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  • If music were a person, would you marry that person?

    I would. I love music. :)

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • why is rhianna's new song called s&m?

    I totally dont get why it's called s&m..a little help her please? Just seems kinda random to me.

    5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • Have you ever done this?

    okay so i clicked on seasemee street and i can't help but laugh because i was taking it perverted. Have you ever done that? it's so funny when you watch it that way...but i had to turn it off cause it was to corney. lol.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should i name my avatar?

    any hints...i'm not sure what to name it! nothing gross or perverted please!

    hint: i like purple..i am a girl..i am single..i use to have a pet raccoon.................


    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should I do? How can i do this?

    I am 17, single and am looking for a good, honest, relationship! Any tips? Feel free to e-mail me (that only applies to the guys about e0mailing me ) :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you want to see the movie the last airbender?

    it is like the series episodes avatar the last airbender..i love them and i def. want to see the movie the last airbender!

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever watched a movie or show your parents told you not to watch?

    i think that almost every teen or child has...well at one time or another!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Will you tell me an embaressing story about you?

    here is mine....i was embaressed when i thought a guy liked me and i gave him subtle hints..i really thought he liked me back cause i gave him a keychain one saturday, it said stud muffin on it. on monday at school he showed me that he had it on his i thought he was saying that he liked me back so i just flat out asked him if he liked me and he said yes..but only as a friend..i was so embaressed cause my best friend was right there plus he gave hints that i guess i misunderstood :(

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is this all about?

    Okay so i was visiting my older brother in the bahamas last week and it was sooo fun..but he said i had to go back home i did! i got back yesterday..then i called to ask him why and i heard yelling in the background....i'm fixing to try to call him again and see why i had to go home earlier...any guesses guys?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have to hear music at least once a day?

    I do kinda...well I like to hear it everyday!

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • GUYS: What kind of girl are you interested in?

    anyone out there think that I have a great personality? well i'm 5'3 1/2..i'm 17..well single of course..i'm not gorgeous but some people tell me i'm pretty and one time a guy told me i should be a model...i have a great sense of humor..a great personality and I am so down to Earth! But why am I still single? Any hints? and nothing rude please!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you ever find anyone on here that you know or may know?

    Just wanted to know cause i have found someone I know...heck even someone from this school on here.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Another joke. Wat about this one?

    So A man walks in the bar and finds out that it is actually a sixtys themed pole dancin' bar with lots of women. He had his wife with him but she was across the room and you could tell by her face she was discusted. He made his way over to her and sais "Honey would you like to leave"? she said "yeah even hooters has better entertainment than this."

    A man who is a doctor just got in a patient named mr. Short. Which had nuthin to do at all with how abnormaly large his "down there is". He complained to the doctor that whenever he wants to please his lover he can not. The doctor said well what do you think the problem is. He said "i uh. (coughs)" Mr. short never got his answer out before he died. The doctor was thinking how devistated his lover would be if only he knew who it was so he could tell her the news. Well after examining mr. shorts body he decided that his "man part" should not go to he cuts it off wraps it up and get another surgen to switch it out for his own. Well the doctor felt mighty fine with that big manhood he so proudly caried now. He decided to go home for lunch to give his wife some enjoyment with it. As he took his pants off and turned around his wife started crying and said "Oh No, Mr. Short died?!"

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Will you tell me the funniest joke you know? will you tell me wat u think of this one?

    A teacher gave her students an assignment to go home and get three words or phrases they hear around the house and find a way to make it into a sentence. So little Jonny went home and said mom i need a word, well she was talkin on the phone so she said "shut up, can't you see i'm busy". So then he went to his brother, who just so happen to be in the middle of making love with his girlfriend, and all jonny heard was "harder harder" so he went outside to his dad and said dad i need you to tell he a word and his dad said " you can't tell me wat to say". So he had all these words in mind when his teacher, the next day, asked him what his words were. So he said " shut up can't you see i'm busy" she was not happy and sent him to the office to get swats. after the principal spanked him with the paddle he said "harder harder" so he got more swats. Then the principal said wat do you have to say for yourself and little jonny said "you can't tell me wat to say"

    pretty funny rite?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Has this ever happened to you?

    Sometimes i ask a question and i never even get the right answer..i may not know the answer but i know which one's are wrong.....Has this ever happened to you before??

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can some one help me?

    Okay I know some one out there has played virtual familes...well i need help with it..okay so i bought the thing that is suppose to fix the wall but i can't figure out where to put it..Can someone tell me where is goes?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think that I should do?

    Okay now this might sound weird but this mine && my BFs one year anniversary. Yes i know what you are thinking yall started dating on April Fools Day. Well yea we kinda did. But either way. We were thinking about doing something special. But i am not sure what he has planned yet. I hope he actually proposes to me. And not as a for know........... I really hope he does........But i want to do something for him too....but IDK what.......maybe something very "special"..............very very very "special" know...............I mean i know what I want to do........ But I am not sure........... I might just say.............

    April Fools you Pervs!!! I know what you were thinking about......... but i actually meant taking him out to eat LOL && to a club!!!!!!!! but Happy April Fools...... Hope yall get someone else!!!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What about this story? omg.?

    Okay so me and my best friend were having a girls day at the mall..we met some guys and my friend instantly hit it of with a guy named jeff..they went to the candy store in the mall to get some bottle caps and i was left alone with chuck...well we started to talk and every thing and we had like everything in common...when my freind(maria) and jeff came back...we told them we were going out and they said great...well we have been going out for like ten months...i beleive in abstinance but we were so ready for *you know* we did and *it* broke. So now me and maria are having a shower...It's gonna be a girl and me and chuck will name her brittanie...We are getting married next month... now all we have left to do is.............

    Say APRIL FOOLS(abstinance is true for me but this is just so funny fake story) GOTCHA GOOD THIS TIME.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can anyone help me? What do you have to say about this?

    a guy took me on a date and i told him i belevie in abstinance andhe said he respects that...then we we went back to his place to eat...he pulled me twords the bedroom...i wen't with him because i was drunk...i don't like drinking either...when we were at the bar i just asked for water, but i think when i went to the bathroom he told the bartender i wanted the clear kind of vodka or i was drunk and i had no clue what i was doing...he set me on the bed and looked at me...then he went in the bathroom for what seemed like forever..then he came out in a little speedo....i laughed and he did to for some reason...he asked me if i wanted to do this and i had no clue what he meant so i said i love you...(didn't mean it) he said then lets do this thing....i still had my clothes on when he came for me and started taking them off....then..............................................................I just had to say........

    April fools....(this story is in no way true)....Gottcha...

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you rather__________?

    Bite a cat or be biten by one

    have vampires exist or werewolves exist

    stick a pencil in you ear or stick a pencil in your pants

    would you rather lick a raw mushroom or lick a cold pole

    have a nasty toe stuck in your face or be the one who is sticking toes into someone elses face

    to walk or to run

    play games at work or do your work then play games

    cheat on someone or have someone cheat on you (tough one there)

    be o y!answers or getting married

    (last one) be in geometry class or getting a lecture from a mean teacher about being immature

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago