

    The manager called them to the breakroom and 5 minutes later one of them came out saying the manager said we can clock out, so we did. Another few minutes later the manager was confused on why we all clocked out because she said she didnt tell us to clock out. However, my coworker said “but you said in the breakroom we couls clock out” and the manager said “i only said (coworkers name) can clock out because her cab was outside”.

    My coworker claims the manager never said only this other coworker was allowed to clock out. A male coworker asked the manager if we would get in trouble and all the manager said was “well i never said to clock out myself” :/

    I been with the company 5 years this happened before :/ Do you think we would get in trouble? there was like 10 of us :/

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 months ago
  • How to tell current job I am Starting another job?

    So I am starting another job. Its no big deal as both jobs are part time. My current job usually gives me night shifts from 4pm to closing but I need to be the person that comes in from 5pm to close (yes they have that people come in at 5pm. I have done it before multiple times). My new job will be in the mornings from 7am - 11am 3 days a week (was 4 but because they hired too many people they reduced me a day)

     How can I tell my current job? Im kind of nervous but I am not quitting. I can do both I will have a 5 hour gap in between.

    I just need to tell my current job so they know not to give me day shifts on the days I have my other job. Plus it is only seasonal for now. (I tried writing it and i put it in the requested time off box but my schedule wasn’t changed)

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 months ago
  • How to tell my current job I am not taking this new job?

    So I was going to take a new job but i been having problems with them so i decided that I am going to withdraw from the job (they screwed me over with my hours, start date, wanting me to retake a drug test just to get a new start date, reducing me from 4 days to 3 days part time, putting me from regular associate to seasonal without telling me or asking me (had to find out online) and now my online orientation won’t save and its due soon and it would mess with my start date).

    How can I tell my current job I am no longer taking the new job so they do not have to mess with my schedule? I would actually like to keep the days I gave them that I can work if i was taking the other job but instead work more hours those days and make one of those days a day shift. Its retail and I actually gave one weekend day :/

    My plan was to work both jobs but oh well

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 months ago
  • Saturday is my Mother In Laws birthday and I might miss it?

    I didnt request off work because my job was giving me Saturdays to work and I ended up getting scheduled. Its my mother in laws birthday and my first one as having her as my mother in law. Everyone is saying that she wants me over her house with the family but I’m upset because I don’t think I would be able to skip work. I already called out twice in august (my husband got sick he gets seizures and 2 weeks later I got sun poising and the minute I woke up that day my body wasn’t allowing me to walk so i had no choice to call out).

    I feel bad and her family is convincing me to call out. What can I do? I don’t like calling out for no reason but I don’t want to miss my mother in laws birthday party. My store closes at 8pm now and I might not be out until 9 :(

    5 AnswersFamily7 months ago
  • Cancle on my friends and stay home or go out with my friends?

    So I am supposed to go over a friends house later tonight. However, I found out my husband got hurt at work. He hurt his back (he works at an Amazon Fulfillment Center)

    Thing is, my friends and I were planning to have a picnic and I am on snack duty. I had to find Vegan and Gluten Free snacks (some friends are vegan, some have to eat Gluten Free) and I spent $20 in snacks. Also, my husband still wants me to go with them but I don’t want him alone home in pain. What can I do? 

    3 AnswersFriends7 months ago
  • Day 4 of horrible sunburn when will it get better?

    I got burnt on my legs, shoulders and chest. Nothing is getting better and it is day 4. I tried using some sundcreen but it didn’t work as i have verybpale skin and it was also my first time my legs were exposed to the sun all summer (i didnt even wear shirts)

    Tomorrow i have a dermatologist appointment for a different reason (checkup). Can the doctor do anything for my sunburn?

    Skin Conditions8 months ago
  • Help with someone harrassing my husband on ebay?

    So my husband and I put up a purse on ebay to sell on my husbands account. We accepted an offer. The guy tells my husband to buy a $500 ebay giftcard. The guy sent the money but its “pending” in paypal meaning we have to send this email (a paypal email) the pin numbers and a photo of the receipt for proof to get the money. Now the buyer wants my husband to get an additional $1000 ebay giftcard for him. Hes been

    What should we do? All we wanted was to sell something for extra cash but this guy is making it more difficult. What can we do? I am literally getting upset here. Nothing is ever easy anymore

    Marriage & Divorce8 months ago
  • Is north haven ct a nice place to live in? ?

    Im thinking of moving with my husband not so sure though yet. my husband can transfer jobs.

    Question though.. do you need a car or is it like NYC where you can easily hop ok the train or bus? My husband cannot drive due to Epilepsy and I never got my license. I was going to get it this year and then corona happened :/  

    Oh and my husband works at an Amazon Fulfillment Center so he would have to transfer locations. :/

    2 AnswersOther - United States10 months ago
  • What are some foods that have no carbs in them?

    So I need to lose weight. I know i am

    overweight (5’1.5 190lbs female) and i gained stretch marks on my lower stomach because of it. I feel so embarrassed by them I went to a dermatologist to get medicine for them which im not so sure is working but I got a follow up in 2 weeks so we will see.

    Anyways, what can I eat that has little to no carbs? I rather no carbs but not sure if thats possible. I heard that losing weight can make the appereance of stretch marks look smaller so we will see about that one too. I’m just embarrassed that getting stretch marks is making realize what I did to myself :( I was stretch mark free now I feel embarrassed about my appearence.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 months ago
  • New york state unemployment?

    I applied 4/12/2020 easter sunday night online. Said online someone would call me within 72 hours. Nobody called me. I cant get through on the phone it keeps hanging up on me after they explain they are busy. What can I do?

    Law & Ethics12 months ago
  • My Period is late?

    I havent had sex in a long time even though i am married, my husband has been working long hours (essential worker). I been furloughed from my job basically and only getting one more paycheck before furlough kicks in. My routine has been out of wack since this coronavirus started and I only been outside to do laundry (i have to go outside my apartment complex into another building on my complex which is a 30 second walk from my front door or to the mailbox)

    Could my period be late due to stress? I been getting only one symptom of getting my period which is acne. This isnt like me to be late.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 year ago
  • Can i apply for unemployment this week?

    If i am only getting paid for 8 hours of work?

    The company i work for it paying us until the 11th and then we are furloughed temporary :/


    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 year ago
  • Need to replace toilet seat on our toilet but we live in an apartment complex?

    The toilet seat cover is getting wobbly and kind of disconnecting from the toilet. My husband and I live in an apartment complex?

    I dont mind buying a cheap one from lowes or home depot and fixing it as I know how to do it. In your opinion should we just go ahead and buy a new toilet seat or should we call maintenance from the apartments and they replace it?

    21 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 year ago
  • Should My husband and I switch our insurance?

    I went to the urgent care doctors a few 

    weeks ago. Turns out I had strep throat with a 101.5°f fever and pus in my throat. Anyways the insurance I am covered on is my husbands. I dont understand as with this insurance I have to wait to get a bill in the mail. Just to get some pills and be in an office for 5 minutes I have to pay $240.24 according to this bill i got in the mall. Should I get my husband to switch the insurance? I used to work for the same company as my husband and they gave two choices the one I had before i got married didnt do this. I hate to pay $240.24 that should of been a $20 copay and thats it

    10 AnswersInsurance1 year ago
  • My neighbor in apartment accused my husband of doing something?

    She said a few days ago he let in a soliciator at 8pm and she asked if i knew about it.. i told her no not at all because i work a night shift job. I confronted my husband and he told me his side of the story which was he never let anybody in the apartment but when he went to take out garbage a Grubhub driver was asking him if he has $3.50. According to my neighbors story she was scared of the man and she mentioned he was black (like it matters) but shes someone who looks to be in her late 60s. I dont know who to believe.

    What should I do? Should I believe this? I told my neighbor i will make sure he doesnt do that again but she said “its okay no worries” or something like that (i was leaving to go to work which i am here waiting for my shift to start :/) 

    This is a neighbor who lives on the second floor. We live on the first floor.

  • Do i have to enter husbands doctor visits on our taxes?

    Im filing my taxes online and i am confused on the “did you pay medical and dental expenses last year” part...

    We had insurance... my husband and i were employeed through the same company. I quit that job before we got married. Then I got added to my husbands insurance after our marriage in october 2019.

    My husband did go to the hospital and he is doing monthly payments for the few hours he was in the emergency room. It wasnt even over $550 for that bill but thats what he chose to do. He also has been having doctors appointments last year. I did go to the dentist for a routine cleaning the very last day i had my own insurance before i got it taken away... but thats if :/

    So far we dont owe money..

    12 AnswersUnited States1 year ago
  • How to wake up earlier?

    I work a retail job. The manager who is in charge of making schedules always gives me closing shifts. The store I work for closes 9:30pm but sometimes I am out by 10:15pm or 10:30pm. Then I have to wait for a bus. Luckily the bus is a 10 minute tide and then 6 minutes of walking to my home.

    Its usually between 10:30pm - 11pm when I arrive home. I get wired when I am home so I stay up until 1:30am or 2am and i sleep until my husband calls me at 10am (his first break at his job). How can I wake up earlier? I would love to be the person to wake at 7:30am. I tried the “setting your alarm and putting your phone far away so that you would need to walk to shut it off” trick but I ended up crawling back into my bed and next thing I knew it was 9:30am. What can I do to help me wake up earluer and have more day at home? Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 year ago
  • Should i go to the doctor might have sore throat?

    I was sick in January and then eventually got better. Last Wednesday I went to visit my dad and he told me my sister was sick. I made the mistake of going over near my sister but my dad kinda (made me give her her orange juice and stuff) and then Friday night i started developing a cough again. I was going to go to the doctor today but my husband determined i didnt need to go but now i am coughing up phlegm. My birthday is in two weeks and its special because its my first as a married person and my husband has the same birthday as me. I dont want to be sick on my birthday. Im kind of upset here

    Should i go to the doctor just in case? Its too late today even though the urgent care is open until 11pm (i work 1pm-8:45pm decided to not call out because they will think i called out to watch the super bowl and i faked my voice when thats not true) i would go tomorrow with my husband. 

    I rather get better asap

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 year ago
  • Is robitussin 12 hour cough and mucus pill drowsy or non drowsy?

    My husband got me these pills becUse i was coughing really bad. It worked my cough is gone for now but im super sleppy and on my way to work (bad). The box didnt say if it was drowsy or non drowsy. Help?

    I shouldnt of took it but this cough is getting bad i just didnt want to cough at work...

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 year ago
  • Can my husband and i file taxes seperate or do we have to file together?

    We been married 3 months.

    We heard filing together gives you more of a chance to receive more money back. Is that true? Do we really need to file together? I had a job I quit 2 months before marriage and one that i am still at which i got before marriage too and both tax forms have my maiden name not my married name.. help,?

    My dads also telling me to go to H&R block i just dont want to get scammed

    20 AnswersUnited States1 year ago