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Lisa s

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  • Genetics: Drosophila fly eye color experiment.?

    i'm trying to figure out what kind of inheritance is being shown from the results of an eye color experiment in fruit flies. wild type is a bright red eye color. we crossed light orange eyed males with dark eyed females to get an F1 generation that was entirely wild type. we crossed these flies with themselves and got an F2 generation showing wild type of both genders, dark eyes of both genders and light eyes that were all male.

    i'm a bit confused because i know the flies have 7 genes responsible for eye color, lack some of them and you get a different eye color than the wild type. so my guess is that the light eyed flies are missing certain genes, while the dark eyed flies are missing a different one. i think that would explain why the F1 generation is entirely wild type. I think x-linkage is also involved. which may be the reason for the orange eyed flies in F2 generation are all male.

    these are the phenotypes of F2 generation

    wild type females = 357

    wild type males = 161

    Dark eyed females = 130

    Dark eyed Males = 65

    light eyed females = 0

    light eyed males = 205

    total: 918

    i'm trying to find out where the genes for these traits are found, and if they are dominant or recessive.

    please let me know what you think.

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • what is in adadaba spice?

    my family loves this stuff and the store that we usually get it from has closed down. we know it is a mix of spices but we don't know which ones.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • My ten year old cockatiel is thin. How do i fatten him up?

    Snoopie is my ten year old male cockatiel. he has been looking a little thin since this summer and i've been thinking of what i can add to his diet to fatten him up. i'm giving him some egg yolk but i was wondering what else i can give him?

    2 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • What do i do about this email Hacker?

    a bunch of my friends say that they are getting emails from me that are weird spams. my email doesn't show any signs of contamination aside from the "mailer demons" thing that pops up whenever a message fails to go through. it had a huge list of people it was being sen to, all of them are people i know but not all are on my contacts list so maybe they got their emails from previous emails sent to me?

    how do i get rid of this problem? i already changed my password to the email account and ran spy-bot but i don't know if that was enough.

    it is a yahoo account.

    thanks for any advice...

    3 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • My orchid's buds are falling off...?

    I have a pink orchid that i got about a month ago. about two flowers were opening up every week. but last week some of the newest buds started to shrivel up and fall off. the climate here in eastern washington is super dry, so i thought maybe the humidity was the problem. i only water it about once a week, and i started misting the leaves every day but the plant sill seems unhappy. I'm not sure if the plant is getting enough sunlight. I'm in a dorm room with a west facing window so not a whole lot of light gets in until later in the day.

    i know different orchids have different requirements but i really dont remember the name of this one. its seems to be the most common kind you find in the store.

    2 AnswersBotany1 decade ago
  • Are Black Kites Monogamous or polygamous?

    I am doing a report on black kites and their nest building behavior. I know they pick one mate for a season but i wanted to know if they mate for life or if it is a seasonal thing? I know that black SHOULDERED kites are monogamous but that isn't the same thing.

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Is it completely unheard of for a dwarf hamster to live 4 years?

    i know the life expectancy for a dwarf hamster is 2 years. my friend was moving away and she gave me her dwarf hamster which was already supposedly old. when i got it, it was slow, shakey, and had thin hair. she said that it probably woulnd live much longer, it was already a year and a half old. but the silly little thing lived at my house for two whole years. so my guess is that he was either he was young and just looked scroungy or he was super duper old. is it possible for a dwarf hamster to live 3.5 years?

    11 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • What is this strange bug?

    I cant believe i found another weird insect. I've never seen one of these before. at first i thought it was a silverfish or a firebrat until i looked at it closely and realized it was neither. i live in the wodds near seattle Wa. and this little guy was hiding in my mail. when i opened the news paper he popped out and landed on my table. when he is upset, (finger tapping on glass) he throws his tail end in the air for a moment, pauses and then slams it back down, causing him to jump about three inches into the air. this picture doesnt show it but under his tail there are six fine hairs or spikes (im not sure what they are). im not sure if you can see it in the picute, but it has four antennea, two are long and streight, the other two are short and curved inward.

    this is the best picture i have at the moment.

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • what is this beautiful beettle?

    i found this pretty beettle in my garden. i live near seattle washington in the woods. this is a picture i took of it.

