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    Ladies, is this haircut attractive to you?

    Just wanting to try something new. Does it look alright? Thanks for answering :)

    8 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • Ladies, is it a turn off for a guy to have a nerdy side?

    So I'm a decent looking guy with a good foundation on my feet. I've finished college and have a great job.

    I'd love to bring a girl back to my place and make her dinner, but I'm a bit of a nerd. I collect lots of lego sets and have them set up around my house as decoration, and I also collect and play old video games (sonic the hedgehog, Mario, Zelda, and many many more).

    Both collections are rather big, but they are not my whole life at all. I love working out, hunting, cooking, salsa dancing, and other stuff too.

    Do you think I should drop the nerdy collections and move on? Or are they not that bad of a turnoff?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Call her again? Ladies advice?

    Called a girl I like yesterday, no answer, so I left a voicemail.

    She immediately texted me, "Driving to school, talk to you later."

    That was yesterday. I haven't replied to her text or called her again. I figured she'd contact me when she's ready. She hasn't contacted me yet.

    She is usually very responsive to me, but I always text first. I usually text her about once a week. Should I call again, or text her, or wait for her to contact me?

    I don't want to pester her, I hate doing that because I know how annoying it can be. All advice is welcome, thanks.

    We're 22 and 23 if it matters

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
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    Ladies, would you wear this necklace?

    Sorry if it's a bit blurry, just wondering if you'd wear this?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • ***What could I take to the childrens hospital to brighten up a child's day?***?

    I hate seeing kids in pain and I'd like to stop by the childrens hospital once in a while to brighten a kids day. Any ideas of things I could do/bring for the kids to make them happy?

    4 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Should I take a sick day?

    So I could be productive at work today, but I'm not feeling very good.

    I have a runny nose and yesterday I was sniffing literally every 3 seconds.

    I also have a bad cough and a stomach ache.

    I'm beyond fatigued and my body is sore.

    I work outside and the temperature is 34 degrees today. I really don't want to get pneumonia being out in the cold while being sick.

    What do you think? Should I stay home?

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • ***Ladies, I feel bad, but she won't stop talking to me?***?

    So I met this girl a while back, she's pretty cool, just not my type.

    When I first met her we kinda clicked and ended up doing things like holding hands and hugging for a few days, but never really considered ourselves to be in a relationship with each other.

    I enjoyed it for the few days it lasted, until she started being all depressing/mopey and started wanting to move way too fast (saying I love you, and wanting to kiss only a few days after we started all this). She was constantly (and sometimes still is) texting me saying she feels worthless, that she has no life, and so on. After about 5 or 6 times of her complaining like this, I got tired of reassuring her that she's on earth for a special purpose and to keep living life to the fullest.

    I eventually told her I just wanted to be friends, no lovey dovey stuff, and no flirting (she said ok, that's fine), but it hasn't stopped her from texting me all the time, still complaining and saying I love you.

    I almost feel like a jerk, but I didn't see this coming or I never would have began any sort of hand holding or hugging with this girl.

    I mean, if she can talk to me without flirting or being negative, great. However, every time I reply to her text or emails it ends up with me leaving because she starts being flirty and such, and I've been very clear that I don't want that, that I just want to be friends.

    What should I do? I mean, if I can't talk to her without her doing the things I've asked her not to, should I ignore her? I would feel horrible doing that to someone, but what else can I do?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • ***Why are guys so easy in terms of dating women?***?

    Almost all my buddies are captive to a girls looks. It's as if their second head is the only head doing the thinking.

    Are personality standards becoming nonexistent in the majority of men today?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Would you rather live by your extended family or live in your favorite place?

    Would you rather live:

    A) By your extended family

    B) In your favorite place, where ever it may be. (the beach, forest, country side, etc.)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • ***How soon until Martial Law is enacted in the United States?***?

    I've lately seen a big spike in news reports on Martial Law being enacted soon in the United States.

    Also reading and hearing about homeland security buying billions of rounds of ammo, weapons, patrolling vehicles and drones, most likely for when Martial Law is put into place.

    I know it's not possible to put an exact date, but is Martial Law close enough that I should be preparing myself?

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • ***College, and dream job question?***?

    I see that my dream job is currently taking applications.

    I have a year and a half left in college before I get my bachelors degree which would give me a leg up in the hiring process for this job.

    Should I apply for the job, and if I get it, then great. I'm working my dream job, and I can always finish my college degree in that city while working if I want to.

    And if I don't get the job, I can continue on with life and reapply for it after I finish completing my degree.


    Should I finish obtaining my bachelors degree, and then apply for the job.

  • ***What to do about my coworkers?***?

    I"ll start out by saying I love my job. Even though it is a minimum wage job getting me through college (I'm 18), I still like it. I work in a manufacturing shop and it beats working fast food, so I'm extremely thankful.

    However I cannot stand most of my coworkers. All day they want to gossip about each other behind each others backs and screw around on the job. These are 20 - 40 year old men. At lunch time they all have their faces in their phones giggling at funny videos on youtube while smoking cigarette's like a chimney when the building clearly says "No Smoking within 20 feet of the building." Cursing their tools and cursing each other all day long. I probably hear 1,000 swear words a day just working around these guys. No joke.

    Just yesterday, some guy working next to me was singing Ole Ole Ole Ole for a solid ten minutes.

    I know they've started rumors about me, being the new guy and all, because some have gotten back to me. I really could care less. I just ignore each and every one of them unless it pertains to work. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to work my butt off and get paid for what I do.

    It's not that I am shy, I just can't find any common ground with any of them. When something needs done or when I need to stand my ground then I'll put my foot down, otherwise I'm pretty much silent.

    Is this bad what I am doing? Is there anything else I should do? Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • ***Moving to Miami with $1600 and a car. Is it doable?***?

    So, I'm thinking about moving from WA state, to Miami, Fl.

    I have $1600 and a car. I will need to find a job immediately and start working so I can afford an apartment there. Do you think this is feasible for me to do, or is this crazy talk?

    4 AnswersMiami8 years ago
  • ***Christians, please help! What does God want from me?***?

    So in my devotions last night I was reading in Daniel chapter 8 & 9. It was about Daniel dreams of a Ram and a Goat.

    I didn't know what to right down in my devotions because I wasn't sure what to think of what I had read. I specifically said "God what are you trying to say to me with these verses?"

    I ended up writing about something else, and went to bed.

    I woke up with a dream burned in my memory. The group Hillsong had come to my church and I felt lead to go with them and be a part of their worship team in Redding, NC.

    The dream was vibrant as ever, and I'm not sure what God is trying to say to me. I'm confused because,

    - Hillsongs headquarters aren't in Redding, NC

    - Redding isn't even a city in NC, it's a city in California where Jesus Culture started their band.

    - I have a good friend who lives in NC that I've been praying God will allow me to minister to

    - I really want to move to Florida or California

    I know God has called me into the ministry to be a worship leader. I am one of the worship leaders at my church right now, but I so strongly disagree with so much that is going on in this Church and I've been crying out to God to help me.

    I'm currently in my third year at a University getting my degree in criminal justice, but I feel God telling me to do something else. I don't know if I should finish college and then follow God, or what I should do.

    Obviously I'm going to be in serious prayer, but do you guys have any opinions on anything else I should do, or anything I should pray about?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Question in regards to amazon. Easy ten points!?

    I bought a used item on amazon because it was cheaper than buying it new on amazon.

    However, when I got the product it was still in the factory shrink wrap.

    Why would someone list an item as used on amazon, when it's brand new?

    And by no means I'm complaining. I'm just curious as to why someone would do so.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Ladies, if you had to choose, would you rather your husband be a police officer or a firefighter (safety wise)?

    I care about my lady quite a bit, and the last thing I want to happen is have her worry about me and my safety while I'm at work.

    Firefighters often rush into burning buildings, and I don't want her to imagine me running into one, and not coming back out, but on the other hand I don't want her imagining me getting shot by a criminal while working as a patrol officer.

    Which would you feel more comfortable or ease at, knowing your husband will most likely be coming home at night and not being put in a casket?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • ***Why have we ignored the huge problems that come with using cars as transportation?***?

    So, I was just wondering why we still use cars as transportation in spite of the major complications that come with them.

    1. Dying in a car wreck is a high number death cause, at least in America it is.

    2. Park yourself in your garage, shut the garage door and turn your car on. You will be dead from monoxide poising within 15 minutes at least, yet we are sending this stuff into the air. Millions of cars everyday are putting these fumes out.

    3. We are obviously on sketchy terms with the middle east. No cars = no need to buy oil from middle east.

    Whatever happened to riding horses around, or even using a bicycle?

    Should we get rid of cars altogether?

    9 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles8 years ago
  • ***How do you think this would look on my car? Easy ten points!***?

    So I just bought some newer style taillights for my 95 mustang gt convertible. They look like the ones you see here.

    Here is what my current taillights look like

    Here is what the new taillights look like$s7pro...

    Notice how the part surrounding the new taillights is black, and is not matching the blue of the car. I think it looks good with blue, but do you think it would look good on the color green I have?

    I'm asking because the taillights I just bought are black, and I really don't want to have to paint them green. Thoughts?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • ***Finishing college and starting work?***?

    Alright, so I'm 19 and currently I have about 4 weeks left until I finish my sophomore year of college. I then have two years left until I graduate and get my bachelors degree in criminal justice.

    It has been a dream of mine to be a police officer in Miami, and I just realized I'm old enough to apply to the Miami Police department where they will pay me while I complete the police academy. Once I finish the police academy I will start working as a police officer and so on.

    My question is this. Should I start applying to the Miami Police Department starting now up until I graduate from college, and if I get a job offer at any point from now up until then, drop what I'm doing school wise and move to Miami and start the police academy? Or should I finish my degree, then apply to the Miami Police Department.

    I mean, if I can get my dream job now, why wait?

    I figure I can always transfer my credits to a college in Miami if I choose to finish my criminal justice degree, but if all I have are aspirations to be a police officer is school really that important to finish right now?

  • ***Am I wrong for thinking this? Student Financial Aid?***?

    So I need about $8,500.00 a year for my last two years of college. I've done running start which is basically free, so I just need the $17,000.00 (8,500 per year) to complete my bachelors degree.

    The job I have right now I get paid about $14,000 a year which is good considering it is only a seasonal job (about 5 months).

    My dad does not mind me living with him while I'm in college, because I planning on moving out as soon as I finish my degree when I am 20, but he is extremely adamant that I take money from Financial Aid to help pay for college.

    As you can see I have plenty of money for college this year and I don't want to take money from the government that simply isn't there. I feel like I might as well be getting welfare checks, and that I can't do anything on my own. My dad doesn't understand my pride of not wanting help from the government by receiving money that I really did nothing for. I don't think that is a bad pride, surely not something I will boast about, but something that I can do to feel better about myself.

    It is difficult to explain to my dad, but I just don't feel right about taking financial aid when I can afford to pay for college, especially considering the fact that I have gotten a few $1,000.00 dollar scholarships for this year.

    Should I hang on to my pride or take financial aid and spend it wisely?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid8 years ago