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Gillian Sugarlump
Can a last will and testament be changed after death here in uk?
13 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agocan anyone tell me what year the accident at work book introduced please?
been doing family tree research... my great grandfather was killed at work having had an accident. it has now led to me wondering what year the accident in the work place or injury in the wiorkplace book was introduced. i dont think it is as early as 1905 when he was killed
3 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years agodo you ned a birth certificate to arrange a funeral in the uk?
hi there, i am in the uk and my friend is in a local hospice terminaly ill. because the family are too far away to arrange her funeral when she dies it is up to me to deal with. what i would like to know is do i need a birth certificate for her to arrange her funeral, both her family and myself have looked through her things and unable to find it
8 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agohow to block a number on a mobile phone?
my friend owns a nokia 300 mobile phone, she has tried several ways to stop an unwanted caller ringing and texting her. we would like to know how you block an individual number from her phone please
3 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years agobirth certificate showing child is adopted?
i re a copy of my half brothers birth certificate. it has never been a secret that his father is not my father. on the certificate i have he takes my mothers maiden name.. it says the birth was re registered in 1947. what i want to know is , if he was legaly adopted which certificate would have an A on showing hes been adopted by my dad. i am in the uk
7 AnswersAdoption8 years agopermission to tape meeting?
my dad had a meeting with his advocate this week a third party who was present taped the meeting without my fathers permission, am i right in thinking the third party should ask both the advocate and my fathers permission? we are in the uk
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years agolooking for a news item on tv in the 80s?
i wonder if anyone can tell me where i can find an item that was on the tv news 1980s? i remember it was on itv news at lunch time and the item was joe brown coming in on the foot plate of a steam train at marylebone railway station. my kids were on the platform with their dad
1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years agoi have a blue badge does this mean i am registered disabled?
i recently got a blue badge due to the fact that i have mobility problems. i am unclear as to whether i am now registerd disabled. i am trying to find out because of the new council tax laws coming in. i am in the uk
5 AnswersPeople with Disabilities9 years agohow to retrieve friend requests facebook?
i wonder if anyone can help me, i want to retrieve a friend request i said not now to on facebook. i am unable to find it. things seem so more complicated since timeline. does anybody know how i can find it please
6 AnswersFacebook9 years agohow do i retrieve deleted messages from my phone?
i have a nokia3210 and wish to retrieve a certain message sent to me earlier this year, can i retrive deleted messages free. i have the same phone but i changed my number
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail9 years agowhere can i buy seamless socks?
i am trying to find a retail outlet local to me in hertfordshire england where i can go and purchase some seamless socks as i know somebody that is urgent need of some. anybody got any ideas please?
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years agohow to remove searchya from my pc?
when i was away recently somebody used my pc. i use google chrome and the person that used my pc somehow put searchya on it. i have tried to remove it and my son in law sent me a link for a programme to removeit, this hasnt worked. can somebody tell me a simple way of removing searchya
1 AnswerDesktops9 years agodeuctions from benefits uk?
since last july we have had deductions for utility bills , we were paying £80 a month. the bill was fully payed in becember 2010. we have been told that tge utility provider has now cancelled the request for the deductions however that has not reflected on our benefit, what i would like to know is we be given the outstanding money back in our benefits since the cancellation was put in place? its got be be about 7 weeks since the request was cancelled
4 AnswersOther - United Kingdom9 years agoorigins of the maurice highland oipers?
recently been contacted by my second cousin and we have been exchanging family history, gerry sent me family photos and one of them shows my great grandfather and uncles in a band. the band is called the maurice highland pipers. i am talking about irish pipers. can any body help me to find out the history of this pipe band
1 AnswerAnthropology9 years agodriving with alczeimers disease?
a friends mother has just been diagnosed with alczeimers disease, the daughter has been told the mother is ok to drive localy and she should not do long journeys by car. the daughter has been told to contact dvla to report the mothers condition. if the mother gets in the car and does a long journey does this void her insurance? also the daughter has not reported matters to dvla yet
5 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years agocemeteries in tottenham london?
i am trying to find out the names of cemeteries in tottenham london. my great grandmother is buried there and when i google tottenham cemeteries all i get is a list of inner london cemeteries thanks
3 AnswersLondon9 years agocheapest way to get a solicitors letter drawn up?
my grandparents died some years ago and my dads twin brother and his family took it upon themselves to take all of their possesions for themselves , leaving my father with nothing and only £500 of the £1000 that was left for him. the possesions dont matter or the money, we have written asking for copies of family photos and had no response., would like a legal letter drawn up hoping this would prompt them. can anybody tell me the cheapest way here in the uk. by the way they left no will
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance10 years agocan i claim compensation for long loss of electricity?
i am in the uk and today myself and several homes in my street were without electricity from untill 7.15 pm this evening. resulting in not being able to have hot drinks and hot food and heating. as a consumer am i entitled to claim compensation for loss of power
7 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years agoi am trying to find out what name the post office giro bank trades under now?
in the 1980s i had a bank account with the post office giro bank here in the uk. i stopped uasing the account when i changed jobs in the early 90s. iam now trying to track the account down as i hasd a small amount left in the account which wou;ld of collected interest. i did so succesfuly with a post office savings acc and got back £90 for 50p left in there. i have typed in post office giro bank and it is not showing anything. i want to know what name they trade under these days
2 AnswersCorporations10 years ago