    6 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Will the fish calm down?

    ok so i got this tiger barb and a molly three days ago and put them in the same tank. from what i know tiger barbs usually dont like flashy fish, but this molly is rather dull so i dont see what the issue is. he keeps chasing her around the tank. incessantly. he doesnt have big teeth, so he isnt doing any damage, but she seems really stressed out about it. i'm wondering if you think he'll leave her alone after a few more days, or just keep harassing her?

    she isn't just a push over, she sometimes chases him back, but 95% of the time he's doing the chasing.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Dream interpretation? (wolves)?

    so i had an interesting dream, with a lot of details. this dream is based in my back yard, which is in the grand forest of bainbridge island. anyway i was wondering if any of you might have interpretations of this dream, that i have named

    Black Wolves

    In my back yard it is night time. This is unusual for my dreams. I heard noises and used a tiny flashlight to see bits of movement in the dark. I saw a glimpse of a grey wolf face, and I calmly followed it into the dark. This is unusual because I don’t like the dark. I get the feel that the grey one was the alpha. I walked around to the upper field (through the gravel parking lot) and saw two black wolves and one grey running around in the dark, but I couldn’t really see them. Suddenly Zella, my dog, was at my side and I was worried she’d try to chase them so I put her on a leash that I found right at my feet. Another two wolves were there, one went towards the maple tree, the other went down the hill to the lower field. It seemed to be early morning now because there was a purple glow in the sky. I walked down the hill and saw a black wolf hiding in the grass. It didn’t seem to think I knew it was there even though I almost stepped on it. Looking back up the hill to the left, by the blackberries I saw three black puppies sleeping. Another black wolf ran up the hill past the hiding wolf. Somebody asked how many were there and I counted them, and said 10.

    At no point in this dream did I feel fear; probably because they did not act aggressive. I mostly felt curiosity.

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • some kind of bug...i don't recognize it, any ideas?

    it is kinda pretty, almost like a cicada, and is really tiny. about 1 cm.

    click on a photo to make it bigger

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Mystery caterpillar, what is it?

    i found this caterpillar on my tiny japanese maple tree. it isnt very fast, but whenever i check on it (in a jar right now) , it eats and entire leaf and i have to give it another. i have never seen this kind before. do you know what it is? it is a little smaller than an inch long.

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Rare beetle in my yard maybe?

    ok, so i live on bainbridge island near seattle. i found this dead rodent in my yard. two days later i found what looks exactly like a pair of American burying beetles crawling around it. the thing is, i read they only live in Oklahoma and rhode island. i am so mad i didnt think to take a picure!!! anyway they looked exactly the same. do you think i may have found the real thing, or maybe a look-a-like? i cannot find anything that looks even similar that lives in my area.

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Do rove beetles eat dead rodents?

    i know rove beetles such as the devils coach horse will eat all kinds of insects, but i saw something kind of odd today. it was 100 degrees outside and one of the voles in the yard died. found it on it's back. there were two beetles trying to go up it's nose, which was kind of funny because they were too big and kept getting stuck. i dont have a picture, but they look exactly like devil's coach horses, only they are 1/8th of the size. i was wondering if they were a similar species?

    i live near seattle washington

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • I admit defeat. Do you know this bird i saw in Paris?

    i know a TON about animals, however, this time i admit defeat, i saw this bird while i was visiting France for the first time. it was in the garden at La Rodin museum. it is quite pretty. anyway, i am usually good at looking these things up, however i failed. so anwyay, my dad is a biologist, and i bet he could figure this out, but he doesn't come home until late, and i am waaayy too impatient, so, let me know what you think.

    this goes to my flickr account

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • why do people think the passenger pigeon is still around?

    Ive had to tell like a hundred people, they went extinct in 1914! that is a Looong time ago.

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Ok, random genetic family relations question...?

    ok, say bob and Lary are twins. and say Laura and Bonny are twins. now, Bob marries Bonny, Larry marries Laura. they all have kids. genetically, would the kids be cousins, or siblings??? so i guess they would be both...

  • Was he flirting? or am i just paranoid?

    i was in a theater class, nothing was going on, there was music playing, some people were dancing...and then this guy grabs me around the waist and starts ballroom dancing with me....i'm not exactly cute, so i dont think he was flirting, but it really caught me off guard. i see him every day, he is in a few of my classes...and he talks to me more often lately....i'm not really sure what to think of it.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why does my leopard gecko sleep in his water dish?

    sometimes the water dries up (because of the heat lamp) i find mushu my gecko sleeping in the bowel. i always thought that ment that he was thirsty. and every time, after shooing him out of the bowel, and filling it up, he just stares at it. in 5 years i have only actually seen him drink twice.

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago