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are we going to go into another great depression?
what will happen if that happened again? how will that effect the rich and the poor? how will it effect normal every day people and work? and what would be the positives or silver linings if any?
3 AnswersMental Health1 year agowhen will the corona pandemic end?
i have not been "panic buying" nor have i been afraid to go outside UNTIL the grocery started packing up like crazy and when there was almost no one in the street, now san antonio has been on "lockdown" no place is open and we are being scared into staying indoors. when will things be normal or normal-ish? all i want is to go to the grocery store like normal and i want to go out like this thing never happend. WHEN WILL THE PANDEMIC END AND WHEN WILL SAN ANTONIO NO LONGER BE ON A CITY WIDE SHUTDOWN??????
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 year agoare we gonna go into martial law because of the corona virus??
1 AnswerGovernment1 year agois legit?
i am currently a phonesex worker on a site called but i was doing some research on other sites and i saw one called a site here YOU can build your on phone sex site. i found lots of mixed reviews on it. i saw that you had to pay to build the site. can some one give me an honest review??
Other - Internet1 year agowhat is the PERFECT income for ONE person to live comfortably?
the perfect income for one adult to pay basic bills, buy grocery and home essentials with out any worry?
12 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 year agoHow old is too old to dress sexy?
I am 24 years old, I turned 24 in December. I was out tonight dressed in a pink crop top, black knee length skirt and heels. when I came home my roommate who is also 24 and a female told me I was way to old to be dressing like that. is she right? how old is too old do dress in cute outfits and crop tops?
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 year agoWill the coronavirus hype dye down soon?
I am not worried about it at all. but I need to go grocery shopping and buy cleaning supplies to clean my apartment. THERE AINT NOTHING AT THE STORE. people are buying up like its the end of the world. I cant even get what I need on my amazon prime like omg when will this go away uuuuuuuhhhh
5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 year agohello, I am in san Antonio and I want to start saving on my grocery bill. help?
I normally go to Walmart and HEB but is there anything I can do and any where I can go to save a little extra cash? :)
8 AnswersSan Antonio1 year agowill the coronavirus kill us all?
my parents are buying food and water to stock up on and the stores near are house are running out of things like soap, hand sanitizer and wipes.. is the virus really that bad?
7 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 year agoDo all people who have ssi need a payee?
Hello, I and a family member of mine a in a sticky situation. nothing crazy or serious, just VERY confusing. My Sister is completely able to care for her own finances, I am her payee but we both know that I do not need to be. she needs her ssi and medicated very much due to her physical disability. anyway she no longer needs me as a payee??
4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities3 years agoWould it be safe for me to have a baby with my medical condition?
OK i m not completely stupid. i already have an appointment with my doctor to ask her all these questions but i am just wondering to see what other people honestly think. i would love to have a baby at some point after college, but i have a number of health problems. not only am i on a Trilogy 100 ventilator at night while i sleep due to my Central Hypoventilation Syndrome but i have also had a colostomy bag twice along with 7 abdominal surgeries. although i no longer have a colostomy bag and the surgeries where all when i was 15 years old i still have some digestive problems. With my current health and health history would it be safe for me to ever have my own baby?
2 AnswersOther - Health3 years agoWill my hair grow when having sew in extensions?
I really miss my long hair but my hair is taking forever to get as long as it used to. If I get sewn extensions will my hair continue growing?
2 AnswersHair4 years agoHow can I lose weight but still treat my self to some of my favorite snacks and junk food.?
I bounce from 115 pounds and 120 pounds all the time. I would like to maintain my weight but I haven't had an Oreo in forever and I'm going nuts. i'm a healthy person, I eat well and I work out a lot, I know I wont blow up over night from eating one snack here and there but how often is to often to treat myself to my favorite snacks like Oreos, takies, dounts and so on?
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years agoWhy do I get so bloated after I eat?
When ever I eat, even if its like a small snack, I become bloated. I don t get pain or feel sick, I just get bloated. Why is that?
3 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago