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Favorite Answers4%
  • Why does my boyfriend act like this?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 6 months. When we first started dating, he always wanted to see me, & talk to me. he would constantly ask when the next time he'd see me was, he'd text me cute things in the mornings, & talk to me on the phone before he went to bed.

    Now it's like everything has changed. He barely wants to see me (but he doesn't want me to hang out with certain friends of mine, or any guy), he barely talks to me during the day, he'll make plans with me (but then he'll turn around and make an excuse for us not to see each other), he'll text me in the mornings (but only a "good morning", not bad, but not what it was), and he never wants to talk to me on the phone, or any other way. it's like he's become someone i don't even know. i haven't cheated, i haven't done anything wrong. i know this.

    maybe, is it time to find a new boyfriend? i've been debating on this for so long... sometimes things get better, and they go back to normal, but i can not take the flip flop anymore. i've become completely emotionally exhausted, i'm tired of being unhappy. advice, please?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can anyone unlock my RAZR V3?

    I have a pink razr v3 that i only used for a month about a year ago. it's for tmobile, and i recently dropped my iphone (for at&t) in water and i would like to use this tmobile phone but with an at&t sim. is there any way anyone can tell me something i can do that will unlock the phone and make it accept the sim card? all that happens when i put the sim card is it saying "please contact your service provider", any help will be appreciated.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What does "pass me the dutchy" mean?

    It is in lyrics of a song I'm listening to. The song is called "Pass The Dutch" by Young Money. I just wanted to know what it meant.

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Can anyone find a tattoo of 2 doves kissing?

    I would like to get a tattoo (well actually, two) of doves kissing on my wrists, so basically when I put my wrists together they will look like they are kissing. Can anyone please find pictures of that or if anyone has a picture of their tattoo that is like that, please send it to me? thankyou!

    4 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Help me cure my sore throat please?

    I have had a sore throat for about a day and a half now, it's gotten so bad that it hurts to swallow and I have to tilt my head all the way up for my saliva to go down nicely (without pain). As of a couple of minutes ago, I crushed up bout 5 asprin and put it in a glass of warm water, then i gargled most of it and spat it out. After that, I put 1 asprin in a glass of warm water, gargled it, and swallowed it (I did it once, will probably do it 2/3 more times). Is there anything else I can do, at home, without buying anything to cure my sore throat? Please help :D.

    10 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Geometry help please?

    What is the distance between points (-5,7) and (8, 12)? What is the midpoint between the two points?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Relationship advice, please?

    I have a boyfriend, it would be 10 months tomorrow, but I don't know what to do... I'm in 10th grade, and this guy, lets call him A, has liked me on and off since 6th grade, and the gut I'm dating, lets call him K, I love with all my heart, but I don't have feelings for anymore.

    Me and A have been hanging out everyday for a week now, I realized I never stopped likeing him, I just pushed my feelings aside, I stated letting them out, I told him how I felt, he liked me just as much, he never asked me out though- and I think it's because hes been dating this chick for a few days (he never even told me, and since he didn't, he cheated because we have done things).

    I love K with all my heart, but I don't get butterflys for him, I don't feel an attraction to him anymore, unlike I do with A, but A just wants to be friends now. I don't wanna be there for him when he gets out of his relationship just as a rebound.

    Should I let K go? and focus on other guys, like A? or do I let both of them go? Because I don't feel for K, and A played me?... Help, please?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help me with my chemistry? 10 pts?

    Given the information about the isotopes for the imaginary element, Qt, show how the calculation for the average atomic mass would be performed:

    Qt-120 is 89% abundant

    Qt-118 is 5% abundant

    Qt-117 is 2% abundant

    Qt-121 is 4% abundant

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • When will the new tomb raider come out (the game AFTER underworld)?

    I've serched a lot on google about it but came up with so many things. Does anyone know when the new tomb raider, the one after "underworld" will be released? And does anyone know what it will be about? Thanks!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What should I do at my sweet 16 party?

    My party is 3 hours long and I have only 1 1/2 hours covered. There will NOT be drinking and there arn't going to be many couples at my party, so no getting drunk or kissing games because people will find them redicelous. Help please!

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Why do my breasts hurt, and then stop, or seem to?

    I'm NOT pregnant, nor have I ever been. I get bad breast tenderness around the time of my period, except it's a little early this month, I think. I usually get my period around the first 5-10 days of the month, but my breasts started hurting about 2/3 days ago. Today I woke up and they seemed to be okay until I started to worry about them not hurting for some reason.

    Do you think maybe I just psyched myself to think they didn't hurt or something? Any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What games are there for a sweet 16?

    I'm having a sweet 16 birthday party on November 1st (yay!), and I have mostly everything figured out. The party is going to be 3 hours long, I figure, a half an hour for meet/greet, say hi, thanks for coming, etc; an hour for eating food/talking to people/cake, so I need an hour and a half of things to do. Please no kissing games because there isn't many couples at my party, and it's cold here so nothing outside. Thanks!

    6 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Help me with my chemistry question please?

    What is the quantity of heat required to raise a unit mass of homogeneous material 1K in a specified way given constant pressure and volume?

    The word is 12 letters long, help!

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • What is a substance or molecule that participates in a chemical reaction?

    Please help :) 8 letters, trying to figure out chemistry crossword

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • What is a substance that forms in a chemical reaction?

    Doing a chemistry crossword puzzle; is a word with only 7 letters, please help! Thanks

    4 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Little flesh colored bumps on my arm, please help?!?

    Currently I have little, itty bitty flesh color bumps on my arm, they do not pop nor do they bleed, they're just rough and it big blotches, they're not noticeable to the eye but when I feel them I just feel so disgusting, they are even multiplying!!! what do i do?!?!

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How can I stop the pain in my inner/upper thigh?

    Two days ago I went to the gym and worked out for a little, I'm assuming the pain in my inner/upper thigh is because I did 20 reps of 5 on the inner thigh machine.

    All I want to know is how to get it to stop hurting, even if it's a little. I can't sit comfortably or walk a normal pace (I have to go slower) because of this pain.

    Any ideas would help, I just want to dull the pain a little.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • When should I get my period, after I stopped taking birth control?

    I was on birth control for 6 months, after 5 months I switched to a different brand due to unwanted side effects, then when I got my period on the brand I switched to, I stopped taking it. The last time I had my period was from June 24 to June 28.

    I had un protected sex a day or two after I stopped taking my birth control, but I've taken many pregnancy tests and I am sure I am not pregnant.

    I've heard it could take up to 3 months for your period to come back, is that true? Anyone have any expirence?

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When will I get my period, since I stopped taking the Birth Control?

    I recently stopped taking my birth control. I was on it for 6 months. I was on some low overal or something, basically just a BC my insurance would pay for, I gained a lot of weight and switched to a different 1, I forget what it was called but I stopped taking it when I started my period on it, because I could never remember and I think it's just easier to use condoms. ANYWAYS,

    I had my most recent period June 24 - 28. I stopped taking the birth control in between that. I did have un-protected sex a day or two after my period, but I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative.

    When do I get my period? I'm starting to freak out. My boobs are sore and I get cramps in my stomach sometimes, but I haven't gotten it yet. Please help?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Could I give my dad custody?

    I'm 15 (almost 16) and I live with my mom, brother (30 yrs old) and his daughter (10 yrs old). My mom & I constantly fight, she always makes me watch my brothers daughter and says it's my "responsibility", when she's not my child for me to be watching. I've spent most of my summer watching her, and I've finally got to my breaking point. My mom wants me to pay things for her, but I can't get a job or she'll lose my SSI, my mom wants me to watch my sister, but I have another under the table babysitting job that I have to attend to, she wants me to do everything I shouldn't be worried about at this age.

    So, I want to give my dad custody. He's a good person, he's an alcoholic but not the mean type. He has a place for me to stay, and he wouldn't make me watch any of his kids, basically because I'm his youngest. I'd be able to go to the school I WANT to go to, without hearing my mom rant about it. I don't know how to do it, but I know that I want to.

    I've heard of kids getting to choose who they live with, but could I do that too? They're separated, but not divorced. His girlfriend treats me more like a daughter than my own mom does.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago