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  • Help me think of more boy names like Therron?

    Our lil baby is due New Years, we like the name Therron (which means 'hunter') but Im not set on it yet...

    _______ Robert Walker

    ^help fill in the first name?

    Obviously we like unique names, ones with strong meanings...

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • As a nanny are you required to go to the kids' birthday parties? How to say no?

    Hey as a nanny of 4 years, been with this family for 6 months Im in a dilema.

    Im not fond of this family at all but making it through because I need the money.

    Anyways the twins' 1st birthday is this weekend, and I also have a 5 day weekend off work.

    The mom is super excited about the party, but since I have a 5 day weekend my husband and I would rather go camping.

    We were invited to the party of course...

    Wiuld you feel obligated to go to the party or just carry on with your camping plans?

    How would you tell the mom boss that you wont be showing up to the party?

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Help me think of a boy name to go with this middle and last name?

    We are TTC and I love thinking of possible names for when it happens. We have our girl name set in stone but can never for the life of us think of a boys name!!


    _______ Robert Walker

    What first name would you put there??

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Suggest a good stroller where the child sits high up?

    Hey there, I am in love with the Stokke Xplory Stroller - mainly because I have used it before and it is absolutely amazing.

    I LOVE the height that the child is at while riding in them - instead of down low, they are right up high with everyone else. (Don't want my baby looking at people's butts all day.)

    It is also very easy to maneuver, you can spin it in 360 degree circle with just a finger..

    Their angel is easy to tilt - from sleeping to upright.

    And they come in such vibrant and neutral colors!

    I'm saving up for my future stroller - but am wondering if maybe there are BETTER strollers out there?

    Ones that are also high up but with more features.

    Suggest any??

    PS: Stokke stroller:

  • How do I transfer a program to another computer?

    Hey there, I got a new computer not too long ago - and I was wondering how I can go about transferring some of my programs from my old one to this one without connecting them to a network (or even connecting the old one up to the internet.)

    I'm trying to transfer some of my photoshop & art programs is there a way to zip them & install on this new computer?

    And no - I no longer have any of the installation disks :(

    Any help is greatly appreciated - thanks!

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • How do I predict start of cycle when not having a period?

    So, I found out that I am not ovulating and been having constant bleeding - so I have no clue when the start and end of my cycles are anymore.

    I am being put on Clomid to start ovulation in hopes of conceiving.

    How can I predict the 1st day of my cycle?? (Aka the 1st day of a period.)

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Is it ok to leave my Macaw in its cage some days?

    Hey I have a Severe Macaw, and some days when I get off work I am just NOT in the mood to play with him, since he is very needy and constantly has to be with me.

    Is it ok to some days ignore him?

    I am talking VERY rarely!!!! He usually gets to be out 5hrs each day during the work week and anywhere from 5 to 10 hrs each day on the weekends.

    2 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • African Grey or large Macaw?

    Not so sure which bird to get...

    And African Grey or some sort of large Macaw (green wing or blue n gold.)

    I have a Severe Macaw already. They will be housed seperatly.

    Looking fot a loving bird but with lots of intelligence.

    Pros n cons of each?

    2 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • How to get my bird over his fear of new places?

    Hey, so I just got my lovely new bird.

    I know it will take time so get him settled in. but so far he will steup up on me and comes outa his cage.

    However if I try to walk into the kitchen he freaks out. The kitchen has tile flooring instead of carpet so I think it looms funny to him. It is in complete view of his cage tho (2 ft away)

    He also will not go onto his play stand. Help?

    1 AnswerBirds10 years ago
  • Should I buy a baby or older bird?

    Hey, so Im getting a Severe Macaw.

    Im just not sure if I should go and find a breeder and get my own new baby or adopt an older one.

    I met a 4yr old boy yesterday and he was a doll! So funny, but then again he is the first Macaw Ive been around.

    So should I wait and get a new one or adopt the Macaw Ive already met?

    4 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • What are the good and bad things about Severe Macaws?

    Hey, I am thinking about.adopting a severe macaw but I am only finding vague info about them online.

    Please tell me the pros and cons about them?

    I know and understand the responsibilty, care, time, money, commitment, and everything larger birds take.

    2 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • Which bird would be best for me?

    Hey I have been researching birds like crazy over the last month. I have been wanting one for a while, and now that our ferret is gone I can get one!

    Btw I am 20 yrs old, married, and fully capable of owning a bird and am aware of the commitment and responsibility the take.

    I really like the Conures and African Greys, but Im not sure if they'd be best. *money is no issue.

    I would love a bird that could fit these traits:

    Very playful

    Affectionate, loving, cuddly

    A talker

    My husband however is not happy about the conures tendancy to screech and few times a day.

    So a quieter bird would be best.

    And we both work full time, so only the bird would only be out for 20 mins in the morning and for 3 to 5 hours in the evening during the week (weekends of course are the exception.)

    So! Which bird would best suit me??

    Sry for long post!

    5 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • Period lasting 2 1/2 weeks and still going?

    My period is udually only 5 days, and now it seems like its never gonna stop.

    Its very annoying since Im trying to get pregnant.

    What could be wrong?

    Any way to make it end?

    Do I still ovulate on the normal days?

    Will this affect when my next period comes?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • How long does it take for meat to spoil?

    I left some steak meat in a bowl of water to defrost.

    I was too tired to cook it last night and forgot to put it in the fridge.

    Its been out from 5pm to 10 am, 17 hrs.

    Is it still good?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Implantation bleeding or..?

    I have been tryin to conceive for 7+ months now...

    This cycle we did the deed every to every other day.

    I should have gotten my period on the 24th. Yesterday I started to bleed but very very little (like a pink smear when I wipe.) Its still going on today. My period is always awfully heavy, so Im hoping this is implantation bleeding?

    I am also very hungry lately...but Im hoping for a baby so badly I fear my mjnd may be making this up.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Do xrays really lower chances of conceiving a baby?

    My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for 8 months now. We even had sex every to every other day this entire cycle.

    But he has had hundreds (possibly thousands, seriously, went with him to one of them and they took over 50 pictures, and hes even healrhy right now!) of xrays in his lower stomache area and multiple surgeries over the last 9 years.

    SO, can xrays really effect our chances??

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I love my friends child's name, is it wrong to name my child the same?

    I absolutely love their little girlsname, Jaslyn (jaz - lin).

    Her nick name is Jazzy or Jaz.

    Would it be wrong or weird to copy?

    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How tall is the Critter Nation 162 - Double Unit WITHOUT the stand?

    How tall is the Critter Nation 162 - Double Unit WITHOUT the stand?

    Just the CAGE part, how tall is it? (I see on the site it says 63 inches, but does that include the stand?)

    I am looking into getting this cage for my rats, their current cage is 36" tall.

    I recently got a male rat (I have 3 girls) and would like this cage because I would be able to house them together but separately (since I gather it closes off the top and bottom parts.)

    So again...How tall is the Critter Nation 162 - Double Unit WITHOUT the stand?


    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago