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  • Excel help with lists?

    I've created an equipment list in excel.

    I've set it so when selecting a boat for a person you have to pick it from a drop down list, or select the value "own" if they already own a personal boat.

    I have the range of boats listed on the right and it's from this range that the drop down lists are created,

    I want to either set it in one of the following was. whichever is easier.

    A) The text in the range turns red when the value is selected. eg. if the boat called a habitat is selected then it's colour will turn red in the list.


    B) The boats can only be selected once. i.e. one per person. (however multiple people can select "own" as many own a boat themselves.

    Thanks very much for any help.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I want to buy a Longboard (Skate).?

    I'm looking for an online retailer in the UK.

    I need one that ships to Ireland and that will accept a payment from a Maestro card.

    I've browsed on Google and the best one I found was Kate's Skate Shop (I think). Can anyone recommend this or any better?

    1 AnswerOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • How can I get the WEP key of a computer?

    I'm trying to get the network settings from a laptop with XP to one with Vista.

    Can I view it on the PC or transfer a settings file or anything simpler.

    I also have access to a mac if that makes things any easier.

    Cheers for reading.

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Tips for writing a song (guitar)?

    Would you start by writing lyrics or by working out a chord patern?

    How would you decide your strumming and when to change?

    I wouldn't mind writing a song with some friends but where should I begin?

    Thanks for reading.

    5 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Kayak prank... fill 'er up?

    So we were talking about this story where some guys filled a kayak with jelly. it was probably pretty tricky to do. but for our next club trip we want to do a siimilar prank.

    there are a few thing we want to avoid:

    -it has to be cheap

    -it needs to be able to be removed from the boat

    -it needs to be enviromental (whoever comes across it will just tip it straight out of their boat)

    -it cant leave a residue that will damage latex, neoprene or any other gear

    -it can't produce too much heat or it'll melt the boat.

    any ideas????

    our best so far is popcorn. or shaving foam.... lots of foam :)

    13 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • i'm a member on my club forum which is powered by phpBB..........?

    is there anyway i can create a signature which can display different messages depending on which user reads it?


    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Video recording?

    I was wondering if anyone knows of software/driver that allows me to record from the HDMI port on my laptopp

    Dell XPS M1330 - Vista Premium - 2.2g Duo processor - 128mb video card - 2GB ram

    can't think of any more info i could possibly give..... the video is going from PS3 to the laptop.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Decathlon 2 second tent?

    I'm heading on a kayaking trip in the alps. I have a tent but I probably won't bother bringing it and just pick up a 2 second tent in Decathlon Paris.

    Can anyone tell me:

    - How much it costs?

    - How many people it holds (including fairly big gear bags?

    - How good it is for 2 weeks of alpine camping?

    And could I get info for the 3 second tent aswell?

    Thanks a lot for reading my question.

    2 AnswersCamping1 decade ago
  • Coin riddle?

    You have a pile of 24 coins. Twenty-three of these coins have the same weight, and one is heavier. Your task is to determine which coin is heavier and do so in the minimum number of weighings. You are given a beam balance (scale), which will compare the weight of any two sets of coins out of the total set of 24 coins. How many weighings are required to identify the heavier coin?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • U2 (damn larry, he's so slow)?

    U2 has a concert that starts in just 17 minutes and all of the band members must all cross a bridge to get there. The four men begin on the same side of the bridge and you must help them to get across to the other side.

    Due the age of the bridge, a maximum of two people can cross at one time. To make matters worse, it is night-time and there is only one torch. The torch is always required when crossing the bridge and the torch must be walked back and forth, it cannot be thrown, etc. Each band member walks at a different speed and a pair must walk together at the rate of the slower man:

    Bono takes 1 minute to cross

    Edge takes 2 minutes to cross

    Adam takes 5 minutes to cross

    Larry takes 10 minutes to cross

    For example, if Bono and Larry walk across first, it takes them 10 minutes to cross. If Adam then returns with the torch, a total of 15 minutes will have passed. There is no trick behind this, it is the simple movement of resources in the appropriate order.

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you help me figure out what's wrong with my home theatre system?

    If that's what you'd call it.

    I'm not sure about model numbers but i'll give you a general description first of my setup then tell you the problem.

    I've a Philips 32 inch HD TV and a philips dvd player. There's no stand alone amp. The 5.1 speakers run straight of the DVD player. As you could guess the TV is hooked up by a SCART connection.

    When i use the speakers for my tv it works fine but the trouble occurs when i use my playstation. I have it connected to the TV through HDMI. When I slect the HDMI imput channel the sound from my Playstation doesn't come through to my speakers. Instead I still get the sound from whatever TV station the TV was tuned to before i selected HDMI.

    I thinks it's a problem with the TV because whenever I plug in headphones i have to mute the audio in order to stop the tv from playing through its own speakers.

    Anyway, I'd appreciate any help.

    1 AnswerHome Theater1 decade ago
  • one of them hour glass type riddles that make you go WHAAAA?

    You have two fuses (a fuse is something you burn to eventually set off an explosive), one which burns 1 hour and one which burns 2 hours. The fuses do not burn at a constant rate, so, for example, the last few inches of the first fuse could take 5 minutes or 55 minutes to burn. You have as many matches as you want. With these fuses, you have to measure a time period of exactly 45 minutes. How do you do this?

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • A bit of advice for doing a kayak instructor course please (more details)?

    I've to do a 5-10 minute presentation for my kayak instrucotr course. For me the topic is "The Boat".

    We'll be using creakers so would any paddlers out there be really nice and help me make an outline for my presentation.

    I have to talk about the boats parts, its design and i have to demonstrate proper entry and exit to the boat.

    the presentation has to be done as though it were to a group of inexperienced kayakers.

    GOD DAMN IT this course is going to consume my weekend, i really wanted to hit gower

    any help apprciated :)

    1 AnswerWater Sports1 decade ago
  • THE GAME: Next person to post under "Jokes and Riddles" loses... Game on!!!!!!!?

    Just a bit of fun... you don't really lose anything. :P

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Erection game?

    Take a film name and substitute the erection for one of its words.

    The Erection of the Christ

    Full Metal Erection

    Finding Erection

    My Big Fat Greek Erection

    Lord of the Erections

    The Pursuit of Erection

    Not Another Teen Erection

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Erection

    I could go on for ages... NOW YOU TRY!!!

    And don't forget the classic; The Erection

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Paddling the Channel?

    We're experienced kayakers. If a few of us wanted to paddle across the channel (England to France) what would we need to organise.

    Do we have to get permission to use a shipping lane?

    Are we required to have a safetyboat?

    Thans for any help.

    1 AnswerWater Sports1 decade ago
  • Contact lens help?

    I'm trying out contact lenses for the first time. My eye specialist gave me a pair but when i opened the case the left one was dehydrated (obviously the solution leaked out).

    So i asked him to send me another left lense. It arrived today but there were two packets with one lense in each. They are identical and bare no indication of which eye they are intended for. I can't tell if they are 2 left lenses, or a left and a right.

    My question is: does it matter which eye I put them in?

    5 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • A good April fools prank for the pool?

    When I go kayaking tomorrow night I want to get one good oportunity to pull a prank on someone.

    I don't want to pretend I'm drowning under my boat tho because it happens.

    Any ideas for a bit of poolside mayhem people.

    2 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago